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League of Legends |OT12| No more Lyte, just darkness.


Ok what do you do against Ivern? I've only just noticed how fucking dumb of a champ he is holy shit.

Are you trolling?

You're not a meatshield as Karma. Your job is to harass the fuck out of the enemy botlane during lane, and then after lane you spam shield as much as possible in teamfights because your damage falls off. You should aim to have the least deaths on the team as Karma.

I tried harassing them and they killed me instantly..

Also apparently Talon is no longer an assassin, the damage on his ult is abysmal.

If you want to play a damage support play brand or zyra. They bring a lot of CC in addition to damage and your goal in lane is to basically just harass and go for kills.

I've tried both of them and don't like either. When I played Zyra I did like 0 damage, like I hit level 6 against a level 5 Janna and tried to all in her, yet me hitting my spells and ult did half of her health. Been trying Brand and don't like him either, also feels like I don' t do any damage.



that wasn't that funny

morgana and who is that, evil annie? are literally in their dark art costumes. theres no irony to be had. as a comedian I give that a 2/10 because the cute faces are cute.


breezy pls

cute faces make it a 9/10 at least

also talk to noot about the ot cos they'll steal your right as ot13 maker


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world

that wasn't that funny

morgana and who is that, evil annie? are literally in their dark art costumes. theres no irony to be had. as a comedian I give that a 2/10 because the cute faces are cute.
It's Bewitching Tristana.


Sorry Breezy, but Dob and I already have the next OT planned out. Don't worry though, most of you will enjoy it (with a few despising it).

If you want in though, msg me.
Sorry Breezy, but Dob and I already have the next OT planned out. Don't worry though, most of you will enjoy it (with a few despising it).

If you want in though, msg me.

wow noot you whore

If I still played ranked constantly I would be seething with hatred

lucky for you I don't

and you better fucking add swain somewhere.

I thought about composing this tweet but thought the better of it, I"m not that desparate I swear

@zkylon @PhillipCostigan @bedraggles bedraggles ! Breezy from the Breezy Daily, any news on Dragon Master Swain?
I don't know, every time I play support I feel like I'm a pokemon master and the adc is just my pokemon.

It atacks when I say so, and I heal it and take care of it, etc.

Sometimes my pokemon don't want to listen to me, so I just change it for another pokemon in midlane or whatever.


i wonder if in blind pick games it'd be a good idea to add 20s at the end of champion select that reveals what the enemy champions are and allows you to at least pick runes and masteries against them

i feel like blind pick lasts short enough that this wouldn't be too bothersome and it'd be nice to be allowed for a bit of preparing

also i just deleted my ahri mastery page cos it was almost the same as my ori one and then the game ignored the ori page i had selected and gave me a random one with the colossus keystone lol

ended up being quite useful cos i was laning against vlad and that shield on the charm is beast for trades + general health regen and regen masteries helped a bunch lol


i love playing blitz and just annoying the enemy jungler by pulling their camps. don't even have to be stealing the camp, they get tilted after the 3rd or 4th pull if you manage to reset it


Ok what do you do against Ivern? I've only just noticed how fucking dumb of a champ he is holy shit.

I tried harassing them and they killed me instantly..

Also apparently Talon is no longer an assassin, the damage on his ult is abysmal.

I've tried both of them and don't like either. When I played Zyra I did like 0 damage, like I hit level 6 against a level 5 Janna and tried to all in her, yet me hitting my spells and ult did half of her health. Been trying Brand and don't like him either, also feels like I don' t do any damage.
Did you use proper runes and masteries? That's one of zyra's best matchups and Janna should get completely wrecked.


goddamn redemption is op.

Support is actually fun with that item.

Picked it up couple of times on Lulu, couldn't do whit with its Active since everyone is moving fast. Went back to Ardent, so comfortable that I started winning game.

Maybe I should get used to it.


Nidalee can't actually be 40% win rate weak can she? Like i know they nerfed her and the new jungle isn't great for her but damn


Did you use proper runes and masteries? That's one of zyra's best matchups and Janna should get completely wrecked.

Well I only had a page for mid that would suit it, didn't really have a full pen page so just went 18ap, 10 scaling cdr, 9 armour, 7.8 magic pen


if i haven't finished placements i don't have to do them again for s7?

i wouldn't mind much but since you now have to do two rounds of placements for flex and solo i'm hoping not to have to play the 6-7 games i already played again
if i haven't finished placements i don't have to do them again for s7?

i wouldn't mind much but since you now have to do two rounds of placements for flex and solo i'm hoping not to have to play the 6-7 games i already played again

you'll have to start placements from scratch.


Ok so I played Karma again like a bitch just like everyone said I should and I still couldn't do anything. My Q's didn't do damage and my shield was pitifully small. Also Corki kept getting hit by Thresh hooks in lane...


you'll have to start placements from scratch.
ah that's a bummer

i was doing so well, i was like 6-1

Ok so I played Karma again like a bitch just like everyone said I should and I still couldn't do anything. My Q's didn't do damage and my shield was pitifully small. Also Corki kept getting hit by Thresh hooks in lane...

did u gank mid?

i love when karma ganks mid cos it's like sure flash + enemy mid chunk out


Well I only had a page for mid that would suit it, didn't really have a full pen page so just went 18ap, 10 scaling cdr, 9 armour, 7.8 magic pen

That should be fine. Zyra is less magic pen dependent now that Locket doesn't have a magic res aura anymore. I haven't checked what her optimal rune page is but that's just fine.

It's likely just a question of harass/trading patterns then. Unless the enemy adc is someone like Caitlyn you should easily be able to win 1v2 trade against them, and even then you can pull off winning trades alone, though it is a bit harder.


did u gank mid?

i love when karma ganks mid cos it's like sure flash + enemy mid chunk out

Nah I'm shit at roaming even as a mid laner, plus even if I was good at roaming, Corki would have died instantly bot so it was probably best I didn't leave him but I dunno.

That should be fine. Zyra is less magic pen dependent now that Locket doesn't have a magic res aura anymore. I haven't checked what her optimal rune page is but that's just fine.

It's likely just a question of harass/trading patterns then. Unless the enemy adc is someone like Caitlyn you should easily be able to win 1v2 trade against them, and even then you can pull off winning trades alone, though it is a bit harder.

The lane was Jhin and Zyra (me) vs Vayne/Janna.


The lane was Jhin and Zyra (me) vs Vayne/Janna.

Oh. That lane is heavily in your favor then.

You should be able to win trades 1v2 all the time, and if Jhin is helping with the trades you have a good amount of kill pressure.

edit: Vayne should not be getting a lot of cs in that lane, unless you were getting camped by enemy jungler, you should still be able to win trades even if Vayne/Janna is ahead in gold though.
Nah I'm shit at roaming even as a mid laner, plus even if I was good at roaming, Corki would have died instantly bot so it was probably best I didn't leave him but I dunno.

The lane was Jhin and Zyra (me) vs Vayne/Janna.

Sometimes your ADC is an idiot who can't avoid hooks so you can't roam. The way I tend to roam when I play support (and someone tell me if this is bad, I'm only silver) is two ways:
1) When I come back from base if my ADC isn't pushed into turret I generally look mid to see if I can do anything
2) When my ADC backs, if I don't have any item break points and I've got decent health/mana I'll also look to roam mid.

Also, with Zyra a tip is to place your W plants after you throw out a Q. If you're fast enough, the windup on Q actually hitting gives you time to place both W plants and it's really hard for the enemy AD/support to squish them and deny your plants. I tend to proc thunderlords most often in lane when I get a Q off onto an enemy as well as two plants up.

Also, from a damage perspective on Zyra make sure you place down plants if you can before/during your ult. Zyra ult gives a 150% AS bonus to all plants in the circle and that's not small, especiall if someone is diving.



Bronze smurfs maybe. The Riven died the instant I cleared my second camp then kept dying, until 5 deaths where she left the game because "darius is op doesn't even hit abilities yet kills me". Bot lost because they got autofilled then Braum afk'd. Yas was the only one who didn't feed instantly, only started losing after he got ganked.

Wait no watching the replay Yasuo also lost early as he was level 5 where as Ori was 7.
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