Peanut Butter
You guys who play normal games and expect a good time are more masochistic than I am.
You guys who play normal games and expect a good time are more masochistic than I am.
You guys who play normal games and expect a good time are more masochistic than I am.
I wouldn't say Sivir is easier than Jinx. To play Sivir properly nowadays you gotta get into somewhat close range and kite with use of spellshield. With two or three items on Jinx you can kinda just sit back away from the danger with your rockets.
Sivir looks really easy when you have a big lead and can just run at people, but that's not really that common.
I remember in like one of the those TSM documentaries, Doublelift kinda forced the ban to let him have Jhin because he was so uncomfortable about laning with Sivir.
I find there to be a massive difference.
The only difference I've seen with normal and ranked games during my time with this game is that I seem to encounter way more toxic players when I queue for ranked. That's mainly why I couldn't care less about ranked other than stopping at Gold V for season rewards.
Would playing more ranked help me improve? Sure, why not. But I'm not going pro, won't be challenger, and I won't ever be good enough to have thousands of people watch me stream and talk about body parts being stretched.
The difference is attitude and matchmaking. Ranked you're more likely to get people trying their best as opppsed to chilling.I find it no more or less a frustrating endeavor than ranked. Some good teams, some bad teams. Some people who pick what they've played hundreds of times, some people who pick something they've never won with before.
My first instinct is to say "that's what you get for playing Teemo" but how the fuck does someone go 1/22? Was it an intentional feeder?got an S on Teemo in a losing effort.
1/22 Draven is hard to win with, as it turns out.
So we should be getting patch notes soon, right? New season is imminent.
I haven't had time to check the nerf to CoC in PBE that was mentioned some posts ago.
So we should be getting patch notes soon, right? New season is imminent.
I haven't had time to check the nerf to CoC in PBE that was mentioned some posts ago.
The difference is attitude and matchmaking. Ranked you're more likely to get people trying their best as opppsed to chilling.
My first instinct is to say "that's what you get for playing Teemo" but how the fuck does someone go 1/22? Was it an intentional feeder?
Bonus points if they go with the "I'm 1/10 now, so it doesn't matter if I die since I'm not worth any gold".
yea he said that at some point. then he went and farmed a little, then said, "okay I'm worth gold again" and proceeded to go feed some more.
You guys who play normal games and expect a good time are more masochistic than I am.
maybe you should just learn the other roles even if not on par with your main roles as you're going to need it anyway if you want to go to master/challenger.
I thought you were ok with hour long queues to get mid KappaBeen searching for a game for 2 hours, every lobby get support so have to dodge.
This is suffering...
QT in queue for 38 minutes.
Yeah this flex/solo split was a bad move.
I thought you were ok with hour long queues to get mid LUL
Nah I'm good enough to get to Masters playing only my main roles if I actually try harded. Only thing I need to learn with mid is how to roam well.
only difference between ranked and normals is that in ranked u have dumbasses who pretend they know how to play the game while in norms u have dumbasses that pretend they dont give a shit and "play for fun."
I mean, if you do get to masters, won't it be harder to get to play your main roles so you'll be stuck playing your off-roles anyway so you might as well learn it to at play at a level where you won't be a liability? The increasing queue times just means people are more adamant to play their role and won't give it to you unless the one you're switching with is playing his/her off role as well.
I don't exactly know the situation in the highest of elo but I when I watch pants are dragon either he waits for a bazillion years to get to champ select with a risk of autofill or actually putting fill in his role, reducing queue times but not getting his main role.
You guys who play normal games and expect a good time are more masochistic than I am.
Whereas in ranked, I actually find myself challenged and get outplayed etc.
im guessing end of this weekSo Camille should be next week?
Idk, maybe it has more to do with rank or something.
My normal games have just been overall shitty for the most part.
Decided to check on my 'very defensive support' runepage with 4 seconds left before match starts. 0 points in defense. It wasn't like that a few days ago but for the life of me I can't think of why the fuck I would have used that page to build a not-at-all-defensive mastery set.
Honestly, I predict Riot to disband flex queue in most regions.
I doubt it has the population. There's also the fact this it's pretty busted and you have diamonds and silvers in the same game.
Ok yeah fuck support. You're literally just a meat shield for the adc and do fuck all for damage. Like what do you do when they just dive you alone like what?
You shouldn't be in a position for them to dive you alone.Ok yeah fuck support. You're literally just a meat shield for the adc and do fuck all for damage. Like what do you do when they just dive you alone like what?
Ok yeah fuck support. You're literally just a meat shield for the adc and do fuck all for damage. Like what do you do when they just dive you alone like what?
You shouldn't be in a position for them to dive you alone.
Plus if your Karma amounts to a meat shield you're playing a pretty shitty Karma.
Just play ZyraI mean every single person on their team could 100-0 me in 1 combo, even the Lux support. Would Cass be a good support? She has a lot of damage early, good synergy with proccing frostfang passive with Q, got a W to stop enemy ADC flashing and a stun at level 6.