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League of Legends |OT12| No more Lyte, just darkness.

You guys who play normal games and expect a good time are more masochistic than I am.

You guys who play normal games and expect a good time are more masochistic than I am.

I find it no more or less a frustrating endeavor than ranked. Some good teams, some bad teams. Some people who pick what they've played hundreds of times, some people who pick something they've never won with before.


I wouldn't say Sivir is easier than Jinx. To play Sivir properly nowadays you gotta get into somewhat close range and kite with use of spellshield. With two or three items on Jinx you can kinda just sit back away from the danger with your rockets.

Sivir looks really easy when you have a big lead and can just run at people, but that's not really that common.

I remember in like one of the those TSM documentaries, Doublelift kinda forced the ban to let him have Jhin because he was so uncomfortable about laning with Sivir.

Yeah, they might be on par. Sivir's most difficult thing to do is to use your spell shield properly, even if you can't just ult and run people over, Sivir's ult can still be used to just enable the rest of your team. Jinx has to aim one more spell and her W requires a bit more aiming than Sivir's Q.

Sivir has a weak laning phase though, agreed.
The only difference I've seen with normal and ranked games during my time with this game is that I seem to encounter way more toxic players when I queue for ranked. That's mainly why I couldn't care less about ranked other than stopping at Gold V for season rewards.

Would playing more ranked help me improve? Sure, why not. But I'm not going pro, won't be challenger, and I won't ever be good enough to have thousands of people watch me stream and talk about body parts being stretched.


The only difference I've seen with normal and ranked games during my time with this game is that I seem to encounter way more toxic players when I queue for ranked. That's mainly why I couldn't care less about ranked other than stopping at Gold V for season rewards.

Would playing more ranked help me improve? Sure, why not. But I'm not going pro, won't be challenger, and I won't ever be good enough to have thousands of people watch me stream and talk about body parts being stretched.

Ranked is for competitive people who want to improve to the highest level. Most people try hard so it leada to situations where people are affected negatively when things don't go their way and make them the toxic fuck they are. I've learned to mute and it really helps. Makes it comparable to normals communication this way otherwise playing jungle would make people bombard me with kys every game.
I find it no more or less a frustrating endeavor than ranked. Some good teams, some bad teams. Some people who pick what they've played hundreds of times, some people who pick something they've never won with before.
The difference is attitude and matchmaking. Ranked you're more likely to get people trying their best as opppsed to chilling.


Doesn't matter if you're not worth any gold. The least you could do is soak up some damage or just connect a few hits in. Just do something.
So we should be getting patch notes soon, right? New season is imminent.

I haven't had time to check the nerf to CoC in PBE that was mentioned some posts ago.


So we should be getting patch notes soon, right? New season is imminent.

I haven't had time to check the nerf to CoC in PBE that was mentioned some posts ago.

If we're getting the patch tonight (early, like last patch) we should get patch notes this evening, otherwise it's likely we get it tomorrow. Relative times in eu time zones.
The difference is attitude and matchmaking. Ranked you're more likely to get people trying their best as opppsed to chilling.

Matchmaking sure. But attitude? I don't see any difference there at all. Same mix of flamers, try-hards that think they know what everyone should be buying and doing, afk split pushers, carries struggling to cs. The occasional variance in elo in normals often times feels equivalent to the occasional smurf you have on your team or against you. But teams tend to group and push and tp and all the stuff you expect from players trying to win.

I do agree that the overall quality of play is lower because people are often times playing champs they're just trying to learn/level up or are warming up for ranked. The mix of timidity, input errors, and execution errors make for more mistakes than usual. But people still want to win. I haven't noticed a difference when taking anything I'm effective with in normals into ranked. Same win rates and success with my chosen champs with no real exceptions.

YMMV, as with all things. Your experience may be different.

My first instinct is to say "that's what you get for playing Teemo" but how the fuck does someone go 1/22? Was it an intentional feeder?

Yea. He tilted round 15 minutes.


ignore my build; i was trying to take over the ADC duties mid way through the game because of his attitude. (ironic!) Naut's build is also reflective of trying to make up for his damage so ignore that too.

Bonus points if they go with the "I'm 1/10 now, so it doesn't matter if I die since I'm not worth any gold".

yea he said that at some point. then he went and farmed a little, then said, "okay I'm worth gold again" and proceeded to go feed some more.


yea he said that at some point. then he went and farmed a little, then said, "okay I'm worth gold again" and proceeded to go feed some more.

Even when people are not completely inting but just tilting and doing bad plays, that excuse is the worst. I get a bit ragey inside when I read it.
You guys who play normal games and expect a good time are more masochistic than I am.

I dunno, I've been playing a bunch of normal games lately because I'm trying to expand my champ pool a bit and I've had a good enough time. It's largely down to luck though I guess because when I've gotten roles outside of support recently I've had a mixture of competent teams and good enough play on my part.


maybe you should just learn the other roles even if not on par with your main roles as you're going to need it anyway if you want to go to master/challenger.


maybe you should just learn the other roles even if not on par with your main roles as you're going to need it anyway if you want to go to master/challenger.

Nah I'm good enough to get to Masters playing only my main roles if I actually try harded. Only thing I need to learn with mid is how to roam well.
only difference between ranked and normals is that in ranked u have dumbasses who pretend they know how to play the game while in norms u have dumbasses that pretend they dont give a shit and "play for fun."


Nah I'm good enough to get to Masters playing only my main roles if I actually try harded. Only thing I need to learn with mid is how to roam well.

I mean, if you do get to masters, won't it be harder to get to play your main roles so you'll be stuck playing your off-roles anyway so you might as well learn it to at play at a level where you won't be a liability? The increasing queue times just means people are more adamant to play their role and won't give it to you unless the one you're switching with is playing his/her off role as well.

I don't exactly know the situation in the highest of elo but I when I watch pants are dragon either he waits for a bazillion years to get to champ select with a risk of autofill or actually putting fill in his role, reducing queue times but not getting his main role.


only difference between ranked and normals is that in ranked u have dumbasses who pretend they know how to play the game while in norms u have dumbasses that pretend they dont give a shit and "play for fun."

That stuff in normals is so bad.
I love it when the enemy is trying something cheesy in normals like lee sin support and get destroyed. They'll say something like "why are you so tryhard, i just play to have fun" and I'll respond "Is it fun to lose?". I don't get many responses to that.

Troll picks are only fun if you win, I think.


I mean, if you do get to masters, won't it be harder to get to play your main roles so you'll be stuck playing your off-roles anyway so you might as well learn it to at play at a level where you won't be a liability? The increasing queue times just means people are more adamant to play their role and won't give it to you unless the one you're switching with is playing his/her off role as well.

I don't exactly know the situation in the highest of elo but I when I watch pants are dragon either he waits for a bazillion years to get to champ select with a risk of autofill or actually putting fill in his role, reducing queue times but not getting his main role.

I tried learning the roles this off season but couldn't. If I find something boring I can't learn it just like irl. It's why some subjects at school I had top grades like Math/Computing/Psychology cause I found them fun and enjoyed it, then there was R.E/Science/Art that I wanted to blow my brains out because they were so boring and only got like C/D grades in. Actually in Art/R.E I got like E/F grades hue


You guys who play normal games and expect a good time are more masochistic than I am.

Honestly, it's not that I get bad games in normals that bothers me. It's that law of averages says I should be in a team with all lanes winning, or the team with the super fed hyper carry, or I get the sort of stellar bullshit luck the opposing jungler gets...but I'm not, and it really weighs on me because the only conclusion left is that somehow I'm playing this game and getting worse and worse.


Idk, maybe it has more to do with rank or something.

My normal games have just been overall shitty for the most part.

I've lost like 1 out of my 10 last normal games, and it just makes me feel like. Oh, "this dude picked stupid shit like AP Nasus and Illaoi run us over" rather than like "I could have really played better this game."

Whereas in ranked, I actually find myself challenged and get outplayed etc.



Finally won a game as jungler, and all I needed was laners who didn't feed their faces off. Played Nocturne actually, and it felt pretty damn good. He's much tankier than I remember.

Idk, maybe it has more to do with rank or something.

My normal games have just been overall shitty for the most part.

Could be. I don't see the sort of variations in matchmaking you're getting when I play normal. They all seem to be around my (assumed) level.


Jesus I hope that they disable autofill for the new season. Like games are just so shit because whenever someone gets a role they don't want, they just hold the queue hostage and troll/don't build correctly for that role.
Decided to check on my 'very defensive support' runepage with 4 seconds left before match starts. 0 points in defense. It wasn't like that a few days ago but for the life of me I can't think of why the fuck I would have used that page to build a not-at-all-defensive mastery set.


Honestly, I predict Riot to disband flex queue in most regions.

I doubt it has the population. There's also the fact this it's pretty busted and you have diamonds and silvers in the same game.


Decided to check on my 'very defensive support' runepage with 4 seconds left before match starts. 0 points in defense. It wasn't like that a few days ago but for the life of me I can't think of why the fuck I would have used that page to build a not-at-all-defensive mastery set.

One time my roommate changed my master yi rune page (season 4, all attack speed except armor yellows) to a messed up Mish mash of runes because we both had our pcs in the same room and we left our stuff up and open (just a prank bro) and I didn't even notice it until I had lost 8 ranked games in a row at the start of season 5. I thought he had gotten nerfed or something and never even looked at my runes.
Honestly, I predict Riot to disband flex queue in most regions.

I doubt it has the population. There's also the fact this it's pretty busted and you have diamonds and silvers in the same game.

Damn is it really that bad? Have they offered any explanation for that sort of skill variance?

Also, with them tying additional end of season rewards to achievements in both versions of the queue, I'd have to think they would remove it from all or none. Having some regions get extra shit while others are left out will not go over well.
Ok yeah fuck support. You're literally just a meat shield for the adc and do fuck all for damage. Like what do you do when they just dive you alone like what?

If you sense that they can dive you (creep waves meeting under your tower and it's just you, both eneies at full HP and some CC available, or if there are 3 of them) LEAVE THE TOWER. No reason to even be there.You can't defend it and as Karma you don't have any sort of cc to punish them hard enough (unlike say Morg who might be able to take someone with her).

Generally speaking when you're outnumbered and the wave is at your tower AND if you don't have some sort of fast waveclear, just leave the tower or innate tankiness, just back way up. Don't complicate matters by giving them gold and putting your lane partner at a disadvantage by having to try to farm the lane or xp 2v1 without you because you died. Odds are high they die too. At best, they probably won't be able to farm for that minute you're gone. Just think of it as a reset.


Don't know what was so wrong with the Ranked 5s/Solo Q formula. Most groups are of varying skill levels that play normals together from my experience.
Ok yeah fuck support. You're literally just a meat shield for the adc and do fuck all for damage. Like what do you do when they just dive you alone like what?
You shouldn't be in a position for them to dive you alone.

Plus if your Karma amounts to a meat shield you're playing a pretty shitty Karma.


Ok yeah fuck support. You're literally just a meat shield for the adc and do fuck all for damage. Like what do you do when they just dive you alone like what?

Last two matches I've watched had disgusting Zyra/Brand support that did the most damage in both games.


You shouldn't be in a position for them to dive you alone.

Plus if your Karma amounts to a meat shield you're playing a pretty shitty Karma.

I mean every single person on their team could 100-0 me in 1 combo, even the Lux support. Would Cass be a good support? She has a lot of damage early, good synergy with proccing frostfang passive with Q, got a W to stop enemy ADC flashing and a stun at level 6.


Are you trolling?

You're not a meatshield as Karma. Your job is to harass the fuck out of the enemy botlane during lane, and then after lane you spam shield as much as possible in teamfights because your damage falls off. You should aim to have the least deaths on the team as Karma.
I mean every single person on their team could 100-0 me in 1 combo, even the Lux support. Would Cass be a good support? She has a lot of damage early, good synergy with proccing frostfang passive with Q, got a W to stop enemy ADC flashing and a stun at level 6.
Just play Zyra
If you want to play a damage support play brand or zyra. They bring a lot of CC in addition to damage and your goal in lane is to basically just harass and go for kills.
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