There is a new Tales of Valoran comic and it's about me...
I do not really do that. Sometimes I do not even absorb waves under empty turrets.Is it about you taxing the lane?
I dont blame youI do not really do that. Sometimes I do not even absorb waves under empty turrets.
Ok yeah I have no fucking clue what I'm doing in jungle. Like I'll clear my entire jungle and feel pretty good, I'll be level 4, then suddenly I'll see the enemy jungler and he's level 6 and I have no idea how he's that high. Also how do you gank lanes when the lanes pushed? Because I have no clue what I'm doing.
Ok yeah I have no fucking clue what I'm doing in jungle. Like I'll clear my entire jungle and feel pretty good, I'll be level 4, then suddenly I'll see the enemy jungler and he's level 6 and I have no idea how he's that high. Also how do you gank lanes when the lanes pushed? Because I have no clue what I'm doing.
What junglers are you playing? Some junglers are substantially better at tower diving than others, and can tower dive only when a certain set of circumstances are met, so telling you just do X and you're set doesn't really work.
A good habit to get into, if your lanes are pushed up, is to put down wards in the enemy jungle. Because of this, it's a good idea to keep your yellow trinket until the mid-game. Control wards are cheap so picking up the red trinket early on isn't necessary. Key spots to ward is between blue and gromp and the side bush to the right of the Raptors (from blue side's perspective). The lanes are pushed in, and that's a big "come gank here" signal that any jungler should pick up on. By warding the enemy jungle you achieve the following:
1.) Early warning for your laners to protect them.
2.) Opens up counter-ganking opportunities when on the same side of the map which almost always work out in the counter-ganker's favour.
3.) Opens up counter-jungling opportunities, or dragon plays, when on the opposite side of the map. In the event the ganks fails (which it should if the laner is paying attention) then you come out ahead.
Well, there is another, unfortunate, and not unlikely outcome...
4.) The laner is a boosted tool, didn't bother to look at the map, got ganked, killed, blames you (for some reason, welcome to jungling!) proceeds to needlessly push the lane when behind and dies again, and again, and again, losses tower, you lose map pressure and then the whole team turns on you.
I'm basically just playing supposedly meta stuff like Olaf, Kha, Lee, and Zac although I dislike Zac and I can never get ganks off with Olaf. Thanks for the tips.
nah, tanky champions are not my styleTry Sejuani
It's a lot of fun.
nah, tanky champions are not my style
i should try lee sin i guess, he's fun
Well, he is a tank but any thought of Sion jungle (yes, it's perfectly fine to do)? You're always saying he's a wonderfully kit'ed champ. Really fun tank to play.
welcome back pat
Welcome back newt this thread lost something while u were awayYour month of love and peace is officially over.
There's a lot of topics, I missed, so I'll make a summary post later.
I don't... who is that supposed to be?
welcome back pat
Ok yeah I have no fucking clue what I'm doing in jungle. Like I'll clear my entire jungle and feel pretty good, I'll be level 4, then suddenly I'll see the enemy jungler and he's level 6 and I have no idea how he's that high. Also how do you gank lanes when the lanes pushed? Because I have no clue what I'm doing.
Frozen Mallet is so disgusting.
The off topic convo on league right now is so fun. People are legit getting offended by Meteos saying "I'm getting my pussy stretched."
I wouldn't post in that thread anymore if I were you Talents. OT side is very sensitive, and you're risking a ban.