Trump does it all the time.
nice, i liked the lck vs lpl bitIn case you guys are interested the team I'm on in Dublin worked with Falconshield to do an All-Star rap battle.
All-Star is gonna be lots of fun.
E - Judgment
NEWARMOR SHRED Enemy champions hit 4 times have their armor reduced by 25% for 6 seconds (hits after the 4th refresh the duration)
E - Void Ooze
DAMAGE 60/110/160/210/260 ⇒ 60/105/150/195/240
RATIO 0.7 ability power ⇒ 0.5 ability power
Q - Tumble
BONUS DAMAGE 0.3/0.4/0.5/0.6/0.7 total attack damage ⇒ 0.3/0.35/0.4/0.45/0.5 total attack damage
That's one interesting bug lolBUGFIX Fixed a bug where Bonetooth Necklace was granting % total attack damage instead of % bonus attack damage
ROTATING GAME MODES: Rotating game modes are now available in the updated client starting with Legend of the Poro King. (Known issue: custom games do not yet support rotating game modes.)
SPECTATE FRIENDS: Players can once again spectate their friends games by right clickin them on the friends list and choosing Spectate Game.
Wait those are actual skins? I thought Quinn was like, a fan version of a Star Guardian version of Quinn
they look so damn bad.
does anyone even use kogmaw
oh god
this is like the perfect kind of dumb
But Zyra is technically tofu fleshwhat the fuck is that suppose to be
never thought I'd be sick of half naked ladies but riot is really overdoing it. not in a good way. that picture is just a mess of flesh.
i feel like rylais will either never be bought ever again by anyone or that it'll be a really broken powerspike item, but probably the former since as far as i can think of the gold and slot efficiency on it is really weak so eh
also the leblanc changes seem fair, it's probably gonna be a nerf overall but that's fair cos you were chunking people out of like 40% of their health with just e lol
just play karma then :^)
Ok yea I don't get Zyra. I'm guessing her damage comes from her plants but whenever I play I do fuck all for damage and just insta lose lane...
i kind of wonder if like glp would be good on viktorYeah I'm not gonna bother going Rylais on Viktor anymore. The slow is too small to really do anything. Wouldn't be surprised to see people going Rabadons as soon as they finish their hexcore on Viktor now.
And she won't ever have them as long as her particles are doodooDear diary
Irelia still doesn't have a great skin
And she won't ever have them as long as her particles are doodoo
I've finally found a champ that I can beat Kassadin with.
Praise the lord.
TomorrowHaven't played in awhile.
Elementalist Lux, huh.
When does the next season start?
EDIT: I remember when last season started. I played my placement matches during the Super Bowl.
Haven't played in awhile.
Elementalist Lux, huh.
When does the next season start?
EDIT: I remember when last season started. I played my placement matches during the Super Bowl.