all the heart seeker skins are goofy af to begin with
not worried
yeah i feel like taste went out the window a long time ago lol
all the heart seeker skins are goofy af to begin with
not worried
Ziggs empowered auto with lich bane has always done absolutely disgusting damage, ziggs just isn't fun to play post q hitbox change![]()
Ziggs empowered auto with lich bane has always done absolutely disgusting damage, ziggs just isn't fun to play post q hitbox change![]()
Ziggs empowered auto with lich bane has always done absolutely disgusting damage, ziggs just isn't fun to play post q hitbox change![]()
Don't post this while you have the Lux avatar.ziggs was never fun
my only complaint about ziggs is that he's way too spammy and way too safe for how much damage he does
Why hasn't Kalista been buffed yet?
The further away Ziggs is the harder it is for him to do damage because so much of it is baked into autos, and Q becomes less reliable. You actually do not want to pick Ziggs into long range heroes like Xerath or Vel'koz because he cannot really compete with them. He is also very weak to mobility and if it is an assassin he can't zone out of farm his safety is kind of void. Even stuff like Ekko is a good pick into Ziggs to be honest. Ziggs does not rank in the top fifteen on fewest deaths for mids, and his limited mobility and hard CC create only complaint about ziggs is that he's way too spammy and way too safe for how much damage he does
The further away Ziggs is the harder it is for him to do damage because so much of it is baked into autos, and Q becomes less reliable. You actually do not want to pick Ziggs into long range heroes like Xerath or Vel'koz because he cannot really compete with them. He is also very weak to mobility and if it is an assassin he can't zone out of farm his safety is kind of void. Even stuff like Ekko is a good pick into Ziggs to be honest. Ziggs does not rank in the top fifteen on fewest deaths for mids, and his limited mobility and hard CC create vulnerabilities.
If a God exists, I'll take time to thank him right now that Breezy isn't on the design team :^).Minefield should be invisible to enemies
Like real minefields
If a God exists, I'll take time to thank him right now that Breezy isn't on the design team :^).
This kinda stuff is how Morde ADC came into existence.I would make it fun
Luxs laser? You wouldnt see it until you got hit by it.
I would also buff kalista back up.
I mean, if Fervor is good other ADCs who are already better than Kalista will just push her out of botlane. It's not like she uses fervor better or worse than most ADCs. Her E scales with AD, but every ADC's abilities scale with AD.Fervor just got a buff this patch, I'd imagine they want to hold off buffing champs like Kalista/Lucian until the effects of Fervor can be seen.
This kinda stuff is how Morde ADC came into existence.
If a God exists, I'll take time to thank him right now that Breezy isn't on the design team :^).
yea but u can see techies stuff with a gem
invisible shit that cant be revealed is terrible design.
No damage.
agreed 10000000%
i would like to see what breezy's rework of lux would be
it does 785 base dmg only if u hit both parts of it. its by far karmas worst mantra.
it'd be simple
no warning laser on her ult
all her spells reveal the area for 5 seconds after they've been cast(IE using her E, after it pops, that area will be lit for 5 seconds, or her Q/W will light a path)
warning laser does feel kinda troll.
i would like to see what breezy's rework of lux would be
also i need a new toplaner
sion doesn't cut it anymore, i just don't want to play tanks like ever
champion needs to be easy to pick up and strong atm
i'm thinking maybe pantheon? tho idk how good he is right now
You know she has a point and click root to guarantee the full damage, luv?
Mantra Q is useless for support Karma, but coming from AP Karma it's probably the single strongest damage spell in the game.
what would u nerf for her to get all this vision?it'd be simple
no warning laser on her ult
all her spells reveal the area for 5 seconds after they've been cast(IE using her E, after it pops, that area will be lit for 5 seconds, or her Q/W will light a path)
no need to be condescending to each other, ppl -___-You know she has a point and click root to guarantee the full damage, luv?
Mantra Q is useless for support Karma, but coming from AP Karma it's probably the single strongest damage spell in the game.
nah i'm just curious what you'd dozky thinks I would destroy lux
I would make her better
honestly idkWhat exaxtly are you looking for?
Panth is great in solo q. Very easy to kill stuff and ult is great for iniation and roam.
is Tank Top Karma still a thing
what would u nerf for her to get all this vision?
why would I nerf anything
she's already an average champion. game balance isn't contingent on 'give and take' in order to add something to a champion, that's a toxic way of thinking.
lux is weak as is
she needs all the help she can get
from average to weak in just 1 post
not even true either lol. shes got a 51% winrate and a 14% playrate. thats not even close to average