NoIs it possible to re-roll 3 champions shards and get Camille before she's purchasable?
NoIs it possible to re-roll 3 champions shards and get Camille before she's purchasable?
from average to weak in just 1 post
not even true either lol. shes got a 51% winrate and a 14% playrate. thats not even close to average
the root doesnt guarantee anything lol. its not like leblancs chain where you have a slow to help you chase, you just have your e speed boost to try and stay in range. its essentially only really useful as an individual spell when mantrad because it gives you 20% of your hp back.
and no, ap karma is still pretty much based on mantra shield since her damage falls off massively.
I meant that her W guarantees you get the full Mantra Q damage (detonation included).
Anyway, the original point was that Karma doesn't do damage, which isn't true. She doesn't fall off either.
Ashe is level 17 and Bjergsen deletes her through BT shield. And that's a low damage build, lol. Love Karma.
Do you think Riot will ever allow a champion to twerk for his or her dance move?
I guess Ashe is a meatshield now too.
low damage build
deathcap ludens void staff
heres some other champions that will also delete ashe from the game with 2 large rod items and a void
statistically she's 40/49 for midlane damage so yes, her damage absolutely falls off. shes not ever going to be played for damage when she has exactly 1 reliable damage spell
No damage.
So the narrative went from this...
to "she can one shot an AD carry, so what?"
and "big deal, Syndra can do that too!".
So basically what guys are implying here is that Karma in fact does do a lot of damage? Cool, glad we cleared that up. And yeah, Athene's/Ardent Censer is a low damage build.
I finally get my girlfriend to try league and the servers are down for the patch.. thanks riot
Just play Jhin, he's easy AF and meta.New season starts and I still only know 1 role![]()
Just play Jhin, he's easy AF and meta.
Don't play him like a meat shield tho.
i like how you're taking advice from an idiot that got himself permabanned 6 times
Do you think Riot will ever allow a champion to twerk for his or her dance move?
and he's bronze at keeping his accountsBut he's masters/challenger when he doesn't get permad though... He's also kinda the same as me where he can only play top well. He can kinda mid but not to a master/challenger level seeing as I stomp him mid.
Keyword = when he doesn't get perma'dBut he's masters/challenger when he doesn't get permad though... He's also kinda the same as me where he can only play top well. He can kinda mid but not to a master/challenger level seeing as I stomp him mid.
I believe you need to be a really magical piece of shit to warrant an IP ban. Like Athene "I'll let children in Africa starve if you don't fucking give me mid" bad.How can you get permabanned 6 times and still play this game?
Yeah, and people watch him cook or some shitTyler1 still exists.
Tyler1 still exists.
So the narrative went from this...
to "she can one shot an AD carry, so what?"
and "big deal, Syndra can do that too!".
So basically what guys are implying here is that Karma in fact does do a lot of damage? Cool, glad we cleared that up. And yeah, Athene's/Ardent Censer is a low damage build.
YeahHas the season officially started yet? I'm ready to kill myself again.
The human who uses solo q can neither go to Heaven nor Hell, and will die an unfilling and unhappy life.See you guys in hell then.