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League of Legends |OT12| No more Lyte, just darkness.

from average to weak in just 1 post

not even true either lol. shes got a 51% winrate and a 14% playrate. thats not even close to average

in my world of balance

ziggs would have invisible mines
morganas ult chains would stun any enemy who crossed them
mordekaiser wouldn't be a mess
and nasus would bilnk with his utl because dust
the root doesnt guarantee anything lol. its not like leblancs chain where you have a slow to help you chase, you just have your e speed boost to try and stay in range. its essentially only really useful as an individual spell when mantrad because it gives you 20% of your hp back.

and no, ap karma is still pretty much based on mantra shield since her damage falls off massively.

I meant that her W guarantees you get the full Mantra Q damage (detonation included).

Anyway, the original point was that Karma doesn't do damage, which isn't true. She doesn't fall off either.


Ashe is level 17 and Bjergsen deletes her through BT shield. And that's a low damage build, lol. Love Karma.
I meant that her W guarantees you get the full Mantra Q damage (detonation included).

Anyway, the original point was that Karma doesn't do damage, which isn't true. She doesn't fall off either.


Ashe is level 17 and Bjergsen deletes her through BT shield. And that's a low damage build, lol. Love Karma.

low damage build

deathcap ludens void staff


heres some other champions that will also delete ashe from the game with 2 large rod items and a void


statistically she's 40/49 for midlane damage so yes, her damage absolutely falls off. shes not ever going to be played for damage when she has exactly 1 reliable damage spell


11k deficit comeback. I really don't have the stamina for hour long games anymore. Vayne had given up by 15 minutes and had to be coached into hope. Kass couldn't get out of his own way.

If anyone has any recommendations for build order for Annie, I'll appreciate it. I thought I did okay (started like 12/1/9 or something) but I think I got too greedy with the build. Felt like I needed to do damage to make up for Kass not doing his fair share and Malph being shy. I think maybe hourglass would have saved me from a few late deaths. I also basically stopped farming outside of pushing lanes out for the last 20 minutes because i was 6 slotted.


Do you think Riot will ever allow a champion to twerk for his or her dance move?

If they will it will definitely not be humanoid.

To zky,

If you want a top laner that isn't boring that you literally do nothing but is still a tank and can be played without experience with the champ then I direct you to malphite. Just a good ult is all that is needed from you regardless if you do well or bad. You also can take into your own hand the initiation of the team. Although the laning phase is quite dull, mid to late game impact is very noticeable.
I guess Ashe is a meatshield now too.

low damage build

deathcap ludens void staff


heres some other champions that will also delete ashe from the game with 2 large rod items and a void


statistically she's 40/49 for midlane damage so yes, her damage absolutely falls off. shes not ever going to be played for damage when she has exactly 1 reliable damage spell

So the narrative went from this...

No damage.

to "she can one shot an AD carry, so what?"
and "big deal, Syndra can do that too!".

So basically what guys are implying here is that Karma in fact does do a lot of damage? Cool, glad we cleared that up. And yeah, Athene's/Ardent Censer is a low damage build.


So the narrative went from this...

to "she can one shot an AD carry, so what?"
and "big deal, Syndra can do that too!".

So basically what guys are implying here is that Karma in fact does do a lot of damage? Cool, glad we cleared that up. And yeah, Athene's/Ardent Censer is a low damage build.

No man, I don't think that's the point.

This conversation started when talents posted that karma does no damage. We know she does but only until a certain point in the game. Specifically the laning phase where she harasses the most.

The deal here is that talents was talking about support karma and not mid karma.
Karma damage is pretty shite late because it's all shoved into one single ability with a considerable cooldown os once people have MR you hit like a wet noodle.

That isn't to say AP Karma is bad but you don't pick her for damage.


Just play Jhin, he's easy AF and meta.

Don't play him like a meat shield tho :p.

A friend of mine who has been perma banned on 6 accounts is recommending to just hold the queue hostage whenever I don't get mid.

It's tempting. He linked me a friend of his who also does it and he gets mid like 90% of the time no joke...

Also nah, not gonna play ADC in this meta.


I only hold hostage if someone locks Yasuo/Rengar/Zed/Riven/Vayne without actually having experience on them.

Honestly I think holding hostage for role is kinda being an asshole. Then again, I don't mind being auto filled in support, I can play the role.


i like how you're taking advice from an idiot that got himself permabanned 6 times

But he's masters/challenger when he doesn't get permad though... He's also kinda the same as me where he can only play top well. He can kinda mid but not to a master/challenger level seeing as I stomp him mid.


But he's masters/challenger when he doesn't get permad though... He's also kinda the same as me where he can only play top well. He can kinda mid but not to a master/challenger level seeing as I stomp him mid.
and he's bronze at keeping his accounts


I guess today officially marks as the start of season 7.

Gonna try going diamond on all queues. Maybe I should just play purely offroles on flex and tt.
But he's masters/challenger when he doesn't get permad though... He's also kinda the same as me where he can only play top well. He can kinda mid but not to a master/challenger level seeing as I stomp him mid.
Keyword = when he doesn't get perma'd

If you think getting ELO is worth having to deal with everything a permaban entails then by all means lol


So it seems I ended my season in Bronze 3. At least its an up from last season (Bronze 5) and I did get to Silver 5 in brief stint.

Bring on the new season, I AM READY!


Tyler1 still exists.

i bet his numbers dropped a bunch since he got banned

it's not that hard not to be a big ball of shit

either learn a couple easy and safe champions to get carried with or dodge

play overwatch between dodge times or whatever

you're not a big ball of shit talentz, i know you can do it
So the narrative went from this...

to "she can one shot an AD carry, so what?"
and "big deal, Syndra can do that too!".

So basically what guys are implying here is that Karma in fact does do a lot of damage? Cool, glad we cleared that up. And yeah, Athene's/Ardent Censer is a low damage build.

uh no, the narrative is still karma does low damage and no amount of whatever condescension you try to put into your posts has changed that. shes bottom 10 of all mids in terms of damage. one game of bjergsen getting 15 kills hasnt changed that.

but if you wanna argue this point more ill he happy to show you how bjergsen would have deleted some other sod with some of these other champs i listed

karma at 525 ap: mantra q(785 + 525 × .9) w(260) = 1518 Potential dmg
viktor at 525 ap: Q(240 + 525 × .9) e(410 + 525 × 1.2) r(1300 + 525 × 2.3) = 4280 potential dmg
annie at 525 ap: (220 +525 × .8) e(250 + 525 × .85) r(400 + 525 × .6) = 2051 potential dmg
syndra at 525 ap: q(230 + 525 × .75) w(240 + 525 × .8) e(250 + 525 × .5) r(1260 + 525 × 1.2) = 3696 potential dmg
so yeah, absolutely low damage. idk why u keep arguing in the face of just pure numbers.


guess i'm out of the loop since watching streams just feels like a massive waste of time atm

i read reddit tho (also another waste of time, and energy) and seen no mention of him since his ban

he's not making qtpie millions that's for sure


Damn, Immortals signed Flame and Dardoch. The team is looking pretty strong already.

Phoenix signed Arrow, Adrian and Ryu so it's looking like a good team too.

Liquid should start worrying about not placing last at this rate lol.
Cant wait to be pushed a whole division to Bronze IV, Jezz sometimes I wish Riot be more like Blizz and dont demote you that harsh if you are Bronze /Silver
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