i really dislike laning against new katarina
she feels even more obnoxious than yasuo
i really dislike laning against new katarina
she feels even more obnoxious than yasuo
do u not know how to add? whats 260 + 175 + 350Your math is wrong. Karma's base damage is 1045 and she has 210% scaling in her kit. With 525 ap she's doing roughly 2,150 dmg with a combo, which is more than Annie.
The conditions for the grade depend on the MMR of the game.s+ from 98 cs
what year is this
thats fucking bullshit.The conditions for the grade depend on the MMR of the game.
wow just got an ohmwrecker tank shaco
why is this item still in the game?
It has to be one of the least used items right
You know what Ohmwreckers should do? allow you to use your abilities on towers
wow you guys got salty over that post lolThe conditions for the grade depend on the MMR of the game.
ehh just remove it, it's either a noob trap or a troll itemIt has to be one of the least used items right
You know what Ohmwreckers should do? allow you to use your abilities on towers
well a kill = 20 cs rights+ from 98 cs
what year is this
ay Zky, how do you use the LB illusion effectively? I've played her a few times since her update but I can't figure out how to bait out abilities on the fake LB.![]()
i probably tried harder than i should've
i feel like we could've actually won 4v6 if cait wasn't trash
that's the most bullshit ability then. use ohm wrecker then spam abilities on towers. zzzzzzz
ehh just remove it, it's either a noob trap or a troll item
also that idea is terrible lol
You know what?
This G900 I picked up on black friday is a nice fuckin mouse.
the ult clone?ay Zky, how do you use the LB illusion effectively? I've played her a few times since her update but I can't figure out how to bait out abilities on the fake LB.
it really isn't hahabetter than whatever ohmwrecker is supposed to do
do u not know how to add? whats 260 + 175 + 350
even with a 210% scaling, since you completely botched the numbers on her kit, she's still doing less damage than annie, who i didn't even calculate damage for tibbers. beyond that her hilariously awful damage rotation means that hitting a minion wave instantly means you do 0 damage to champions and means that, once again, she's not a high damage champion.
It's almost like you're not actually reading what anyone is saying
ok tyvmthe ult clone?
honestly i'm not sure yet
generally it's useless, but i've done some fun stuff with it a few times
for instance in the above game i was walking back to lane so i was looking at the other lanes to see if they were roamable and noticed botlane had a pink on their lane brush and our botlane was kind of struggling to contest it. so i threw a clone to fake like a gank so enemy botlane walked back a bit and it was long enough for our botlane to break that pink
it's not highlight reel material but that's the kind of uses i give it
i also use it to scout dragon and stuff, as well to fake ganks in case i see a teammate about to get dove or whatever
you have to pay attention to the map (i already do that since i like to roam a lot) cos finding those moments is tricky. also play a bunch with fog of war (which i already do since hiding in fog of war is kind of half there is to playing lux)
ok tyvm
My first game in LOL after a while. This game just had bad vibes from the beginning really.
A player was not loading in even after everyone else was 100%, it took forever and once finally in a player had DCed, game was telling us to type /rematch.
I was unsure to do it or not but did not and there was no communication at all in game. I believe were a player down the entire time. but I went mid and did my best to not suck as I was still quite noobish. not really watching what my team was doing and they didnt seem to be doing too extremely well but apparently fine enough for us to win the game. and after I noticed how well I did a bit surprised too.
I seriously felt like I didnt know what I was doing the entire time but appears I was carrying the team, wait what?
also that S- rank dunno what that means.
He got the numbers wrong and then tried to tell me I can't add.
This has nothing to do with the previous argument. I've dropped it.
I'm just correcting his mistake. I've bolded the part of his post that I'm responding to. Hopefully that helps with my reading!
in my experience this never worksMy favourite use of her clone is leading people to you like say, you're trying to gank bot and they're pushed to our turret, I drop the clone behind them so they try to escape through tribush where I'm waiting for them, or in a teamfight, dropping a clone in a way that it'll jump at a priority target but then going for another one at the same time when they react to it.
I really love that ability.
luv, you need to stop embarrassing yourself.
Mantra Q does 435 (260+175)
then another 350 when it explodes
And her W does 260
That's 1,045.
ok time out for you twou responded karmas mantra q was 1045 LOL
keep backpedalling dumbass.
ur like the new ad tf guy.
but w/e ill drop the argument since ur so convinced ur brilliantly reading how damage works in the incredible heights of bronze 5 LMAO.
nice, i thought it started tomorrow
Worked in week 1 at least lulin my experience this never works
Worked in week 1 at least lul
Then again it was norms so who knows how people that aren't shit will react to it
Karma is the strongest mage in the game
Fite me
Does Syndra count as a mage? Because if so, the game I'm watching in Allstars says differently.
whats ur tagDo we have a GAF club for LOL, would like to join it.
you can play with balls and have self respect
syndra is a strong woman, she doesn't need your man validation to be proud of her fetishes
whats ur tag
she clutches ur balls and throws em and kicks emWoman? More like child
She throws the balls away causing great pain to their victim.
Hey man don't judge other people's fetishes, that's not niceWoman? More like child
She throws the balls away causing great pain to their victim.
she clutches ur balls and throws em and kicks em
she's the woman we all strive to be