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League of Legends |OT12| No more Lyte, just darkness.

u responded karmas mantra q was 1045 LOL

keep backpedalling dumbass.

ur like the new ad tf guy.

but w/e ill drop the argument since ur so convinced ur brilliantly reading how damage works in the incredible heights of bronze 5 LMAO.

Actually I never did but nice attempt at a save, luv.

Don't be too embarrassed, everyone makes mistakes.
I think alot of it has to do with his uh

his aesthetic design? Like...I'm sure there've been cases(Can't think of any atm) of champions that were extremely strong and yet ignored by the community.

Aurelion Sol

he has different issues in that his combat pattern revolves entirely around non-transferable player skill (no other champion asks you to move like Aurelion and the way he deals damage is so different to every other champion) but those that come close to mastering Aurelion Sol (I struggle to think if anyone ever will truly master Aurelion) likely win more games than anyone else

I guess funky quirky tree dude is less appreciable than other junglers but he's fun, he plays very differently, he's easy to play and he's strong. Seems like a good combo.
Aurelion Sol

he has different issues in that his combat pattern revolves entirely around non-transferable player skill (no other champion asks you to move like Aurelion and the way he deals damage is so different to every other champion) but those that come close to mastering Aurelion Sol (I struggle to think if anyone ever will truly master Aurelion) likely win more games than anyone else

I guess funky quirky tree dude is less appreciable than other junglers but he's fun, he plays very differently, he's easy to play and he's strong. Seems like a good combo.

hopefully this doesn't dissuade rito from making characters like ivern
i think asol is just inherently boring to play. he has no real outplay skills and his gameplay revolves around constantly shoving with w and being an asshole to the enemy midlaner. i dont think his playstyle is all that different compared to other mids really.
i think asol is just inherently boring to play. he has no real outplay skills and his gameplay revolves around constantly shoving with w and being an asshole to the enemy midlaner. i dont think his playstyle is all that different compared to other mids really.

You're talking about general mid lane play style and not champ mechanics. I'm talking about the skills you need to actually function on the champion mechanically. It's fundamentally different to every other champion in the game. You could put all your time into learning Aurelion and improve vastly with him and no other champ. The skills you need to play him are non-transferable.
You're talking about general mid lane play style and not champ mechanics. I'm talking about the skills you need to actually function on the champion mechanically. It's fundamentally different to every other champion in the game. You could put all your time into learning Aurelion and improve vastly with him and no other champ. The skills you need to play him are non-transferable.

right like to put in example

learning to skill shot with ezreal is transferable to zyra and her snare, or brand and his Q, or Jinx and her W

They all have slight differences on each skill, but it's generally the same-aim in one direction and fire.

Asol meanwhile even though he has a skillshot Q, you have to learn how to use it within his orbs and extending them, and moving whilst the Q is in movement. Or how his ultimate despite being a skillshot, pushes opponents to its length, and if used in conjunction with his Q, it can be quite strong

so learning Asol, means that you know Asol. Not anyone else. Meanwhile I can pick up Morgana after playing Brand and be like 'Oh so her Q is a skillshot like Brands, and she has an AoE attack on her W like Brand'.
You're talking about general mid lane play style and not champ mechanics. I'm talking about the skills you need to actually function on the champion mechanically. It's fundamentally different to every other champion in the game. You could put all your time into learning Aurelion and improve vastly with him and no other champ. The skills you need to play him are non-transferable.

I disagree. The only unique part of his kit is the one that allows him to permashove almost every champ in the game with little punishment. The Linear skillshot stun and the linear AoE nuke is extremely easy to land for anyone with experience with other mid champs. Practicing hitting the Q and the R and knowing the best roam timings are all skills that can easily be applied to other mids. He really doesn't have any non-transferable skills compared to playing something like Nidalee Jungle, who used a bunch of Nidalee specific quirks to facilitate her oppressive power clearing and invades.
You're talking about general mid lane play style and not champ mechanics. I'm talking about the skills you need to actually function on the champion mechanically. It's fundamentally different to every other champion in the game. You could put all your time into learning Aurelion and improve vastly with him and no other champ. The skills you need to play him are non-transferable.

Well, by far the only new skill I learned with AS is to not get hit and let my W do the work, like Malhazar.



i may be bad at adc but nowhere near as bad as this d5 reject yasuo

he flamed me for doing void staff on corki but i think that's normal?



12.5k down, inhibitor down, enemy team has Baron.

dont mind me im just a little ziggs oh god i can split push faster than their whole team can push lol we won

Felt really good.


Corki ADC is bad, play him mid.

Void Staff 3rd item on Corki is bad. Corki despite doing magic damage, is an ADC though. You don't see ADCs rushing Lord Dominiks 3rd item, so don't rush void staff 3rd item.

That Yasuo was also pretty damn bad. A combination of him and Rek'Sai probably cost you the game.


i hope they add the report after dodging ability to the new client soon

it's the biggest thing the client is missing, i just had a teemo just go "i got trolled so imma troll you instead"

it's placements so dodging is an automatic loss, so i'm like ok i'll bust out the tf and see what happens

someone else dodged and that guy moved on to hold another champion select hostage

also i wish the client wasn't so damn slow. if you're last pick and you have to make your masteries it just takes forever (also why do you have to go to the top to create new mastery pages -__-)

why play adc corki lol

he has like 0 synergy with good adc items right now
all the other adcs are boring



i figured i'd try ezreal

but the client messed up my summoner spells and my masteries and i changed my mind about buying trinity force half way through and somehow i still sucked less than our tf


The opposing Lee Sin learned the hard way that you don't fuck with jungle Trundle. Three times he went in with Q, killed him on the 1st and 3rd no-no and he escaped with a sliver of life on the 2nd. He immediately backed off the 4th time.

I forgot how ridiculously tanky Trundle gets. I only died once, otherwise never felt I was in any danger of dying, yet still took the most damage in the game.


like I don't think people understand for the most part just how fucking disgusting Ivern is. And people don't play him. Like he's a weird and different champion sure, but I find playing him so much fun and refreshing

and he's busted beyond belief. He didn't need a single buff, I'm convinced now, other than making Daisy's AI functional

bonkers good champ

I'm seeing him in every other game. Granted, I've mostly been playing normal draft the last few weeks.

I'm sick of seeing him though. He is indeed busted.


smash gizmo on syndra nerfs said:
Ok, honestly just pretty happy w/ the Syndra changelist, will likely ship as is
whelp, thanks for the shitty rework riot

so disappointed in how riot handled everything about syndra since her rework, from doing nothing creative to her passive to letting her get super op to nerfing her in the shittiest possible way

I haven't seen Ivern in more than one of my games, but watching challenger streams the dude seems busted. Like, holy shit the dude had a shield that procced a 70% non-decaying slow before he got nerfed this patch. Even still, his shields give him and his team deceptive survivability because of the CD. And he has a reason to buy Redemption which is kind of busted at the moment.

Also, I think if I can more consistently play games like this game we played in flex against plat players last night then I can carry myself out of Bronze pretty quickly. RIP I should've bought last item Mercurial Scimitar instead of second life steal because I'm still too silver to flash out of the way of initial CC sometimes. :x sorry guys


I haven't seen Ivern in more than one of my games, but watching challenger streams the dude seems busted. Like, holy shit the dude had a shield that procced a 70% non-decaying slow before he got nerfed this patch. Even still, his shields give him and his team deceptive survivability because of the CD. And he has a reason to buy Redemption which is kind of busted at the moment.

Also, I think if I can more consistently play games like this game we played in flex against plat players last night then I can carry myself out of Bronze pretty quickly. RIP I should've bought last item Mercurial Scimitar instead of second life steal because I'm still too silver to flash out of the way of initial CC sometimes. :x sorry guys

Yeah, the slow was insane. It's still really really strong and kinda busted in how easy it is to apply even if Ivern misses his Q.
right like to put in example

learning to skill shot with ezreal is transferable to zyra and her snare, or brand and his Q, or Jinx and her W

They all have slight differences on each skill, but it's generally the same-aim in one direction and fire.

Asol meanwhile even though he has a skillshot Q, you have to learn how to use it within his orbs and extending them, and moving whilst the Q is in movement. Or how his ultimate despite being a skillshot, pushes opponents to its length, and if used in conjunction with his Q, it can be quite strong

so learning Asol, means that you know Asol. Not anyone else. Meanwhile I can pick up Morgana after playing Brand and be like 'Oh so her Q is a skillshot like Brands, and she has an AoE attack on her W like Brand'.

I disagree. The only unique part of his kit is the one that allows him to permashove almost every champ in the game with little punishment. The Linear skillshot stun and the linear AoE nuke is extremely easy to land for anyone with experience with other mid champs. Practicing hitting the Q and the R and knowing the best roam timings are all skills that can easily be applied to other mids. He really doesn't have any non-transferable skills compared to playing something like Nidalee Jungle, who used a bunch of Nidalee specific quirks to facilitate her oppressive power clearing and invades.

the Q and R are not what I was talking about, I was talking about where all of his damage comes from aka his passive. Completely non-transferable.


Yeah, the slow was insane. It's still really really strong and kinda busted in how easy it is to apply even if Ivern misses his Q.

If you're doing it right you're using his E to apply his Q not the other way around. Or did I misread?

Need to play some Ivern now that I'm nearly finished practicing Nocturne.


If you're doing it right you're using his E to apply his Q not the other way around. Or did I misread?

Need to play some Ivern now that I'm nearly finished practicing Nocturne.

That's a smart way to do it, sure. The E is often good enough that even if he misses his Q and then apply their E on the laners he's ganking for, it's enough for the kill or to let his laners apply their cc in a guaranteed way anyway.


So apparently you can TP while invisible.

An Akali on QT's stream just TP'd out while getting ganked and no one could stop her.
So apparently you can TP while invisible.

An Akali on QT's stream just TP'd out while getting ganked and no one could stop her.

I think I might be okay with this, even if it's not intended? The number of people who have invisibility long enough to do this is exceptionally slim, right?


Corki ADC is bad, play him mid.

Void Staff 3rd item on Corki is bad. Corki despite doing magic damage, is an ADC though. You don't see ADCs rushing Lord Dominiks 3rd item, so don't rush void staff 3rd item.

That Yasuo was also pretty damn bad. A combination of him and Rek'Sai probably cost you the game.

TF > Gunblade > Liandries ADC Corki best Corki.
Riot needs to fix the whole crashing on loading issue. It's caused more remakes this patch than any other patch before it.

Is it the black screen to 'No Connection' error? Because I saw a post about it that had a solution working reliably for me. If you get the black screen and an error about connection, just hit cancel. It usually won't work. Just hit cancel instead of retry, get bumped back out to the client, and hit reconnect. Repeat as necessary. Doing this the latest I've managed to get into a game after the error is just as jungle camps spawn.


So I played some more normals and won them, even though blind pick meant I had to go top (Nasus) and jungle (Naut) in two of the three games, and in the third I had to solo lane as AP Nami when my team ended up with a stupid Shaco that didn't want to go ADC and fed instead.

This is weird as hell, because the games I actually played in my "proper" role I lost, and on the other hand I won playing on roles I'm not good at. Like, why am I even still trying as a dedicated support player?

While I'm at it, anyone got any tips on decent top laners that can be used in other roles as well? I'm pretty partial towards ranged champions, by the way.


Is it the black screen to 'No Connection' error? Because I saw a post about it that had a solution working reliably for me. If you get the black screen and an error about connection, just hit cancel. It usually won't work. Just hit cancel instead of retry, get bumped back out to the client, and hit reconnect. Repeat as necessary. Doing this the latest I've managed to get into a game after the error is just as jungle camps spawn.

I have been doing that if the game crashes on me. But the problem is the fact that the bug even exists in the first place. It's getting really annoying.
I have been doing that if the game crashes on me. But the problem is the fact that the bug even exists in the first place. It's getting really annoying.

Agreed, it is an annoying bug that needs to get fixed. Just wanted to let you know because it's helped me avoid getting a leave penalty.


It's so annoying how many people are suddenly wasting a ban on Aatrox because that's what Faker does on English speaking servers. At least do it right and ban Garen...
I get weirdly irritated when I read things like "Riot listening to the community??? end of the world", or "I like how Riot is starting to communicate with the community, like [insert-game] does" (As if they haven't done it before). From the /dev diary.

Like, there may be many things you can complaing about Riot. But they not trying to communicate with the community isn't one of them.

Worst case scenario, they say something like "we are listening, and we are keeping this in mind. But we want to wait to get more data about [issue] before doing something." And keep silent, or repeating this for a while. (like soloq this year).

I think it gets to me because I think it must be a little discouraging to read that kind of comments when they are really trying.

Then again, the only thing that gets to me is when people say I'm not trying/working when I was trying/working in real life. You can insult me, my friends, my family, even punch me if you want, and it doesn't get to me. I couldn't care less even if I tried. But when people make less of my sincere effort in something, it really gets to me. (I usually get sad)
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