Syndra's balls should shoot lightning at people.
Do we have a GAF club for LOL, would like to join it.
hell yeah
For the next X seconds your abilties affect towers(Instead of turning them off). It lets people become siege tanks towards towers.
We heroes of the storm now?
Are you in NA or EUW?
So, where I should invest my ranked pain now, flex or Solo/Duo? I am confused
Just faced a lane swap in solo queue.
Was Poppy against Thresh/Ashe. Went 2/0 in lane.
Why do people try strategies they have no idea how to execute?
Newt, wanna spam games tonight?
If I get mid I'm spamming ziggs with cotc and barrier so I never die to ganks
(Note to readers: don't actually use cotc on ziggs)
The patented meatshield Karma leggo.First ranked game as support lets goooooooooooooooo
Ya, ill play some.
The patented meatshield Karma leggo.
Jk I just picked Morg and I'm getting dumpstered lul
shoulda played the meatshield karma :^)
Whoever let this Teemo bug go through
Whoever let this Teemo bug go through
What teemo bug? Does it explain why I am seeing so much teemo in ranked?
E procs Deathfire / Thunderlords / Spellthiefoh my god
what is it
E procs Deathfire / Thunderlords / Spellthief
phreak said:The change happened because they meant to fix its interactions with Malzahar Voidlings (taking proper damage from tick effects). Of course, the Thunderlord's/Spellthief's interaction is unintended and is a bug.
This bug is known and AFAIK a fix is ready for 7.1. I don't think it's considered (and I don't think it is) a big enough deal to hotfix.
Nope. They dove, and Colossus always seems to catch people off guard.How does such a thing even happen in double ranged vs melee? Did they not ward and get ganked?
Depends on when he DCs and how. System has always been kinda finnickyOk remake is broken. Guy on team dc'd and we couldn't remake.
Depends on when he DCs and how. System has always been kinda finnicky
Holy shit we still won it even though he didn't connect until 10 mins in. I think Vi is the 1 jung I can play...
Have you tried Zac? absolutely everything about his kit is JG friendly, it was the character i learned to jungle with.
Are you maxing the right skills on Zac? His damage is actually deceptively high
like I don't think people understand for the most part just how fucking disgusting Ivern is. And people don't play him. Like he's a weird and different champion sure, but I find playing him so much fun and refreshing
and he's busted beyond belief. He didn't need a single buff, I'm convinced now, other than making Daisy's AI functional
bonkers good champ