Ghost is Bad
exhaust is the strongest combat summoner in the game lol.
I can upgrade to the new client
or I cannot
I've heard the new client is still glitchy
If you upgrade, there's an option to use the legacy client if you don't feel like playing on the new one.
exhaust is the strongest combat summoner in the game lol.
finally get a third key fragment
open my chest
tryndamere champ shard
why rito why
My promos went horribly and I got placed in plat V lol. I shouldn't have played so much solo.
How do I make gifs from my replays?
Finally something worthy of all-starsEU allstar vs LCK allstar right now.
Lots of action, and Garen/Galio mid.
I guess Project loot boxes were a success , looks like the lunar event material will be like that
Yeah, gonna be great. It will be more interesting for hearthstone and stuff like overwatch though, league boxes seem to have even drop rates for just about everything.I cant wait till Chinas loot box law passes
I'm sure Riot doesn't really need to play around with drop rates a lot. The difference in how many skins are in each tier, makes most of the job anyways.
There are like over 700 skins in the game. 4 ultimates that is 0.57%
I know there are skins you can't get using hextech, but still.
It would be cool to know the actual drop rates, though.
A drop from d4 is p5 is so rough thoughSo still better than the rest of us on a bad day.
I agree.5 straight losses in provi. Amazing. I forgot the reason why I didn't play at the start of the season lasy year. People of all ranks are mixed right now and it sucks.
Man, I wish getting my role weren't so hard...
Even if it's the most popular role...
Like, I'd rather have to wait and get my guaranteed pick than to play something I don't really want to.
I like ADC, if I'm playing it occasionally, and same with support, but if I queue mid/bot, I'll get bot like 75% of the time, and don't even get me started on mid/supp.
The first game was payback for the one Sivir game where I got screwed lol.placement progress:
2 games, 2 wins. first win i absolutely didn't deserve to win but did, 2nd game was one of those "someone on their team must have gotten autofilled because this is too easy"
Yeah, gonna be great. It will be more interesting for hearthstone and stuff like overwatch though, league boxes seem to have even drop rates for just about everything.
It also includes mystery boxes and the ilk
And im sure there are different drop rates for say a legendary, compared to a 520 skin
Maybe, I think the tests from redditors from PBE said that their drop rate roughly corresponded to how many skins there were in that tier (i.e. how many legendary skins there are out of all skins). It will be interesting to see the true droprate.
So we are gonna get better loot or worse?
I uploaded the webm to gifycat and got the gif from there.
Mhm redditors did the same for hearthstone. Tests showed 1 out of 10 packs always includes an epic and 1 out of 40 for legendaries..
But hearthstone has a pity timer. Wonder if league loot boxes have pity timers?
Ah, I see...follow up question, how do I make a webm from my replays?
I've have lots of complaints regarding the poor matchmaking and buggyness of the new client but it seems that I've been having much better luck regarding getting my position than lots of you. I'd have to say that when autofill is active putting jungle/support gives me jungle about 50% of the time. When it's inactive I put jungle/mid and every single time I've gotten jungle. Overall I'm assigned jungle ~70% of the time, so I'm happy.
Rek'sai is such a good jungler. I feel embarrassed that I waited this long to start playing her.
I played Rek'Sai a few times and I'm on the fence as to whether I should add her to my pool. I kinda feel cheap to use her because she's so ideal for the role. Feels like I'm cheating somehow.
But you play Ivern, you're already too far gone lolI played Rek'Sai a few times and I'm on the fence as to whether I should add her to my pool. I kinda feel cheap to use her because she's so ideal for the role. Feels like I'm cheating somehow.
I played Rek'Sai a few times and I'm on the fence as to whether I should add her to my pool. I kinda feel cheap to use her because she's so ideal for the role. Feels like I'm cheating somehow.
I just played the weirdest game ever. The enemy team was using like every ult they had on me, Azir ult, lee ult, varus ult, no idea why seeing as we had a 21/3 twitch mowing down their team literally every teamfight while I was basically just an absorber for him. If they'd have just used ults on him they probably could have won lul.