You're never gonna let him live that down are you...
I've played karma since then and she's still a meatshield. You basically do nothing but stop the adc from dying, it's the most boring thing ever.
You definitely don't abuse the fact that you have the best harass in the game or anything.
dude autoattack them reduces the cd of ur ult by 1 second per auto, not to mention hitting q or getting a proc of w reduces the CD by 2 seconds.
Currently 4-1 in placements. I wonder how accurate the placement predictor is on
dude autoattack them reduces the cd of ur ult by 1 second per auto, not to mention hitting q or getting a proc of w reduces the CD by 2 seconds.
karma destroys ezreal and bard lol. use your e to speed boost yourself and shield poke when trading like janna and pull back when it's gone. your q has a 5 second cooldown; use it to body the other support or ad and push the wave. it has aoe even without mantra so you can do some minor harass through a minion wave.If I walk up to them I die... Tried harassing a Ez/Bard the other day and the bard just dicked me while the Ez just E'd into my face and killed me.
Consider your S- revoked.autofilled to sup gg
autofilled to sup gg
autofilled to sup gg
Consider your S- revoked.
Scales with division. It's easier to get an S in bronze than it is to get an S in masters etc.did they like
make it easier to get an S rank?
Scales with division. It's easier to get an S in bronze than it is to get an S in masters etc.
Scales with division. It's easier to get an S in bronze than it is to get an S in masters etc.
oicplus offrole is generally easier
You have a shield that is also a speed boost lol, don't be a scaredy cat.If I walk up to them I die... Tried harassing a Ez/Bard the other day and the bard just dicked me while the Ez just E'd into my face and killed me.
Zyra support in placements continutes
what about the zac jungle tho
Is this the new Wood Division Adventures episode
The good old daysedit: fun time in champ select
I raged a bit on the guy that picked Karma and then proceeded to whine that Karma didn't do anything and wasn't op or anything. He thought Thresh was op. How is it even possible to feed out of your mind with Karma.
Ah, I didn't know you were duoing with Talents.
All Stars delivering:
Welp, was gifted Elementalist Lux, now I have to use it while looking like an ass for all the shit I gave this skin
Runes and masteries already fill that niche I think.So dota2 copied talents from Heroes of the Storm
How long till League copies it? Just imagine how much more fun League could get
Runes and masteries already fill that niche I think.
Runes and masteries already fill that niche I think.
And both could use some work.
for example, a talent that makes Lux's Q refract in 4 directions after hitting a target.
I think that is just the general difference in how each games developer approach game design. Leagues always been big on passive smaller stat boosts that overall increase the lethality of the champion while Dota favors taking a single aspect and overwhelmingly strengthen it. Just look at League items vs Dota items. Phantom dancer gives you a few smaller stat boosts while something like Dotas Daedalus is nothing but damage and crit with nothing extra. It works for each game but imagining it on the other doesn't seem realistic
Okay, we already know Breezy has the worst designs ever, but the talent system is good and he's right about that.
I think that is just the general difference in how each games developer approach game design. Leagues always been big on passive smaller stat boosts that overall increase the lethality of the champion while Dota favors taking a single aspect and overwhelmingly strengthen it. Just look at League items vs Dota items. Phantom dancer gives you a few smaller stat boosts while something like Dotas Daedalus is nothing but damage and crit with nothing extra. It works for each game but imagining it on the other doesn't seem realistic
It's the opposite actually. League focuses more heavily on stats while DOTA focuses more heavily on utility.I think that is just the general difference in how each games developer approach game design. Leagues always been big on passive smaller stat boosts that overall increase the lethality of the champion while Dota favors taking a single aspect and overwhelmingly strengthen it. Just look at League items vs Dota items. Phantom dancer gives you a few smaller stat boosts while something like Dotas Daedalus is nothing but damage and crit with nothing extra. It works for each game but imagining it on the other doesn't seem realistic
So dota2 copied talents from Heroes of the Storm
How long till League copies it? Just imagine how much more fun League could get
I want my Sona gives two heals instead of one, her E slow down any enemy who enter her aura and her R became an Aura like shot instead of a beam