Already some banter coming out when people ban Camille:
Indiboi : pick me camille got all champs
Ference : i cant even fucking ban camille
Ference : 'temporarily disabled'
Ference : kys
Talentz GAF : lul
Indiboi : why ban her
Indiboi : u pussy
BankPlank : faggit
Ference : kys cancer kid
BankPlank : get shit on
Indiboi : u are the one who got shit on
Indiboi : you show everyone that you are a pussy
BankPlank : get rekt
BankPlank : nerd
Indiboi : how did i get rekt?
Ference : didnt know trash cans could talk shit
When I played hots I actually encountered zero toxicity, and I played at least 20 games. Felt like everyone just didn't give a shit. I guess that's one of the reasons I find the game so unappealing.
Yeah but in League people even care pre-30. The game just fundamentally lacks like, high stakes.
god damn Camille is so much fun
god damn Camille is so much fun
What if her ultimate had a talent where everyone near her target was trapped in the no flash zone too
When is she getting the Cammy skin?
u read my mind :^)Incoming Ghost Camille support. At least it'll be better than Master Yi support I guess.
Also, just ban that shit in ranked.
Blows, not the point of the spell. Also the knock back can be really useful. Also she is supposed to be somewhat balanced.
Breezy design #1538729822 = 0/10 as expected
Talents are stupid and only offer the illusion of choice, just like masteries, just like runes, just like every other multiplayer game with any kind of 'choice'.
Does it really?
Not saying I don't believe you, but I haven't played a MOBA, MMO, shooter, or whatever where these kinds of systems aren't min-maxed to all hell and you better follow that meta or else.
Thats the point of talents costy, to offer variety and choice.
The other talent for Camilles ultimate increases the duration and silences the target for its duration
The first talent is good if your team has aoe to maximize the skill.
This is a what if league had talents, costy![]()
no this is what League would have if it had bad talents, which would eventually need to be reworked.
A good way to introduce something like that to League needs to focus on enhancing the strengths of the champion and really driving that through, not removing character weaknesses or overloading abilities even further.
Camille's strength is that she can pick off lone targets and force an interaction. When she's ganged up on, she loses. This is especially important in team fight scenarios. In your version, you remove that weakness by giving her perhaps the best AoE lockdown in the entire game and don't do anything to push her unique strengths.
This is a quick way to run into really bad game health scenarios.
Also keeps others out so anyone caught with their escapes down is stuckJ4 ult is very different from Camille's.
Physical zone, does burst damage up front, makes him immune to CC...
J4 ult is very different from Camille's.
Physical zone, does burst damage up front, makes him immune to CC...
Its almost as if you've never played an ADC against J4 Breezy.
You'll never experience the suffering of being trapped in a J4 ult as an immobile ADC with flash down.
Was a Venn diagram formed?
I really need some IP points, because this is killing me.god damn Camille is so much fun
What's even the point of reducing the damage on his Q by fucking 5 lolRengar
Savagery (Q) damage lowered to 35/55/75/95/115 from 40/60/80/100/120
The next support champ better have some sort of silence or extra vision to deal with so many tanks
Ranked has been some uninstall-level shit for me. Nothing but feeding and flaming, this is depressing.
Ranked has been some uninstall-level shit for me. Nothing but feeding and flaming, this is depressing.
To me, LoL is a game that is solely defined by which team has the least amount of flamers, afkers, feeders or people with 500+ ping. Normals, ranked, whatever, playing by yourself is asking to get annoyed as games are often so one-sided they aren't even entertaining for neither team.
Now that they've implemented the remake command, I wonder if they'd implement some system for letting players know when their ping is way too high to actually play normally, and perhaps even offer their teammates a chance to remake rather than getting them stuck for 20 minutes with a teammate who can't even be expected to last hit minions reliably.
stahp playing ranked solo q in bronze
Or more servers to locate high ping players to closest servers to play
I don't exactly have a choice if I wanna rank, can't really duo every game and even then my duo games have been pretty unwinnable as well.stahp playing ranked solo q in bronze
talents for league (and maybe doto too, idk) are dumb cos now everyone has to remember like 6-8 more passives for 120 champions, which is adding a mountain of burden of knowledge to a game that's already difficult to get into
and like how do you quickly communicate that leblanc has talents 1b, 2a and 3a or whatever? if they're hidden in the scoreboard like keystones then it just adds a really obnoxious process to the game of constantly checking for talents on top of items (since also talents are probably gonna be hard to iconize since this is probably 6-8 more icons per champion which is nuts).
it also makes level differences to be even a bigger factor than they probably should be considering how important they already are
like most in league i think it's a matter of adding more items and fixing dumb ones in the game already. this is probably something better suited for a few champions like khazix/viktor than the entire roster
i like the idea of augmenting abilities but idk if it can be done
also here
i have not cropped anything about this picture no sir
phew it's nice to be back