god damn Camille is so much fun
and her Program skin is so ugly. What the fuck happened there, Costy? lol
god damn Camille is so much fun
See, this is my main gripe with LoL. If you're still bad enough at the game that insta-landing into gold isn't an option for you and you don't happen to have a large enough group of LoL friends that you can queue up with regularily, you're supposed to just give up entierly or something.
You could slowly add decent players to your friend list to have a better fighting chance, but even that isn't a good enough replacement for playing with people you actually know.
and her Program skin is so ugly. What the fuck happened there, Costy? lol
thanks!Wb zky.
the biggest reason why i dislike talents tho is that they are individually designed, which sounds really cool in theory but is probably not that good in practiceTalents in hots arent hidden, you can see them in scoreboard. League hiding keystones is lol. Also burden of knowledge, league has huge burden of knowledge already. It hides runes and masteries unless you use a 3rd party site to search the person, so if they removed runes and masteries for a talent system, atleast youd be able to see talents(unless they hid those too).
Talents would be good for adding variety that masteries and runes have failed to provide, because they would be unique to each champion, and you can make decisions on the fly given the situation. If they removed runes and masteries for a talent system, it would be way better.
I think itd be fun if done right. Im just advocating for it
actual skin is not that ugly, just the splash art is very grotesqueand her Program skin is so ugly. What the fuck happened there, Costy? lol
i think the problem is that you can't expect league to "just be fun". if you want that you can play arams and ascension and shit and that's a pretty visceral "overwatch" style thing that you just play for a bit for fun and move onI don't really agree at all I think you're more likely to get quality games in ranked so if you're a bronze player you may as well play with even teams. If you play a ton of games and you legitimately cannot get out then that's probably where you belong. Solo games may be complete fiestas but at least you are more likely to be in a competitive environment
it's on and offAre release skins ever any good? There's dino Gnar which is amazing but I think that was the exception
Launch skins are notoriously shit.and her Program skin is so ugly. What the fuck happened there, Costy? lol
I don't really agree at all I think you're more likely to get quality games in ranked so if you're a bronze player you may as well play with even teams. If you play a ton of games and you legitimately cannot get out then that's probably where you belong. Solo games may be complete fiestas but at least you are more likely to be in a competitive environment
This is basically a myth.I know my execution is still subpar, but I believe an even bigger issue is that I favor support as my primary role, which means I can't carry the team by myself even if I tried (unless I began playing more Zyra, I guess). I can tell I've gotten a lot better at making the right calls while supporting, but the best I can do is try and help feed my carries, and that requires them to actually take advantage of my good plays whenever I actually manage to make one.
Even if I happen to be a bronze or low-silver level player, the thing isn't my rank as much as it is having to bear with games were people feed like mad or flame each other as the whole team comes crashing down. What I want when playing a match of LoL is to play a good game, and feeders, trolls, afk players and flamers showing up every other game make me wish I'd have just done something else rather than sitting down to play a 20-minute game of LoL.
actual skin is not that ugly, just the splash art is very grotesque
yea it's ok if u don't like it, i don't find it near as bad as taliyah's but to each their ownI have to disagree, honestly.
I find the in-game model to be absolutely hideous. Something about the color palette and the way the hips are attached to the torso. It's just amazing in its awfulness. It's acutely bad to my eyes and I can't imagine who the audience is that would buy it.
While as others mentioned most launch skins are pretty mediocre, Gnar, Taliyah, Jhin, and Kled all had very acceptable launch skins. At worst, you'd call them a bit boring, but certainly not an eyesore. And Ivern's launch skin was -godtier-.
This Camille skin tho? I mean...look at it.
she cannotCan Camille jungle?
This Camille skin tho? I mean...look at it.
wow camille is something else
hard to believe riot keeps releasing champions this shitty to play against
there's absolutely no fun in playing against a champion that has 100% of control over the lane. it's what's annoying about yasuo, kalista, fiora, lucian, all these assholes no one likes playing against
tho it's not THAT surprising considering the direction they pushed katarina towards (and leblanc to an extent)
Hmm can ekko ult out of Camille's ult?
jax at 6 items lelshe really is pretty abusive. that shield and that second q...whewlad .
who trades well against her? I'm pretty sure all of my regular tops get dumpstered by her. (Garen, Jayce, Gnar, Darius, Annie).
Hmm can ekko ult out of Camille's ult?
There is no way to get out of Camille's ult if you were her target, you need to disable it by killing Camille or pushing her out.
bam camille ruined forever
Swain ults
bam swain ruined forever (?)
Are release skins ever any good? There's dino Gnar which is amazing but I think that was the exception
Fiora and Jayce should shit on her. If you can CC her while her second Q is winding up then her damage disappears.she really is pretty abusive. that shield and that second q...whewlad .
who trades well against her? I'm pretty sure all of my regular tops get dumpstered by her. (Garen, Jayce, Gnar, Darius, Annie).
I don't really agree at all I think you're more likely to get quality games in ranked so if you're a bronze player you may as well play with even teams. If you play a ton of games and you legitimately cannot get out then that's probably where you belong. Solo games may be complete fiestas but at least you are more likely to be in a competitive environment
Are release skins ever any good? There's dino Gnar which is amazing but I think that was the exception
i had to dodge my 10th placement game earlier because we had a support who locked mid and a camille jungle. it didn't count as a loss. since when?
Fiora and Jayce should shit on her. If you can CC her while her second Q is winding up then her damage disappears.
Fiora shits on her, Jayce does really well, Poppy does really well, Renekton does really well. Jax probably does really well considering dodge.
that's nice but I only play one of those. I imagine Jayce is cool with a lead. Otherwise that shield is too much to cut through. his combo won't be nearly enough damage when she can heal herself along the way.
we'll see. I haven't played the matchup yet.
trade around it. It's on a 20 second cooldown at early levels so you should be able to bait it out and trade back, or trade while it's on cooldown. She can also only heal for at most 10% of her max health if she hits you with the outer section of the W which Jayce should be able to avoid by Qing in or spacing with your range.
It's also only a physical shield against Jayce so your hammer E and W won't be affected by it.
Shield is brief and the only way she's getting it vs you without blowing her E is if you get the jump on her. She has no answer to your poke besides all-inning and for that you have your hammer E.that's nice but I only play one of those. I imagine Jayce is cool with a lead. Otherwise that shield is too much to cut through. his combo won't be nearly enough damage when she can heal herself along the way.
we'll see. I haven't played the matchup yet.
Shield is brief and the only way she's getting it vs you without blowing her E is if you get the jump on her. She has no answer to your poke besides all-inning and for that you have your hammer E.
Gotcha. Yea, I need to try a lane against her.
roger that. thanks for the insight, guys!
edit: question about hextech crafting. I have some skins that I already own that I think can help me do some masteries, but I don't understand how to use them. For example, I have an Officer Caitlyn skin shard and I have a Caitlyn that can use a permanent skin to unlock the next mastery. But because I own the skin already, it appears that I can't upgrade the skin shard to a permanent skin for the purposes of Mastery usage. Is that correct or am I doing something wrong?