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League of Legends |OT12| No more Lyte, just darkness.


See, this is my main gripe with LoL. If you're still bad enough at the game that insta-landing into gold isn't an option for you and you don't happen to have a large enough group of LoL friends that you can queue up with regularily, you're supposed to just give up entierly or something.

You could slowly add decent players to your friend list to have a better fighting chance, but even that isn't a good enough replacement for playing with people you actually know.

I don't really agree at all I think you're more likely to get quality games in ranked so if you're a bronze player you may as well play with even teams. If you play a ton of games and you legitimately cannot get out then that's probably where you belong. Solo games may be complete fiestas but at least you are more likely to be in a competitive environment

and her Program skin is so ugly. What the fuck happened there, Costy? lol

Are release skins ever any good? There's dino Gnar which is amazing but I think that was the exception



Talents in hots arent hidden, you can see them in scoreboard. League hiding keystones is lol. Also burden of knowledge, league has huge burden of knowledge already. It hides runes and masteries unless you use a 3rd party site to search the person, so if they removed runes and masteries for a talent system, atleast youd be able to see talents(unless they hid those too).

Talents would be good for adding variety that masteries and runes have failed to provide, because they would be unique to each champion, and you can make decisions on the fly given the situation. If they removed runes and masteries for a talent system, it would be way better.

I think itd be fun if done right. Im just advocating for it
the biggest reason why i dislike talents tho is that they are individually designed, which sounds really cool in theory but is probably not that good in practice

meanwhile i think keystones are actually pretty interesting because they're the same for everyone. lux is pretty good with thunderlords cos she can proc it super easy with her passive, while someone like varus has to work a lot more for that proc and runs deathfire instead that makes more sense with his pokey style of gameplay

with keystones you fit champions under categories that define how they play, thunderlord champions will want to do quick trades, deathfire champions will want to just poke you out from a distance, stormraider is for machinegun mages, same with fervor, warlords, grasp, colossus, etc. they also come with a lot of requirements so if you're a mage support that wants to give out stronger shields you have to forget about the tankiness you get from the defensive tree

the cool thing about this is that it gives you a bit of customization and allows you to play your champion differently while also not asking of people to learn a billion new passives and shit. it doesn't allow you to meaningfully change your champion in the middle of a match but items already do that so adding yet another way for it is probably not necessary

this is all in theory, ofc, in real play keystones don't offer any customization because a myriad of reasons, from balance, general low number of keystones, generalized nature of some of their design (MASSIVE shield on cc, what kind of tank would pick anything else?), the wonky arrangement of offense and utility masteries, etc.

but the idea feels a lot sounder to me as a solution to the customization "problem"

runes are garbage and not worth talking about, if they just removed them and gave every mage 10% scaling cdr and 9 more mpen and shit the game would be exactly the same as it is right now

and her Program skin is so ugly. What the fuck happened there, Costy? lol
actual skin is not that ugly, just the splash art is very grotesque

I don't really agree at all I think you're more likely to get quality games in ranked so if you're a bronze player you may as well play with even teams. If you play a ton of games and you legitimately cannot get out then that's probably where you belong. Solo games may be complete fiestas but at least you are more likely to be in a competitive environment
i think the problem is that you can't expect league to "just be fun". if you want that you can play arams and ascension and shit and that's a pretty visceral "overwatch" style thing that you just play for a bit for fun and move on

for the actual summoner's rift ranked mode fo the game to be fun you have to put in the hours and that's just really daunting and frustrating to new players. if you don't have people that are as passionate about it as you are and that play at your same level then that's really disincouraging and it's very unlikely you'll get too far

riot seems to have given up on making this any better which is probably fair since honestly i can't even imagine how you convince someone to read and think critically about the game and watch streams and play to learn, not to win and all that stuff

they could and should be doing a better job at it but in the end the way you have fun with summoner's rift is grinding a lot of unfun stuff until you just 'get it'

and it helps a ton to have friends that are grinding through it with you

Are release skins ever any good? There's dino Gnar which is amazing but I think that was the exception
it's on and off

kled was great, jhin and kindred were pretty good, but then illaoi, taliyah, ekko, bard, azir, there's some really recent boring launch skins


I don't really agree at all I think you're more likely to get quality games in ranked so if you're a bronze player you may as well play with even teams. If you play a ton of games and you legitimately cannot get out then that's probably where you belong. Solo games may be complete fiestas but at least you are more likely to be in a competitive environment

I know my execution is still subpar, but I believe an even bigger issue is that I favor support as my primary role, which means I can't carry the team by myself even if I tried (unless I began playing more Zyra, I guess). I can tell I've gotten a lot better at making the right calls while supporting, but the best I can do is try and help feed my carries, and that requires them to actually take advantage of my good plays whenever I actually manage to make one.

Even if I happen to be a bronze or low-silver level player, the thing isn't my rank as much as it is having to bear with games were people feed like mad or flame each other as the whole team comes crashing down. What I want when playing a match of LoL is to play a good game, and feeders, trolls, afk players and flamers showing up every other game make me wish I'd have just done something else rather than sitting down to play a 20-minute game of LoL.


I know my execution is still subpar, but I believe an even bigger issue is that I favor support as my primary role, which means I can't carry the team by myself even if I tried (unless I began playing more Zyra, I guess). I can tell I've gotten a lot better at making the right calls while supporting, but the best I can do is try and help feed my carries, and that requires them to actually take advantage of my good plays whenever I actually manage to make one.

Even if I happen to be a bronze or low-silver level player, the thing isn't my rank as much as it is having to bear with games were people feed like mad or flame each other as the whole team comes crashing down. What I want when playing a match of LoL is to play a good game, and feeders, trolls, afk players and flamers showing up every other game make me wish I'd have just done something else rather than sitting down to play a 20-minute game of LoL.
This is basically a myth.

A gold support player would consistently win games in bronze. A diamond support player would average like 1 death per 20 games in bronze, and probably would hardly drop any games.


Yeah with support itemization the role is in a great spot right now. I'm pretty sure most really low elo players don't even build redemption (anecdotal) so properly using that broken ass item alone can give you a massive leg up on the enemy team. There are so many more ways to carry than just damage so if you like supporting just find some educational support streamers or youtubers and skim through their stuff and learn
if ur good at support ull blast through bronze and silver, especially since u can singlehandedly dominate the two dumb fucks bot and render them incapable of contributing to the game.
actual skin is not that ugly, just the splash art is very grotesque

I have to disagree, honestly.

I find the in-game model to be absolutely hideous. Something about the color palette and the way the hips are attached to the torso. It's just amazing in its awfulness. It's acutely bad to my eyes and I can't imagine who the audience is that would buy it.

While as others mentioned most launch skins are pretty mediocre, Gnar, Taliyah, Jhin, and Kled all had very acceptable launch skins. At worst, you'd call them a bit boring, but certainly not an eyesore. And Ivern's launch skin was -godtier-.

This Camille skin tho? I mean...look at it.




the scoreboard autosort is a cool addition to the game but i thought it had some algorithm or something, why did this take like 2 years when it was this dumb

also i just got adc three times in a row


I have to disagree, honestly.

I find the in-game model to be absolutely hideous. Something about the color palette and the way the hips are attached to the torso. It's just amazing in its awfulness. It's acutely bad to my eyes and I can't imagine who the audience is that would buy it.

While as others mentioned most launch skins are pretty mediocre, Gnar, Taliyah, Jhin, and Kled all had very acceptable launch skins. At worst, you'd call them a bit boring, but certainly not an eyesore. And Ivern's launch skin was -godtier-.

This Camille skin tho? I mean...look at it.


yea it's ok if u don't like it, i don't find it near as bad as taliyah's but to each their own

Can Camille jungle?
she cannot



4 times adc in a row, fortunately this last game person got autofilled into mid and traded me lol

so far lost with varus, tristana and corki

bought jhin, might as well buy a real adc if matchmaking is gonna be so sucky

at least i got someone banned for calling everyone retards. that's always nice, that feeling that the banning system works really well and that no matter how much they threaten you, if you're normal you'll never get banned


wow camille is something else

hard to believe riot keeps releasing champions this shitty to play against

there's absolutely no fun in playing against a champion that has 100% of control over the lane. it's what's annoying about yasuo, kalista, fiora, lucian, all these assholes no one likes playing against

tho it's not THAT surprising considering the direction they pushed katarina towards (and leblanc to an extent)
wow camille is something else

hard to believe riot keeps releasing champions this shitty to play against

there's absolutely no fun in playing against a champion that has 100% of control over the lane. it's what's annoying about yasuo, kalista, fiora, lucian, all these assholes no one likes playing against

tho it's not THAT surprising considering the direction they pushed katarina towards (and leblanc to an extent)

she really is pretty abusive. that shield and that second q...whewlad .

who trades well against her? I'm pretty sure all of my regular tops get dumpstered by her. (Garen, Jayce, Gnar, Darius, Annie).


no idea, i was playing mid and had the unfortunate situation of being out of ghost and flash at lvl 1

but yea this champion is a nightmare, i'm really disappointed that riot made another azir/lucian/fiora/whatever
Bah, got placed in Bronze II even after being Silver IV and got 7 victories straight on my placements, I dont think I have the patience to climb to silver again compared to my friend who lost 4 and got placed Silver V (he was silver IV like me)


i found the ult to be the least of her problems

most of all it's the dash, that shit feels like it has like a 1k range or something? and it has a really dumb stun that she can follow up with a massive slow and damage and the shield is really strong in a 1v1 thing
its the amount of chase she has access to and her eventual escape(especially in the jungle)

not to mention the MS steroids she gets from Q. Build a triforce on her and she's fucking dangerous

She can probably be built tank after that and still be as strong
she really is pretty abusive. that shield and that second q...whewlad .

who trades well against her? I'm pretty sure all of my regular tops get dumpstered by her. (Garen, Jayce, Gnar, Darius, Annie).
Fiora and Jayce should shit on her. If you can CC her while her second Q is winding up then her damage disappears.


I don't really agree at all I think you're more likely to get quality games in ranked so if you're a bronze player you may as well play with even teams. If you play a ton of games and you legitimately cannot get out then that's probably where you belong. Solo games may be complete fiestas but at least you are more likely to be in a competitive environment

Are release skins ever any good? There's dino Gnar which is amazing but I think that was the exception

Mecha Kha'zix was great.


i had to dodge my 10th placement game earlier because we had a support who locked mid and a camille jungle. it didn't count as a loss. since when?


i had to dodge my 10th placement game earlier because we had a support who locked mid and a camille jungle. it didn't count as a loss. since when?

Dodges in placements don't count as a loss since at least a year ago. You might get punished by getting a bit worse mmr or something but it's not a big deal if it's a troll game.


Camille gets countered really hard by Poppy, just W her E and you can use your ult to knock her out of her ult. Fiora is really good aswell, maybe Darius

I find her release skin pretty cool, mostly because its really creepy
Fiora shits on her, Jayce does really well, Poppy does really well, Renekton does really well. Jax probably does really well considering dodge.

idk, I played her and played against her and while he's strong in lane and at picking off targets, she's borderline useless in any sort of a teamfight. I dominated my lane in a game yesterday but the enemy Braum cockblocked me so hard in fights.

She's meant to fuck people up 1 v 1, but sucks when ganged up on. People just suck at playing against her right now.
Fiora shits on her, Jayce does really well, Poppy does really well, Renekton does really well. Jax probably does really well considering dodge.

that's nice but I only play one of those. I imagine Jayce is cool with a lead. Otherwise that shield is too much to cut through. his combo won't be nearly enough damage when she can heal herself along the way.

we'll see. I haven't played the matchup yet.


Poppy is so fun to play as. She has three situational but game changing abilities. I love her rework. She has replaced Shen for me.
that's nice but I only play one of those. I imagine Jayce is cool with a lead. Otherwise that shield is too much to cut through. his combo won't be nearly enough damage when she can heal herself along the way.

we'll see. I haven't played the matchup yet.

trade around it. It's on a 20 second cooldown at early levels so you should be able to bait it out and trade back, or trade while it's on cooldown. She can also only heal for at most 10% of her max health if she hits you with the outer section of the W which Jayce should be able to avoid by Qing in or spacing with your range.

It's also only a physical shield against Jayce so your hammer E and W won't be affected by it.
trade around it. It's on a 20 second cooldown at early levels so you should be able to bait it out and trade back, or trade while it's on cooldown. She can also only heal for at most 10% of her max health if she hits you with the outer section of the W which Jayce should be able to avoid by Qing in or spacing with your range.

It's also only a physical shield against Jayce so your hammer E and W won't be affected by it.

roger that. I look forward to trying it out.



Wanna hook a brotha up with some blue essence tho? I got 7 hungry for Mastery 6 and one looking for Mastery 7.

Would give me a nice, round 10 champs at Mastery 6 and 3 at Mastery 7. I can only imagine how many would be at 7 right now if I could have leveled them to 6 months and months ago when they got to 6. :(
that's nice but I only play one of those. I imagine Jayce is cool with a lead. Otherwise that shield is too much to cut through. his combo won't be nearly enough damage when she can heal herself along the way.

we'll see. I haven't played the matchup yet.
Shield is brief and the only way she's getting it vs you without blowing her E is if you get the jump on her. She has no answer to your poke besides all-inning and for that you have your hammer E.
Gotcha. Yea, I need to try a lane against her.

the thing to keep in mind is that she'll clap you in extended trades, but Jayce should be able to out-trade her in short bursts. Just don't get baited into a more drawn out fight where she can ramp up Fervor and Battle Trance, and potentially get 2 Q rotations and maybe 2 E rotations if it's being maxed second (which it should be)

it's the same with Renekton. Build up your fury and Dash - stun - Q - leave. You win the trade, especially if you stun her before she gets her basic attack off, and you should win in ult vs ult scenarios thanks to your constant Fury generation.

Renekton is really good now btw
roger that. thanks for the insight, guys!

edit: question about hextech crafting. I have some skins that I already own that I think can help me do some masteries, but I don't understand how to use them. For example, I have an Officer Caitlyn skin shard and I have a Caitlyn that can use a permanent skin to unlock the next mastery. But because I own the skin already, it appears that I can't upgrade the skin shard to a permanent skin for the purposes of Mastery usage. Is that correct or am I doing something wrong?


roger that. thanks for the insight, guys!

edit: question about hextech crafting. I have some skins that I already own that I think can help me do some masteries, but I don't understand how to use them. For example, I have an Officer Caitlyn skin shard and I have a Caitlyn that can use a permanent skin to unlock the next mastery. But because I own the skin already, it appears that I can't upgrade the skin shard to a permanent skin for the purposes of Mastery usage. Is that correct or am I doing something wrong?

blue essence is for the masteries and acquired from champion shards. Orange essence on the other hand is from the skin shards.

Both are entirely exclusive to one another so you cannot get a champion/mastery from orange essence/skin shards or get a skin using blue essence/champion shards.
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