Yeah. Just saw on their Twitter. Good lord . . .apparently poodle corp hacked NA servers
Was in a game, started getting a 5 second delay on all actions, client crashed, can't login back.
I shouldn't be surprised at how terrible the infrastructure still is and yet, I am. Every time.
dobe don't lie
we both know you rage quit :^)
It'd be hard not to, after witnessing all those missed hooks (^:
pls no it was only joke
Losses will have to wait until tomorrow. At least it wasn't ranked (^:
Not even dota 2 can top twitch viewership just fucking tanks when NA servers are down
Not even dota 2 can top it.
Also... Street Fighter V is number 1!
Same. At 87 LP, ready to hit promos for S3. Guess I'll go watch that Game of Thrones finale while I wait.Annoying. I was planning on getting to my S3 promos tonight.
That Juri and Urien reveal tho.Time for bed, and servers are still down. Oh well, maybe tomorrow night, I guess.
At least CEO was pretty hype. Balrog!
He's just an extremely low skill requiring champion that is strong, so he seems much stronger than he actually is.Is the Bear stupid OP now or something?
Cause for some reason I see him banned damn near every game :/
Speak of. Voli in my game now as jungle on other team. I need this win to get to promos. Here goes...Is the Bear stupid OP now or something?
Cause for some reason I see him banned damn near every game :/
He's just an extremely low skill requiring champion that is strong, so he seems much stronger than he actually is.
Three things:and it still took you an hour to win that match?? your team must of been throwing
Three matches into my first night of playing in like 2 weeks and of course I get stuck with a "big dog, big nuts" Yasuo and a Nasus who gave up after he died two times in lane even though our team was ahead.
How viable is Jarvan jungle? His kit is so fun but i already got so many top lane champs unlocked
Aight sounds good. I dont really care about the meta tbh, aslong as i dont screw up the team comp ill pick whateverHe's typically a relatively easy and decent pick. It's not like Jarvan jungle is in meta right now, but he's ok.
I've never in all my years playing seen anything letting me know my report led to anything---and I report every time. If they truly have a system in place that only alerts a "few" of the people who report players then that is absolutely ridiculous and needs fixed. You don't want to dishearten your base from reporting if they feel it doesn't lead to anything. I keep reporting, but it honestly depresses me more than anything now-a-days. Efforts feel completely fruitless.
Three things:
- We had no jungler for some reason. I they were arguing in French (I think?) in chat and I had no clue what was going on.
- During the game, two team members went AFK at one time during the game. The enemy team got as close as our inhibitor because of that.
- Enemy team got a bit overzealous because they thought they had us and got aced on, twice.
what, premades gets the penalty too?
next game 3 yasuo mains in the same team:
It's ok though, our Rumble jungle carried the hell out of that game and the Yasuo mains weren't bad except that they tried to flame each other in chat and say that they are the best yasuo.
what, premades gets the penalty too?
In diamond, yes.
If you're diamond or above and your premade is the reason a game gets remade, you'll also lose LP. It's to prevent abuse of the system since it would affect higher elos more.
Pool Party,TaricandFioraup nextMiss Fortune
I dont think that means MF and fiora are getting skins
Unless they threw out the whole ensemble picture thing.