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League of Legends |OT12| No more Lyte, just darkness.


Dob and I hard at work on the new OT.


First game as Diana jungle in a while. Did fine with being able to gank and teammates were well coordinated for a solo Q. Tristana definitely carried but it was fine fighting their team overall.
Meh, I feel like Irelia is far easier to understand and doesn't feel nearly as bullshit.

I feel that she's less bs than the likes of Irelia, Jax and fiora by a good deal. Which is good seeing as she was made to join them in the ranks of "I can 1v1 most anyone after a certain point, come at me bro as I split push!" style of fighters. Gives hope for the Irelia rework imo.

I think it might be because I'm newer than many here to the game (only played for like a year now) but as I learned more about the game and the champs ... some design choices for older champs just come off as busted and I think that the fan base is just too use to playing against them to notice or care or to point it out.

At this point I think any champ designed to be like Jax/ Irelia/ Fiora or even Yas will be met with people calling BS ... cause the class of "duelist" is kinda bs to begin with. Same with a new Assassin champ.


Alright, guessing for the mystery skins is dun. I have the following people in a list with their picks. If I missed you let me know:

Fruity Insanity
Stone Ocean
Senor Ardilla
Peanbut Butter
St Kitsune

Gonna get shit sorted out and the skins sent out tomorrow.

I get what you are saying and the conclusion might be sound for the plat+ data you get from the analytics websites if your memory of the past is correct, but I think it is flawed to use plat+ data from sites like champion.gg and still argue that low elo is different from plat+. Plat+ data won't reflect how it actually works in low elo, after all.

Premise 1:
We could earlier agree that it works approximately the same this season and previous seasons for plat+, i.e. there are 3-4 top picks, rest of the junglers are kinda bad compared to them.

Premise 2:
You're saying that low elo has historically been different than plat+ in that there have been significantly more viable junglers than the few top picks.

However, if both of the above premises are true then you can't use plat+ data to prove that something has changed in low elo; either the picks and win rates are different (i.e. not really correlated) or they are somewhat correlated.

Like, are you sure what's happening is not just that higher elo tactics have trickled down? Usually low elo is a couple of weeks behind the current meta, from what I have understood.

Actually, thinking about it some more, during the last few patches of season 6 we did have kind of many junglers be viable actually, jungle was in kind of an all right spot. Preseason did skew this and it hasn't recovered yet. Early season 6 was the same in that there was only a few viable picks though, and if I remember correctly you enjoy jungle Ekko, who was ridiculously strong for a while in season 6.

Well, I disagree that I can't use champion.gg, etc. to draw conclusions in lower elo. Provided I keep in mind the proper adjustments such as keeping in mind that easier champions probably gain a few points in <gold, then I'm comfortable using that information. Every number on those sites is subject to interpretation - that's half the fun.

Regarding your premises, I do agree that 3-4 champions dominating the jungle is true in high elo, but I disagree that plat is high elo. Plat, to me, is mid-elo, and if it's not then I'd be inclined to lump it into low elo. Since plat players (and by extension plat level matches) are significantly more numerous, then champion.gg ,etc. isn't showing high elo win rates, it's showing you mid-elo with a slight bias towards higher elos.

And that's my concern: mid-elo is showing an imbalance in win rates whereas it used to be balanced, like any other role. Like you said, metas trickle down, and from my own experience it's already trickled down to low-elo. At this point it'd be nice if the data websites also gave information for <gold to confirm my suspicions, but I can only use tools I'm given.

I'm not saying that there aren't issues with the jungle, just that I think the issues have been the same for a long time.

I'm certainly open to the possibility than the S7 changes just accelerated an already on-going trend rather than be the primary cause of the "imbalance".

But regardless, my current stance is that if Riot is looking for a system-wide solution to jungle diversity (if they even care to do so at this point) they won't find it. At some point they'll have to get down and dirty and look at giving champions jungle specific buffs.

I'd also say that the relative ease with which a jungler can carry (in the true sense of carrying, having the most gold and xp) is mostly new. I certainly don't recall that in season 5, so I don't think all the current issues have been around for a long time.


What you call plat+ is just a matter of definition, so I'm not bothered if you want to call it mid/low or whatever. The important part is having a definition.

There's a lot of difference between plat and diamond games for sure. There's a lot of difference between silver and plat too, though.

I'm not sure if the difference in win rates (i.e. top third > 50% compared to top half > 50%) is true unless we can see the historical data too though.

I'd also say that the relative ease with which a jungler can carry (in the true sense of carrying, having the most gold and xp) is mostly new. I certainly don't recall that in season 5, so I don't think all the current issues have been around for a long time.

I think junglers have been the most influential role in solo queue for several years though, closely followed by mid lane. They are the only role that can win all lanes and also get fed, after all. The difference between getting a jungle main and not getting a jungle main on your team is massive.


I agree, but the problem is right now, jungle has too much experience. Junglers shouldn't be higher levels than solo lanes.


That too. Junglers get way too much exp right now. In the old times a jungler that did a good route and cleared well would keep up with their solo lanes, mid tier junglers would be a level behind and a jungler that got behind would be the same level as bot lane.

Keeping up with the solo lanes wasn't really the norm, they would often be slightly behind.
Jungle has been the most influential role in the game ever since S4, them having control over the game is nothing new.

What is new is that top and bot lane are now decided by the junglers, specially top.


Jungle used to be like, you can have more impact, but at the cost of gold and exp.

Now it's like, you can have more impact. No cost though.


One day I will learn to play Diana.

Maybe next season.


Just stay in lane and manage to be outfarmed by 30cs, get to lategame, grab a few free, undeserved kill(steals) and smash your face against the keyboard Akali style to faceroll the enemy team.

Cancer champions don't need to be learned to win games in soloQ.


Winrate or viability &#8211;especially in high elos&#8211; and toxicity are not correlated. Vi, Irelia, Yi, Akali, Diana, Fizz, Evelynn, Lux and such are pretty much irrelevant in the meta and they are and will always be cancer incarnate.

Then from time to time you have both cancerigenousness and viability like Syndra, Gangplank and Hecarim atm. And that's when you uninstall this game.


Winrate or viability –especially in high elos– and toxicity are not correlated. Vi, Irelia, Yi, Akali, Diana, Fizz, Evelynn, Lux and such are pretty much irrelevant in the meta and they are and will always be cancer incarnate.

Then from time to time you have both cancerigenousness and viability like Syndra, Gangplank and Hecarim atm. And that's when you uninstall this game.
Oh sweet summer child. You have nothing to complain about, you're not even an ADC main.
KockCake earned an S on Singed

KockCake : gg easy
PeanutsLTU : report singed
When you get a decent Singed main on your team and he absolutely drains the enemy team mentally and physically. He had me worried at the 4 Dark Seals he bought, but he knew what he was doing and more importantly, Ori, Darius and Rango in tears.
Yeah jungle ruined top lane. I used to be a teemo/nidalee too main. I lost interest in the lane from around season 4; teleport, mindless farming and pushing and jungle pretty much removed all the aspects I liked in top lane. Maybe it was better for the state of the game though.

Bot lane getting bodied by jungle this season is kinda... meh. I don't think it's satisfying for the rest of the map when jungle is so influential.

ded game in na

I find far more interesting the growth in latin america (lan, las, br).

I don't exactly remember if it was back in season 3 or season 4, but iirc one rioter said that lan had the biggest % of people playing ranked. Probably back in season 3 when the server just launched, because we had all champions unlocked in normals so it was a clownfiesta x9000.


I hace many questions again, I havebeen practicing thought.

What decides who is a good jungle or not? Sometimes I wanna play a certain champion but as soon as the selection starts everyone calls out their roles and the only one left is either support or jungle (maybe sometimes se ,but I still suck at it).

I thought I could use Aurelion as jg because he , IMO, is like a glass cannon Hecarim, mobility and all. I tried support Aurelion and ADC complained and sent me to mid and mid sent me to mid, and mid went to sup ( they were friends iirc, mind you it was while se were already playing) and I ended doing mid and ganking bot ( because bit complained i didn't help)

Then I tried Vel'Koz sup and ADC complained that "this is what I fucking get for accepting a AP sup" , this time I actually got an A I always get C when in mid.

Also how much do runes change my game? I cant afford many yet,so I got all for max magic penetration and I'm buying for CDR ,abusing that Vel'Koz R is awesome. But then when I use that setup on Aurelion I run out if mana,whats should I get for Aurelion?
Why can Yasuo's wind wall stop Sol's three quarterd of map charged Q, fucking hit box is bigger than the lane, is it because I hit the wall with the center of the Star? Or the wall stops any proyectiles as long as the hitbox touches the wall?

Another one, what makes Riot rework a champion? And hiw frequently do they rework a champion ? I don't wanna practice with one just to know they will change it a few months down the line.

Vel'Koz and Aurelion are my favorites. Gnar,Tham Kench and Caitlyn are what I'm currently trying to learn.

Waiting on that Dark Star Aurelion (it's just obvious,please Riot) and Star Guardian Aurelion (it makes sense that he gives powers to the Star Guardians and acts as their mentor,no?)

I'm on mobile, autocorrect may have changed some words , sorry :(


Something needs to be done with Illaweeee's ult.

There's just so much damage coming out of it. Maybe buff some other skills to compensate but you can still get destroyed by a 0/5 illa with her ult.


Illaoi gets stronger based on the number of people attacking her it's a really cool dynamic and one of the few interesting things about her from a gameplay perspective. It's not that hard to play around either. Changing it would be so lame


Something needs to be done with Illaweeee's ult.

There's just so much damage coming out of it. Maybe buff some other skills to compensate but you can still get destroyed by a 0/5 illa with her ult.

The problem with her ult is, people usually don't understand it, they see a nearly dead illaoi ult and instead of getting the fuck out of there, they stay and try to finish her, which is impossible because she now has an X number of tentacles lashing out everyone and healing her.

It seems OP only because people react to it the wrong way.


sealed with a kiss
what's not fine is each illa tentacle doing 1/3rd of your hp when she has 1.5 items zzzzzzzzzz
I hace many questions again, I havebeen practicing thought.

What decides who is a good jungle or not? Sometimes I wanna play a certain champion but as soon as the selection starts everyone calls out their roles and the only one left is either support or jungle (maybe sometimes se ,but I still suck at it).

I thought I could use Aurelion as jg because he , IMO, is like a glass cannon Hecarim, mobility and all. I tried support Aurelion and ADC complained and sent me to mid and mid sent me to mid, and mid went to sup ( they were friends iirc, mind you it was while se were already playing) and I ended doing mid and ganking bot ( because bit complained i didn't help)

Then I tried Vel'Koz sup and ADC complained that "this is what I fucking get for accepting a AP sup" , this time I actually got an A I always get C when in mid.

Also how much do runes change my game? I cant afford many yet,so I got all for max magic penetration and I'm buying for CDR ,abusing that Vel'Koz R is awesome. But then when I use that setup on Aurelion I run out if mana,whats should I get for Aurelion?
Why can Yasuo's wind wall stop Sol's three quarterd of map charged Q, fucking hit box is bigger than the lane, is it because I hit the wall with the center of the Star? Or the wall stops any proyectiles as long as the hitbox touches the wall?

Another one, what makes Riot rework a champion? And hiw frequently do they rework a champion ? I don't wanna practice with one just to know they will change it a few months down the line.

Vel'Koz and Aurelion are my favorites. Gnar,Tham Kench and Caitlyn are what I'm currently trying to learn.

Waiting on that Dark Star Aurelion (it's just obvious,please Riot) and Star Guardian Aurelion (it makes sense that he gives powers to the Star Guardians and acts as their mentor,no?)

I'm on mobile, autocorrect may have changed some words , sorry :(

Correct me if i'm wrong, but it sounds like you're pretty new to the game and still just playing blind pick. There's a lot of factors that go into what makes a good jungler - generally you want a mobile champion (A Sol's E has a long charge up and cooldown, so it's not that effective) who can clear fast, is strong early, and has good ganks. A Sol has slow clears without wasting all your mana, and is pretty easy to take down early - you could probably make him kind of work in an annoying sort of way but you'd be better off learning a strong jungle champ like hecarim or zac.

Runes vary based on the champ - a typical safe starter page would be armor seals, attack damage marks, magic resist glyphs, and then use AS/AD/AP quints depending on what your champ uses. As you get more ip/get more used to your champion's requirements and get more experience with the game, i'd start playing around with mpen, cooldown, AS runes. Mana problems are probably better handled with itemization and masteries - there's plenty of mana-based AP items, and there's a few masteries that will help with mana regeneration.

Yasuo's wind wall blocks all projectiles, but has a long cooldown, so you can play around it.

Right now riot is primarily reworking old champions who's kits are too outdated or stale to match with the current state of league - there is actually a page on their website that lists upcoming reworks - right now warwick and galio are next in line.
I hace many questions again, I havebeen practicing thought.

What decides who is a good jungle or not? Sometimes I wanna play a certain champion but as soon as the selection starts everyone calls out their roles and the only one left is either support or jungle (maybe sometimes se ,but I still suck at it).

I thought I could use Aurelion as jg because he , IMO, is like a glass cannon Hecarim, mobility and all. I tried support Aurelion and ADC complained and sent me to mid and mid sent me to mid, and mid went to sup ( they were friends iirc, mind you it was while se were already playing) and I ended doing mid and ganking bot ( because bit complained i didn't help)
Good Junglers have a combination of strong/fast clears and decent ganking power, whether it be CC, mobility or damage. A champion like ASol has one of the worst level 1 clears in the game and has no real benefits to sticking him inside the jungle as opposed to midlane.

Then I tried Vel'Koz sup and ADC complained that "this is what I fucking get for accepting a AP sup" , this time I actually got an A I always get C when in mid.
Only 2 AP supports that are good are Brand and Zyra due to their suicide bomb nature as opposed to Vel'Koz who has to channel his ultimate for a decent duration in order to be effective with it.

Also how much do runes change my game? I cant afford many yet,so I got all for max magic penetration and I'm buying for CDR ,abusing that Vel'Koz R is awesome. But then when I use that setup on Aurelion I run out if mana,whats should I get for Aurelion?
Why can Yasuo's wind wall stop Sol's three quarterd of map charged Q, fucking hit box is bigger than the lane, is it because I hit the wall with the center of the Star? Or the wall stops any proyectiles as long as the hitbox touches the wall?
You're running a bad rune setup. Get Scaling HP yellows, 6 Scaling CDR Blues, 3 MR Blues and 3 AP Quints. You get CDR from items and there's a cap of 40% CDR in this game. Yasuo's windwall will block all projectile hitboxes that touch any part of it.

Another one, what makes Riot rework a champion? And hiw frequently do they rework a champion ? I don't wanna practice with one just to know they will change it a few months down the line.
If they're old and shitty they're being reworked.
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