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League of Legends |OT12| No more Lyte, just darkness.


Real talk though, if you want rank up fast, just play Janna every game. Easily the strongest champion in the game atm.


Janna has always been pretty strong, but right now I would say she's definitely the strongest champion in the game.


at one time they were planning on doing something like that, they definitely had concepts/art of a card like game

No joke, they should make a League gacha mobile game.

Think of it. They already have great artists for the waifus and have dabbled in mobile. They have seasonal skins (aka characters), the gameplay could incorporate lanes and minions (ala Chain Chronicle).

It's all there.
No joke, they should make a League gacha mobile game.

Think of it. They already have great artists for the waifus and have dabbled in mobile. They have seasonal skins (aka characters), the gameplay could incorporate lanes and minions (ala Chain Chronicle).

It's all there.

I like to think that Riot still has dignity to do that.
ADCs needs some sort of passive on enemy champs dealing more damage per AA on the same champion target, so far ADC starting to become turrets killers and off assists champs

A League card game ala Hearthstone would do g a n g b u s t e r s

I dont think riot have enough material to run a card game
They definitely do have material and can create it.

If it's like hearthstone, make a multi-faction set up. Noxus, Demacia, Valoran, etc. Have generic cards on each-IE troop, faction-themed spells, and then the champions can serve the bulk of them.
They definitely don't have enough to do expansions. That is assuming that the base set would include a form of all heroes, and not just handpicked ones.


Edit: Not that I think this devalues the base point or anything, just there's more to it than 2 item vs 2.5 item PERFECT KITING etc. etc.

Given all the information we have, and if I had to guess what would happen at the outset of the duel without knowing what happens, my guess would be that the Poppy would smack the living shit out of the Draven. It's to the Draven's credit it was even close to begin with.

That the end outcome of the clip is Draven picking up two kills, Poppy picking up one, the tower is still up, 4-3 teamfight in favor of blue side that is 4 towers up and down 20-10 in kills. Bad yourself on the back Draven, that's a really good fight.

If Draven didn't chase for the 3rd kill (I think he chased? I don't have the clip open at the moment) then there's a good chance Lee doesn't get to him and it's a 3-3 fight. That'd be a win.

Any rate, health, armor, and magic resistance should work like health and mana regen do. Champions have base values and items increase those values by a percentage. My two cents.


Honestly, you guys who are okay watching that should queue up in solo q for ADC and maybe then you won't think having to auto someone over 40 times is fine.

The role should take skill. It shouldn't take 5x more skill than the other roles.
Honestly, you guys who are okay watching that should queue up in solo q for ADC and maybe then you won't think having to auto someone over 40 times is fine.

The role should take skill. It shouldn't take 5x more skill than the other roles.

Or die by a fully tank guy dealing more damage than you separating you from the group because you cant do nothing to kill him/her
See there needs to be a champion with a minigun who always attacks 4 times a second regardless of AS

and you can activate his passive which for the next 3 seconds(12 sec cooldown), each attack of his does 2% health true damage

and every time you autoattack an enemy champion whilst his passive is activated, the duration of this passive increases by .03 seconds

there we go, ultimate tank killer

port tychus over to league and all your tank worries will melt away


Honestly, you guys who are okay watching that should queue up in solo q for ADC and maybe then you won't think having to auto someone over 40 times is fine.

The role should take skill. It shouldn't take 5x more skill than the other roles.

I can think that both sides are not ok. I can think it's not ok for an ADC to need that many autos to kill tank while at the time having no issue with the end outcome because the Poppy should win that fight.

If this problem was easy to solve Riot would have gotten around to it years ago.


You don't realize that this isn't a fundamental issue with the game, it's something that recently become a problem. It all boils down to agency. ADC used to have a healthy amount of agency, but that isn't true anymore.

If you want to figure out where this disparity came from, look at the Ghostblade nerfs, look at the Fervor nerfs, look at the mastery buffs to tanks, look how powerful healing supports are due to redemption and finally look at how much access jungle has to resources now. Every role has been buffed, while ADC has been nerfed with zero compensation.

The biggest issue ADC has right now is the build path. BF Sword into Runaans is frankly a complete garbage build. You're literally spending so much gold into almost nothing.

Frankly, I don't even think ADC needs any buffs. New jungle needs to be gutted, Lee Sin needs some nerfs, Vi needs to be gutted, Hecarim needs to be nerfed.

A simple fix would just be to implement a new ADC item that gives you at least a little bit of space in the early game. I don't like BT because that leads to sustain wars.

Also, Ziggs and Annie both need to be gutted.


You don't realize that this isn't a fundamental issue with the game, it's something that recently become a problem. It all boils down to agency. ADC used to have a healthy amount of agency, but that isn't true anymore.

Let's not pretend that ADCs haven't been complaining about tanks, and assassins, and divers, and needing three items, and having not impact pre-25 mins, etc. for years .

It's reached a tipping point, but it's nothing new. Riot had to attempt (and fail at) a class rework because of this shit. The last three ADCs Riot made have utility to smooth out impact in the early game. Lots of the complaints have merit, but to say this is recent is nonsense.

To be honest, I really wouldn't mind them just getting rid of crit.

Come to the light, been here a long ass time.


I've begun to notice a huge difference in my win rates when playing blue side as opposed to red side over my last 20 games. Well beyond the expected split type of stuff.


It's funny, when I started league I was ADC main and it was a great role, then I switched to top and I noticed more and more of my team mate ADCs were doing horribly. So I got fed up and switched back to ADC main and it's first now I really notice how busted it is. Poor past team mates. :<
It's funny, when I started league I was ADC main and it was a great role, then I switched to top and I noticed more and more of my team mate ADCs were doing horribly. So I got fed up and switched back to ADC main and it's first now I really notice how busted it is. Poor past team mates. :<

Seeing qtpie spam Ziggs today was truly the darkest ADC timeline.
I've begun to notice a huge difference in my win rates when playing blue side as opposed to red side over my last 20 games. Well beyond the expected split type of stuff.

doesn't blue side have the higher winrate? The 50% stuff comes in that it's supposed to evenly put you on red/blue


doesn't blue side have the higher winrate? The 50% stuff comes in that it's supposed to evenly put you on red/blue

I think it had a higher winrate (like 53-47) historically, but not really anymore, as in it's closer than 51-49.

There were some stats on this a while ago.


There really should be some kind of compensation for playing a 4v5. It's just LP thrown away. And unlike Dota there's almost no way to win a 4v5 (especially if it's your jungler or top lane missing)

Real talk though, if you want rank up fast, just play Janna every game. Easily the strongest champion in the game atm.

I'm going to try this; I've tanked 6 tiers from Season 6 to 7 and ADC is just horrible to climb ladder with at the moment. Top lane doesn't really work out for me because my current main is in a bad position. :')


Support is in a weaker place than before because ADCs are weaker too. Moderately winning bot lane doesn't count for much right now; unless it's a complete stomp it won't matter since jungle and top is so influential.


There really should be some kind of compensation for playing a 4v5. It's just LP thrown away. And unlike Dota there's almost no way to win a 4v5 (especially if it's your jungler or top lane missing)

I'm going to try this; I've tanked 6 tiers from Season 6 to 7 and ADC is just horrible to climb ladder with at the moment. Top lane doesn't really work out for me because my current main is in a bad position. :')
Dropped 6 tiers? Were you in diamond by any chance? I dropped 6 tiers too, went from d4 to p5. Back in d5 as of today tho.
Support is in a weaker place than before because ADCs are weaker too. Moderately winning bot lane doesn't count for much right now; unless it's a complete stomp it won't matter since jungle and top is so influential.
That is true, but with Janna you're giving still giving your team like 3 HP bars. Top is influential but lane is pretty much decided by the jungler anyways.


As a support I hate picking Janna but there are countless situations were it greatly benefits my team when I pick her. Or I just have to take her to avoid certain lane combinations.

I could see a late game adc being helpf if supports were more feast or famine to carry the early game but you don't really influence much. Heck as good as I feel on brand I'm dependent on how the jungle pressure goes to carry my lane.


That is true, but with Janna you're giving still giving your team like 3 HP bars. Top is influential but lane is pretty much decided by the jungler anyways.
Sure, Janna/Karma are still really strong for team fights thanks to their shields. Even if they are more influential than adcs I think they have less impact than before since winning bot lane and thus making your adc get ahead doesn't really count for anything right now. Janna/Karma are just fine with not trying to win lane though.
Have you been playing ranked recently Leezard? Just wondering because you were asking about Ziggs yesterday.
Nah, been like two weeks since I played ranked. It's been a combination of real-life stuff and that bot lane feels kinda bad right now. I've barely played anything after placements.
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