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League of Legends |OT12| No more Lyte, just darkness.


You could probably play most mages bot and win lane. Ziggs just happens to not sacrifice objective control for that. I don't think you can say the same for Viktor
I think the first step for them to fix the ADC problem to get rid of cloak of agility.
And replace it with what? Or do you want to remove crit from IE to make it cheaper? Because I'm down
You could probably play most mages bot and win lane. Ziggs just happens to not sacrifice objective control for that. I don't think you can say the same for Viktor
Apparently Viktor bot just rushes Lich Bane
Viktor bot seems to be becoming a thing as well.

Honestly, this is one of the more exciting developments League has had in years. People just don't realize it yet. The ability for non-traditional lane selections to fill roles previously narrowly focused is a big deal. But again, how long this lasts will determine whether this was intentional or accidental (and subsequently corrected).

Standard ADCs need some of their power back, but the opportunity to see several new picks in the bottom lane would be huge for game diversity and ultimately, longevity.
I'm perfectly fine with mages being a thing bot, it would open up team comps immensely. Full AD team? Fuck Corki, get a mage, sounds awesome.

That said, ADC players have nowhere to go - ADCs, not ranged abominations like Graves - so give me tools to lane against that shit like you did for melee top laners.


I remember I played Swain bot back when it wasn't popular to play mages bot
When the swain reworks is revealed, no lane will be safe
E- swain will place a raven at a designated location and act as a ward that last for 90 seconds
Activate e again to teleport along with allies to the raven's position and gain 10% movement speed for 1 second



Swain rework will fully embrace his lore and he'll play the game like an rts. Controlling minion waves, buffing them, purchasing better towers etc.

Games will be 4v5 tho


There are a lot more characters that needs a re-work before Swain.

Speaking of which, since we all complaining about the state of ADC, I would love for another Marksman update. The first one, I thought, made good on their promises and Champs such Graves and Ashe seem to be really good.

Not gonna happen though.


There are a lot more characters that needs a re-work before Swain.

Speaking of which, since we all complaining about the state of ADC, I would love for another Marksman update. The first one, I thought, made good on their promises and Champs such Graves and Ashe seem to be really good.

Not gonna happen though.
Swain is top prioty after warwick
The other losers can wait another decade
Urgot can wait for another 2


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I'm perfectly fine with mages being a thing bot, it would open up team comps immensely.
It stops teams from being well rounded more than it opens up diversity because it leaves marksmen with nowhere to go. Mages are a little more relaxed with being interchangeable between solo lanes or having the chance to jungle already, but what else are you supposed to do with someone like Kalista, Lucian, or Draven? Mage in duo lane is not an interesting playstyle for trades at all either to be honest, and the number of mages that can fit into this role is actually very small.
It stops teams from being well rounded more than it opens up diversity because it leaves marksmen with nowhere to go. Mages are a little more relaxed with being interchangeable between solo lanes or having the chance to jungle already, but what else are you supposed to do with someone like Kalista, Lucian, or Draven? Mage in duo lane is not an interesting playstyle for trades at all either to be honest, and the number of mages that can fit into this role is actually very small.
Well yeah, without something like Spectral Cowl for ADCs it would be S3 top lane all over again.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Well yeah, without something like Spectral Cowl for ADCs it would be S3 top lane all over again.
ADCs don't need defensive tools for lane. It takes too long for them to scale and people aren't finding enough benefit to running them when mages inherently have more utility, and the marksmen often don't scale into anything that special.


Nah ADCs don't go defensive items. They just need to learn that no matter what they go, they're gonna get instakilled. Might as well accept that and just buy full damage so you can at least do some damage before you die.


Zilean is solid, Velkoz is a good counter to certain teams/lanes, janna is great if you want to snort that elo off ritos tits and you probably want to be proficient on at least one tanky playmaker.
There are many viable supports at healthy winrates.

I'm trying to limit myself to one of the three of Zilean, Bard, or Lulu. I already have Zyra, Nami, and Taric as my other picks. Nautilus too, I suppose, since I've played him so much through the years I have no issues playing him wherever and whenever.

I kinda feel like what I need to round the pool is a protective ranged support since I don't think that's a strength of Nami and definitely not a strength of Zyra, so Zilean and Lulu and are the most capable of the three. Zilean is strong, but can be a little boring. He has a few nuances and a pair of high impact abilities, but it's not a very dynamic kit. Lulu is more dynamic and enjoyable to play, but I don't think she a powerful teamfight tool like Zil's double-bomb stuns. Added bonus for Lulu, I have tons of her skins. Bard can't really keep a carry alive for shit, frankly, but he's just flat out fun to play and his kit is so damn dynamic.

Hmm, I think Zilean is the odd champ out, even though I've had the best results with him so far. I'm happier winning most of the time with champions I enjoy playing than winning more with champions I don't enjoy.


I'm trying to limit myself to one of the three of Zilean, Bard, or Lulu. I already have Zyra, Nami, and Taric as my other picks. Nautilus too, I suppose, since I've played him so much through the years I have no issues playing him wherever and whenever.

I kinda feel like what I need to round the pool is a protective ranged support since I don't think that's a strength of Nami and definitely not a strength of Zyra, so Zilean and Lulu and are the most capable of the three. Zilean is strong, but can be a little boring. He has a few nuances and a pair of high impact abilities, but it's not a very dynamic kit. Lulu is more dynamic and enjoyable to play, but I don't think she a powerful teamfight tool like Zil's double-bomb stuns. Added bonus for Lulu, I have tons of her skins. Bard can't really keep a carry alive for shit, frankly, but he's just flat out fun to play and his kit is so damn dynamic.

Hmm, I think Zilean is the odd champ out, even though I've had the best results with him so far. I'm happier winning most of the time with champions I enjoy playing than winning more with champions I don't enjoy.
Janna is great at that and doesn't require absolute perfect to achieve that like Nami. She is boring but I can often find fun in the q and r timings/prediction. Zilean will often end up with you as the main target for the team.
I feel like most of the "protective" champs are melee.
Edit: Morgana is always an option but idk if we will see her after spell their nerfs


ADCs would go top! Oh wait.... they would get rocked.

Can't go mid either because they can't survive burst or output enough burst to fight back against the enemy mid. Can't jungle because they don't have enough sustain or utility for that role.

This of course means they can only go bot where I think there's no reason to pick anything other than Ez and Cait in this meta. Because jungle is so strong, you're still gonna get camped and denied farm even if you don't die. Have fun down there, summoners!
He was also in a game vs Karma/Blitz bot and they destroyed his Ez/Malz lane.

damn i missed that one. what a time.


6 bans upfront. Eh. Not the best way I'd do it.

And having a different system for 10 bans introduced later for us schmos who aren't pro. I mean...if you're worried about match time, if someone is going into ranked, then they expect to lose 30-60 minutes of their time already.

Tsk tsk.

I do agree that 6 up front isn't the best, but it's okay for now. If there are complaints (I expect that there will be), they'll move to a 4 up front ban approach and basically be exactly like Dota 2 instead of just very similar.

I would prefer 4 instead of 6 to be sure. It would better ensure a higher likelihood that your favorite pick with a high ban rate gets through more often than (s)he does now. Given that this setup is only for LCS and they're still deciding the best format for regular players, we still might get the 4 up front style we want.


So, snake draft like dota just like we expected. How will it be different for solo q though? Will it be 10 bans upfront? Will you ever get to play yasuo again? LMAO
So, snake draft like dota just like we expected. How will it be different for solo q though? Will it be 10 bans upfront? Will you ever get to play yasuo again? LMAO

Well, it says they're still working on it.

I would like to expect the Dota approach of 4 up front rather than 6. 6 seems excessive and reduces match diversity significantly more than 4 does.

I'd rather see 4 up front and 6 middle bans before 6 up front and 4 middle bans.
Engineering the Warwick I mean the Nightmare
I do agree that 6 up front isn't the best, but it's okay for now. If there are complaints (I expect that there will be), they'll move to a 4 up front ban approach and basically be exactly like Dota 2 instead of just very similar.

I would prefer 4 instead of 6 to be sure. It would better ensure a higher likelihood that your favorite pick with a high ban rate gets through more often than (s)he does now.

Yeah. Having 6 upfront means that all 'op meta' characters will be banned immediately, and pros will have to move towards the secondary meta characters. Atleast with 4 it leaves wiggle room for both teams to get what they want, and make games interesting.

I also dislike the whole 'make it different and hold it off for regular players'. Like, why even talk about it if it's just for pro players, which doesn't affect 99% of the playerbase?(Unless they're conflating pro/ranked and talking about unranked). Like...you don't need to tell us until it affects us.

And they're worried about lobby times...like..if you're doing ranked, you're already committed to spending atleast 30 minutes. What's an extra minute or two to that?


Janna is great at that and doesn't require absolute perfect to achieve that like Nami. She is boring but I can often find fun in the q and r timings/prediction.

Janna's too reactionary for me.

I feel like most of the "protective" champs are melee.
Edit: Morgana is always an option but idk if we will see her after spell their nerfs

Which is why I have Taric. I just wanted to add some flexibility because there's times when my comp/bot laner benefits from a protective support but the opposing team's support hasn't been picked yet and I get matched up against a heavy poke support. I suppose if I wanted to be cheeky I could use my top and jungle Sion experience and learn how to play him because he can actually poke back, but for some reason I'd rather not.

Hmmm...picking up Karma again is an interesting suggestion. So I've gone from being unable to decide between Zil/Lulu/Bard to being unable to decide between Karma/Lulu/Bard. Thanks jerks.

I was going to start practicing a load of junglers because right now my pool is pretty narrow between Ivern and Nocturne, but I have a strong gut feeling that I'm going to love the new Warwick (Riot's track record on full champion updates is stellar, IMO) so I never bothered. Nice to see he's right around the corner.




How will I get these?
I do not care particularly about the Lucian skin (or the Corki), but that Sion AND Shyv...
If I start just buying chests/keys, I will end up with more desirable skins, so.... HELP


Holy crap. Just laned Kayle vs TF. Never played against him before. It felt like he could stun me every 2 seconds. He bullied me around a lot. Ended up getting carried by a quinn. =)

Gonna have to look him up.


How will I get these?
I do not care particularly about the Lucian skin (or the Corki), but that Sion AND Shyv...
If I start just buying chests/keys, I will end up with more desirable skins, so.... HELP

I'm on the same boat.

Just forget about them and keep playing the game the same as usual. Eventually you will get enough skin shards from chests/keys you got for free over the year to unlock them.

That's my plan at least.




How will I get these?
I do not care particularly about the Lucian skin (or the Corki), but that Sion AND Shyv...
If I start just buying chests/keys, I will end up with more desirable skins, so.... HELP

Feel ya.


Might just dust Janna and Yasuo since I have no plans to play them but otherwise just gnna keep them and wait for other skins to disenchant.


Feel ya.


Might just dust Janna and Yasuo since I have no plans to play them but otherwise just gnna keep them and wait for other skins to disenchant.

The Janna skin is nice but it's pay-to-lose in that her Q is much more noticeable for her opponents. I have it but I usually just go for Victorious Janna nowadays.

It's a good disenchant.
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