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League of Legends |OT12| No more Lyte, just darkness.


Tfw you hyped to play first game of the day then you get filled support

We want marksmen to be excellent choices bot lane. We’d like to see other classes there at least a bit, but don’t want to see them push marksman out or overshadow them at their core strengths. If they’re not really effective picks bot lane that’s something we’ll address quickly.

Instead of potentially nerfing champs who suddenly do well at not, why not make marksmen more viable in other lanes as well?
You have no idea how much seeing "potential Ashe buffs" triggers me

Maybe don't nerf multiple things about her kit except what was a problem and THEN nerf the problem and some extra stuff on top of it next time.
Instead of potentially nerfing champs who suddenly do well at not, why not make marksmen more viable in other lanes as well?
Because in order to do that then they need to be shit in 2v2 lanes.

You can't have both unless the champions are grossly overpowered.
how many games do you guys usually play on a Friday night?

I want to prioritise people for casting that haven't done it before or likely won't be playing. I've got Scy, Fallen, Kayos, Breezy and Type2 that have expressed interest.
Because in order to do that then they need to be shit in 2v2 lanes.

You can't have both unless the champions are grossly overpowered.

AD Ezreal has seen pro play mid and bot though.

For non 2v2s, I'm pretty sure Kindred was played a few times mid instead of her usual jungle. Graves went out of the jungle to play top a few times too.
AD Ezreal has seen pro play mid and bot though.

For non 2v2s, I'm pretty sure Kindred was played a few times mid instead of her usual jungle. Graves went out of the jungle to play top a few times too.
Ez and Corki work mid because they are super safe. Graves and Kindred fall under the "grossly overpowered" bit.



Meddler on junglers being too strong said:
Yep. XP is probably the biggest culprit at present, given how powerful an edge a level or two can be in a gank, both in terms of raw stats and access to an extra spell (ult's particularly). We're seeing some champions who when they jungle are consistently at least a level higher than they were prior to the jungle changes after the first few minutes of the game. That's a pretty significant increase in power that's going to come at the expense of other positions.

Mid and top influence on bot might also be too high, that's something we're looking at at present to. First step though's to address the jungle situation.

It would be nice if the bot lane parties slowed down so you could get some good 2v2 action.
How do we even stop that though, more TP nerfs? Weaker mid lane turrets so roaming is riskier?

I trust Riot to find a way but I certainly can't think of one.


thats what we need

a longer early game
Ideally each of the lanes should have a decent impact on the game, some games bot should have an impact on the map before top/mid gets to heavily impact bot.
How do we even stop that though, more TP nerfs? Weaker mid lane turrets so roaming is riskier?

I trust Riot to find a way but I certainly can't think of one.

Yeah, there's not really anything obvious. Increasing duo lane xp gain so solo laners won't be that much ahead might help, but that can open up tons of other balance issues.
Personally I'd really love for us to revisit the Rift Herald again. I think a lot can be gained by giving a jungler a meaningful reason to play around top side. Right now the two juicy targets in bot lane and the dragon make that side of the map too appealing.
Increasing shared XP wouldn't really do much for ADCs as much as it would do for new picks like mages, not sure that would be wise right now.

Oh, and I missed this bit:
Whether we’re offering the appropriate tools to kill really tanky champs as a marksmen, something that should generally be a strength relative to other classes.
What sort of changes we might need to make to the item system to reduce tanky champions from getting too much damage or some damaging champions from getting too tanky to deal with for their damage.
Get ready tanks

Get fucking ready


Increasing shared XP wouldn't really do much for ADCs as much as it would do for new picks like mages, not sure that would be wise right now.

Yeah, that's the balance issues that would happen. It could give us a stronger bot lane, but ADCs might get the short end of the stick.
Personally I'd really love for us to revisit the Rift Herald again. I think a lot can be gained by giving a jungler a meaningful reason to play around top side. Right now the two juicy targets in bot lane and the dragon make that side of the map too appealing.
I'd like to see it get crazy, and move the Rift Herald/Baron to Dragon's spot, and vice-versa. Then see what chaos ensues.

I was joking at first...but the more I think about it the more I like it.
We usually play 3 games on Friday.
5:30 EST, right?


How do we even stop that though, more TP nerfs? Weaker mid lane turrets so roaming is riskier?

I trust Riot to find a way but I certainly can't think of one.

I think summoner spells as whole have a significant amount of design space that is woefully unexplored and I've been questioning almost everything about how they are currently implemented. I think many of the game's issues could be mitigated by cracking that little nut wide open. Given that Riot loves to talk about adapting to games, changing item builds to suit circumstances, etc. (all of which I totally agree with) LoL has an awful lot of the stuff that is fixed in place before the loading screen even pops up.

Until Rift Herald gives a teamwide boost it'll always be way behind dragons in importance.

I love it when full tank Zac outdamages everyone else in the game. It's so much fun playing against an unkillable assassin with endless CC. xD

Unpopular opinion: I think Zac is a bigger problem in the jungle than Hecarim or Vi. I don't know how he's been allowed to totally outclass every other tank jungler in the game for months.
What would happen is that adc/supp would go top and the old top laners would go bot. The proximity to drake is the reason for where the duo lane is.
OKay...well that isn't as exciting as I'd hoped. But you're absolutely right. OK---new idea. Put dragon and baron in the same spot.
let's see

when did this season start? December 7th? that's...like 28 days into this season..he played an average of...16 games each day?


I guess he has no school or work
Jeez. I played 7 games last night and felt like it was a ridiculous amount.


What would happen is that adc/supp would go top and the old top laners would go bot. The proximity to drake is the reason for where the duo lane is.

Probably be a pain in the ass to implement but randomize the spawn locations of all drakes, Rift Herald, Baron, and Elder Dragon.

Fallout would be a fucking gongshow, but maybe a gongshow would be fun.
Really bummed to come back to this game and find my 2nd favorite champion, Aurelion Sol, has become junk. I thought he was a bit too strong when I was still playing 6 months ago, but lordy....they took him to the complete other end of the spectrum. I'll try a few more games in case I'm way off.


You guys realize we need people to play -_-.

I can play again on the good old free champs and 120 ping. No ganking me tho, that's unfair lul

I'll play some games on the account after the game I'm in so I can get some levels and hopefully enough to buy a champ or something.

ayo costy hit me up on the down low with one of those unlocked accounts for pros, won't tell no one


Oh shoot, normally I get off at 7 EST on Fridays but tomorrow will be 5 EST. Probably won't be back in time for game one but if someone drops for game 2 i'll be available. Is the plan for Costy's stream again?

I agree with the Zac sentiment earlier. The combination of his slingshot, CC, and survivablitiy from building tank + Courage is often too much to deal with.


Holy shit, Link signed on for team Liquid.

I didn't think the team could get worse, but somehow it did.

Top: Samson "Lourlo" Jackson
Jungle: Kim "Reignover" Yeu-jin
Mid: Greyson "Goldenglue" Gilmer
ADC: Chae "Piglet" Gwang-jin
Support: Matthew "Matt" Elento

Sub: Link


Holy shit, Link signed on for team Liquid.

I didn't think the team could get worse, but somehow it did.

Top: Samson "Lourlo" Jackson
Jungle: Kim "Reignover" Yeu-jin
Mid: Greyson "Goldenglue" Gilmer
ADC: Chae "Piglet" Gwang-jin
Support: Matthew "Matt" Elento

Sub: Link
Wait what?!?! Wasn't he finishing school still
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