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League of Legends |OT12| No more Lyte, just darkness.

Just had the strangest encounter with a Naut Support. Bitched at me for going 0/0/0 in lane as Poppy vs a Tryna when he and the ADC were 3/14, Mid Vel was 2/8 and Jg Yi was 1/7. As if he doesn't know the crock of shit that is Tryna's Bulshit Ult. Told me to try to CS more when I had the most on our team. Also says top got "destroyed" cause I didn't get a kill the few times I got him low and with zero help I couldn't out sustain his manaless crock of shit kit so he got a top tower one of the times I had to back.

Gotta stop playing this game solo. It's like a whole different game at B4 compared to even B1 or S5. Just got auto filled Support and had TOP YAS feed a Susan and our Zac Jg blindly dies alone cause he engaged thinking "I though the guy behind me was on our team". Also had a Riven top lose lane to a damn Galio ... who was building AP and MR ... and had CotC as his mastery o_O
These ranked games ... make me wanna vomit.

Fucking 5/21 Cait. Somehow doesn't know how to use her kit to get away from a Mundo I pushed outta lane. Legit see her just stand there attacking the tower as he TPs on it and doesn't move until he's slapping her with Qs. I'm the only one who buys Grievous wounds of course.

Guess I'll take my ass back to normals when not playing with someone I know. Guess I'll try getting into Fiora, she seems like complete bullshit but no one really cares to ban her and I wanna play a strong duelist other than Illaoi. Cause I hate first picking Illaoi outta far of a Kennen/ Jayce/ Kayle or some other cheese top ranged counter pick and if I'm first picking a tank like Sion I gotta hope they don't pick a Darius.


Man, the pendulum keeps on swinging... now I've been on a wild losing streak for the last couple days, where both my wins and losses bank on awful players (Warwick attempting a gank alone on a healthy botlane at level 3, Lee Sin tower diving alone attempting to catch backing laners at around level 4, Trynda constantly ulting before engaging with full HP and dying shortly afterwards, Yasuo vs Yasuo lanes where the one on our team would always be the one feeding and flaming, etcetera etcetera).

I also realized I totally suck at playing peel supports properly (I just don't get Janna at all), so I'd rather stick to my pool of Nami, Thresh, Naut, Karma, Zyra and Malph for the most part, with Morg, Blitz and Lulu as other possible picks that I don't actually favor as much as before.

The best game was one where I was forced top, picked Yorick, proceeded to get my ass handed over to me by a Xin (man, that guy sure strikes hard!), and still ended up winning the late game because Xin just couldn't be everywhere at once and my team constantly made smart plays while I also did the smart thing and just kept split-pushing open lanes with my Zz'rot and ult. That game sure was a wake-up call for me, since the two times I had gone Yorick top before I did okay, but then this good Xin player shows up and I'm unable to even farm properly. I now get the gist of Yorick's "spawn stuff and throw it at enemy laner with E" game plan, but he's kind of weird after lane phase's over since his Q isn't Nasus', ghoul farming forces you to have at least some set-up time in a static position to summon them (so pushing a lane prevents you from getting them), and his E requires prior Q farming or spending your ult to actually do anything besides being a minor annoyance. W is kind of funny since I find people falling prey to it way more often than they should, but that's most likely because they don't even know what the heck Yorick even does in the first place.


First ranked game in a while


time to see.


nice team comps


it's kind of funny that now people are playing whatever the hell they want bot and don't get flamed as hard as they would before. i like it


Someone just raged at me in a beginner bot game for not last hitting a bot that walked past me, apparently I have cancer and won't get out of bronze when I hit 30.



I think soloq has broken my for real this time. Random sources of frustration the last 24 hours:

- Top lane had to leave for his train after 20 minutes (Why did he even start a ranked?)
- Top lane didn't want to group with team 1 hour+ in to the game; we lost a 4v5 team fight and he went right in alone after.
- Heard in lobby: "dw i'll carry", player is 0-7 within the first 10 minutes.
- Right after game loads: "Sorry, but I have to AFK in 5 minute, got some stuff I have to do". Team tried to talk him in to AFK on the spot so we could remake, but he refused. Botlane was open; he was AFK for ~20 min and when he came back we only had 1 tower left (We actually surprisingly won this one, but it was still pretty frustrating).
- Jungler didn't like our midlaner's attitude. Proceeded to auto feed and sell all his items. This one was just sad because we were leading and he was actually pretty good.

Yeah, I don't have it in me to climb back to my old tier any more.


Saw my first ziggs ban last night since season 4 when he was op.

I think I've also figured out the best barometer in judging if a losing game is winnable. Say you're getting stomped hard early and it looks like gg, if by 25 minutes the enemy team hasn't exhibited any signs of throwing somehow (dumb cocky tower dive, fed enemy trying to 1v5 your team and failing miserably) then there's no point in trying after the first failed surrender vote anymore.

I've found the most likely time for the winning team to throw is right after 20 minutes when it's clear you as the losing team aren't surrendering, then the enemy feels like they're so ahead they can do whatever they want and still win. If the enemy never shows that behavior that early then they probably never will.
I got matched with a player on my team who straight up before the game loaded said he was going to feed.
He then proceeded to go 4/17 in our game, while talking trash to us and constantly pinging our champions.
He asked his enemy laner to roam and kill us since he wasn't going to do anything.

He said that he doesn't care if his account gets banned because he has multiple.
This is his match history, you can clearly see he plays only occasionally on that account and almost always feeds.

He only has one game in his entire match history where he has a positive kill/death ratio, while always playing a carry role (adc, top, jungle).
If any Riot employees post here, please can someone take a look at his account and any other accounts he may play on.


Do any Riot employees post here?

I got matched with a player on my team who straight up before the game loaded said he was going to feed.
He then proceeded to go 4/17 in our game, while talking trash to us and constantly pinging our champions.
He asked his enemy laner to roam and kill us since he wasn't going to do anything.

He said that he doesn't care if his account gets banned because he has multiple.
This is his match history, you can clearly see he plays only occasionally on that account and almost always feeds.

He only has one game in his entire match history where he has a positive kill/death ratio, while always playing a carry role (adc, top, jungle).
Just report the guy, he should be banned through the system.
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