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League of Legends |OT12| No more Lyte, just darkness.


Illumination (Passive) damage per level increased +10 from +8.
Light Binding (Q) damage lowered to 50/100/150/200/250 from 60/110/160/210/260

uhhh why did lux need nerfing?



really nice, i wish it was for someone cool like ahri
I think it was Ghostcrawler who recently talked about amount of bans, but he mentioned one of the 'cons' to giving each player a ban was that 'it would take too long'.

...It's like...that's a shitty excuse. I was just thinking about it~

Or they should relegate bans to the highest elo player on the team, and let them decide.


Thanks for the advice guys. I think I know what my problem is. I am not doing the basics of what Supp supposed to do and I am just warding everywhere, without thinking.

Yeah, I think I am gonna take a brea from this game for a while and then play couple of Normals to get back to how I was.


btw that sivir animu skin is on sale

imma buy it lol

i hope they keep it for a long while cos its value will lose a lot if they ever de-anime-fy it

I think it was Ghostcrawler who recently talked about amount of bans, but he mentioned one of the 'cons' to giving each player a ban was that 'it would take too long'.

...It's like...that's a shitty excuse. I was just thinking about it~
but his post actually address that being an excuse so i don't see the big deal?

he specifically talks about that being a con even with 3 bans and how they would deal with it

also he gives other reasons that are much better than the "it would take too long"

it's a really good post by him, idk why u focused on that only:
In my mind, here are the reasons to increase number of bans:

* Give each player on the team a choice
* Increase champion diversity by making it easier to shut down no-brainer or over-dominant picks
* Potentially make spectating (especially esports) champ select more interesting
* Maybe less motivation to use picks as an additional ban? I concede this one is iffy.

And here are the reasons not to increase bans:

* Champion select lasts long enough already
* If you just keep increasing bans, at some point it gets silly (30 bans?)
* Could shut down some very specialized comps (e.g. protect the Kog)
* Could shut down signature picks (e.g. Froggen Anivia, or just the one champ that you really like to main)

For champ select, it doesn't have to be the case that duration just keeps increasing, and it still feels a little long to me personally today. Maybe we should just shorten it.

For the slippery-ish slope argument that ban numbers could potentially get silly, we could also just not do that, and as I've said before, it doesn't have to be the case that ban numbers just increase forever. Maybe we go to 10 bans and that lasts for the next several years? (We also make new champions at a slower cadence than we used to, so "What do when you have 200 champs?" isn't a problem we'll need to tackle soon.)

The final two cons ("could shut down") is a little trickier, but could potentially be mitigated with some kind of snake draft so that all the bans don't happen at once. If you sense the enemy team is specifically trying to shut down your strategy, go ahead and lock in those champs you do need, or else pivot to a new strategy. I do think it would be unfortunate if pros and players alike just shifted to more generalist champions since they couldn't count on important team synergies.

It's not uncommon in game design to be dealing with competing goals (such as making champion select fairly quick but also making it interesting). You just have to decide if one goal is ultimately more important, or try to come up with a novel solution that can meet both.

I wish Riot would stop using this argument. It's not going to be a slippery slope - all we're asking for is that the last two members of each team have an option to ban someone they don't want to see in their game. The argument made on one of the podcasts was paraphrased as "Well, if we give them 4 more, pretty soon, there's gonna be 100" or something along those lines. It's purposefully over dramatic for the sake of the idea, I get it, but it remains to be a poor argument with the current roster and their kits. The counter-argument of "we wouldn't demand more bans if the champions were both balanced and healthy for the game" works here was well...just something to keep in mind. Ten is a good even number, and everyone gets to ban one champ - that's about as fair as you can make pick / ban.

I don't agree with you that "all we're asking for is the last two members of each team to have an option." I get that is what you are asking for, and as I said, that position makes a lot of sense to me. But frequently we get requests for more bans under the argument of "but look how many champions there are now." We don't think that ban numbers need to scale as a function of champion numbers. That doesn't mean that 6 (or 10 for that matter) is somehow a magic number, and obviously we are talking about changing it. Or put another way, if we do end up changing it to 10, I would not expect it to change from 10 for many more years, if ever.

I thought diversity by means of strategy and strategic banning was something Riot wanted?

Ultimately, yes. But there is some risk of driving players to just embrace generalist champions who play well in any comp rather than strategically trying to build a comp that is very reliant on getting certain picks. We like champs with strengths and weaknesses, and the weaknesses in particular encourage teams to build comps where someone's strength can offset your weakness. We want to reward strategic thinking like that. If it is too easy to kill certain comps by locking out a few champions, that would be a risk we'd want to avoid. I think this is a solvable problem, but I am offering it as an example of a negative consequence if we aren't smart with the design.

Shutting down one trick ponies...oh how awful. It's their fault for not knowing how to play more than two champions.

I agree that true mastery of the game should mean you can play more than one or two champions, or even roles. But there is also something exciting about a pro being able to play their signature champion - the one that some fans really want to see them play - without it being instabanned.

Or they should relegate bans to the highest elo player on the team, and let them decide.
that wouldn't make sense because all the ppl in one game are gonna have similar elo so you're basically giving all the power to the person that's just slightly above the rest

imo about bans:
- if they bump it, it doesn't have to be 10, it could be also 8, idk why ppl are immediately jumping to 10 like there's such a huge roster of impossible to play against champions. maybe do just 8 and see how it goes if it's needed? that may suck for the one person that doesn't ban but whatever
- bumping to 10 means you now need more champions to play ranked which directly hurts the ability of a lot of ppl to access ranked. that's not necessarily a bad thing but something that rito is definitely considering even if they're not saying it
- i think it would be interesting to switch to another style of banning like doto does rather than adding more bans. honestly even when there are op champions they're not impossible to play against and the most ridiculously op win only like 60% of their games. if the other team got swain or whatever it's not the end of the world, even if we all like to blame balance for that
- my biggest issue with bans all season has been that for whatever reason riot figured that the last 3 players should ban even there's no role fighting anymore. which means that now players 1 and 2 are forced to not only blindpick but also don't even get a ban to help them. they should move it to first three players. last two get the chance to counterpick which is huge. this never made any sense for me and i'm baffled they haven't fixed it yet
- and personally i don't find bans lacking, idk

It's kind of a buff past level 5 if you can get an auto off in your combo.
yeah at level 6 you get like a whopping 8 more dmg on your full combo lol

10 dmg is a lot for all of laning phase and it hurts her last hitting and waveclear and makes her laning even worse for no damn reason

like why bother changing her if it's gonna be a nerf


I honestly don't know why we don't have Dota 2's banning system. If you see the enemy team doesn't have any real hard engage after the first two rounds you can ban it and punish them. If you see they don't have a good safe mid laner you can punish them and ban it. If you see they're building a protect-the-ADC comp you can ban out those champions.
btw that sivir animu skin is on sale

imma buy it lol

i hope they keep it for a long while cos its value will lose a lot if they ever de-anime-fy it

but his post actually address that being an excuse so i don't see the big deal?

he specifically talks about that being a con even with 3 bans and how they would deal with it

also he gives other reasons that are much better than the "it would take too long"

it's a really good post by him, idk why u focused on that only:

that wouldn't make sense because all the ppl in one game are gonna have similar elo so you're basically giving all the power to the person that's just slightly above the rest

imo about bans:
- if they bump it, it doesn't have to be 10, it could be also 8, idk why ppl are immediately jumping to 10 like there's such a huge roster of impossible to play against champions. maybe do just 8 and see how it goes if it's needed? that may suck for the one person that doesn't ban but whatever
- bumping to 10 means you now need more champions to play ranked which directly hurts the ability of a lot of ppl to access ranked. that's not necessarily a bad thing but something that rito is definitely considering even if they're not saying it
- i think it would be interesting to switch to another style of banning like doto does rather than adding more bans. honestly even when there are op champions they're not impossible to play against and the most ridiculously op win only like 60% of their games. if the other team got swain or whatever it's not the end of the world, even if we all like to blame balance for that
- my biggest issue with bans all season has been that for whatever reason riot figured that the last 3 players should ban even there's no role fighting anymore. which means that now players 1 and 2 are forced to not only blindpick but also don't even get a ban to help them. they should move it to first three players. last two get the chance to counterpick which is huge. this never made any sense for me and i'm baffled they haven't fixed it yet
- and personally i don't find bans lacking, idk

yeah at level 6 you get like a whopping 8 more dmg on your full combo lol

10 dmg is a lot for all of laning phase and it hurts her last hitting and waveclear and makes her laning even worse for no damn reason

like why bother changing her if it's gonna be a nerf

The thing is his other points are a straw man. '30 bans?' It's like...no that's not what we're asking. Then he says 'it would get rid of signature picks/comps!' and it's like...well duh if you're a pro team, you should have more than 1 gimmick up your sleeve. And yeah, he knows there's no good defense for being against bans.

The issue with the meta though, is that it always feels like there's always 10 characters that are always picked. Whether it's Kindred(Despite her nerfs), Ekko, Zed, Fizz, the issue then isn't the amount of bans, but that there's a feeling that there isn't options in order to be competitive. They're rectifying this by slowly remaking older champions(At about a tune of 5 per year?) and new champions usually being overloaded in utility and/or powerful compared to older champions. Really, increasing the bans simply means 'Getting rid of the popular powerful picks', and that's fine with me. There should be a greater diversity to this game.

I honestly don't know why we don't have Dota 2's banning system. If you see the enemy team doesn't have any real hard engage after the first two rounds you can ban it and punish them. If you see they don't have a good safe mid laner you can punish them and ban it. If you see they're building a protect-the-ADC comp you can ban out those champions.

HoTS has a similar system. You start out with 1 ban from each side, then the team that did the first ban picks a hero, then the opposing team picks 2 heroes, then the other team picks 2(Thus it being 2 picks/3 picks), then they ban again(Being able to ban in the middle lets you weed out certain comps, IE protect the Illidan/Shut down the illidan comps for example), then they continue with picks.(HotS only has 4 bans because their roster isn't huge enough, and other then 1 character who's always insta-banned, the roster is diverse enough that any number of characters are viable).

League should definitely adopt a similar system. 1 ban from each side, then each side picks some heroes, then the next bans, and before the last picks you finish up the bans.

What this does, is it lets you communicate with your team on what you want(Thus adding that natural layer of communication), in seeing what characters they're picking and being able to say 'Ok we're going to ban Kogmaw because they seem to be going for a heavy frontline team'.

I dunno, it feels alot better being able to slowly do bans instead of being upfront about it. There is no strategy in being upfront about it.

Leagues Roster size is another issue, and it doesn't help that there's this lopsided issue where half the roster literally feels unviable. Like I said, they're working on it with reworks, but even some reworked champions(IE Heimerdinger) just feel useless.

that wouldn't make sense because all the ppl in one game are gonna have similar elo so you're basically giving all the power to the person that's just slightly above the rest

Having one person ban is usually better for Captain Drafts-people relegate their opinions on what they think the enemy is going to have, and then the captain bans that way. Like I mentioned, having a banning style that isn't all done upfront and relegated to one person encourages communication and reaction to the opposing teams picks.


eh, i'd like to see reasons why more bans would help

actually during worlds the pick variety was the biggest ever and that was actually thanks to there being LESS bans since morde and gp had like 98% banrate

since more things were out in the open it forced ppl to adapt and come up with new picks and whatever. there were more reasons why there was more champ variety but that definitely was a big one

not saying there should be less bans, but that i don't really see the point of there being more, specially since basically that'll make certain champions just 100% unplayable

like gj, we have 10 bans, now i'm never able to play leblanc ever again

if it were staggered bans maybe, but then you might be forcing the first picks to be super priority based which idk would have a great impact in the game?

and all of this and i don't really see a reason to need for more bans when rito releases a patch like every two weeks


More bans with the current system = whatever, not for or against.

Staggered bans with an increase to ten = good.

Just increasing the ban count doesn't do much. Just making six bans staggered doesn't do much. Ten bans over three rounds does a lot. Hell, even if it's just two rounds of bans. That would add some depth.
the pick variety being bigger than it ever was in worlds isn't really a good thing when the pick variety was never that good.

And yeah, bans over a couple rounds would be better than not, that is staggering the bans @_@ Even if it was just the 6 bans staggered over 2 rounds in between picking, would be good.
Giving 2 more bans to each team isn't going to harm anyone. All ten players get a chance to get rid of something they hate (Yasuo), or something they fear. If banning 4 more champions has an impact on what people pick, so what?
Maybe there should be more champion diversity first.

Pick diversity is definitely an issue. It's better than it ever was before, but despite that there's always 3-5 picks that seem to permeate more than others. When someone like Lucian is picked 30% of the time, or someone like Thresh is picked 26% of the time(source), then the issue isn't bans at all. The issue is in the champion balance.

No 1 champion, in a role that has 16 different picks to choose from, should dominate with a 30% pickrate.


Giving 2 more bans to each team isn't going to harm anyone. All ten players get a chance to get rid of something they hate (Yasuo), or something they fear. If banning 4 more champions has an impact on what people pick, so what?

why wouldn't you care about the impact that it may have on what ppl pick

i don't like more bans cos more bans = i never get to play leblanc ever again

until someone fix and presents a compelling argument of why more bans are actually needed i'm not convinced

Pick diversity is definitely an issue. It's better than it ever was before, but despite that there's always 3-5 picks that seem to permeate more than others. When someone like Lucian is picked 30% of the time, or someone like Thresh is picked 26% of the time(source), then the issue isn't bans at all. The issue is in the champion balance.

No 1 champion, in a role that has 16 different picks to choose from, should dominate with a 30% pickrate.
i mean, there's a mix

thresh is picked a lot cos he's a lot of fun. he's not too strong and other supports aren't too weak, it's not a balance issue, it's that he's just really popular. that's not bad.

lucian is picked a lot cos he's both op and a lot of fun. if he gets nerfed into not-op and he still gets picked a lot that's fine too


I doubt Riot would ever implement 5 bans (well I mean 10 bans total, 1 ban for each player). dota 2 and Smite have lots of bans but champs are free (Dota 2 all champs free, Smite has all Gods pack for $30)

I recall even HoTS just recently added bans too at some point. I just dont feel theres much financial incentive to add more bans when you get such good income from new champs.

* My reasoning is that 'bans' is something that discourages players from impulse buying a new champ. Why buy a new hot champ that has super high chance for a ban



that skin looks great. too bad I already bought a project skin for her.

plus to be honest I just dont play the game much at all so not much incentive to spend money. But that skin looks great!!! Good job Riot
More bans would just dumb down draft. If you can ban 5 champions there would be many champions with close to 100% ban rate because there would be no reason not to ban them. You could ban out a player from a champion and still have enough bans to shut down other strategies with no drawbacks, it would be the very definition of having your cake and eating it too and that's stupid.

As said above, more bans in a different draft system could definitely work, but in the current system all it would do is homogenize high level play with little to no gain.


If a champion hits 100% ban rate then it needs a nerf anyways.

edit- there are special cases though like illaoi which was so annoying she got banned 100 or new champs people just dont want to deal with yet. Problem is current draft system would take too long. Would have to shorten ban times?


I think it was Ghostcrawler who recently talked about amount of bans, but he mentioned one of the 'cons' to giving each player a ban was that 'it would take too long'.

...It's like...that's a shitty excuse. I was just thinking about it~

Or they should relegate bans to the highest elo player on the team, and let them decide.

Come on bro~ surely you might have been Bronze once (even if it was so long ago you dont remember)

in gutter, no one really has high elo I dont think. We're just gonna ban based on our emotions most likely w/o even looking at our team comp and strategically thinking it through :(

I can only see this working with everyone getting a ban *


played a bit of new lulu

sadly i think i was wrong and riot gutted her

i'm very disappointed

well that's the rub

in League, being 'fun' to play usually means being 'strong'.
sorry but that's bullshit

most played champions are always the most fun/popular regardless of strength

look at those winrates (btw champions like ezreal have always had high pickrate regardless of his current strength)


man some of you guys are so old school. Yall must think I'm such a scrub. as always I defer to my higher elo (and more veteran gafs)

alright gonna log in and run a bot game. I just want to get some IP and get over 4800

Like a fellow gaf said a few pages back- theres so many really great champs at 4800

* I'm at 4600 right now. 200 IP away from bliss!!!!!!
sorry but that's bullshit

most played champions are always the most fun/popular regardless of strength

look at those winrates (btw champions like ezreal have always had high pickrate regardless of his current strength)

I mean

if we're looking at supports, that means that Sion is the best support ever because he has the highest winrate.

But that's if you blindly look at just the winrate. So lets take a look-

Sion. 54% winrate in support. Pick percentage-0.45%
Thresh. 48% winrate. Pick percentage-29.48%

The truth lies somewhere in the middle. If a champion is picked more, say 3 out of 10 games, then chances are there will be more matches involving them where they lose. Compared to someone like Sion, where there's less matches played to make a accurate statistic.

So taking your link, if you sort it by play percentage, the top 5 have incredibly high statistics at over 20% playrate for each, but caitlyn is the only one who barely cracks 50%, at a whopping 50.66%. The next 5 after that tops out at Vayne(High pick, below 50% winrate), and then goes below 20% pickrate for Blitz, Irelia, Jhin, and Braum(Capping out at 15% playrate.)

It makes sense that champions who nearly have twice the play percentage than those are going to be slightly below a 50% winrate. Again, if you look at just the winrates without taking into account the play %, then Sion is the best support objectively. You have to take both into consideration and be able to extrapolate the data from them.
I have no idea what just happened....We were losing. So much. So. Damn. Much. And our Vayne kept dying and arguing with her support. She would go bot by herself over and over and over and over. Had 11 deaths within 20 minutes and kept saying "oh well" after each time. And next thing I know 4 of us group to take the top tower. Then we take inner. Then we take inhib tower. Then inhib. Then nexus towers. Then nexus....all in one long push. We went from 5K in hold to 1.5 k above in the end, and we won. The enemy team must be dumbstruck because I know I am.
why wouldn't you care about the impact that it may have on what ppl pick

What I mean by I wouldn't care is that I don't see 4 extra bans as a bad thing since it opens up the possibility for 4 more OP/annoying champions to not be played therefore keeping things interesting. Just like it is now, not everyone values every champion the same, so there are times where some strong picks slip past the banning phase. The same thing would still likely occur if everyone had 1 ban. I just like the idea of giving more ppl choices.


I know its super low class to complain bout a bot match (coop vs ai) but man I must've pissed Riot so hard for not playing much lately cause I had two bots on my team. worse- our mid laner was a yasuo bot. He just fed the enemy Vlad bot all day.

and I was goofin' around experimenting with Fiora jungle. I watched our illegal-yasuo bot get bodied by Vlad bot.

Was a long bot match that went bout 20+ mins was awful lol


yea ok i wrote that pretty stupid

it's a middle ground like you say, there are many reasons why ppl pick their champions, strength is just one of them but the point stands, a champion being popular isn't necessarily bad (thresh/lee sin), the problem is them being op and that's just a thing that's separate to popularity

what riot has is what riot always had, a highly disruptive preseason that is balanced through the year. it'll be better in a few months, etc. (it already is a lot better than it was a couple months ago)

this year in particular balance has been kind of trash:
- guinsoo being like the worst shit ever
- league of blue trinkets
- keystones being 100% not worth the trouble of ruining the meta for like 4 months
- graves in every fucking lane
- soraka
- mage reworks being meh at best

they're turning it around but yeah, not surprising that middle of the year balance doesn't look super sharp

What I mean by I wouldn't care is that I don't see 4 extra bans as a bad thing since it opens up the possibility for 4 more OP/annoying champions to not be played therefore keeping things interesting. Just like it is now, not everyone values every champion the same, so there are times where some strong picks slip past the banning phase. The same thing would still likely occur if everyone had 1 ban. I just like the idea of giving more ppl choices.
i don't get this logic

how is less playable champions creating more champion choices?
how is less playable champions creating more champion choices?

When I said I like the idea of giving people more choices, I was referring to the setup of the game. As of now, 6 people act as gatekeepers by determining what makes it through. People without bans might pitch in and give out a name or two of ban-worthy picks, but it's not up to them. With each person getting their own ban, everyone has some sort of choice as to how the game will shape up.
Picked up Diana for the first time in months ... shat on Fizz in lane but couldn't kill him and could barely do anything like I use to so I had to go straight tower-taker-Diana. (Won by Baron Split Pushing bot as my team distracted him mid. Killed the Rango who tried to stop me and my team chased them all the way to their base after they realized meh team wouldn't let them recall)

It amazes me how NO ONE gives a flying fuck about Executioner's Calling/ Grievous Wounds. Top Fiora fed the Olaf and who now has a BoTRK, Their Jinx has a BT and they have a damn Raka. Told them (AD Top/ ADC/ AD assassin Jg ..) 3 times to get a damn EC yet no one did.

Was gonna do it myself until I realized only my AAs would apply it ... so I had to get the not-as-good AP Grievous Wounds item :/

Anytime I play Illaoi vs some lifesteal/ health gimmick I make sure to get this after I get a part of my first item.


When I said I like the idea of giving people more choices, I was referring to the setup of the game. As of now, 6 people act as gatekeepers by determining what makes it through. People without bans might pitch in and give out a name or two of ban-worthy picks, but it's not up to them. With each person getting their own ban, everyone has some sort of choice as to how the game will shape up.
except now leblanc players and zed players can never play their champions, same with yasuo, vayne, lee sin, rengar, etc. while i bet a lot of ppl would be overjoyed by this, it's not a great look for riot to sell champions that are literally unplayable

is there even a need for the game to have 10 bans?

it's not a magical thing that will simply make the game better

If more bans forces pros to dig deeper into the roster and we get more champ variety i'm all for it
say s tier is completely banned

for the champ variety you want to exist you need everyone but s tier being very well balanced. if not all you get is the same thing sans ten champions instead of six, instead of lucian every game it's tristana

also idk on what basis are ppl thinking that more bans = more new champions. why? how?
If more bans forces pros to dig deeper into the roster and we get more champ variety i'm all for it


I'm tired of seeing the same-ol-same-old champs in pro play.

And for us reg people it could be a great resource for them to see just how many unfun-to-play-against or broken champs they have. I will make damn sure to NEVER lane vs a Yas because I don't wanna deal with his manaless dashy dash wind walling bullshit if it's effective vs a champ I wanna play (I have only ever really won lane vs a Yas with Diana and maybe Trundle. No matter how the game ended, with most every other champ I lane vs him with it's a damn pain. Also it stops shit like YOUR team having a Yas who goes 4/12)

Some people laugh at how banned Zed is compared to his Win Rate. Like "Lol, people still think he's OP?!? :D" ... no, people don't like dealing with his safe-as-fuck assassin kite that allows him to safely farm if he can't bully you and get outta fuck ups with out a problem. Wonder if they plan to make the other assassins more like him given they're trying to change things up and give them more ways to be out played.


I honestly haven't watched any pro games since worlds last year but don't bans usually vary game to game? I think MSI may have been a really small group of playable champs but generally speaking don't you see different bans in a lot of games?

Anyway what I meant was, somebody probably already mentioned this i honestly haven't read the whole conversation, other games have reactionary bans meaning there is another ban phase in the middle of pick phase to try to let you ban out specific roles that the enemy team hasn't picked yet or ban against a comp you think they are going for. This generally forces you to pick a champ that still fulfills your goal but isn't a top tier pick. One of the problems, probably the main problem, in league in terms of professional champion variety is that so many champions do generally the same thing, so it just comes down to who does it best. Throw another couple of bans in the middle of pick phase and it could possibly force picks deeper down the tier list. I think a good system might be 4 bans, 6 picks, 4 bans, 4 picks or something like that.

Some people laugh at how banned Zed is compared to his Win Rate. Like "Lol, people still think he's OP?!? :D" ... no, people don't like dealing with his safe-as-fuck assassin kite that allows him to safely farm if he can't bully you and get outta fuck ups with out a problem. Wonder if they plan to make the other assassins more like him given they're trying to change things up and give them more ways to be out played.

This is such a pet peeve of mine. "I don't like to deal with him" has been used as an excuse to ban weak champs forever. Leblanc drawing bans with a 44% win rate forever tilted me

Like, I sure am glad I didn't have to deal with that zed now that irelia is 1v3ing us.
This is such a pet peeve of mine. "I don't like to deal with him" has been used as an excuse to ban weak champs forever. Leblanc drawing bans with a 44% win rate forever tilted me

Like, I sure am glad I didn't have to deal with that zed now that irelia is 1v3ing us.

I'm in B2 (boarding B3 if I eat another L I think )... in my shit elo I haven't seen an Irelia 1v anything. The people who play her in my elo seem to just do it cause they heard from the youtubes or saw from the Esports that she's op even if they don't know how to play her or what exactly makes her OP.

I believe banning out problem pick champs for being legit too strong is something that should take center stage at higher elos than mind. Just a decent bit of game knowledge can shut down a champ if the person using them doesn't understand them.

(That being said I also ban Swain when someone else bans Yas. I've actually stopped banning Zed cause Riot has made new problems I don't wanna deal with like Swain or Jax or Vlad. They're both strong AND annoying to deal with in lane for my fav champs ...)

I feel like bans change with knowledge and exp.
Like now ... because I've been playing soo much Illaoi I feel like I can fully stop banning Darius. Cause the Riot gods have sent me down a blessing known as "level 6 Illaoi" to combat this bull shit champ. I NEVER banned the Croc even though he would always beat my ass ... but now I have found someone who can smack his ass back.
When I said I like the idea of giving people more choices, I was referring to the setup of the game. As of now, 6 people act as gatekeepers by determining what makes it through. People without bans might pitch in and give out a name or two of ban-worthy picks, but it's not up to them. With each person getting their own ban, everyone has some sort of choice as to how the game will shape up.
Everyone already has a choice in how the game will shape up, that's why bans aren't given to first/second picks because they get pick advantage.

More bans will not make the game more interesting, it will make it more boring. Why try finding ways to deal with certain champions if you can always just ban them? Sure, this doesn't apply to every case - lolkindred - but with more bans it's a no brainer. People shouldn't have bans to waste on pet peeves with no risk of letting powerful stuff go through. On the same note, removing the ability to force certain bans so you can get certain picks because you can just ban everything would make some champions completely unplayable. It's really easy to go "lol fuck yasuo" until your favorite champion gets in the meta and you can never pick it for months.


sealed with a kiss
Stacking Crucible and Censer feels good on Sona.

Wow, I did not get my chest. This was 2 days ago:

And here's something I just took. Chest is still gray.

rito pls

did you already max out your chest allocations? the 4 per month bullshit or whatever?
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