NCR Redslayer
NeoGAF's Vegeta
We are filthy filthy casuals.Enjoy your pop figures
you animals
We are filthy filthy casuals.Enjoy your pop figures
you animals
Just faced an Ori with windspeakers and Athene's. Jesus fucking christ, its a new kind of cancer every time I play this game.
it's the original, compression's barely noticeable
ALMOST got my first penta last game with Illaoi vs Darius. Too bad the ADC got their Lee before I could :x
I'm contemplating making a new account to dedicate entirely to ADC. I'm curious if doing so would help me learn the ins-and-outs of the role, and tip-toe in better then playing normals at 30 and getting rocked by experienced people.I know they increased the leveling speed of new accounts but it still takes too long.
She went a long time being bad, why are you happy about her being nerfed? Because she'd be too easy due to the vector cast they should have done all along, and the lockout change?cool zenon post on taliyah 6.14 changes
TL;DR: we're switching the W to a vector cast*, removing the spell lockout before eruption, and nerfing the E to go along with those changes.
really pleased with the changes, and i agree she probably needs more nerfs
because i like when champions are balanced and i think there's concerning stuff about her balance and how her dmg is distributed that were kept in check with clunkiness and that's a terrible way to balance a championShe went a long time being bad, why are you happy about her being nerfed? Because she'd be too easy due to the vector cast they should have done all along, and the lockout change?![]()
Any ETA for the new client to be released in live servers?
Hey can anyone PM me a youtube link to CLG last game VOD? I think NRG?
I don't want to spoil myself >.<
For future reference
Spoiler free
well like, just a guessNice, I'm thinking about playing League again when new client launches.
Or earlier, if I really want this year's skin for Gold.
I'm contemplating making a new account to dedicate entirely to ADC. I'm curious if doing so would help me learn the ins-and-outs of the role, and tip-toe in better then playing normals at 30 and getting rocked by experienced people.
APM?Riot also considers stuff like APM when matchmaking smurfs.
Played Jinx for the first time tonight, I guess I've been missing out. Went 28/11/15 with a pentakill included. We still lost however.
Really like her kit though.
Actions per minuteAPM?
That thread is great. Loving others feeling the pain of Ranked.Overwatch ranked is so bad it makes me want to play League ranked again
Actions per minute
Every time you press a button, basically.That thread is great. Loving others feeling the pain of Ranked.
What is classed as an action?
Overwatch ranked is so bad it makes me want to play League ranked again
Leavers, the point system is stupid - if someone leaves everyone gets less points, even the undersized team if they win -, people that play a lot of support get way less points for some reason, and a whole number of other things.What makes it so bad? Heard a lot of good stuff about the game. Wanted to play it but I'm a filthy f2p pleb.
Leavers, the point system is stupid - if someone leaves everyone gets less points, even the undersized team if they win -, people that play a lot of support get way less points for some reason, and a whole number of other things.
Yep. The C9 team was playing placements as 6 and after 12 victories they were like rank 77 and their support 67.Wait what, you get less points (is that points for ranks?) by playing supports? That's... something.
Leavers, the point system is stupid - if someone leaves everyone gets less points, even the undersized team if they win -, people that play a lot of support get way less points for some reason, and a whole number of other things.