Had Lulu picked away form me twice now ;_;
Need that W+Ardent
Need that W+Ardent
the important thing is that these swimsuit skins are for all the wrong champions hmpf
pool party had a year off
they could've done one mage you know
like put beach balls on any of my champions
i only like ball champions anyways
League will never have pool party skins for women because they afraid of the backlash they'll get if they release a Bikini Skin. Notice how all the Pool Party characters are Males / Creatures / Yordles. The only exception is Leona, but they got around that by giving her a one piece that's thematic to her armor.
I'm confused. Are you not counting the pool party miss fortune and pool party fiora skins that are on the PBE right now? They're wearing bikini tops.
Waiting on Pool Party Ori though.
it's kind of a split buff cos the dmg nerf is pretty serious (30% less dmg? at least they could've made it minions only :T)Damn that lulu buff seems really good
is that for all elos or just diamond?Ranked teams is up in EUW.
well....League will never have pool party skins for women because they afraid of the backlash they'll get if they release a Bikini Skin. Notice how all the Pool Party characters are Males / Creatures / Yordles. The only exception is Leona, but they got around that by giving her a one piece that's thematic to her armor.
yip yip yipWaiting on Pool Party Ori though.
is that for all elos or just diamond?
He was nerfed lolWHAT THE FUCK
Volibear is already too annoying to play against as his dmg is insane for a tanky chap, now he is getting a buff?
Fuck this shit
He was nerfed lol
omg the compression on this thing is killing me
rito cmon
He was nerfed lol
Really, feels like a buff
definitelySomething I'd like to be added-
Audio Callouts
Like, when you ping dragon, your character should say(That your whole team can hear) 'Lets do dragon'. Heroes of the Storm has it and it's pretty nice. It saves time having to look at the map or the chat box to figure out what your teammate pinged. (Granted there would be a cooldown so your character doesn't spam it) but it would be a nice touch~
I can't even run league at 30 fps recently.
ftfyWelcome to dell.
I dunno if it's the summer heat, but I can't even run league at 30 fps recently.
I definitely need a new computer.
The Watchers need to have a Champion.
And then they can go "The Watchers have returned."
Look at them. They'd be awesome. And then have them be completely apathetic to being tossed off a cliff. "No biggie."
Nah I normally run on 30 FPS.30 fps
how can you live with yourself
30 fps
how can you live with yourself
volibear is pretty crazy to deal with. the garen of the jungle.
Add Vayne, they can control all lanes now in Bronze
Can't wait to hit Master + after I break free from this nonsense kappa.My games start off with me getting between 23 to 30 fps, but usually I hover around 18 to 25. There are times where I can get as low as 5 during teamfights. Every game is a gamble.
Can't wait to hit Diamond + after I break free from this nonsense.
Can't wait to hit Master + after I break free from this nonsense kappa.
I do about 120 fps per game.
I can do that but it doesn't matter that much when you only have 60 hz screen right?
Edit: I hit diamond playing at 18-25 fps. 8 ping tho.only internet cafe near my area and I didn't have a pc/laptop at the time.
Two weeks ago I dropped down to plat 5 and rose back to d5. Lets see if I can beat that record.woah newt really did drop down to Plat 4. ouch
Two weeks ago I dropped down to plat 5 and rose back to d5. Lets see if I can beat that record.
But seriously, it's really difficult to be playing sub 30 fps. Canada is being a shitty country and not giving me my -30 oC temperatures back.
You know what's worse than someone toxic on your team? People trying to argue with him. So dumb...