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League of Legends |OT12| No more Lyte, just darkness.



i should've at least finished a season of monogatari but whatevs

i understand enough of this picture to link it here

Well, I guess the question is where would you put it in her kit and not make it feel disgusting? Basically all of Riven's kit is on-demand vs Fiora being mostly windows (timered, ultimate). There's not a lot of room in Riven's kit to put that and keep it as being spammable and on-demand.
yeah i was thinking of this too just now, how difficult it would be to fit it in her kit cos everything is always up for riven

and i feel that if you replaced her ult execute with it it'd have a pretty negative effect on how she's played


granted it encompasses mages as well but...yeah, the mage tag could be nixed.
why not call adcs adcs lol

she's not damage agnostic because she wasn't designed to be so. She deals flat damage on all of her abilities. She's designed to kill squishies and other divers/juggernauts, not tanks. She has some defining qualities, mainly her mobility that separate her from other divers who have their own unique mechanics. Riven's not designed to fight your front line, she's designed to be very good at killing your back line. Fiora is not. Fiora, Yi and Yasuo are designed to fight whomever they can reach.

I don't what else to say. She's designed to not be a slayer, Fiora is designed to be a slayer. Am I misunderstanding your question? your question was why is it ok for Fiora to have the mechanic in question and not Riven, I answered that.
not really, you condescendingly gave a definition of what a slayer is, a definition that riven would fit almost perfect if you dedicated a second to partake of the tiny thinking exercise i gave you of "what if riven was damage agnostic and why isn't she"

now all you say is she's not damage agnostic cos she wasn't designed to, which isn't really engaging with my question in any way

maybe you don't find this shit worth your while and that's cool, you don't have to defend anything (i wasn't even "attacking" anything) but no need to be condescending about it and tell me "because they're two different champions?" like i'm an idiot. it's very frustrating and it's not the first time you've acted that way, and it's specially annoying this time that i wasn't even being negative or anything

look at scy's reply for an insightful and interesting reply that totally shut down the idea but put some more thought into why. i like to think out loud and make other people part of my thinking process because i know pretty much everyone is smarter than me, so it's cool if a question i ask gets a thoughtful reply that i can use to sort my thoughts together. you think i'm an idiot and not worth the time to think of what i have to say? just don't reply to me :I

You see, in my version of league, champs like yasuo would use mana as a resource. All champs in my game would use mana as a resource because it provides additional ways to tune them.

A certain ability does too much damage or is too powerful overall? Increase the mana cost or increase the cooldown or nerf the damage. Now you have 3 tuning levers instead of 2.
that probably means that in your version of league there's no yasuo

(now that i think about it that doesn't sound so bad lol)

i think resourceless champions allow designers to break some rules and create unique gameplay that wouldn't work for champions gated by mana

it's not always perfect but mana is far from a perfect system anyways, with it barely existing as a system after mages get one item (it's gotten better after they removed athenes from the game tho

sempai, then?

zky prefers onii-chan~

the ~ is very important
and gross


TIL easier = good. everything i knew about english was wrong guys.

you can keep making your hypothetical game all you want in your head but don't make a low-effort shitpost and then get offended when everyone calls you on it.

At least I explained my crazy version of the game to a certain degree.

Where is your solution?

Who's the real shitposter?

I'm gonna hack some tp scroll and force staff and smoke of deceit into league of legends and you're gonna have to deal with it. I have it all on a floppy disk at home and I'm gonna put it in my computer and it's gonna get into league somehow.

that probably means that in your version of league there's no yasuo

(now that i think about it that doesn't sound so bad lol)

i think resourceless champions allow designers to break some rules and create unique gameplay that wouldn't work for champions gated by mana

it's not always perfect but mana is far from a perfect system anyways, with it barely existing as a system after mages get one item (it's gotten better after they removed athenes from the game tho
Yeah, but you still can't spam endlessly once you get morellos though. There's still a resource management element to consider even after you buy it.


Nowhere in my post did I ever say that my ideas would be easy to implement. It's hard work. I would even go as far as to say that my overall idea towards changing the game is pretty outrageous considering the legacy it has. If I had all the exact numbers and the perfect balance for all the scalings, I would be making my own moba right now instead of talking to you.

I guess I'm not allowed to discuss it in general terms? I have to mathematically break down how I would redesign each kit in the game in order for you to be satisfied? Hold on, I'll get back to you on that. Gimme 10 years lmao.

I think you're focusing on the wrong parts, especially if you're sitting on raw math and "the legacy" of League? Like, League being what it is doesn't somehow make your idea better or worse so it's a weird point to bring up. I'm just saying that all you've really said so far is the vision you have in your head is totally balanced and then you misquote fundamentals on how this game functions as your jumping point makes it a weird disconnect to follow.

There's a lot of middle ground between high level concepts and actual implementation. Maybe you do have great ideas and maybe it does in fact work out very well, it's just that there's little detail in what has been said to follow along for the sake of discussion. Because, again, I do think the subject itself could be pretty cool.

yeah i was thinking of this too just now, how difficult it would be to fit it in her kit cos everything is always up for riven

and i feel that if you replaced her ult execute with it it'd have a pretty negative effect on how she's played

It's at that point we can start discussing it in terms of like class / archetype / wordchoicehere fantasy. Fiora makes sense to have this typeless damage as she's literally piercing your defenses in her attack while Riven has big flat damage by enhancing a giant slab of steel and hitting you with it.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Warwick Skin Review:
Top Tier: Tundra Hunter, Firefang, Hyena
Alright Tier: Feral, Marauder, Grey
No Mas: Big Bad, Urf


firefang splash is really great

It's at that point we can start discussing it in terms of like class / archetype / wordchoicehere fantasy. Fiora makes sense to have this typeless damage as she's literally piercing your defenses in her attack while Riven has big flat damage by enhancing a giant slab of steel and hitting you with it.
yeah, same with vayne and silver bolts being weapons that can kill even the strongest of monsters

i'm guessing these two things feed off each other rather than being a direct consequence

i guess an acceptable way of adding true dmg to riven could be to make her passive deal true dmg instead of that % bonus ad she gets. the ad makes more sense (she has a bigger sword so she has more "damage") but could work since her sword is also all green and magic and full of runic energy

btw i never dug too deep into riven's lore, does her sword have like super duper ryze type runes?


I think you're focusing on the wrong parts, especially if you're sitting on raw math and "the legacy" of League? Like, League being what it is doesn't somehow make your idea better or worse so it's a weird point to bring up. I'm just saying that all you've really said so far is the vision you have in your head is totally balanced and then you misquote fundamentals on how this game functions as your jumping point makes it a weird disconnect to follow.

There's a lot of middle ground between high level concepts and actual implementation. Maybe you do have great ideas and maybe it does in fact work out very well, it's just that there's little detail in what has been said to follow along for the sake of discussion. Because, again, I do think the subject itself could be pretty cool.

I never said that my ideas would be totally balanced, because that's impossible. I do think my general idea would be more balanced than what we currently have because in my opinion, this game needs a major overhaul to give people more options. This includes changes to items as well as kit adjustments for basically every champion to account for the item changes. The way resistances work in the game would also have to be adjusted. This is more like a major revamp better suited for a new game. This is not easy, which is why I don't have the exact numbers.


I think WW will definitely be a strong jungler. His Q to get behind you and fear you seems like very strong CC, and he seems to get a lot of free movement speed. Probably only viable as a tank I think though.

Lucian seems kinda meh, his winrate won't be 40% anymore, but he's still not anything special.



sealed with a kiss
I think WW will definitely be a strong jungler. His Q to get behind you and fear you seems like very strong CC, and he seems to get a lot of free movement speed. Probably only viable as a tank I think though.

Lucian seems kinda meh, his winrate won't be 40% anymore, but he's still not anything special.

but heartseeker back

so spammable


The draven buffs look pretty strong but he's gonna get dove just like any other immobile adc. At least he can E someone when they jump. I want him to be good cuz he's my favorite champ, but ADC in 2017 LUL.


Just finished screwing around with Warwick in a custom on the PBE. Some initial thoughts:

- Initial clear is average and I don't think he necessarily gets that much faster. Initial clear time is in line with Rek'Sai, for example, but where as Rek'Sai maxes his AoE ability first which let's him improve clear speed into the mid-game, Warwick doesn't have any AoE tool. On the flip side, he can take buffs, dragon, and small camps quickly.Players will drift to rushing Tiamat on him for additional clear speed early on.

- Healthy initial clear and healthy from there on out. Not particularly mana hungry, but spamming abilities even when unnecessary could be an issue.

- Pre-6 ganks are going to be good. Not great. Not bad. But good. His Q has a very short cast range despite what the indicator in the videos showed. It's an on-click ability and not a skill shot. The length of the indicator is also the maximum amount Warwick can dash if he chooses to appear behind the enemy. The actual cast range is about half. Seems like the cast range might even be something like 2x or 2.5x melee range.

- The kit is good and doesn't feel overloaded. Nothing really jumps at me as being unnecessary. I am however very worried about his current numbers. His E offers 60% damage reduction for 2.5s at max rank while the attack speed on his W goes up to 70%, or 210% against very low health targets. Those seem too high to me.

- I think Riot really aced "low skill floor, high skill ceiling" with Warwick. That's the gold standard for any kit as far as I'm concerned.

I think WW will definitely be a strong jungler. His Q to get behind you and fear you seems like very strong CC, and he seems to get a lot of free movement speed. Probably only viable as a tank I think though.

An on-hit build would be moderately strong, but I'm pretty sure his core build will be something like Bloodrazor-Titanic Hydra-Deadman's.


Just finished screwing around with Warwick in a custom on the PBE. Some initial thoughts:

- Initial clear is average and I don't think he necessarily gets that much faster. Initial clear time is in line with Rek'Sai, for example, but where as Rek'Sai maxes his AoE ability first which let's him improve clear speed into the mid-game, Warwick doesn't have any AoE tool. On the flip side, he can take buffs, dragon, and small camps quickly.Players will drift to rushing Tiamat on him for additional clear speed early on.

- Healthy initial clear and healthy from there on out. Not particularly mana hungry, but spamming abilities even when unnecessary could be an issue.

- Pre-6 ganks are going to be good. Not great. Not bad. But good. His Q has a very short cast range despite what the indicator in the videos showed. It's an on-click ability and not a skill shot. The length of the indicator is also the maximum amount Warwick can dash if he chooses to appear behind the enemy. The actual cast range is about half. Seems like the cast range might even be something like 2x or 2.5x melee range.

- The kit is good and doesn't feel overloaded. Nothing really jumps at me as being unnecessary. I am however very worried about his current numbers. His E offers 60% damage reduction for 2.5s at max rank while the attack speed on his W goes up to 70%, or 210% against very low health targets. Those seem too high to me.

- I think Riot really aced "low skill floor, high skill ceiling" with Warwick. That's the gold standard for any kit as far as I'm concerned.

I tried going with Q at level 1. Is E start better for the damage reduction on the first camp?
Today's my Friday, decided to just play only Fiora and Shen for the next two days. For some reason I can't find much out on how to play either of them so I've always been afraid to try.

As for new WW, he looks pretty cool. Gonna take him top when he's released ... IDGAF about what you say Riot, I will try every JG champ I like top til I declare them unfit to top.

Yup, one less fanbase to cry "Aboo boo boo! Poppy W shuts down my main's dashy dash, Poppy broken!".

That being staid I'm sure W stops WW's Q right?


I tried E start on the first camp and Q start seems better just for the early damage. His clear seems pretty good if you go red>wolves>blue and you can finish at about 3 minutes. Maybe you can see if your top laner went for a hard early trade and then you can press W to run at the other guy.

The ult range scaling is crazy though. I might run ghost instead of flash.
Well, that was a frustrating ranked loss. I chose that I want Mid or Jungle. Game puts me Jungle. Bans are over, but before the game starts someone dodges. I am immediately matched in another game and get -drum roll- top! What the shite? Thanks, Obama. I was rewarded for not dodging a game by being given a role I blow balls at.

Oh, and we lost. Shocker.



i think my favorite mids right now are:
1. leblanc - the higher skillfloor is a fun challenge after you get the hang of how she works, but she's pretty broken atm so i half enjoy it cos i get like 20+ kills every other game lol. i decided i'm only gonna play leblanc on my flex side since who cares :p
2. ryze - very unique to play and very rewarding if you get going. i just don't like ryze as much cos i can't blindpick him, but i love how fun he is to play
3. syndra - i blindpick her most of the time since she has few bad matchups and oneshotting adcs never gets old. she'll probably drop down in 7.1 since rito might've olaf'd her idk
4. cassi - my other blindpick that i go with whenever syndra is banned. she's kind of like ryze that she just goes off if you get accurate with the q's.
5. tied ori/taliyah - ori still has too many mana issues for me to be comfortable with playing her in this elo where it's fighting 24/7 but ori is still the best champion in the game. taliyah is tied with her cos she's my pick when i go against someone like syndra or something and i'm like "fuck it i'm not laning against you" so i just shove and roam constantly

i would love a good cassi and a good taliyah skin right about now

Good to know.

Edit: yo I'm dying at that Gundam fansub

i'm slowly getting good at twitter lol


I tried going with Q at level 1. Is E start better for the damage reduction on the first camp?

Nah. Q-W-E to start. You only need E to help out at Raptors otherwise nothing really hurts him. I suspect his early game sustain is going to get hit at some point.


PlAyed trist for the first time in about a year. Went 16/5.

Wasn't even that I was good. I got rekted in lane and my farm was still the lowest at the victory screen. I just started getting lucky kills and escaping thanks to her w and r. Best part was the enemy team talked a lot of shit because we sucked but watching them get quiet as we slowly started rekt was amazing. I made sure to bm with a "gg ez. Hands down my easiest match all day" knowing the match lasted about 45 mins

And that is why I play league. Not because the game is fun but because crushing someone's dreams is amazing
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