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League of Legends |OT12| No more Lyte, just darkness.



I was gonna say Cho but holy shit why is his win rate so garbage I played him the other day and he felt fine

His itemization has been hurt, badly. The change to RoA's passive back in the Mage update hurt him (old catalyst passive made him an immovable brick in lane) fas did the Rylais changes.

I agree that his win rates are way too low and he doesn't feel that bad. His numbers on items that aren't RoA or Rylai's are actually good. I wonder if it's just a case of players refusing to adapt their builds. I find there's a lot of champions that have similar issues. Nautilus jungle players for instance are still frequently building frozen heart or locket as their second item and/or third item (making the most common build cinderhulk-frozen heart-locket). That's like...season 2 shit. "His clear speed is bad". Well yeah, if you build only defensive stats on a champ whose damage doesn't scale with defensive stats you're going to have a bad time. I'm not going to argue that Naut is a top tier jungler, but he in no sensible world is he worse than Ahri or Annie jungle (which he statistically is right now because people play him like shit).

actually 10-16 is not that bad

i can turn this shit around

need a real top laner tho, sion is just garbo atm. i'm thinking maybe illaweepee

He's flatly not. Not only statistically strong, but he's one of the few tanks that can deal with with match-ups that give most of other melee tanks and bruisers fits.

I am thinking of picking up Illaoi though, along with other strong laners for top. Not sure if I should, since I'd have to sink in some IP whereas I already own the other champions I'm considering


i like it that i ask for top laners like once a month and i never end up picking anyone lol

i hate jayce, he makes me feel like all his abilities are in the wrong key or something

Just spam Poppy
but poopy is banned like every game

yorick is real good. Kled too. Renekton is likely borderline broken. some good hidden op champs in top lane ready to explode when poppy out of the picture
all of those champions are not my kind of thing


not my favorite but the FIGHT documentary is well shot and directed and all that, pretty good stuff

i just feel like nicolas winding refn is probably not the best style inspiration


it just made the whole thing look like jacky was gonna end up murdering someone

swain? fiora? irelia? maokai? nautilus?

you're running out of options lol
i had options when mages top weren't garbage


like this yasuo?

(we lost cos mf dc'd)


i feel like i may like yorick or illaweepee also cos i really dislike engage tanks

it's just not a strength of mine to be primary engager (i like being secondary at best like lissandra) and in general i hate when i play someone that deals no dmg

so yeah, maybe

he's cheaper than illapeepee so why not

tho i spent all my ip on champion emblems cos i wanted lvl 7 leblanc
i feel like i may like yorick or illaweepee also cos i really dislike engage tanks

it's just not a strength of mine to be primary engager (i like being secondary at best like lissandra) and in general i hate when i play someone that deals no dmg

so yeah, maybe

he's cheaper than illapeepee so why not

tho i spent all my ip on champion emblems cos i wanted lvl 7 leblanc
Yeah about that

Have you seen what kind of damage hypertanks do these days


yeah but it's only satisfying on like poppy who's got like satisfying abilities with very oomph-y animations

like dealing damage with nautilus is boring af

i just wish i could play top lulu again

how bad could top karma be now that i think about it
Zkylon y u ignore my teemo suggestion. It was serious T_T.

Is it because I'm just a koggy?

Seriously though, you beat most tops except like rumble. I go ap teemo rushing gunblade. Making life hell for the enemy top laner while wearing the demon teemo skin gives you such an awesome feeling.
i don't like teemo

i like champions that do stuff

He makes toplane hell. What more could you want?

does gunblade top lulu work? One wrecked my teams top Darius or something in a game b4 I left. (Left as in leaving home not that game hence my league absence lol)


Smacking people in the head with a shovel feels really good and you deal alot of dmg with just triforce.

Slapping people with illyvanilly feels great! Those few times when fools dont respect your dmg and you just e+ult and see them disappear in an explosion of tentacles are so satisfying.

Quinn is just really fun, her kit is simple but very satisfying to use and her roams are unmatched
Love how I do well in a shitty Azir top cheese lane vs my TK with zero Jg help but Bot was Auto filled soooo we get a shit luc who builds like a damn Jinx or Trist with fucking RH so theres that game.

Now I'm first pick top so fuck me I guess. Lets hope TK Top throws them.

Oh look, Kyle top ..


Smacking people in the head with a shovel feels really good and you deal alot of dmg with just triforce.

Slapping people with illyvanilly feels great! Those few times when fools dont respect your dmg and you just e+ult and see them disappear in an explosion of tentacles are so satisfying.

Quinn is just really fun, her kit is simple but very satisfying to use and her roams are unmatched

yeah actually i used to like sion a bunch because his spells are so satisfying to use, his q and w and ult all have a great punch to em and when the dmg is there it feels really rewarding to land

i should probably build a little bit more dmg on him, maybe rush like a sterak's gage or something, just so he feels more fun to play

sunfire cape is the most boring shit ever


i should probably build a little bit more dmg on him, maybe rush like a sterak's gage or something, just so he feels more fun to play
I always build Titanic on Sion, you can probably go with a dd aswell if you want even more dmg. Old Ghostblade were hilarious together with his passive but not as effective now obviously


I always build Titanic on Sion, you can probably go with a dd aswell if you want even more dmg. Old Ghostblade were hilarious together with his passive but not as effective now obviously
i used to go black cleaver into tank but that's got lethality now right?

i thought about titanic but i feel like sion is probably not the greatest titanic user


i used to go black cleaver into tank but that's got lethality now right?

i thought about titanic but i feel like sion is probably not the greatest titanic user
Cleaver could work i guess. I feel like Titanic improves his burst alot and he gets lots of HP with his w passive and items

You can go with IBG aswell
Love how I do well in a shitty Azir top cheese lane vs my TK with zero Jg help but Bot was Auto filled soooo we get a shit luc who builds like a damn Jinx or Trist with fucking RH so theres that game.

Now I'm first pick top so fuck me I guess. Lets hope TK Top throws them.

Oh look, Kyle top ..


Got a level 1 FB on her by catching her out in river. She ignored my DMG thinking that a melee champ couldn't plausibly have the balls to stand up to her BS ranged magic AAs.

Also I guess it's not easy to kite a melee champ with a fast ranged slow and CC of their own.


Illaoi is fucking insaneeeeee. Mana costs are low so I can spam Q in lane if needed, and people in silver don't know not to stand around tentacles, so they always try to gank me and I end up getting double kills.

Don't even get me started on team fights in baron/dragon pits. Those are a massacre
What's there to explain? It's just a skin

Skins recently cames in groups now so GP skin coming alone is just weird.

Illaoi is fucking insaneeeeee. Mana costs are low so I can spam Q in lane if needed, and people in silver don't know not to stand around tentacles, so they always try to gank me and I end up getting double kills.

Don't even get me started on team fights in baron/dragon pits. Those are a massacre

Unless there is a Lee or Garen, Top is a free lane for Illinois
Skins recently cames in groups now so GP skin coming alone is just weird.

Unless there is a Lee or Garen, Top is a free lane for Illinois

Garen's annoying af but not that bad when you hit your power spikes. (Riot needs to get that silence off his fucking Q, a point-and-click AA should NOT have the power of silence)

Lee is great to face if you just pay attention. Just stay in your nest and be ready to react to his kick. Unless you're talking about Lee Top. That shit is confusing and tilts tf outta me, he seems like he can 1v1 anyone in the first 1 to 2 levels if he's top...

Worst Illaoi match ups are ranged champs and kite heavy champs and some AA heavy champs that can hit you non-stop as you're trying to land your skills (fucking Jax). Played against a LB top twice as her ... I wanted to afk. Illaoi mains in the Illaoi club like to use Vel when the enemy top picks her. 2 of her skills root her making it easy to blow your load, you can attack through minions with everything but Q and your passive makes it so that building MR doesn't do much in stopping you. I remember winning a game vs a fed Susan with Vel when I was mid cause no matter how tanky he was I could kite and chunk him down late game ... with RCS but now that's nerfed.

Also TK is a good champ vs her in lane. Tanky and AA based with CC and he can eat you once you ult to stop that shit.

Also Poppy is good vs her. If only cause she has ways to disengage so you can't kill her. Her W stops your W so yeah, it can be tricky trying all in her.

Some Illaoi mains say Trundle is a counter ... I don't see it, I never had a problem with him when people actually played him cause I buy EC to cut his regen. But maybe I played vs shit Trundles.
Ok, I have 6360 IP now. Looking for a new champ to play.

For top I'm thinking of either ... Zac, Rek or Kled.

That or I might buy Ori to have something that's mid and kinda supporty?
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