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League of Legends |OT12| No more Lyte, just darkness.


Yep. The C9 team was playing placements as 6 and after 12 victories they were like rank 77 and their support 67.
That seems really strange.
The Overwatch system ranks you by performance in game, not just by wins and losses.

Is it really so? I was looking in the OW competitive games thread and people were complaining about performance not mattering. They could certainly be mistaken, but it seems a bit unclear.
That seems really strange.

Is it really so? I was looking in the OW competitive games thread and people were complaining about performance not mattering. They could certainly be mistaken, but it seems a bit unclear.

I don't believe this is correct.

It's definitely unclear, because I've heard both things consistently. Like you mentioned, a team playing together and one getting a lesser rank can only mean that his performance was held up against a higher standard.


Overwatch ranked is so bad it makes me want to play League ranked again

Actions per minute

That's why it was so funny seeing people be like Dynamic q sucks I'ma go play overwatch. Overwatch has the same queue system and your individual performance is arguably less important due to bigger teams and the fact that scaling and snowballing don't exist. I still enjoy it and still solo q as a support player which is a whole nother layer of hell, but switching from league to overwatch bc ranked is friendlier to solo players was one of the dumber things that reddit has come up with which is saying something


btw what did everyone rank on overwatch after placements?

i got 48

Overwatch ranked is so bad it makes me want to play League ranked again
yeah like

i played my placement games of overwatch

and didn't play overwatch again for two days and instead played a shit ton of league

it's so unbelievably bad and unfun

like half the draw about overwatch is that it's like a casual short thing that doesn't demand the same level of commitment that league does. in quickplay if i don't like my team i wait for the round to end and leave, but in ranked it's a bo5 so if i got the guy playing bastion every game on king of the hill i'm stuck with that idiot for 20 minutes, it's just the worst

also like the coin toss garbage on assault that's almost literally "whoops your team lost!"

it's a mess, was so nice to go back to good old league and see it being as awesome as it ever was

The Overwatch system ranks you by performance in game, not just by wins and losses.
it uses both, not just performance, but performance does matter more than winning or losing

Like how overwatch shows your actual mmr and not whatever the fuck lol has.

it's also interesting that overwatch explicitly shows premades while league doesn't. it's interesting to me cos it made matchmaking feel more fair, tho since it doesn't show premades on normals i felt really screwed when i was clearly matched against a 5 man premade when my team wasn't. like made me wonder how often that might happen and we're not told cos normals matchmaking is a lot looser?

it also makes me wonder why league doesn't do that, since the club thing is basically outing everyone in a premade anyways. i know it's opt-in but whatever, toxicity be damned, they're adding a "boosted" emblem to the game ffs, i would love to have some rito-side reinforcing that the matchmaking is being fair

That's why it was so funny seeing people be like Dynamic q sucks I'ma go play overwatch. Overwatch has the same queue system and your individual performance is arguably less important due to bigger teams and the fact that scaling and snowballing don't exist. I still enjoy it and still solo q as a support player which is a whole nother layer of hell, but switching from league to overwatch bc ranked is friendlier to solo players was one of the dumber things that reddit has come up with which is saying something
snowballing does exist in overwatch as well as momentum and they're arguably two of the most important macro elements since the whole game is basically chaining ults together (usually zarya+pharah) and brute forcing with mercy and lucio atm

and support in overwatch is like, i love lucio, but mercy can be like the fucking worst experience you can ever have in a videogame. no one covering ur butt from the reaper that casually emotes before shooting u in the head, everyone mashing that "need healing" button, ppl not grouping, reinhardt dashing into the abyss, it's so fucking bad

So his ultimate ISN'T channeled. It just stops if he get snared or loses control of movement~

Wonder if it's intended.
they've been doing a bunch of large mobility spells like that lately (taliyah ult, reksai ult, bard tunnel) so i'm guessing yeah?

that detail makes it so u can't use that ult to escape, which sounds fair


also what's funny about overwatch ranked players being all salty is that the previous system was like a not-very-competitive-always-going-up-feel-good kind of system that i would've loved for a game like overwatch that's mostly about being relaxed and shit

instead we get 20 minute slogs to go up or down 1 point at a time lol

i can almost feel the esports!

If i learned snything from dynamic is that the system doesn't fucking work.


newt play as much as you can today and tomorrow

on tuesday the horrible people return

I had this weird streak where in P2 I would win 5 in a row to get to plat 1

and then in plat 1 lose 5 in a row

repeat about 3 promotions

So I'm playing Heroes of the Storm. I'm diamond in that. And it's a good league reliever


btw what did everyone rank on overwatch after placements?

snowballing does exist in overwatch as well as momentum and they're arguably two of the most important macro elements since the whole game is basically chaining ults together (usually zarya+pharah) and brute forcing with mercy and lucio atm

and support in overwatch is like, i love lucio, but mercy can be like the fucking worst experience you can ever have in a videogame. no one covering ur butt from the reaper that casually emotes before shooting u in the head, everyone mashing that "need healing" button, ppl not grouping, reinhardt dashing into the abyss, it's so fucking bad

I placed 45 going 5-5 so I guess I didn't have good numbers. Got to 48 in a few games

I know it's still called snowballing in ow but I don't think of it in the same way as in league I guess. I always just thought of it referring to momentum which can be hard to stop but more referring to team than individual. I feel like in overwatch an organized team will significantly outclass skilled individuals and I never really felt that way about solo q in league

Yeah mercy is absolutely brutal sometimes especially when you get shit like front liners calling for healing and blaming you while they're balls deep in a 1v6 like no thanks bro that's all you.

I just want zenyatta to not suck
I placed 45 going 5-5 so I guess I didn't have good numbers. Got to 48 in a few games

I know it's still called snowballing in ow but I don't think of it in the same way as in league I guess. I always just thought of it referring to momentum which can be hard to stop but more referring to team than individual. I feel like in overwatch an organized team will significantly outclass skilled individuals and I never really felt that way about solo q in league

Yeah mercy is absolutely brutal sometimes especially when you get shit like front liners calling for healing and blaming you while they're balls deep in a 1v6 like no thanks bro that's all you.

I just want zenyatta to not suck

The biggest thing in OW that doesn't happen in League is that you'll get people going in one by one instead of waiting for their team. I suppose the momentum comes from the fact that you have people going one by one against a full team.

And Zenyatta is awesome. He's the support with the highest damage output who happens to heal~


I logged on to LoL hoping to see a good gamemode rotation. Unfortunately it's Hexakill <puke>

I am so pumped for that new gamemode Riot is testing or whatever on PBE. It sounds like it might be fun. read about it on surrender20 a few days ago

btw what did everyone rank on overwatch after placements?

I'm only playing ranked in Hearthstone these days (because its 1v1 and matches tend to be short). Every other game I only do casual now. I agree with you--- I am really shocked Overwatch ranked matches are so long.

That's why it was so funny seeing people be like Dynamic q sucks I'ma go play overwatch. Overwatch has the same queue system and your individual performance is arguably less important due to bigger teams and the fact that scaling and snowballing don't exist. I still enjoy it and still solo q as a support player which is a whole nother layer of hell, but switching from league to overwatch bc ranked is friendlier to solo players was one of the dumber things that reddit has come up with which is saying something

I disagree. I feel that a good player will shine and carry in OW. But these are totally different games. I'm just thinking people can carry in OW. Now not saying to the extent of LoL cause I'm nowhere near pro player or high elo in LoL


People can def carry hard in overwatch, just not as hard as in league as far as I can tell

That's all I meant was people were saying league sucks for solo players I'm gonna play overwatch instead which is hilarious

I'm playing tons of hearthstone lately too. I miss league I just haven't had the time.


Yeah on 2nd thought I guess I know what you mean-- one guy gets superfed and carries the team hard in LoL and he seems totally invincible. Yeah-- not quite the samething in Overwatch to that extent

Yeah I really do adore Hearthstone but it has its' own share of problems. but my neighbor has been spectating my ranked matches and has helped me climb

And yeah it was funny reading /r/overwatch on reddit where they were saying OW's queue was going to be better than LoLs. I was always confused since OW is also dynamic queue. But since OW supposely shows the MMR maybe it will be better? I havent touched ranked in OW....
OW also shows which teams are queued up together, and on both sides to boot. So it's easy to suss out who is grouped with who.

Which is something League to do. It shouldn't be a secret on who's queued up with who(Club names help, but really...it should just say 'Oh these people are queued up together!')

I imagine it's an anti-toxicity thing. Like, showing who's grouped together is 'toxic' to everyone. I feel that the MMR thing is the same thing too-They won't show your MMR because it'll be too 'toxic' or something.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
i only played a few overwatch comp games, but half of them ended in the dumbest coin flip tiebreakers i've seen in my life.


Everyone's rank is shown but afaik there is still hidden mmr.

Yeah on 2nd thought I guess I know what you mean-- one guy gets superfed and carries the team hard in LoL and he seems totally invincible. Yeah-- not quite the samething in Overwatch to that extent

Yeah I really do adore Hearthstone but it has its' own share of problems. but my neighbor has been spectating my ranked matches and has helped me climb

And yeah it was funny reading /r/overwatch on reddit where they were saying OW's queue was going to be better than LoLs. I was always confused since OW is also dynamic queue. But since OW supposely shows the MMR maybe it will be better? I havent touched ranked in OW....

My only complaint with hearthstone is the rng. It already stings when someone against the ropes top decks the card they need to get them back in the game but that's just a part of card games and you'll benefit from that kind of situation about as often as it'll hurt you. Stuff like the discover mechanic and summon random minion cards are really annoying to me though.


I don't understand why people want a feature showing who is playing grouped and all that. The only things I can think of are for people to talk shit about bad pre-mades and good pre-mades, which they do plenty of now if they figure out there's a pre-made.


I don't understand why people want a feature showing who is playing grouped and all that. The only things I can think of are for people to talk shit about bad pre-mades and good pre-mades, which they do plenty of now if they figure out there's a pre-made.

There's a reason Riot took that out of the API


Riot removed a shitload of things that didn't need removing

They removed other players pings in the loading screen

they removed ranks

I mean, they try so hard to coddle their players that it doesn't really work.
can't wait til they take swain out of the game... &#128545;


Riot removed a shitload of things that didn't need removing

They removed other players pings in the loading screen

they removed ranks

I mean, they try so hard to coddle their players that it doesn't really work.

Idk i can't count the number of times I've heard people talk shit on duo bots or whatever but can't really think of a positive use for knowing who on your team queued together
Idk i can't count the number of times I've heard people talk shit on duo bots or whatever but can't really think of a positive use for knowing who on your team queued together

It happens anyway. If someone is angry enough to bitch at your team, theyll find out if someones duo or not with or without Riot showing it.

However, knowing who is queued up, whether on our team or the enemy team is useful. If the enemy top mid and jungle is queued up, then you can expect your own top being pressured or getting 3 man gank, or a higher level of play/communication by the opposing top.

If you know who on your own team is queued up together, then you can play more conservatively to make up for the fact that theyre gonna work together more than with you, a random.

There are positives to knowing if an enemy is queued up together. It lets yoy adjust your style of play against a team that might have faster reaction/better communication than you and a rando in say, botlane. Likewise of a team is on your side-you can play more safely knowing you wont be getting ganks because theyre busy doing their own thing.

However, not showing this information isnt helping playwrs like Riot thinks it is. If someone is angry enough to complain about it in game, theyre gonna find out if your queued up with another person. If you have 4 members on youm harassing you, and they try the "go to all chat to get a mass report" strat, atleast its easy to suss out that theyre probably lying.

Theres more positives for knowing which enemies are grouped up together than negatives.
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