Why even post if you don't care?How do you guys find the energy to care about this stuff?
Why even post if you don't care?How do you guys find the energy to care about this stuff?
Uncommon when an enemy player is praising our comp instead of flaming his team.
for my future reference, are they any adc's other than a Draven with a lead that can 1v1 Vayne? assume equal farm. early/midgame
Back to D2. I'll be able to play more and hopefully climb some more now that I have vacation.
Uncommon when an enemy player is praising our comp instead of flaming his team.
Ranked in Hearthstone even easier. They have 'kill streaks'. So if you can chain together some wins they propel you into the next rank. I made it into top 50% last month. Also the seasons only 1 month long but that makes sense due to the way they hand out the rewards. I love it I guess.
In HoTS, I love how they show your skin for the hero you picked in the draft. LoL doesnt do that since you pick the skin 'after the fact' but I guess I wish they at least showed the default skin the player has selected
for my future reference, are they any adc's other than a Draven with a lead that can 1v1 Vayne? assume equal farm. early/midgame
I sent a Vayne running after she tried to fight me as Jinx.
(but I was Jinx top cause fuck you, they had Vlad and I wanted to play Jinx so I might have been a level or 2 ahead)
back in silver 2
not a newt level win streak, but still impressive. allwithin a day. 6 game win streak. a good leo ult <3
funny I got you confused with http://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=The Flow. I was like damn that guy is puttin' some serious work. 700 games this season
new client is also separate from the "play client" but i can't imagine them not adding the ability to preview skins in the futureIt's also because the game client is external from the in-game engine..client. Since HotS is just in-game when you launch the game, it's easier to show off the 3D models(Which look WAY better than Leagues in-game models, no contest there..) in the draft selection. I dunno if the new League client is 'in-game engine' like that, I imagine they could've done it there but...League is weird like that.
hmpfAlso Zkylon, theres a mage character in that game who got a beach volleyball skin, and for her ultimate she shoots a flurry of balls. It's pretty great~
Yeah, it can be a bit ridiculous when MF melts half the enemy team during her ult.Is it my imagination, or is the apen MF build just sort of broken if you have a couple of cc artists on your team and they don't have a Braum?
I was doing more than 4,000+ damage in an aoe at like 28 minutes by pressing R. That's not okay is it?
I just bought Miss Fortune today and I must say, she totally reinvigorated my lust to play ADC again. She is a ton of fun and is pretty easy to play too.
Is she popular in the current meta?
rework was really bad, malzahar is just a bad champion designplaying against a Malz today left a really bad taste in my mouth. I know I could have done more to win the game but I still hate that champ.
I made the mistake of selling my QSS when we took down all three of their inhibs, turns out that was a bad move because lol point and click suppression and cc immune :/
new client is also separate from the "play client" but i can't imagine them not adding the ability to preview skins in the future
even if they work off different engines rendering something in 3d is not really that hard lol
also i do wish rito bumped up the resolution on their models just a bit. i kind of want to see source filmmaker stuff ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
yeah his rework is really confusing, he pushes just as much as before but he's much less punisheable than beforeYou could see the rework was never gonna work the moment they kept his E pretty much intact. Point and click DoTs have no place in this game, even more so now that they can't be cleansed, it's probably the most obnoxious mechanic to deal with in the game because of how frustrating it is to get tagged by something you have no control over besides not being in range to eat it in the first place.
Add the spread + mana regen mechanic on top and you have the most non interactive spell in the game. Stuff like CC immunity and zerg rushing people while they get perma slowed from your DoT refreshing is just the icing on a shit cake, deciding to keep the E made the rework fail before it was even done.
personally i much prefer league's separate clients systemoh man darn
Yeah well maybe before buying a skin if you could preview it that would be cool
You could see the rework was never gonna work the moment they kept his E pretty much intact. Point and click DoTs have no place in this game, even more so now that they can't be cleansed, it's probably the most obnoxious mechanic to deal with in the game because of how frustrating it is to get tagged by something you have no control over besides not being in range to eat it in the first place.
Add the spread + mana regen mechanic on top and you have the most non interactive spell in the game. Stuff like CC immunity and zerg rushing people while they get perma slowed from your DoT refreshing is just the icing on a shit cake, deciding to keep the E made the rework fail before it was even done.
personally i much prefer league's separate clients system
we live in a world where ppl do multiple stuff at once and while i'm on queue or inviting friends or whatever i don't need the game to be fullscreen taking over my entire computer
i much rather the launcher client be a quiet little thing that's just there to get me into the game and that allows me to move my attention towards other shit like setting up the skype call or reading neogaf or whatever
but i all but guarantee they'll add a preview to skins
Dots can work. Its just that Malz has too much CC(silence and supression) for someone who can do ridiculous damage, which can be made even more ridiculous through Rylais. Not only that but his passive is pretty stupid. Malz isnt a bad champion, he just doesnt mesh with League in terms of his power.
Its like Ive mentioned before with Ryze...theyre good concepts but in the confines of League they are too radical to the current roster/state of the game.
Like...I know I bring up HotS alot, but bear with me. One of the most prevalent dot champions in that game is Kael'Thas. He has a dot called living bomb, that ticks a few times and then blows up on the enemy hero, and it can spread through other characters this way. However, unlike Malz he has a situational shield and only 1 CC, which is a skillshot. His shield needs to be completed through a quest in match, and its on a 60 second cooldown. His CC is a skillshot stun, it can be empowered to stun up to 3 people if they are hit.
Despite his power in damage, hes actually quite fragile. He can empower his Bomb to have a slight slow or for it to spread infinitely, but he would have to sacrifice survivability from blink or an explosion radius to do so. Because there are no items, he cant get a perma slow or be extremely bulky.
So why do I bring him up? Because Malz could hold his own in HotS with his kit. For what it offers, he could work there. His kit and KTs kit are similar enough in terms of raw power they offer. And thus presents the problem- in League, Malz becomes a bit broken. Its a combination of items empowering his kit to ridiculous levels(Rylais, mainly) and that there is no good counter that can shut him down from a distance. In HotS there are a plethora of characters that can shut someone like KT down or can match his power. In League, an average Malz can beat out a better player because of the kit offered.
Like...I enjoy the direction League is taking with these radical new kits. I really do. But I understand that right now, those kits are only on a miniscule portion of the roster. Thats the problem. Because of that, this miniscule portion of characters end up being the go to picks, the most popular bans, the strongest in their meta.
Ekko had, or should I say has, this problem because of his overloaded kit. Its why hes consistently been nerfed through the last few patches.
Its...its hard to balance this. I feel the gameplay designers want to do radical kits like Ryze, Ekko, or Malz, but theyre inhibited because they would be too strong in comparison to the rest of the roster. Theyre slowly taking passes on older champions, but with the ever evolving philosphies of their design choices, more champions are getting left in the dust than not.
My guess is Riot's marketing doesnt want to rock the boat. They must feel running the two clients allows them to run ads and there's a lot of infrastructure in the store
I usually run my games fullscreen-borderless so I can surf the web. Hearthstone, for example, runs that way at all times and I can still hit 60 in Overwatch running that way running at around mid settings or so
My main goal is to get into LoL's matches faster. It's by far the slowest of all my regular games. I don't know if it's the client or they're replicating a bunch of crazy stuff at map load. I load 100% fast (even on my non-SSD) but I have to wait so long on other people
lol what's marketing got to do with anything?My guess is Riot's marketing doesnt want to rock the boat. They must feel running the two clients allows them to run ads and there's a lot of infrastructure in the store
I usually run my games fullscreen-borderless so I can surf the web. Hearthstone, for example, runs that way at all times and I can still hit 60 in Overwatch running that way running at around mid settings or so
My main goal is to get into LoL's matches faster. It's by far the slowest of all my regular games. I don't know if it's the client or they're replicating a bunch of crazy stuff at map load. I load 100% fast (even on my non-SSD) but I have to wait so long on other people
Ez ult isn't a channel, it only has a long ass cast delay, nothing can interrupt it.Fiddle's Q doesn't interrupt Ez's ult it seems. Complete horseshit.
talking about ranked
I kinda prefer Hots version to it
For the promos in that game, you simply have to play one game to get promoted. If you lose, you lose points and you have to do 1-2 games before you're in 'promo' mode again. None of that 'Oh win 3 games out of 5 you filthy animal'.
That feeling when your entire team gets an S.
Should be an achievement or skin or something for that.
I really feel like too much of the game relies on whose bot lane gets ahead :/
Don't like feeling like I'm herding around fucking cats when the ADC sucks and now you have no good ranged AD dmg being pumped out.
So just played against a Vlad top, most unfun shit ive encountered in the game.
Also.. I unlocked Nasus from random champion shards, i dont know how anyone can play him willingly, such a boring kit