Well I honestly think that top and jungle are the ones who really decide who wins or loses most of the time. If somebody picks a really tanky top and manages to get far ahead to also get insane damage then in team fights you really can't win against them more often than not. A fed Nasus, Darius, Malphite, Maokai, Trundle, Garen, etc. will eradicate 2 or 3 people effortlessly and the same goes for a jungler like Xin or Rek Sai. A fed bot lane is still only about 3k HP total and unless you can kite like a pro you will get stomped to death by a 4k hp Maokai.
At least that is my experience, of course if you get a good Vayne who can outplay anyone then a fed bot lane will easily win you the whole game, but that happens rarely, mostly it is the top or jungle that lead the team to victory.
Well, most of the champs you listed are Juggernauts designed to dish out tons of dmg if they get a lead (Susan just by farming the game out becomes a raid boss ...)
A good, fed adc and support who can kite and position well makes a fed juggernaut have blue balls. And a bot lane that's behind just ... becomes a non-factor after laning phase. It reasults in them trying to stay AWAY from the team a lot of the time cause they wanna farm to get to their power spike ... making it so that the enemy bot can just wonder around, causing havoc around the map OR the enemy JG/ bot/ Assassin just farms on them as they over extend in an attempt to catch up.
Like, I just had a game lost where the Ashe ADC had half the CS of the Quinn ADC and died a few times in lane (How? IDK ... she out ranges her so hard, IDK how she couldn't at least farm well). Their team had a Lux and Morg so me getting fed as Illaoi and the mid Viegar couldn't seem to carry things (I could kill someone ... if I could get to them ... and morg wasn't there to fuck things up with Spell shield and snares. And I couldn't do shit to Quinn unless someone could lock her down). Our Mummy Jg who never seemed to use Ult sure didn't help matters.
Maybe that's how JGs carry? By getting bot ahead? Cause a good bot lane seems to make or break a team.
Anyway, lost a game where the JG forgot Smite AND the Yas went 0/12, allowing their Kayle mid to rotate top and fuck me. I hate Yas and I never got how JGs forget smite -_-