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League of Legends |OT12| No more Lyte, just darkness.


I don't understand why people want a feature showing who is playing grouped and all that. The only things I can think of are for people to talk shit about bad pre-mades and good pre-mades, which they do plenty of now if they figure out there's a pre-made.

Premades have a higher tendency to gank/roam to each other's lanes, in my experience. An opposing jungler with either of his premades in the bot lane will significantly increase the likelihood of the jungler camping bot lane for instance. As far my experience goes it's a very good indicator of the other team's landing phase strategy.
Well I honestly think that top and jungle are the ones who really decide who wins or loses most of the time. If somebody picks a really tanky top and manages to get far ahead to also get insane damage then in team fights you really can't win against them more often than not. A fed Nasus, Darius, Malphite, Maokai, Trundle, Garen, etc. will eradicate 2 or 3 people effortlessly and the same goes for a jungler like Xin or Rek Sai. A fed bot lane is still only about 3k HP total and unless you can kite like a pro you will get stomped to death by a 4k hp Maokai.

At least that is my experience, of course if you get a good Vayne who can outplay anyone then a fed bot lane will easily win you the whole game, but that happens rarely, mostly it is the top or jungle that lead the team to victory.

Well, most of the champs you listed are Juggernauts designed to dish out tons of dmg if they get a lead (Susan just by farming the game out becomes a raid boss ...)

A good, fed adc and support who can kite and position well makes a fed juggernaut have blue balls. And a bot lane that's behind just ... becomes a non-factor after laning phase. It reasults in them trying to stay AWAY from the team a lot of the time cause they wanna farm to get to their power spike ... making it so that the enemy bot can just wonder around, causing havoc around the map OR the enemy JG/ bot/ Assassin just farms on them as they over extend in an attempt to catch up.

Like, I just had a game lost where the Ashe ADC had half the CS of the Quinn ADC and died a few times in lane (How? IDK ... she out ranges her so hard, IDK how she couldn't at least farm well). Their team had a Lux and Morg so me getting fed as Illaoi and the mid Viegar couldn't seem to carry things (I could kill someone ... if I could get to them ... and morg wasn't there to fuck things up with Spell shield and snares. And I couldn't do shit to Quinn unless someone could lock her down). Our Mummy Jg who never seemed to use Ult sure didn't help matters.

Maybe that's how JGs carry? By getting bot ahead? Cause a good bot lane seems to make or break a team.

Anyway, lost a game where the JG forgot Smite AND the Yas went 0/12, allowing their Kayle mid to rotate top and fuck me. I hate Yas and I never got how JGs forget smite -_-


There's no point hiding info like who's in premade when I can easily find it on a 3rd party site.

But you can't anymore afaik? Riot removed that from the API

Unless there's a site that automatically checks if people are playing with people they've played with frequently or something
Premades have a higher tendency to gank/roam to each other's lanes, in my experience. An opposing jungler with either of his premades in the bot lane will significantly increase the likelihood of the jungler camping bot lane for instance. As far my experience goes it's a very good indicator of the other team's landing phase strategy.

Yup, this is the main reason why it's good to know. Likewise, if they're on your team, and they're not communicating to you, then you know it's because they're talking with each other and to follow their lead of sorts.

I mean..it's just stupid that Riot doesn't let you see it. People in League are going to continue being toxic with or without Riots help. League just has a toxic community, like the sky is blue, people will rage. Riot taking out things to coddle their playerbase is only a stopgap that will degrade over time.

But you can't anymore afaik? Riot removed that from the API

Unless there's a site that automatically checks if people are playing with people they've played with frequently or something


By looking at this I can see Newt plays with Nekofrog. There's a "recently played with" tab. It's really not that hard to look at the last couple games and be like 'hmmmm obviously they got matched up randomly 6 times!'

Until Riot blocks the names of people you play with, it's easy to see who's in a group. And more times than not, alot of time party queues use the same club, which is visible to everyone.


Taric may be my new spirit animal. Probably going to be my first lvl 7 too. His ult combos really well with several champs who like to dive in and the delay actually gives them a chance to charge. So far Kat, Rengar, Malphite, Vi, Hec and Yi have felt like the really good ones.

Well that's a first, rarely do I see 2 people getting S- or more but 5 is for me inconceivable. Did you smurf some bronze players or something? I really can't imagine that all 5 players would dominate so much that they would all get an S rank.

Ironically I feel like it's the really "good" games- where both teams played well and had a decent shot of winning right up until the end, is when more people on my team tend to get S than not. There's been a few stomp games where 2 or even 3 people get an S but that usually means someone else on the team got less gold/kills/time to do stuff than they should and get locked out.

Most I ever had was 4 ppl tho.


eh at the very least you can't fault riot for trying

like i totally see the premade or exposed mmr shit being used in a toxic way, as everything else in the game has

and it kind of invites doubt into their matchmaking, which i guess it's something they're comfortable with, but u know, transparency is nice because you realize it's not rito that's matching u with bad teammates but you just being bad. it's not gonna stop you from being an asshole but it does give you less ammunition, even if you're still gonna use it cos you suck as a person

and honestly i could see rito changing their mind and going in that direction. the boosted emblems are kind of proof that rito maybe doesn't care so much about that stuff anymore, maybe now that the lyte era is over there's gonna be less focus on all of that

idk if that ends up being good or bad for the game
Exposed MMR will be as toxic as exposed ranked divisions are.

Same for premades, if Riot wants solo players to play with them then its only fair to know where you stand in a team.
I'm a fan of the new Fiora, but I have the sudden urge to play pre-rework Fiora. That ultimate was so dumb. I loved it.

Anyone else feel this way with a champion that's been changed over the years?


I'm a fan of the new Fiora, but I have the sudden urge to play pre-rework Fiora. That ultimate was so dumb. I loved it.

Anyone else feel this way with a champion that's been changed over the years?
sometimes i feel like playing old quinn even if new quinn is basically the same but much better

idk i just liked pecking ppl

also i miss dfg
sometimes i feel like playing old quinn even if new quinn is basically the same but much better

idk i just liked pecking ppl

also i miss dfg

Yeah old Quinn was a lot of fun. I liked the instant burst of speed and execute damage on the second active.

Only one I don't miss at all is old Graves. I feel like that's the one update that changed a shitload but didn't lose anything that made the champion fun.


oh wow I dont miss any prereworked character so far. I moaned and complained when they were promising to rework Taric and Zyra but those came out top notch



it's happening


I'm a fan of the new Fiora, but I have the sudden urge to play pre-rework Fiora. That ultimate was so dumb. I loved it.

Anyone else feel this way with a champion that's been changed over the years?

Gangplank all the time. The barrels aren't fun to play with or to play against compared to old GP. Taric too. Most the mage reworks? Zilean especially.
the cavalry is here

Gangplank all the time. The barrels aren't fun to play with or to play against compared to old GP. Taric too. Most the mage reworks? Zilean especially.

I dislike the barrels as well, too micromanagement-sim for me. I guess it's part of Riots 'Fun to play against philosophy' which I mean, taking down his barrel before it blows up is nice, but playing as him it's just boring.


I never got how JGs forget smite -_-

That happened to me once since they added the new draft lobby. If a draft lobby is disbanded (player left, failed to ban, failed to pick) the runes and masteries stay like you picked them in the lobby, however, the spells for some reason revert back to what they were in your last game. So what happened me to was that I forgot to reset my spells for the 3rd or 4th time the lobby got reset and I am in a game with exhaust as a jungler which means I am done. And that is the most frustrating shit ever in League of Legends, knowing you are borderline useless for the entirely of the match.


That happened to me once since they added the new draft lobby. If a draft lobby is disbanded (player left, failed to ban, failed to pick) the runes and masteries stay like you picked them in the lobby, however, the spells for some reason revert back to what they were in your last game. So what happened me to was that I forgot to reset my spells for the 3rd or 4th time the lobby got reset and I am in a game with exhaust as a jungler which means I am done. And that is the most frustrating shit ever in League of Legends, knowing you are borderline useless for the entirely of the match.

yea it can happen.
That happened to me once since they added the new draft lobby. If a draft lobby is disbanded (player left, failed to ban, failed to pick) the runes and masteries stay like you picked them in the lobby, however, the spells for some reason revert back to what they were in your last game. So what happened me to was that I forgot to reset my spells for the 3rd or 4th time the lobby got reset and I am in a game with exhaust as a jungler which means I am done. And that is the most frustrating shit ever in League of Legends, knowing you are borderline useless for the entirely of the match.

I've had it happen. In a normal game though. It's the worst, especially since they don't let you buy jungling items(Which is stupid as). It definitely is the worst feeling.


Speak of the devil, guys :D


Not all 5 but 4 is still pretty awesome, in my recent memory I really can't remember seeing that.

inb4 "omg noob picks, play champs which need skill"

kidding of course!

or am I?


Actually come to think of it, I hate most Riot reworks. I miss old Kog, Ashe, MF, and Graves. The way those champions felt are just gone. The only reworks I like are Heimer and Sion. And I guess the first Ryze rework (so the one before this one) was okay when he was on the under-tuned side, but only compared to the garbage that is current Ryze.


Actually come to think of it, I hate most Riot reworks. I miss old Kog, Ashe, MF, and Graves. The way those champions felt are just gone. The only reworks I like are Heimer and Sion. And I guess the first Ryze rework (so the one before this one) was okay when he was on the under-tuned side, but only compared to the garbage that is current Ryze.

What about Poppy? I like her re-work expect her lore is a bit too try hard, I feel it is WAY too forced. They should have done it better.
Actually come to think of it, I hate most Riot reworks. I miss old Kog, Ashe, MF, and Graves. The way those champions felt are just gone. The only reworks I like are Heimer and Sion. And I guess the first Ryze rework (so the one before this one) was okay when he was on the under-tuned side, but only compared to the garbage that is current Ryze.
Besides GW MF lost nothing in her kit lol

Same for Ashe, you don't have to keep mashing her Q, I guess?
Actually come to think of it, I hate most Riot reworks. I miss old Kog, Ashe, MF, and Graves. The way those champions felt are just gone. The only reworks I like are Heimer and Sion. And I guess the first Ryze rework (so the one before this one) was okay when he was on the under-tuned side, but only compared to the garbage that is current Ryze.

It's definitely a matter of dissonance of having these characters you loved be taken to a grinder and coming out completely different.

The important question you have to ask yourself, is if they kept the spirit of the character intact?
It's definitely a matter of dissonance of having these characters you loved be taken to a grinder and coming out completely different.

The important question you have to ask yourself, is if they kept the spirit of the character intact?
Or if there was any spirit to begin with, like Sion.
Or if there was any spirit to begin with, like Sion.

Yeah original Sion was...a mishmash of random abilities that didn't synergize or make sense.

Got a Explorer Ezreal skin fragment with a small icon on it, what does it means?

Actually come to think of it, I hate most Riot reworks. I miss old Kog, Ashe, MF, and Graves. The way those champions felt are just gone. The only reworks I like are Heimer and Sion. And I guess the first Ryze rework (so the one before this one) was okay when he was on the under-tuned side, but only compared to the garbage that is current Ryze.

Sona changed a lot for me, to be more noticeable but not doing anything but poke.


i could say i miss old kog in that i think new kog is stupid and i just don't wanna play him out of principle

i've appreciated most of the reworks riot has done, even the failed ones like soraka or ryze, because they were always changing champions that needed changing and they were trying to address their issues

kog they just plain and simple ruined him for me
high key, I wish I was in Bronze again. It was frustrating as hell, but also fun as hell because Bronze has God-tier /all chat and the games were super lit regardless of who was winning. And you can play literally anything and get away with it. ADC Janna hype.
Yeah original Sion was...a mishmash of random abilities that didn't synergize or make sense.


Don't forget about his AP scaling.

On a side note, Korea seems to be building heavy armor pen on their ADCs.


What is your stance on voice chat, guys?

Want/don't want?

I'm not sure there is a good reason not to have it that doesn't include toxicity but we already get that over text.

It's something that would probably be useful in some ways but I really don't feel like it's necessary. You can relay pretty much all the information you need save ward locations with the ping system.

Basically I feel like it's unnecessary and probably wouldn't be used by more than 10% of players if they included it, but it's hard to say "don't want" because it's not like i'd campaign against it or anything. I'd just opt out of it and move on


You can relay pretty much all the information you need save ward locations with the ping system.

You can but not everyone is sure what your vigorous pinging might mean, like sometimes it means there is an almost dead enemy in the bush and sometimes it can mean there are 3 hiding there. What might be the best option is to introduce the voice system like the one in Smite, using a large set of pre-recorded voice lines provided by the devs. It works incredibly well and is imo one of the best things about Smite.
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