Lmao, I'm not begging, it's just that people see pros in challenger say "NA Solo Q is a joke" and they translate that to their own silver games.lmao keep begging.
Also, I guess since Warwick is out, "the don't focus tank" mentality is back.
Lmao, I'm not begging, it's just that people see pros in challenger say "NA Solo Q is a joke" and they translate that to their own silver games.lmao keep begging.
Lmao, I'm not begging, it's just that people see pros in challenger say "NA Solo Q is a joke" and they translate that to their own silver games.
Also, I guess since Warwick is out, "the don't focus tank" mentality is back.
Lmao, I'm not begging, it's just that people see pros in challenger say "NA Solo Q is a joke" and they translate that to their own silver games
I don't even understand your reply. Whatever.I must have missed the memo where you were declared the arbiter of good taste in this thread.
Excuse me, I'll get right on that request, boss!
I'm 72% sure that Fei and Newt are the same person.
I don't even understand your reply. Whatever.
nice to see dre fei is still incapable of making even the slightest coherent statement.
Why not post your op.gg?Let me spell it out for you nice and clear.
You really expect me to post my op.gg like you asked?
You can't be that delusional. I refuse to believe it.
You're so desperate for my attention aren't you?
There, I looked at your post.
I don't feel like arguing with you.
NA solo q is a joke, blind pick is where the real competition is at. You win.
Feel free to show this to everyone at your place of work.
I'm not trying to be the no fun allowed guy but come on guys...
People at work us this picture as a wallpaper and no one bats an eye.
But that picture from Zkylon is? Animated artwork is just viewed in a different light is all. Even if it's not lewd it can be viewed as lewd? this is just a conversation of what is socially acceptable in a work environment or not. Not a situation of lewd vs not lewd.
If you can't understand the differences in how people can interpret a picture that 99% of people know is a joke vs. another showing two scantily dressed characters who look like they're a minute away from scissor banging themselves to nirvana...
...shit what I don't know what to tell you without being insulting.
You know, it's some times not even the image itself. The problem is zkylon feels goddamn obligated to make sure it takes up the whole fucking screen. If it was just a small clickable image to the source it would be discrete, but no, it's edge to edge cartoon tits.
If you can't understand the differences in how people can interpret a picture that 99% of people know is a joke vs. another showing two scantily dressed characters who look like they're a minute away from scissor banging themselves to nirvana...
...shit what I don't know what to tell you without being insulting.
You know, it's some times not even the image itself. The problem is zkylon feels goddamn obligated to make sure it takes up the whole fucking screen. If it was just a small clickable image to the source it would be discrete, but no, it's edge to edge cartoon tits.
Inhouse Friday @ what time?
I give up. All I discovered is that Fei is really good at Virtua Figther.Someone needs to hire some private investigators to find his LoL name.
Time to grind my NA account lets gooooooooooooooo.
My God. I just realized tomorrow isn't Friday. This week is taking too damn long to get over with.
I give up. All I discovered is that Fei is really good at Virtua Figther.
Pretty good for my first time playing Singed top in ranked flex, but it was mostly because the enemy mid was barely even playing before he disconnected and an early blue buff invade resulted in first blood for Blitz (on Morg) and set ww back a fair bit.
Pretty good for my first time playing Singed top in ranked flex, but it was mostly because the enemy mid was barely even playing before he disconnected and an early blue buff invade resulted in first blood for Blitz (on Morg) and set ww back a fair bit.
Then I played a second game laning against Darius, and he was apparently flaming and raging pretty badly on team chat, most likely because I kept proxying and he couldn't do anything about it. The best part is the enemy team had the same Nasus mid that had chosen to troll me before, and he ended up going 1/8/2 (I muted him early on just in case, but he didn't appear to be out for blood anymore), making the victory even sweeter. ON top of that, his one kill was against me seconds before their nexus went down, so it looks like he either was a pretty awful mid laner or our Ahri was just that good.
Like zky told me, it looks like Singed works best when the enemy team is uncoordinated, so I guess bronze 5 is the best place for me to be using him in. I'll probably have to watch out for top/jg or top/mid duos, but other than that most people in here are so bad at teamwork that I can tilt opposing top laners pretty easily, and I can slowly get accustomed to having better map awareness and all that as I climb.
Your face is recycled trash. Boom!The drama in this thread is so boring, it's all recycled trash now
You should try the double or triple dark seal build since it has synergy with him.
U wot m8Just played my first game as Jayce. He is damn fun, but I'm going to need a lot of practice. I liked him enough that I'm willing to put the time in to learning him. Whenever Poppy got in my face, I pretty much mashed all my buttons in a panic so...yeah. Going to have to work on that.
Your face is recycled trash. Boom!New drama
weird, i got like 6 icons all at once![]()
No otherwise I would abuse the hell out of it. Wish they hadn't got rid of the exploit that let you disable autofill by cancelling/recreating the lobby over and over. That was good.
lolAs long as you get his Lee sin in game 3, you're good
well i don't really like doing that cos i believe in giving everyone a fair shot, even if i'm already hating myself for itYou always ban Yasuo.
I mean it is funny because then they go "I'm trolling". We were going to lose anyways if you played Yasuo, you trolling will only give me a reason to report you. Thanks, I guess.
haha I wanna dieKindred needs this skin