I must say, sometimes this game is fucking annoying.
Like trying to move around a few stupid ass kittens that get super distracted by shapes and yarn.
2 games in a row were, for w/e reason, everyone picks AD/ Zero CC where as the enemy has Ap and HARD CC (the only AP champ I coulda taken top would be Karth and Malz. But IDK how they do in a Riven match up). I'm doing well vs their Riven top, completely shutting her down in fact ... and the rest of the team is to!
I know that we're all AD and it's just a matter of time til that shit back fires so I try to draw pressure top. All lanes are pushed/ pushing, I go down but I take their JG Braum and Riven with me. Cool, logically my team is gonna do Baron with their JG and Top dead seeing as I'm the only one dead and everyone is full health, right? They see the enemy bot lane dicking around bot so they're gonna do it, right? Nope, the mid Yas (fuck Yas, Shoulda banned him) and JG farm the enemy JG as MF farms and I ping Baron over and over cause we're pushed to they're base and the Baron buff would push us over the top into a win.
Right as I come back to life the game gets flipped. Now suddenly they can't win TFs and are begging me to leave top and fight with them ... vs the team where everyone has some kinda hard CC in their kit. I yell at them all for this stupid shit, tell them exactly whats gonna happen the second I enter a Team fight (Gonna be CCed and blown up before I can do shit). Tell them to play safe and do something on the map when they come for me. I get dragged into a TF and that's exactly what happens. Over and over and over again ... Nami Bubble/ Earth Bender Knock Up/ Ashe Ult all just for me.
They get Elder Drake after they kill us, I tell my team to not fight ... 8 secs later MF is ramming herself into them like a Bayblade and we all die trying to save her (I was gonna let her just die but figured after everyone committed that I should try to clean up atleast but nope). Blitz is our only CC and he can only seem to hook Braum the few, FEW times he lands a hook. (cause he just didn't front line and hung out in the back for w/e reason -_-)
I tried to FF twice ...
We only won because the enemy got cocky, started splitting up ... and we had gotten to the point where I could do silly shit like swap out items/ boots and get DuskBlade and Rotts (it became clear that I was gonna get blown the fuck up regardless of how tanky I was cause of the CC and focus soooo might as well put everything into DMG if they stopped grouping for w/e reason). So basically we started picking them off and everyone had hit max builds pretty much.