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League of Legends |OT12| No more Lyte, just darkness.


Perhaps you're just unlucky. Some people take their W:L ratio really seriously.

I certainly do, but I don't dodge games though, thats taking it a bit too far.

probably take a step back and play less champions if u see ur basics getting rough

maybe go back to ur trademark champions, focus on fixing ur general mistakes and then u can go back to adding champions to ur pool

mind you that the game is always changing so if u don't keep working on your fundamentals and don't keep up with the meta you'll be left behind

Yeah, I went back to play Morgana and Maokai last night after reading this and won my 2 games. but it was a hard fought one. I think the game have changed during the last 2 patches because Warding and roaming just feels different along with minion aggro (Maybe its my imagination) I keep struggling with the basics. Hope I become less rusty as I go on.


Lol, you're way behind with the meta. This is the Ashe, Twitch, MF, Jhin meta.

But of course you're right, you gotta position well and defend yourselves from the monster tanks. That's why ADC takes finesse.

Whatever the most common picks are, the point stands: ADC is one of the most unrewarding roles right now and has nothing to do with that illusion Riot gave at the beginning of the season where they could actually do damage. I just played a game where our Jhin was being absolutely recked by Sejuani who had like 3k hp -not being fed at all- and still managed to 1v1 him with ease. And Sejuani has nothing on abominations like Maokai, Hecarim or Zac who are downright vomit inducing and can literally two-shot ADCs while tanking whole teams.

The meta is complete garbage for ADCs. The role that should better represent the idea of "high risk-high reward" is left with only high risk, while tanks that build only defensive items can wreck every fucking thing around without a single care given.





Whatever the most common picks are, the point stands: ADC is one of the most unrewarding roles right now and has nothing to do with that illusion Riot gave at the beginning of the season where they could actually do damage. I just played a game where our Jhin was being absolutely recked by Sejuani who had like 3k hp -not being fed at all- and still managed to 1v1 him with ease. And Sejuani has nothing on abominations like Maokai, Hecarim or Zac who are downright vomit inducing and can literally two-shot ADCs while tanking whole teams.

The meta is complete garbage for ADCs. The role that should better represent the idea of "high risk-high reward" is left with only high risk, while tanks that build only defensive items can wreck every fucking thing around without a single care given.

That just circles back around to the debate of should tanks be able to 1v1 adc which I feel like has been had a million times and riot has been clear that they believe the answer is yes. That's not likely to change anytime soon so probably something you're just gonna have to get used to.

As for the rest of it, have you played this game in the past month?


That just circles back around to the debate of should tanks be able to 1v1 adc which I feel like has been had a million times and riot has been clear that they believe the answer is yes. That's not likely to change anytime soon so probably something you're just gonna have to get used to.

As for the rest of it, have you played this game in the past month?

Tanks should be able to 1v1 ADC if the ADC is not proficient enough to know that you shouldn't even be 1v1 anyone unless you are kiting.

Whatever the most common picks are, the point stands: ADC is one of the most unrewarding roles right now and has nothing to do with that illusion Riot gave at the beginning of the season where they could actually do damage. I just played a game where our Jhin was being absolutely recked by Sejuani who had like 3k hp -not being fed at all- and still managed to 1v1 him with ease. And Sejuani has nothing on abominations like Maokai, Hecarim or Zac who are downright vomit inducing and can literally two-shot ADCs while tanking whole teams.

The meta is complete garbage for ADCs. The role that should better represent the idea of "high risk-high reward" is left with only high risk, while tanks that build only defensive items can wreck every fucking thing around without a single care given.

See the problem is Jhin in this case. He will be absolutely destroyed in Close encounters because of his slow aa and reloading. Unless you build crit, you are out of luck.

Adc is still high-risk-high-reward lane where you just have to learn your positioning and your aa distance and you will wreck shit up. If you are mechanically able person along with high reflexes, then you are basically unstoppable. Last night Played 2 games where the enemy's ADC was just killing everyone because their positioning was so good, none of us could not get close to them. In one game, Darius was peeling Ashe off and she got like 22 kills in that game.


Tanks should be able to 1v1 ADC if the ADC is not proficient enough to know that you shouldn't even be 1v1 anyone unless you are kiting.
Lol, we're not talking about standing in one spot AAing expecting to win lol. Where does that even happen? Champions like Fizz can out dps pretty much every ADC with full tank builds.

It's the role where basically you just can't make mistakes whereas the enemy tanks can get away with them. Some people like Nev don't like that, but that's why I play the role.


Elise is good but I really suck at skill shots and I feel that she's very squishy.

As someone who suck at skillshots, I really feel Elise Cocoon is one of easiest skill shot to connect. Just the right balance between speed, range and width.

I just hate playing champs that have 2 forms.


Lol, we're not talking about standing in one spot AAing expecting to win lol. Where does that even happen? Champions like Fizz can out dps pretty much every ADC with full tank builds.

It's the role where basically you just can't make mistakes whereas the enemy tanks can get away with them. Some people like Nev don't like that, but that's why I play the role.

Sure, then you should simply not be in the vicinity of a fizz alone. or have a good champ to peel him off you.

Can't make mistake? Of course, Isn't that why its a ''a high-risk-high-reward'' lane?


Well if Riot actually said they think it's fine for a tank to win a 1v1 vs an ADC with ease then I don't even know why I bother.
Admit it, what you really wanted was to show off the PAX skin

So envious
Well if Riot actually said they think it's fine for a tank to win a 1v1 vs an ADC with ease then I don't even know why I bother.
Yeah, Riot wants ADCs to be fully dependant on their team. I hate the role so much now.


Well if Riot actually said they think it's fine for a tank to win a 1v1 vs an ADC with ease then I don't even know why I bother.

That si why I don't play it.

Play tanks and stump on people, although I keep having tough time with Maokai going against ADC
Whatever the most common picks are, the point stands: ADC is one of the most unrewarding roles right now and has nothing to do with that illusion Riot gave at the beginning of the season where they could actually do damage. I just played a game where our Jhin was being absolutely recked by Sejuani who had like 3k hp -not being fed at all- and still managed to 1v1 him with ease. And Sejuani has nothing on abominations like Maokai, Hecarim or Zac who are downright vomit inducing and can literally two-shot ADCs while tanking whole teams.

The meta is complete garbage for ADCs. The role that should better represent the idea of "high risk-high reward" is left with only high risk, while tanks that build only defensive items can wreck every fucking thing around without a single care given.

Squishy champs are high risk/high reward, while tanks are low risk/equally high reward. There's a clear imbalance here.

imo, the role of a tank should be to peel, soak damage and lock down priority targets. Not kill everything 1v5. Tanky supports fulfill this purpose nicely, but they don't build items like Visage/Sunfire/Hydra/Thornmail/Steraks. Clearly the problem here is that these items are OP as fuck.


Squishy champs are high risk/high reward, while tanks are low risk/equally high reward. There's a clear imbalance here.

imo, the role of a tank should be to peel, soak damage and lock down priority targets. Not kill everything 1v5. Tanky supports fulfill this purpose nicely, but they don't build items like Visage/Sunfire/Hydra/Thornmail/Steraks. Clearly the problem here is that these items are OP as fuck.

Tanks don't kill stuff 1v5 in the current game.


Squishy champs are high risk/high reward, while tanks are low risk/equally high reward. There's a clear imbalance here.

imo, the role of a tank should be to peel, soak damage and lock down priority targets. Not kill everything 1v5. Tanky supports fulfill this purpose nicely, but they don't build items like Visage/Sunfire/Hydra/Thornmail/Steraks. Clearly the problem here is that these items are OP as fuck.

Lol, If anything Tanks have been nerfed.

A year ago, Sejuani would just sit on top of 5 and penta them easily.


Gold Member
alright. Gonna go practice Gragas and Sejuani. I feel like they suit my play style where I dive inside the enemy team and has mobility to catch/get away.
I mean

Not saying you shouldn't use Q to initiate, but alot of times if you use Q you'll get their flash, but if you want to get the most out of a gank, you just run in normall and then Q when they flash to guarantee a kill


I mean

Not saying you shouldn't use Q to initiate, but alot of times if you use Q you'll get their flash, but if you want to get the most out of a gank, you just run in normall and then Q when they flash to guarantee a kill

This applies to ganks/gap closers in general, too. So many junglers approach an enemy laner from behind and use their gap closer to get to the enemy. This often wastes a kill opportunity. They should just run up to them and only use the gap closer when necessary, often after a blown flash.
Mid lane Yasuo bully, breh.

Feels bad man.

lol, wut?

Diana is like the ONLY champ I never had much of a problem taking against Yas. In fact, I never knew how annoying and UNFUN it is to lane vs a Yas until I stopped playing Diana (cause her kit is just too damn 1 dimensional IMO).

If you're having that much of a problem with him take Exhaust.


Gold Member
Tried out Sejuani and Gragas.

Gragas is pretty fine but Sejuani's first clear sucks a lot.

Edit: Gonna try out amumu.

Edit2: not much better than sej.


Tried out Sejuani and Gragas.

Gragas is pretty fine but Sejuani's first clear sucks a lot.

Edit: Gonna try out amumu.

Start with W and E. Then Q, but keep maxing that W.

Her first clear is the most difficult I admit, but after that, she is one of the fastest clearing jungler out there.


i would kind of like to see a champion inspired on the shadow of the colossus aesthetic

i would kind of like a stone flying manta ray or something like that

Heh, really appreciated it! Definitely not something I had in mind when booking the hostel.
did u get to meet sjokz

that's like the go to thing in rito europe isn't it
i would kind of like to see a champion inspired on the shadow of the colossus aesthetic

i would kind of like a stone flying manta ray or something like that

did u get to meet sjokz

that's like the go to thing in rito europe isn't it

There are multiple Ritos in Europe. Sjokz works in Berlin, me in Dublin. But he got to meet me and that's better.

Right guys?



sealed with a kiss
Six win streak, wow Jhin is such a bullie but I am running out of bullets in crit TFs I dunno what to do

using jhin properly in team fights takes a while to get used to yeah

and running out of ammo will always feeld awkward

but def worth to play him, he's strong and fun right now
I must say, sometimes this game is fucking annoying. Like trying to move around a few stupid ass kittens that get super distracted by shapes and yarn.

2 games in a row were, for w/e reason, everyone picks AD/ Zero CC where as the enemy has Ap and HARD CC (the only AP champ I coulda taken top would be Karth and Malz. But IDK how they do in a Riven match up). I'm doing well vs their Riven top, completely shutting her down in fact ... and the rest of the team is to!

I know that we're all AD and it's just a matter of time til that shit back fires so I try to draw pressure top. All lanes are pushed/ pushing, I go down but I take their JG Braum and Riven with me. Cool, logically my team is gonna do Baron with their JG and Top dead seeing as I'm the only one dead and everyone is full health, right? They see the enemy bot lane dicking around bot so they're gonna do it, right? Nope, the mid Yas (fuck Yas, Shoulda banned him) and JG farm the enemy JG as MF farms and I ping Baron over and over cause we're pushed to they're base and the Baron buff would push us over the top into a win.

Right as I come back to life the game gets flipped. Now suddenly they can't win TFs and are begging me to leave top and fight with them ... vs the team where everyone has some kinda hard CC in their kit. I yell at them all for this stupid shit, tell them exactly whats gonna happen the second I enter a Team fight (Gonna be CCed and blown up before I can do shit). Tell them to play safe and do something on the map when they come for me. I get dragged into a TF and that's exactly what happens. Over and over and over again ... Nami Bubble/ Earth Bender Knock Up/ Ashe Ult all just for me.

They get Elder Drake after they kill us, I tell my team to not fight ... 8 secs later MF is ramming herself into them like a Bayblade and we all die trying to save her (I was gonna let her just die but figured after everyone committed that I should try to clean up atleast but nope). Blitz is our only CC and he can only seem to hook Braum the few, FEW times he lands a hook. (cause he just didn't front line and hung out in the back for w/e reason -_-)

I tried to FF twice ...
We only won because the enemy got cocky, started splitting up ... and we had gotten to the point where I could do silly shit like swap out items/ boots and get DuskBlade and Rotts (it became clear that I was gonna get blown the fuck up regardless of how tanky I was cause of the CC and focus soooo might as well put everything into DMG if they stopped grouping for w/e reason). So basically we started picking them off and everyone had hit max builds pretty much.
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