Lux still looks like she's in her late 50s but at least MF is looking much better now
it still looks awful.
Lux still looks like she's in her late 50s but at least MF is looking much better now
i feel like u picked the wrong rito europe to apply to, costyThere are multiple Ritos in Europe. Sjokz works in Berlin, me in Dublin. But he got to meet me and that's better.
Right guys?
yeah, much better, you could really tell the splash was an earlier wip than we're used toLux still looks like she's in her late 50s but at least MF is looking much better now
Good sejuanis don't use Q to initiate, they use Q to chase the flashers
This applies to ganks/gap closers in general, too. So many junglers approach an enemy laner from behind and use their gap closer to get to the enemy. This often wastes a kill opportunity. They should just run up to them and only use the gap closer when necessary, often after a blown flash.
Have not played Diana in like ages, so I was a bit rusty but I was really struggling fighting against Yas. In team fights he wasnt a threat and I basically one shot him, but 1v1 was painful.lol, wut?
Diana is like the ONLY champ I never had much of a problem taking against Yas. In fact, I never knew how annoying and UNFUN it is to lane vs a Yas until I stopped playing Diana (cause her kit is just too damn 1 dimensional IMO).
If you're having that much of a problem with him take Exhaust.
Have not played Diana in like ages, so I was a bit rusty but I was really struggling fighting against Yas. In team fights he wasn’t a threat and I basically one shot him, but 1v1 was painful.
I can manage him fine with Kindred, Taliyah and Ekko.
Besides GW MF lost nothing in her kit lol
Same for Ashe, you don't have to keep mashing her Q, I guess?
If I lose to this I'm gonna hate my life.
If I lose to this I'm gonna hate my life.
Pretty sure that rhino champ "leak" is old and debunked. Not sure why it resurfaced.
Are the queue times still long? I stopped playing during 6.9 because I couldn't get into games without waiting 18-22 minutes.
What's this Kled thing people are talking about?
Oh, the arcade riven needs 1000 orange fragments, I used all for the russian seju
It sure is a toughie
yea but she needs to have like two guns and they've already done lucy and mf, and mf being d.va felt kind of ridiculousVayne maybe?
I think LoL dont have a "speed" champion like her outside ekko phasing skills
early teaser for next champion, maybe
Does reddit count?Make the next champ a kid. There aren't enough kids in the game. Yordles don't count.
Make the next champ a kid. There aren't enough kids in the game. Yordles don't count.
ekko and taliyah are like 15/17
also i was thinking the other day about what a spell like zenyatta's discord orb could be like in league
like if it was a targeted thing that'd be super awful to play against but maybe if the champion created zones of dmg amplification or armor/mr reduction or whatever
sounds like a fun thing for a support to have