i'm guessing if 6.14 is out tomorrow that means that lux's face won't be fixed on mf's splash?
that'd be lame
I just find the fact he has an on tap root available during the laning phase insufferable.
on tap root?
i'll play devil's advocate for a bit to illustrate a point. no doubt your team fed like crazy but
wukong - two things. first, wukong is kind of a shit tank as far as tanks are concerned. he doesn't do much in ways of cc or peel or anything, he just ults and after that he's kind of useless as a tank. so building offensive makes sense even if you're losing cos that's the only way that champion works. second, building tank when you're losing is not that great cos you need to be aggressive to take something back and if all you build is tankiness then you can't really make that move. not saying buy a deathcap on maokai, but on wukong, the best way you can contribute to your team is making picks and oneshotting their carries and buying tank won't help you do that. none of this excuses the absolute shit build that wukong did but just sayin'
annie - zhonyas is not too good against yasuo anymore since they fixed the special interaction it had with him, and she's running exhaust which should be enough to deal with him, so i don't think rushing that would've been a good idea. it could've helped against rengar tho, and should've probably come sooner
i could say a few more things about the rest of the comments but what i'm trying to say is there's always a counter argument and you don't know everything that's going on with the game, specially when you're playing a very 1v1 style champion that seems to have interacted very little with the game (ez and annie have more kill participation % than u even tho you're super fed). i'm not gonna watch the replay but the way that you tell the story seems kind of contradictive with the actual pace of the game which seemed to be really competitive for most of the game up until they got a really good teamfight into baron and ran away with the game
i think it's not very productive to harp on this shit because you're in bronze 3, common sense is sadly too much to ask in that elo and it's never gonna help you to focus on that instead of your own play. people in bronze are not gonna know how to build properly (why did nami rush banner of command against an all ad team?) or will know how to properly pressure waves and even less when they're losing, and you need to realize that every time rengar ganks mid he's not ganking you and that's allowing you to extend your lead. tho honestly i feel like you'll see similar mistakes at higher elos too
think that pantheon managed to help his team a whole lot in the sorry state you put him on while you just kept on killing him and never really did that much to help your team, at least taking it from kill participation which i know is not illaoi's #1 stat but it's still relevant since it's also not pantheon's #1 stat. your team def got crushed on their own and deserve much of the blame but getting frustrated over it doesn't help you
you gotta be the player your team needs, not the player you want. it's key to figure out on the fly how to be the kind of player your team can play around and be that. if your team couldn't play around your splitpushing it's not really helping anything
zky you'll be happy to know i'm fighting your anti-lootbox-because-they-prey-on-people stance in the rocket league thread
lootboxes, even optional "bonus" ones, suck
good, gambling in any form is not something that belongs in videogames
i don't really see anything wrong with that build
Why do people get RoA on Diana? I see people recommend this sometimes and I don't get it ... she's a bursty AP diver, better to get more mid game burst than late game AP IMO. Woulda gotten a RCS and NT instead
roa is great for diana cos it makes her tankier and gives her sustain as well as dealing with her mana issues and giving her dmg
it's an all around great item on her imo
Time investment, gotta make it your first item or else it wont be stacked by the half hour mark and it doesn't offer the CDR or burst (until stacked I guess) of other items that work great on her.
Normally with Diana I just try to get any CS I can if I'm vs a ranged champ until I'm level 6 and can kill them. And if things go poorly I can just take towers with NT.
fully stacked is a nice bonus, it's a almost cost efficient item at 0 stacks and the catalyst passive is very useful for laning. not necessary to have to wait 10 minutes to get good use out of it and it's really cheap
Tease for 3 new Project Skins are up. Rumored to be (and probably are)
Is on Surrender@20 too
that page is really cool, unfortunately i don't think the project skins are very interesting as they all look the same and that same is pretty boring
it was cool on like 1 or 2 champions, i feel like there'll be more project skins now that there are any other skin line and it's honestly one of the least unique on a champion to champion basis
doesn't help that they never did any mages tho
Give me Project Aatrox or Project Yorick. Even project Jhin would be loads better than Kat or Ashe.
ashe is ok, i'm sure the vfx on her q arrow flurry and her ult and shit are gonna look pretty cool