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League of Legends |OT12| No more Lyte, just darkness.


It would make the support insta-pick/ban.

Even if it was like, a targeted 5 second Armor/MR debuff, it would be incredibly useful.
i guess it depends, i was kind of thinking about it based on that "assassin support" thing that rito mentioned once

a support that maybe has a mobility spell and then a really short range spell that tags someone for damage amp i think would be interesting, specially if the support themselves couldn't proc it. basically you're marking someone for death but you need to put yourself in a very high risk position to do so

the other idea was to just have a longer range spell with an activation time that creates a zone with a similar effect. so this would be good for wombo combos but probably just generally useful

i'm not sure if i prefer damage amplification or mr/armor reduction. i kind of feel it'd be interesting to have a champion that lets your team buy less pen items
i was thinking the other day about what a spell like zenyatta's discord orb could be like in league

like if it was a targeted thing that'd be super awful to play against but maybe if the champion created zones of dmg amplification or armor/mr reduction or whatever

sounds like a fun thing for a support to have

Assassin's would love a champion that has something like Zenyatta's discord orb.


Had a ranked match with a Irelia that fed 2 kills to the enemy Fiora in literally 2 minutes, managed to farm 1 minion and then went afk. The promo curse.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world

y did i even try. number of people that go afk or just feed is unreal.
ekko and taliyah are like 15/17

also i was thinking the other day about what a spell like zenyatta's discord orb could be like in league

like if it was a targeted thing that'd be super awful to play against but maybe if the champion created zones of dmg amplification or armor/mr reduction or whatever

sounds like a fun thing for a support to have
That's basically what Trundle supp is/was. I dunno about the zones thing, its really hard to make shreds satisfying unless they're super broken, the only cool shred I can think of is Vi's and more for the things surroundng it - cool sound effect, big damage - than the shred itself.
So I am visiting the Berlin office for the week, and I went to the Subway across the road to get a sandwich, and who was there? None other than Newt's hero Woolite.


That's basically what Trundle supp is/was. I dunno about the zones thing, its really hard to make shreds satisfying unless they're super broken, the only cool shred I can think of is Vi's and more for the things surroundng it - cool sound effect, big damage - than the shred itself.
i think the type of champion i'm thinking about would be pretty different than trundle since there'd be a lot more risk involved in placing the mark (as in the champion would be a mage type support) and it would be a basic ability rather than an ultimate. i'm also thinking of something like aoe around the person u cast it on, something like that and also lasting less than trundle's ult

idk, i think trundle support is stupid so would want to stay the most far away from that as i can :p

Woolite works at subway now? Rough break.
I actually have no idea if he's on a challenger team or not.
there's worse places to work

subway is awesome
This type of shit makes me wonder why I even bother playing Ranked Solo.

I just don't know how to carry with Illaoi when people do stupid shit like this.

JG ... they're killing you a ton and they're FULL AD. So why are you building FULL DMG and IE and crit shit? You should build tank and ult into them so that Annie and I can do shit and you can walk outta there. (Shoulda maybe kept that BC as you're main DMG item instead of selling it for a IE ..)

Annie ... you gave first blood to the Yas (who was only not banned because YOU wanted to play him with your last pick ass. You also apparently forgot to swap your runes after having to pick Annie so there's that ...) Why did you only start trying to build ZHG at the END of the game? Plus Rango has been feeding off you so again, why not rush a ZHG vs a FULL AD TEAM? Mays sense to me ...

Bot lane is fucked but hey ... at least Nami is warding and trying to build armor I guess.

I'm strong enuff so that it takes 2-3 of them to fight me ... logically I feel I should stay away from the team, split push and draw them over to me as my team does other shit. But that's never the case, either people die the sec they try to push a lane (or over chase the ADC) or they're never close to the enemy minions or the waves are all pushed to our side cause people would prefer the safeness of farming JG camps over minions.

So like clock work it's "Illaoi, we need you! :eek:" ... but they don't seem to understand how to team fight or build in this game and I don't wanna TF with any of them cause they legit die too fast without doing anything. Plus one of Illaoi's counters is forcing her to run around the map non-stop so she can never set up a good wombo combo zone -_-
So yeah, when ever I do group with them and try to TF they all get deleted in 3-4 secs as Yas Splits and I walk away alive cause I'm the only one building fucking armor vs a full AD comp ...

Not trying to say I'm good or something, but I fuck ... these things just make sense to me and IDK why it's so hard finding others it makes sense to in random ranked games. Seems like common sense to me ... :/
This type of shit makes me wonder why I even bother playing Ranked Solo.

I just don't know how to carry with Illaoi when people do stupid shit like this.

JG ... they're killing you a ton and they're FULL AD. So why are you building FULL DMG and IE and crit shit? You should build tank and ult into them so that Annie and I can do shit and you can walk outta there. (Shoulda maybe kept that BC as you're main DMG item instead of selling it for a IE ..)

Annie ... you gave first blood to the Yas (who was only not banned because YOU wanted to play him with your last pick ass. You also apparently forgot to swap your runes after having to pick Annie so there's that ...) Why did you only start trying to build ZHG at the END of the game? Plus Rango has been feeding off you so again, why not rush a ZHG vs a FULL AD TEAM? Mays sense to me ...

Bot lane is fucked but hey ... at least Nami is warding and trying to build armor I guess.

I'm strong enuff so that it takes 2-3 of them to fight me ... logically I feel I should stay away from the team, split push and draw them over to me as my team does other shit. But that's never the case, either people die the sec they try to push a lane (or over chase the ADC) or they're never close to the enemy minions or the waves are all pushed to our side cause people would prefer the safeness of farming JG camps over minions.

So like clock work it's "Illaoi, we need you! :eek:" ... but they don't seem to understand how to team fight or build in this game and I don't wanna TF with any of them cause they legit die too fast without doing anything. Plus one of Illaoi's counters is forcing her to run around the map non-stop so she can never set up a good wombo combo zone -_-
So yeah, when ever I do group with them and try to TF they all get deleted in 3-4 secs as Yas Splits and I walk away alive cause I'm the only one building fucking armor vs a full AD comp ...

Not trying to say I'm good or something, but I fuck ... these things just make sense to me and IDK why it's so hard finding others it makes sense to in random ranked games. Seems like common sense to me ... :/

I don't know what part of the game you started split pushing, but if your team is already getting their shit wrecked before you started then I think maybe team fighting would have been the better choice. If your team isn't imploding when you feel strong enough to split push, then I think it's safe to give it a shot. It's hard regardless when your team is falling apart like that because they also generally don't have the good sense to avoid getting picked off alone. I hate games that feel like there's nothing you can do to save it from shitty teammates.


I haven't played league seriously in like a month. Feels weird. I'm still watching NA LCS but the last couple metas haven't really appealed to me.
I don't know what part of the game you started split pushing, but if your team is already getting their shit wrecked before you started then I think maybe team fighting would have been the better choice. If your team isn't imploding when you feel strong enough to split push, then I think it's safe to give it a shot. It's hard regardless when your team is falling apart like that because they also generally don't have the good sense to avoid getting picked off alone. I hate games that feel like there's nothing you can do to save it from shitty teammates.

That's the thing, I wanted to split push but couldn't do anything but "push out" waves cause no one was pushing other lanes and it would be stupid to over extend when no one has eyes on any of the strong enemies.


zky you'll be happy to know i'm fighting your anti-lootbox-because-they-prey-on-people stance in the rocket league thread

lootboxes, even optional "bonus" ones, suck
Why do people get RoA on Diana? I see people recommend this sometimes and I don't get it ... she's a bursty AP diver, better to get more mid game burst than late game AP IMO. Woulda gotten a RCS and NT instead
HP for tankiness
MP because her mana pool is shite
In combat sustain so she can stick around.
HP for tankiness
MP because her mana pool is shite
In combat sustain so she can stick around.

Guess I'll give it a try someday ... but the thing about RoA that I hate is how much of a investment it is when you could run around doing way more burst mid game with other items on her imo.
Guess I'll give it a try someday ... but the thing about RoA that I hate is how much of a investment it is when you could run around doing way more burst mid game with other items on her imo.
What investment, this stupid thing costs 2700 gold lol

By the time mid game rolls you're already halfway to another item.
What investment, this stupid thing costs 2700 gold lol

By the time mid game rolls you're already halfway to another item.

Time investment, gotta make it your first item or else it wont be stacked by the half hour mark and it doesn't offer the CDR or burst (until stacked I guess) of other items that work great on her.

Normally with Diana I just try to get any CS I can if I'm vs a ranged champ until I'm level 6 and can kill them. And if things go poorly I can just take towers with NT.


Out of my last 31 ranked games on all 3 of my accounts I'm 24 wins 7 losses. The most of which were on my gold 3 smurf that has high plat mmr. That account is weird as hell, it goes against plat1s and 2s bit also mixes in other gold accounts that have the stats of smurfs.

Both of those accounts were supposed to be to play with my silver friends and I ruined it by learning new champions by playing by myself on them. On the upside screw them I'm actually a competent jungler now so I never have to play top again
Out of my last 31 ranked games on all 3 of my accounts I'm 24 wins 7 losses. The most of which were on my gold 3 smurf that has high plat mmr. That account is weird as hell, it goes against plat1s and 2s bit also mixes in other gold accounts that have the stats of smurfs.

Both of those accounts were supposed to be to play with my silver friends and I ruined it by learning new champions by playing by myself on them. On the upside screw them I'm actually a competent jungler now so I never have to play top again

Who do you jungle with?
Tease for 3 new Project Skins are up. Rumored to be (and probably are)
Katarina, Ekko, and Ashe


Is on Surrender@20 too

If you type in certain words it take you to a different page where you gotta click on floaty things and yeah, it's Ekko, Kat and Ashe.

Was hoping Illaoi would be next in line to get a new skin. :(

Yup, it's those three.

Ekko and Ashe will be cool.

Kat will be boring as hell.

Maybe the Assassin rework will give her some actual effects to her kit?

Anyway, I hope this makes more People play her. I like taking Sion mid vs a Kat buuut for w/e reason people are super OK with Lane swapping for a Kat so I might use Diana AKA the sleeper Kat Killer.


sealed with a kiss
it's just like

kat doesn't seem to have much going for her right now

maybe they're really banking on the assassin update to make her actually fun to play as/against

Give me Project Aatrox or Project Yorick. Even project Jhin would be loads better than Kat or Ashe.

Jhin has to wait in line, no cuts!

(Illaoi needs a new skin first ...)

Woulda preferred Project Diana over Kat ... and Project MF or Jinx over Ashe. I expect some fun stuff from Ekko though.


i'm guessing if 6.14 is out tomorrow that means that lux's face won't be fixed on mf's splash?

that'd be lame

I just find the fact he has an on tap root available during the laning phase insufferable.
on tap root?

i'll play devil's advocate for a bit to illustrate a point. no doubt your team fed like crazy but

wukong - two things. first, wukong is kind of a shit tank as far as tanks are concerned. he doesn't do much in ways of cc or peel or anything, he just ults and after that he's kind of useless as a tank. so building offensive makes sense even if you're losing cos that's the only way that champion works. second, building tank when you're losing is not that great cos you need to be aggressive to take something back and if all you build is tankiness then you can't really make that move. not saying buy a deathcap on maokai, but on wukong, the best way you can contribute to your team is making picks and oneshotting their carries and buying tank won't help you do that. none of this excuses the absolute shit build that wukong did but just sayin'

annie - zhonyas is not too good against yasuo anymore since they fixed the special interaction it had with him, and she's running exhaust which should be enough to deal with him, so i don't think rushing that would've been a good idea. it could've helped against rengar tho, and should've probably come sooner

i could say a few more things about the rest of the comments but what i'm trying to say is there's always a counter argument and you don't know everything that's going on with the game, specially when you're playing a very 1v1 style champion that seems to have interacted very little with the game (ez and annie have more kill participation % than u even tho you're super fed). i'm not gonna watch the replay but the way that you tell the story seems kind of contradictive with the actual pace of the game which seemed to be really competitive for most of the game up until they got a really good teamfight into baron and ran away with the game

i think it's not very productive to harp on this shit because you're in bronze 3, common sense is sadly too much to ask in that elo and it's never gonna help you to focus on that instead of your own play. people in bronze are not gonna know how to build properly (why did nami rush banner of command against an all ad team?) or will know how to properly pressure waves and even less when they're losing, and you need to realize that every time rengar ganks mid he's not ganking you and that's allowing you to extend your lead. tho honestly i feel like you'll see similar mistakes at higher elos too

think that pantheon managed to help his team a whole lot in the sorry state you put him on while you just kept on killing him and never really did that much to help your team, at least taking it from kill participation which i know is not illaoi's #1 stat but it's still relevant since it's also not pantheon's #1 stat. your team def got crushed on their own and deserve much of the blame but getting frustrated over it doesn't help you

you gotta be the player your team needs, not the player you want. it's key to figure out on the fly how to be the kind of player your team can play around and be that. if your team couldn't play around your splitpushing it's not really helping anything

zky you'll be happy to know i'm fighting your anti-lootbox-because-they-prey-on-people stance in the rocket league thread

lootboxes, even optional "bonus" ones, suck
good, gambling in any form is not something that belongs in videogames

i don't really see anything wrong with that build

Why do people get RoA on Diana? I see people recommend this sometimes and I don't get it ... she's a bursty AP diver, better to get more mid game burst than late game AP IMO. Woulda gotten a RCS and NT instead
roa is great for diana cos it makes her tankier and gives her sustain as well as dealing with her mana issues and giving her dmg

it's an all around great item on her imo

Time investment, gotta make it your first item or else it wont be stacked by the half hour mark and it doesn't offer the CDR or burst (until stacked I guess) of other items that work great on her.

Normally with Diana I just try to get any CS I can if I'm vs a ranged champ until I'm level 6 and can kill them. And if things go poorly I can just take towers with NT.
fully stacked is a nice bonus, it's a almost cost efficient item at 0 stacks and the catalyst passive is very useful for laning. not necessary to have to wait 10 minutes to get good use out of it and it's really cheap

Tease for 3 new Project Skins are up. Rumored to be (and probably are)
Katarina, Ekko, and Ashe


Is on Surrender@20 too
that page is really cool, unfortunately i don't think the project skins are very interesting as they all look the same and that same is pretty boring

it was cool on like 1 or 2 champions, i feel like there'll be more project skins now that there are any other skin line and it's honestly one of the least unique on a champion to champion basis

doesn't help that they never did any mages tho


Give me Project Aatrox or Project Yorick. Even project Jhin would be loads better than Kat or Ashe.
ashe is ok, i'm sure the vfx on her q arrow flurry and her ult and shit are gonna look pretty cool


sealed with a kiss
that page is really cool, unfortunately i don't think the project skins are very interesting as they all look the same and that same is pretty boring

it was cool on like 1 or 2 champions, i feel like there'll be more project skins now that there are any other skin line and it's honestly one of the least unique on a champion to champion basis

doesn't help that they never did any mages tho

ashe is ok, i'm sure the vfx on her q arrow flurry and her ult and shit are gonna look pretty cool

everyone likes project line because it has glowy lights and cool particles, everyone wants their favorite champion to have glowy lights and cool particles


that's true but when everyone has the same glowy lights and cool particles it stops being interesting

the fact that all the champions are sort of similar (mostly ppl swinging swords) probably limits what they can do with this stuff, but at least do like a mage or something so we can see awesome particle effects or whatever
An on tap root means that ryze can root on the press of a button

Comes from wow adage "life/mana tapping" where warlocks can simply gain mana by pressing a button, compared to other classes that need to conserve mana


An on tap root means that ryze can root on the press of a button

Comes from wow adage "life/mana tapping" where warlocks can simply gain mana by pressing a button, compared to other classes that need to conserve mana

yea i figured that i just don't get it in the context of jhin since his root has a warning animation and is a skillshot
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