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League of Legends |OT12| No more Lyte, just darkness.

Project Ekko is happening?! T^T

Edit: Fuuuuuu-

His color is green (my favorite color) Even more reason that I'm going to love this skin!
yea i figured that i just don't get it in the context of jhin since his root has a warning animation and is a skillshot

oh I thought they were talking about Ryze since his root is the closest thing to a on tap root

Ekko is getting the popular treatment, getting more skins than Illaoi or jhin(even though I assume jhin is pretty popular)

so screw him too
This type of shit makes me wonder why I even bother playing Ranked Solo.

I just don't know how to carry with Illaoi when people do stupid shit like this.

JG ... they're killing you a ton and they're FULL AD. So why are you building FULL DMG and IE and crit shit? You should build tank and ult into them so that Annie and I can do shit and you can walk outta there. (Shoulda maybe kept that BC as you're main DMG item instead of selling it for a IE ..)

Annie ... you gave first blood to the Yas (who was only not banned because YOU wanted to play him with your last pick ass. You also apparently forgot to swap your runes after having to pick Annie so there's that ...) Why did you only start trying to build ZHG at the END of the game? Plus Rango has been feeding off you so again, why not rush a ZHG vs a FULL AD TEAM? Mays sense to me ...

Bot lane is fucked but hey ... at least Nami is warding and trying to build armor I guess.

I'm strong enuff so that it takes 2-3 of them to fight me ... logically I feel I should stay away from the team, split push and draw them over to me as my team does other shit. But that's never the case, either people die the sec they try to push a lane (or over chase the ADC) or they're never close to the enemy minions or the waves are all pushed to our side cause people would prefer the safeness of farming JG camps over minions.

So like clock work it's "Illaoi, we need you! :eek:" ... but they don't seem to understand how to team fight or build in this game and I don't wanna TF with any of them cause they legit die too fast without doing anything. Plus one of Illaoi's counters is forcing her to run around the map non-stop so she can never set up a good wombo combo zone -_-
So yeah, when ever I do group with them and try to TF they all get deleted in 3-4 secs as Yas Splits and I walk away alive cause I'm the only one building fucking armor vs a full AD comp ...

Not trying to say I'm good or something, but I fuck ... these things just make sense to me and IDK why it's so hard finding others it makes sense to in random ranked games. Seems like common sense to me ... :/
tbqh, that is a game-losing wu kong build through and through. I'm sorry for your loss. I had a Jax like that last night. What was his plan with the Rylia's? http://matchhistory.na.leagueoflegends.com/en/#match-details/NA1/2238402234/42941535?tab=overview Someone tell me.

I just had to carry some true scrubs.


The Leona, Garen and Amumu went on a chase literally half way across the map trying to kill a fucking Fiora at like 38 minutes into the game down an inhib. Both Amumu and Leona missed their skill shots 3 times each along the way from our base all the way to half way between the enemy top T1 and T2. All 3 of them died when the rest of the enemy team converged. When I asked how in the fuck it's possible that all of them missed every skillshot, Amumu said,

"She was moving xD"

I wanted to sob. Just so happens that Miss Fortune's shoulders are broad as fuck.



fake dominion actually felt really fun, was kind of silly how everyone kept dying around me but that's prolly matchmaking being super goofy

oh I thought they were talking about Ryze since his root is the closest thing to a on tap root

yea it's pretty confusing lol
i'll play devil's advocate for a bit to illustrate a point. no doubt your team fed like crazy but

wukong - two things. first, wukong is kind of a shit tank as far as tanks are concerned. he doesn't do much in ways of cc or peel or anything, he just ults and after that he's kind of useless as a tank. so building offensive makes sense even if you're losing cos that's the only way that champion works. second, building tank when you're losing is not that great cos you need to be aggressive to take something back and if all you build is tankiness then you can't really make that move. not saying buy a deathcap on maokai, but on wukong, the best way you can contribute to your team is making picks and oneshotting their carries and buying tank won't help you do that. none of this excuses the absolute shit build that wukong did but just sayin'

annie - zhonyas is not too good against yasuo anymore since they fixed the special interaction it had with him, and she's running exhaust which should be enough to deal with him, so i don't think rushing that would've been a good idea. it could've helped against rengar tho, and should've probably come sooner

i could say a few more things about the rest of the comments but what i'm trying to say is there's always a counter argument and you don't know everything that's going on with the game, specially when you're playing a very 1v1 style champion that seems to have interacted very little with the game (ez and annie have more kill participation % than u even tho you're super fed). i'm not gonna watch the replay but the way that you tell the story seems kind of contradictive with the actual pace of the game which seemed to be really competitive for most of the game up until they got a really good teamfight into baron and ran away with the game

i think it's not very productive to harp on this shit because you're in bronze 3, common sense is sadly too much to ask in that elo and it's never gonna help you to focus on that instead of your own play. people in bronze are not gonna know how to build properly (why did nami rush banner of command against an all ad team?) or will know how to properly pressure waves and even less when they're losing, and you need to realize that every time rengar ganks mid he's not ganking you and that's allowing you to extend your lead. tho honestly i feel like you'll see similar mistakes at higher elos too

think that pantheon managed to help his team a whole lot in the sorry state you put him on while you just kept on killing him and never really did that much to help your team, at least taking it from kill participation which i know is not illaoi's #1 stat but it's still relevant since it's also not pantheon's #1 stat. your team def got crushed on their own and deserve much of the blame but getting frustrated over it doesn't help you

you gotta be the player your team needs, not the player you want. it's key to figure out on the fly how to be the kind of player your team can play around and be that. if your team couldn't play around your splitpushing it's not really helping anything
I think it's important to build for the game you're having, not for the ideal. For example, I was in base late game and saw Wukong go after the Twitch who was solo in our JG. He gave him the full combo along with ult and still couldn't kill him (that was when he had BC cause I noticed the armor shred). When you're that far behind maybe leaving the DMG at BC and RH and getting tanky would help the team more than being deleted the second you jump in to ult (I saw that happen more than once ... he ults, Blitz pulls him in and he gets deleted). I've lost a Sion mid game vs a Annie mid that I completely shat on once (I love this match up for that reason) because even though she was far behind she build tanky and just relied on her utility with the Stun Ult to help her team in fights.

And yeah, Rango could legit just walk into her lane and kill Annie anytime so the ZHG should have been high on her list.

As for Pant, him having a ult that allows him to drop in half way across the map and a point-and-click stun allows him to still help in some way don't you think? That's the complete opposite to Illaoi really ... she has no Hard CC and one of her counters is forcing her to move around the map a lot cause she needs time to set up her Zone.

Also I wasn't split pushing, after I took top tower I would only be in side lanes to push them out (not passing river) cause no one else would for w/e reason. When I did group Yas would split push knowing that I'm the only one who could take him (Annie with ult would be a toss up ... she'd likely die in the process of killing him though). When I'd TF I could get them low or take 1-2 with my ult buuut my team would be dead and no one could clean up. That OR my ult would just defuse a TF, forcing them to all run away. There's a funny lil blob by the enemies bot lane base tower were we had a TF and everyone on my team but me died and everyone on the enemy team is super low ... but I can't clean up cause they're running away to heal. Feel like these fights coulda went more in our favor if anyone there then me had just a bit of Tank in their build seeing how the enemy team is all AD.

Not trying to rant or bitch (Maybe I'm just a pissy player, it legit pisses me off when everyone ignores me when I ask them to buy EC cause 4 outta 5 of the enemy champs have some kinda HP regen/ Healing/ Life Steal gimmick in their kit :/ ) just confused on how I could have possibly played that any better to help my team. Playing so much Illaoi really showed me the natural strengths and weaknesses in how she's designed and that's part of why I'm trying to learn other champs who have a way to help all over the map regardless of where or when. Cause not everyone knows how to fight with or against an Illaoi ... IMO a really fed Illaoi is best doing the raid boss splitpush strat where you never want to be with your team and when 2+ people come after her the team takes an objective ... but if your team doesn't know this then what can you do?

Also typed that out to say I get why people prefer queing with friends or people they know. Some of my best games are with gaf members.

tbqh, that is a game-losing wu kong build through and through. I'm sorry for your loss. I had a Jax like that last night. What was his plan with the Rylia's? http://matchhistory.na.leagueoflegends.com/en/#match-details/NA1/2238402234/42941535?tab=overview Someone tell me.

I just had to carry some true scrubs.


The Leona, Garen and Amumu went on a chase literally half way across the map trying to kill a fucking Fiora at like 38 minutes into the game down an inhib. Both Amumu and Leona missed their skill shots 3 times each along the way from our base all the way to half way between the enemy top T1 and T2. All 3 of them died when the rest of the enemy team converged. When I asked how in the fuck it's possible that all of them missed every skillshot, Amumu said,

"She was moving xD"

I wanted to sob. Just so happens that Miss Fortune's shoulders are broad as fuck.
I feel like a good ADC can carry hard. Part of why I think a champ who can hope bot lane get rolling is always a good pick.

People think it's troll but this is part of why I like Sion Mid. Ult to bot lane, ZZrot mid lane, get shit done.


Ekko is getting the popular treatment, getting more skins than Illaoi or jhin(even though I assume jhin is pretty popular)

so screw him too

Oh come on. This is only Ekko's third skin, and his other non-launch skin was one of the cheap 750 ones. He could stand to get at least one 1350 tier.
oh I thought they were talking about Ryze since his root is the closest thing to a on tap root

Ekko is getting the popular treatment, getting more skins than Illaoi or jhin(even though I assume jhin is pretty popular)

so screw him too

Ekko is older than Illaoi an Jhin.


Why do people get RoA on Diana? I see people recommend this sometimes and I don't get it ... she's a bursty AP diver, better to get more mid game burst than late game AP IMO. Woulda gotten a RCS and NT instead

HP for tankiness
MP because her mana pool is shite
In combat sustain so she can stick around.

roa is great for diana cos it makes her tankier and gives her sustain as well as dealing with her mana issues and giving her dmg

it's an all around great item on her imo
Yep, pretty much why I build her that way.



not sure how reliable superdata numbers are or whatever, but seems like league is pretty much unphased by overwatch

not sure if i should make a thread, i would be interested in some outside reactions

I think it's important to build for the game you're having, not for the ideal. For example, I was in base late game and saw Wukong go after the Twitch who was solo in our JG. He gave him the full combo along with ult and still couldn't kill him (that was when he had BC cause I noticed the armor shred). When you're that far behind maybe leaving the DMG at BC and RH and getting tanky would help the team more than being deleted the second you jump in to ult (I saw that happen more than once ... he ults, Blitz pulls him in and he gets deleted). I've lost a Sion mid game vs a Annie mid that I completely shat on once (I love this match up for that reason) because even though she was far behind she build tanky and just relied on her utility with the Stun Ult to help her team in fights.
not sure if that's why you lost, there probably were many other factors such as her teammates beating yours in their lanes or whatever

and it's not an ideal thing, a tank wukong is useless, a wukong with dmg can assassin that twitch and win you a teamfight, he just has to play well which he clearly didn't

And yeah, Rango could legit just walk into her lane and kill Annie anytime so the ZHG should have been high on her list.
eh, i think she should've bought pink wards, that should've been much more useful

in your 40 minute game against a rengar there were 2 pink wards bought total (enemy team didn't even buy 1 lol)

now that's a shame

this is a long defense of how u played which is alright but it's not really the point here. i know randoms are frustrating but that's what the game is, you'll win 50% of your games and lose the remaining 50%, losing is part of the game and people might be shit and make bad decisions but thinking too much about it won't really get you anything

Also typed that out to say I get why people prefer queing with friends or people they know. Some of my best games are with gaf members.

i don't ever play the game with randoms, i almost exclusively play with at the very least 3 people

i think league is a bad game when played solo


Ive been kinda interested in playing Ekko but since none of his skins looked good i didnt bother, this might change my mind

I know that riot releases skins for popular champs because it makes them the most money that way but please make some skins for the champs that have zero good ones

not sure how reliable superdata numbers are or whatever, but seems like league is pretty much unphased by overwatch

not sure if i should make a thread, i would be interested in some outside reactions


my question would be where they got those numbers. Riot doesn't release numbers(Neither does any other company listed.)
not sure if that's why you lost, there probably were many other factors such as her teammates beating yours in their lanes or whatever

and it's not an ideal thing, a tank wukong is useless, a wukong with dmg can assassin that twitch and win you a teamfight, he just has to play well which he clearly didn't
The ADC ended the game at a higher level then him and he couldn't 1v1 the guy solo in our JG so IDK, the thought that he could offer more than his ult knock up in a TF kinda escapes me.


Think Imma only play ranked with Gaf. I always think people bring their A game to ranked ... so I do to. And it pisses me off when things fall apart so hard like that.

Just finished the night with a great normals S- Illaoi game.
Everything was good, JG didn't bitch at me for not being able to save him when he got picked off by my lane at level 3 like they normally do when that happens (Cause wtf can I as an Illaoi do this early? ). The enemy team realized I was going Raid Boss splitpush mode so they would send people to stop my pushing, team recognized this and took advantage of it on the other side of the map. Instead of running through the jg trying to escape a group of them the Zed ran mid where I was standing right by a Tent, ready to point blank E-ult them. It was beautiful ... not a word in chat either. It's rare when things work out like this but when they do it's heart warming.

Jg/ mid and Sup were premade though so there's that.

In other news I just got Shen from rerolling champ shards .. gonna try him out.
on tap root?
An on tap root means that ryze can root on the press of a button

Comes from wow adage "life/mana tapping" where warlocks can simply gain mana by pressing a button, compared to other classes that need to conserve mana
This isn't actually how I meant it. Here in the UK, you would usually refer to something being on tap if there was an endless source or most likely, referring to a beer pump: 'They have Budweiser on tap. this place blows'. Jhin can flick that root on and on off with ease in the 2v2 lane.


I mean, that post is pretty much true. Malz is probably the least interactive champion in the game apart from Soraka.

Enhanced humans/cyborgs, like Adam Jensen, Raiden or JC Denton.

I see. Hope these 3 look more interesting than some of the other ones. Some of them look so damn samey ... and Kat's would have to have a ass load of added effects to be worth the RP IMO.

Anyway, more Kled is popping up ...

Think I was right on the money about this being some kinda Pokemon Master who can ride the bush creature.

Hmm, looking at the poster I think I'm right about it being a Pokemon Master of some kind.

Seems like People think the drawing is a badly drawn Kog but I think it's one of "Kled's" pets that ran away from a battle. The other Pet has paws ... cause Paw print makes no sense otherwise. Unless Kled is a baby member of Rango's people and stepped on the paper >_>

Was hoping for a pretty ninja Yordle waifu Pokemon Trainer (Could still be the case ... "Kled" doesn't sound super male) but the tease tweets keep referring to "some strange guy" putting up these Wanted Posters :/

Welp, I expect a reveal soonish either way.

EDIT- I think the Creature may give Kled Out-of-combat movement speed and it runs into the nearest bush when Kled enters battle. Would explain why it's "always running" and is "ungrateful/ coward". Maybe it's like Poppy's Passive where you actually have to go and pick it up to get it (But, like, it's a passive that runs on a momentum system. Either build the momentum back up to activate/ trigger it or run into the bush it ran into and hop on it. Maybe being on it gives you some added bonus like wall jumping ... and maybe enemies can go into that bush and scare it away so that you can't hop on it.)



The secret is to go hybrid pen marks and auto attack a lot. Auto attack all the time when you can unless you will be in too much danger.

hmm, I recently understood how much powerful AA can be with a supp.

Can't believe I went on playing this game for 2 years without realising that.


hmm, I recently understood how much powerful AA can be with a supp.

Can't believe I went on playing this game for 2 years without realising that.

Every little bit of damage helps. Even 40 extra damage can decide a fight, and if you get in multiple attacks that 40 damage adds up quickly.



Lastshadow is someone who consistently lies about his rank in Korea. He has also scammed people of their money lying about his health being poor and needing it, then he disappears and never mentions it again. These are some of the nicer things he's done.

Edit: To elaborate further, he basically made a career out of lying about his credentials and jumping from team to team as a coach. I blame Teamliquid, they should have kept him banned in 2011 after he been caught hacking in Starcraft multiple times. Instead they gave him a platform for his idiocy, and he's been swindling people ever since, more or less.
This isn't actually how I meant it. Here in the UK, you would usually refer to something being on tap if there was an endless source or most likely, referring to a beer pump: 'They have Budweiser on tap. this place blows'. Jhin can flick that root on and on off with ease in the 2v2 lane.



the way I meant on top is how you described it, as that is what Life Tap does for warlocks in WoW. Ryze for example, has a targeted root that's quite spammable(Was quite spammable, I don't think it gets its CD reset anymore). Jhin makes no sense since it's a skillshot that can miss easily, especially against mobile opponents. Unless you meant spammable?
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