This type of shit makes me wonder why I even bother playing Ranked Solo.
I just don't know how to carry with Illaoi when people do stupid shit like this.
JG ... they're killing you a ton and they're FULL AD. So why are you building FULL DMG and IE and crit shit? You should build tank and ult into them so that Annie and I can do shit and you can walk outta there. (Shoulda maybe kept that BC as you're main DMG item instead of selling it for a IE ..)
Annie ... you gave first blood to the Yas (who was only not banned because YOU wanted to play him with your last pick ass. You also apparently forgot to swap your runes after having to pick Annie so there's that ...) Why did you only start trying to build ZHG at the END of the game? Plus Rango has been feeding off you so again, why not rush a ZHG vs a FULL AD TEAM? Mays sense to me ...
Bot lane is fucked but hey ... at least Nami is warding and trying to build armor I guess.
I'm strong enuff so that it takes 2-3 of them to fight me ... logically I feel I should stay away from the team, split push and draw them over to me as my team does other shit. But that's never the case, either people die the sec they try to push a lane (or over chase the ADC) or they're never close to the enemy minions or the waves are all pushed to our side cause people would prefer the safeness of farming JG camps over minions.
So like clock work it's "Illaoi, we need you!

" ... but they don't seem to understand how to team fight or build in this game and I don't wanna TF with any of them cause they legit die too fast without doing anything. Plus one of Illaoi's counters is forcing her to run around the map non-stop so she can never set up a good wombo combo zone -_-
So yeah, when ever I do group with them and try to TF they all get deleted in 3-4 secs as Yas Splits and I walk away alive cause I'm the only one building fucking armor vs a full AD comp ...
Not trying to say I'm good or something, but I fuck ... these things just make sense to me and IDK why it's so hard finding others it makes sense to in random ranked games. Seems like common sense to me ... :/