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League of Legends |OT12| No more Lyte, just darkness.

I do find Anivia frustrating to play against if I'm playing against a good one. Her combo is vicious.

Really easy to take down without her flash tho. Which is what happened. Just kept getting her flash and she was a sitting duck. Also I roamed way better since I had wall and TP and she took ignite.


I was against an Anivia that I died to stupidly in lane twice, despite the fact that I was beating her (Q+E+ignite fucked me twice) so I went Abyssal into Protobelt for the first time and it felt amazing. The early CDR is so necessary I feel.

And yeah, I'm absolutely adoring her. Excellent design, so much fucking fun to play. Takes skill to play and you feel amazing when you outplay someone.

protobelt just sounds like a bad item to me but honestly it's not an item that's very suited to how i like playing so idk

i like new morellos a lot and buy it on everyone


An Anivia that had some idea what she was doing would have take 1 1/2 towers to punish your roam.

Uninteractive laners need to go. Malz and Anivia are the biggest offenders. I don't think waveclear should ever be given that much range.

Healthy waveclearers are like Sivir and Viktor, where they have to at least get close enough to use it.
protobelt just sounds like a bad item to me but honestly it's not an item that's very suited to how i like playing so idk

i like new morellos a lot and buy it on everyone

Yeah, I saw Froggen do it and wanted to try it. I did allow me to dash in and get a point blank E + Q a few times which felt pretty nice, and it has some health and CDR. I'll try Morello's though.

An Anivia that had some idea what she was doing would have take 1 1/2 towers to punish your roam.

Uninteractive laners need to go. Malz and Anivia are the biggest offenders. I don't think waveclear should ever be given that much range.

Healthy waveclearers are like Sivir and Viktor, where they have to at least get close enough to use it.

Hrm, I don't think Viktor's wave clear is particularly healthy right now and I like Viktor.

But yeah I don't enjoy playing against Anivia or Malz. Malz is the worst.


Yeah Anivia is one of the champs I hate playing against mid lane. She doesn't do much until 6, but when she gets 6, she just walks up to you and puts a wall behind you followed by E R Q, which you have to flash or you die because she dealt 3/4 of your health and her ult is killing you. Then you look at her items expecting pure damage and it's just a Catalyst and tear. wot

In other news, I stopped playing for like a month, now I'm playing normals and I suck so much dick. It's like I've never played the game before, I can't even beat low diamonds... I've only got 2 days till decay to get gud again..
It's funny you mention Anivia, because she has one of the worst designs in the game.

People complain about Fizz, but you can actually shut Fizz out of the game if you know what you're doing.

to be fair, it's very hard to shut down a good fizz. especially if you don't have a good deal of cc on the team. Requires a lot of coordination the Fizz is good.


Yeah, I saw Froggen do it and wanted to try it. I did allow me to dash in and get a point blank E + Q a few times which felt pretty nice, and it has some health and CDR. I'll try Morello's though.
yea i just don't like that item cos i don't like buying hp on mids

Hrm, I don't think Viktor's wave clear is particularly healthy right now and I like Viktor.

But yeah I don't enjoy playing against Anivia or Malz. Malz is the worst.
i think the hexcore nerf will help a lot dealing with viktor

Yeah Anivia is one of the champs I hate playing against mid lane. She doesn't do much until 6, but when she gets 6, she just walks up to you and puts a wall behind you followed by E R Q, which you have to flash or you die because she dealt 3/4 of your health and her ult is killing you. Then you look at her items expecting pure damage and it's just a Catalyst and tear. wot
yeah i'm surprised she hasn't gotten nerfed yet


Playing Aurelion Sol vs a Soraka.

It's bullshit that Silence retracts my stars if they're already out, imo. :( one of the most annoying things I've experienced in this game. I was there destroying people with my planets and she only has to put that silence pool to wreck me lol.


to be fair, it's very hard to shut down a good fizz. especially if you don't have a good deal of cc on the team. Requires a lot of coordination the Fizz is good.
It doesn't require much team coordination. Fizz's waveclear is gated by his E cooldown, so it's really easy to shove him into tower early game and slam him for every caster minion he goes for.

People who don't know what they're doing play scared of the Fizz in the early levels, but he can't waveclear and fight you and you're gonna beat him if he's fighting in caster waves.

Anivia, is the opposite, she doesn't give a shit if she loses early. Her base damage is that stupid.


sealed with a kiss

jhin is seriously such freelo right now, surprised more people aren't playing him
anyone wanna play some normals

I was ready to sign into League, but I was distracted by Twitter, Facebook, etc going in on Taylor Swift over that video that Kim K dropped and eventually decided to hop on Overwatch. I'll be on League tomorrow and we can continue our usual normal clown fiestas.



this is a pretty cool non slutty swimsuit ahri design, from goomrat of all people

had a weird night of league with like three games in a row with the same player that did two games in a row of flash ignite then switched it for tp but also switched flash for ghost on darius. he also gave me shit for running tp on taliyah (?) and on the first game in which he played riven he complained about premades, mias, op champions and whatnot. oh and he ragequit on the third game

it was all normals so who cares but it was pretty funny lol


Heavenly Hammer putting in work right now

and Sona feels fucking crazy now. the W max and stacking Ardent Censer on top Mikael's

I can play tomorrow for more super funtime adventures,
fo sho
I was ready to sign into League, but I was distracted by Twitter, Facebook, etc going in on Taylor Swift over that video that Kim K dropped and eventually decided to hop on Overwatch. I'll be on League tomorrow and we can continue our usual normal clown fiestas.
same. i was deep in reading for like an hour of fanboys fighting each other
I 1v4ed a team as Swain when they decided to engage me in a massive wave. This malzahar ulted me and we both just sat there but my ult killed him lol. I didn't kill all of them but it was more of a diversion for my team and I strutted out of there on my cane. Early on the Malz was able to kill me with his combo and ult but after I got an item or two the balance completely shifted and him ulting me while my ult was on would just kill him.


Nexus was super fun. Probably the most fun in a game mode I've had in a while.

Rammus was OP.
Same. I was surprised that it isnt't as easy as just picking Sivir or Ziggs to win which is what I was expecting.
I've found the most success with bruisers. Assassins are filthy as well due to everyone forgetting there's wards in the shop.
So............got survey and gave suggestions about maybe lifting the mastery level past 7 and mastery point level caps as well. Hope at least they add more levels.
So............got survey and gave suggestions about maybe lifting the mastery level past 7 and mastery point level caps as well. Hope at least they add more levels.



Mastery doesnt serve any purpose right noe, not until they tie rewarda to it. Its literally a superficial bard that you fill that means nothing.

They should add rewards to it. Ever since mastery came out, its just been...there?
Heavenly Hammer putting in work right now

and Sona feels fucking crazy now. the W max and stacking Ardent Censer on top Mikael's

bruh that game was so long! felt like I was playing Dota.

also won my first Taliyah game! I didn't realize they had changed her W casting until last night. So much easier now.




Mastery doesnt serve any purpose right noe, not until they tie rewarda to it. Its literally a superficial bard that you fill that means nothing.

They should add rewards to it. Ever since mastery came out, its just been...there?

i agree, but honestly it's still kind of fun as it is, specially now that you gotta like actually get a few good games to get it

i mostly wish they removed that stupid ip sink crap cos i end up spending my ip on that instead of new champions
Getting to rank 4 is fun because you get access to the cool BM emote. Everything else is just pointlessly jumping through hoops for the sake of jumping through hoops.


They need to actually make masteries hard to get. Not win 20 games with a champ in order to get rank 5 and then just potentially win 2 and then 3 more to get max rank. Maybe make it so you have to be top 1000 or 500 or whatever in the world with a certain champ in order to get their max mastery level.


Getting to rank 4 is fun because you get access to the cool BM emote. Everything else is just pointlessly jumping through hoops for the sake of jumping through hoops.
idk that border thing looks pretty dope to me lol

i kind of like the whole leveling everyone up to 5 since it's so easy

but yea, actual rewards would be nice

They need to actually make masteries hard to get. Not win 20 games with a champ in order to get rank 5 and then just potentially win 2 and then 3 more to get max rank. Maybe make it so you have to be top 1000 or 500 or whatever in the world with a certain champ in order to get their max mastery level.
i think doing that would be ok i guess but this is a game played by like 40 million people, making something that 99.9% of the population won't even interact with is kind of whatever imo

again the thing i think they should actually add is real stat tracking so you can actually use that information to improve as a player and with each individual champion. if i can see how many pinks i buy on average or how many times i've died over time and correlate that to my w/l ratio and stuff that's useful. maybe seeing my most successful builds or my most successful champions and counters, etc.

that's actually gonna help you master the game and is a reward onto itself
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