NCR Redslayer
NeoGAF's Vegeta
Are you saying they are too huge or not huge enoughface could be better tho
also her boobs are huge
i'm complicated
Ey top of the page
Are you saying they are too huge or not huge enoughface could be better tho
also her boobs are huge
i'm complicated
I see.
...but what's a Censer?
Ardent Censer? Maybe I am spelling it wrong. It has that stackable passive atm so champs with shields/heals can buy multiples of it to stack the effect. it will be fixed next patch.
Nerfing her base # will be nice but I am not sure how much it's gonna actually matter unless the afformentioned is also up there. I imagine most of that nerf would be gone with a 2nd ardent 9sans movement speed)
Are you saying they are too huge or not huge enough
Ey top of the page
They dont't look that huge! Well compared to her animu designs.too big
Its illaoi and you know it.leblanc is best girl tho
sadly trueSona is fundamentally broken. She's either too weak or too strong.
lebonk is cool but that splash is not as good as i would want it to beleblanc is best girl tho
it's just inconsistent :<They dont't look that huge! Well compared to her animu designs.
holy shit
i just took grasp of the undying and ad runes on Xerath fuuuuck
that's her new splashthat lux art looks great. Riot makes some of the best waifu. maybe only Overwatch gives them a run for the money.
Source??? you never give any link. you tease
Yeah. Miss Fortune's Q applies on-hit effects for some reason.
that's her new splash
Naota, if you see this- did your internet go out, or did you pull the plug on your computer to not have to deal with that troll Amumu? lololol
This is what happens when we dont queue together.Yeah my internet went out. My MAC got locked out of the connection for some reason. I wasn't in a rush to get back to that game anyway lmao
sorry for leaving y'all to fend for yourselves against the mumu
are you guys still playing? i'm down for another
Very impressive Yasuo play.
Emetic shit huh? That's funny, I'll remember that.I just had a game with a 2/9 Yasuo top, coincidentally. Fun times!
It was my bad though for minimizing during champ select, I didn't notice my genius team didn't ban the biggest piece of emetic shit in this game (Irelia) so I couldn't dodge the auto-defeat in time, especially when she was going top vs our 8 games Yasuo.
Crap game.
This is what happens when we dont queue together.
lmaoIt was my bad though for minimizing during champ select, I didn't notice my genius team didn't ban the biggest piece of emetic shit in this game (Irelia) so I couldn't dodge the auto-defeat in time, especially when she was going top vs our 8 games Yasuo.
that's her new splash
took me forever, had to watch the s@20 videos and the tldr and i still think it's confusingHow long did it take you guys to understand the new Project hextech crafting? I had to read it word by word about 3 times before I started to understand it. It is pretty bad though, even if you buy the new skins day 1 you still don't get the first strike border, for that you need to craft the specific icons, so you have to buy the skins full price (why aren't they discounted during the first week anymore like they used to be?) AND buy stupid chests to craft some dubass icons. Dumb system, I really don't like this. What a great way to make something simple super complicated and even more expensive.
unfortunately those discounts are not the full 50% but just like the tier down discount (as in, 1350->975 instead of 675) so it's not that big of a win, specially since 1350 skins already got first week discountsThey're not discounted in the first week because they get guaranteed discounts a couple months from now. The upside is every skin released will get discounts, including legendaries.
yeah!Damn, talk about an improvement in splash art.
athene's is not the issue, sona is the issueHow to fix Sona 101:
Nerf Athene's
yea but now u have to wait a bunch or feel bad if u buy it on release :IThe 1350 skins never got a 50% discount though, just the 28% or whatever the percentage was. Basically it's the same discount 1350 skins got but applied to every single skin instead of a handful of them.
How long did it take you guys to understand the new Project hextech crafting? .
How to fix Sona 101:
Nerf Athene's
yea nerf the item no sona player uses instead of the 3 second locket of the iron solari proc on her w.How to fix Sona 101:
Nerf Athene's
yea nerf the item no sona player uses instead of the 3 second locket of the iron solari proc on her w. "Turret First Blood" gold: +275 local, +25 global (400 total gold across the team)
New: Turret AI has been updated, and are better at defending allied champions (coming in 6.16)
Fortification (temporary damage reduction buff on turrets) changed
Duration: 7 minutes -> 5 minutes
Damage reduction: 35% -> 50%
Fortification removed from bot lane turrets (were investigating a more nuanced approach to this)
Outer turret HP: 3300 -> 3500
Cannon minions now spawn differently
Each team gets one cannon minion per wave, rotating lanes.
Specifically, Bot gets a cannon minion in lane at wave 3, Mid at wave 4, and Top at wave 5. This then repeats.
Post-20 minutes, Mid has a cannon in wave 40 then both Bot and Top get one in wave 41. This then repeats.
Post-35 minutes, all lanes have cannons in each wave.
Worlds patch anti lane swapping shit
Basically first blood for turrets to counter turret trading, stronger and more assymetrical turrets and some weird cannon minion thing that I have no idea what is supposed to accomplish but I guess makes wave control more assymetric accross the map?
the cannon minion stuff sounds like more anti turret trading stuffWorlds patch anti lane swapping shit
Basically first blood for turrets to counter turret trading, stronger and more assymetrical turrets and some weird cannon minion thing that I have no idea what is supposed to accomplish but I guess makes wave control more assymetric accross the map?