Don't get me wrong, the border thing is asinine and I'm likely not doing that shit even though I want the Ashe skin. I just don't see anything wrong with the box setup per se.
So you think it's asinine but you don't find anything wrong with the box setup? I guess I just don't understand what you are saying.
My problem is that you need
1) a specific box for each champion (which took them very long time to actually mention)
2) a specific new currency
3) and now decide whether to spend the new currency to get a skin shard or a border, unless you are willing to pay RP to get the border for all champions
In summary you now have to pay full price for the skins + an unspecified amount of rp/ip to get the boxes to unlock at least 1 border and if you want all of the borders you need to pay even more rp.
Last year you just bought the skin and you were done.
I understand that it wasn't very engaging last year but this year we are getting the same thing but paying more while also being more complicated, which really rubs me the wrong way.
EU West has been just utter garbage today. People who are proud to feed, dive unrealistic battles and quitters. Usually this happens in like 1/10 of the matches on a decent day, but today it was more like 8/10 matches were just full on stupidity. How stupid? Fiddlesticks as support and he went 1/14/1.
I saw a jungle Fiddle that didn't upgrade his machete even once during a 40 minute game