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League of Legends |OT12| No more Lyte, just darkness.


So I guess Riot games finally threw in the towel and said: "Fuck it, LeBlanc is overpowered and will never not be overpowered."

I really wish they would just removed her, such a stupid champion that embodies the worst elements of League.


So I guess Riot games finally threw in the towel and said: "Fuck it, LeBlanc is overpowered and will never not be overpowered."

I really wish they would just removed her, such a stupid champion that embodies the worst elements of League.
Another player who doesn't understand powerspikes/powertroughs.


Another player who doesn't understand powerspikes/powertroughs.

So you argue that LeBlanc is perfectly balanced?

Cause I feel like unlike most champs, she has a strong early, middle, and late game. Unless you build a super tank team against her. Implying she picked first.


So you argue that LeBlanc is perfectly balanced?

Cause I feel like unlike most champs, she has a strong early, middle, and late game. Unless you build a super tank team against her. Implying she picked first.

Her mobility is annoying but unless she's like 10 kills ahead building an mr item is usually plenty to keep her in check. No tank build necessary.

Her roams are great but she has similar weaknesses to other assassins. Her wave clear and gap close are on the same long cd spell and she has to dive into the wave for it. I definitely wouldn't call her op or even particularly strong rn so yeah pretty balanced


leblanc is not perfectly balanced but she's not much more egregious than most other assassins

talon, katarina, akali, diana, zed, rengar, shaco they're all pretty frustrating to play against because of their low counterplay, and they're also not awesome to have in your team thanks to how snowball dependant they are, but that's kind of what an assassin is, at least in league, at least right now.

it's also why playing an assassin is a very coin toss-y thing and if it isn't then that champion is probably overpowered

that being said it's really silly to say leblanc is overpowered, she's arguably one of the strongest assassins but she's pretty manageable unless absurdly fed and there's just dozens of better and safer mids to pick over her

she's also imo the most fun assassin which is why i'm gonna be sad when they change her into something with more counterplay


If anything, Leblanc is underpowered.

Basically, as a squishy ADC you can just build Maw and she kinda goes away if shes not fed.

Off the top of my head, overpowered mids are like Anivia and Malz.



i forget if i posted this but i had a really good taliyah game today (that i lost because you feeding yi's) so

needs to be more taliyah art

also i wish this artist had done her skin browner

i forget if i posted this but i had a really good taliyah game today (that i lost because you feeding yi's) so

needs to be more taliyah art

also i wish this artist had done her skin browner

man just today I realized you can now cast her Shove and drop the E after. Before they changed how her W worked (back when it had 2 casts) you couldn't do that. I thought that made her shove too...what's the word...telegraphed? Like, "oh she dropped the ground spell, I'll just back up and wait it out". I had been playing her like that ever since. Then I just decided to try it just to see if I could indeed cast the shove then drop the ground slow. Well pleased because you can do it without being predictable.

I really like how Taliyah feels now. Particularly with a Rylai's rush into more damage.

also, it seems artists really like to apply skin bleaching cream to brown-skinned characters pretty often if the Overwatch art thread is any indication. Ana and Pharah are darker than me but you wouldn't know it by the art threads. Sigh.


btw i'm surprised sona isn't getting any follow up nerfs in tomorrow's patch

she's still completely stupid

man just today I realized you can now cast her Shove and drop the E after. Before they changed how her W worked (back when it had 2 casts) you couldn't do that. I thought that made her shove too...what's the word...telegraphed? Like, "oh she dropped the ground spell, I'll just back up and wait it out". I had been playing her like that ever since. Then I just decided to try it just to see if I could indeed cast the shove then drop the ground slow. Well pleased because you can do it without being predictable.

I really like how Taliyah feels now. Particularly with a Rylai's rush into more damage..

i think rylais rush is not a great build, i generally do abyssal into morellos (or other way around on a non poke lane) and then rylais

i might only get abyssal or morellos into rylais too but generally i do that

also i like the swiftness boots build since it gives her a lot of room to position and set herself up for ganks

taliyah is awesome
btw i'm surprised sona isn't getting any follow up nerfs in tomorrow's patch

she's still completely stupid

i think rylais rush is not a great build, i generally do abyssal into morellos (or other way around on a non poke lane) and then rylais

i might only get abyssal or morellos into rylais too but generally i do that

also i like the swiftness boots build since it gives her a lot of room to position and set herself up for ganks

taliyah is awesome
oic! I'll try that build tonight!

I started trying these new builds because the old recommended RoA build just feels like shit. But I've only played her 5 or 6 times now so anything that isn't a RoA rush sounds good to me!

I'll go Abyssal, Morello and Swifties right now and report back.


thing about rylais rush is that it's a) it's hard to build (that nlr is expensive, everything is expensive) and b) it's a bad laning item

morellos and abyssal are great for laning since they either give u mana sustain or hp sustain thru resistances and they're also really easy to build. they also both give u cdr which is a really good stat on her since her burst usually involves more than one spell rotation and is also pretty unreliable

rylais is a really good mid/lategame item and really core on her (and pretty much everyone nowadays) but in lane the slow does very little for you
thing about rylais rush is that it's a) it's hard to build (that nlr is expensive, everything is expensive) and b) it's a bad laning item

morellos and abyssal are great for laning since they either give u mana sustain or hp sustain thru resistances and they're also really easy to build. they also both give u cdr which is a really good stat on her since her burst usually involves more than one spell rotation and is also pretty unreliable

rylais is a really good mid/lategame item and really core on her (and pretty much everyone nowadays) but in lane the slow does very little for you

alright so


I'mma be honest. Damage early felt great with that opener. But I was also made of paper with 1100hp at like 25 minutes.

Not a fan (yet).

The reason I like the Rylai's (sp?) is because you get some tank and some real control. the W and E are nice when you can line them up, but if someone has more movespeed than you, they can still walk you down. I find Rylai's gives just enough move slow to be discouraging while setting up for really good WEQ combos. I appreciate your point about resistances, but early I feel like the raw HP helps me last longer. I may be wrong about that.

I personally just really like crowd control and I like it as soon as I can realistically get it. It's just so helpful not only to her but to the team as it provides so much engage/disengage.

Now. That may have just been a bad experience what with TD TF just appearing, Vayne dancing, Kayle ulting and Sion being able to R into my face. I'm going to try it again now. I just dislike being squishy on champs with high cooldown, difficult to land CC. I like being fragile on champs like Lux and Ahri because they have superior, no-nonsense cc/disengage tools. Taliyah...maybe once I get better with the Shove under pressure I'll feel better about going glass all the time.

Anyway, on to trial #2!


Been playing again after a month break. The break did me good. I think I was getting a little burnt on the game. But having fun lately. I didnt even read up on the patches or anything except what to ban. Swain, hecarim seem like safe bans.

Been playing ekko in the jungle again. I love that champ. His early game from the jungle seems a lot weaker than it was though. But if anything the mid might be stronger with some ap. Building tank doesn't feel quite as good.

Want his new skin now!


alright so


I'mma be honest. Damage early felt great with that opener. But I was also made of paper with 1100hp at like 25 minutes.

Not a fan (yet).

The reason I like the Rylai's (sp?) is because you get some tank and some real control. the W and E are nice when you can line them up, but if someone has more movespeed than you, they can still walk you down. I find Rylai's gives just enough move slow to be discouraging while setting up for really good WEQ combos. I appreciate your point about resistances, but early I feel like the raw HP helps me last longer. I may be wrong about that.

I personally just really like crowd control and I like it as soon as I can realistically get it. It's just so helpful not only to her but to the team as it provides so much engage/disengage.

Now. That may have just been a bad experience what with TD TF just appearing, Vayne dancing, Kayle ulting and Sion being able to R into my face. I'm going to try it again now. I just dislike being squishy on champs with high cooldown, difficult to land CC. I like being fragile on champs like Lux and Ahri because they have superior, no-nonsense cc/disengage tools. Taliyah...maybe once I get better with the Shove under pressure I'll feel better about going glass all the time.

Anyway, on to trial #2!
you can try rylais as second item and rush abyssal or morellos depending on the game, that's a really good build too

also yea taliyah is not great against high mobility champions, even if her e is sort of meant to counter that, she sort of has a lot of trouble locking them down and she needs to move herself a lot to get full q's so it's kind of tough against someone like vayne
btw i'm surprised sona isn't getting any follow up nerfs in tomorrow's patch

she's still completely stupid

Maybe because you can kill her easily , I cant play sona often in ranked because the lack of tanks on my team I am forced to switch to a less squishy support


I love everything about him, Seems fun as fuck if a bit simple, maybe a bit too simple but that's inline with Riot's comments about bringing back simple champions.

In love with their design tho.


Passive is going to be super hard to balance.
Mounted Q is basically another tether.
Unmounted Q is a very mini Graves ult.
His W is an uncontrollable passive and I don't see how it really fits his role.
His E can only be used while mounted, but is actually kinda cool.
His ult is a better Sion ult.

He's going to be a nightmare to balance. He's an initiator, clearly that's his role, but his W is really strange and out of place and cannot be toggled or activated. It's a passive.

I dunno. Not feelin' it. But I haven't been feeling it on a lot of the recent champions.


I feel a bit disappointed in that there's no reason for the mount to exist as a separate creature... basically an excuse to give him one and a half heath bars.


patchnotes: http://eune.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/game-updates/patch/patch-615-notes

Maybe because you can kill her easily , I cant play sona often in ranked because the lack of tanks on my team I am forced to switch to a less squishy support
eh i think they're still analyzing how to properly nerf her, but her current state is like really stupid and unfun to play against

New champion boyz


Still reading but Kled's monster has his own health bar and will flee when it gets depleted leaving Kled alone.
two health bars! called it!

his kit looks fun, i'm kind of worried of resourceless but i guess it's ok, it's not too gimmicky but still weird and interesting

not sure what is his "unique niche" as far as rito's goals have been lately

he just seems like a bruisery tank thing


I think his unique niche is the anti-tank tank. Two %maxhealth abilities and an ability to peel tanks off the back line.
So his W has an internal Cooldown activated as soon as you attack something?

Hrm...he is a bit simple, but its the effective simple. Since he essentially has a buffer for his health in the form of Skaarl, and health items benefit both him and Skaarl, he will be an incredibly strong initiator.


Sona is still frustrating to play against even if she gets dumped on in lane right now. She's a floating ball of dumbness.

Also 95lp and 5 wins in a row means to get diamond I will have had to win 9 games in a row. 5 down, 4 to go. This is gonna be hard.
Wait, I lose promos to Silver 5 but this time I fell to 45 lp , I dont get it why it have to be that low I need to win 3 games then another 3 to pass silver


Passive is going to be super hard to balance.
Mounted Q is basically another tether.
Unmounted Q is a very mini Graves ult.
His W is an uncontrollable passive and I don't see how it really fits his role.
His E can only be used while mounted, but is actually kinda cool.
His ult is a better Sion ult.

He's going to be a nightmare to balance. He's an initiator, clearly that's his role, but his W is really strange and out of place and cannot be toggled or activated. It's a passive.

I dunno. Not feelin' it. But I haven't been feeling it on a lot of the recent champions.

No CC attached to it and it's single target as far as I can tell

I wonder if, unlike Sions, Kleds ult can be stopped..

Also probably this

I feel a bit disappointed in that there's no reason for the mount to exist as a separate creature... basically an excuse to give him one and a half heath bars.

Restricts his ultimate and E. Similar to Gnar the fact that they aren't always available theoretically allows him to have more powerful abilities
So basically his ult is a point and click version of Sion's ult combined with Sivir's ult

Good lord, he looks fun but boy do I not look forward to be on the recieving end of this shit.
No CC attached to it and it's single target as far as I can tell
It has a knockback.


It has what appears to be a 0.5 second knockup.

So basically his ult is a point and click version of Sion's ult combined with Sivir's ult

Good lord, he looks fun but boy do I not look forward to be on the recieving end of this shit.

It has a knockback.

Ah yeah it does. Still I think it's closer to sivir ult with a bit of damage than sion ult since sions ult allows you to stun out half a team for a few seconds

"hones in on the first enemy encountered" looks like you can't pick your target or run past anybody either


I think his unique niche is the anti-tank tank. Two %maxhealth abilities and an ability to peel tanks off the back line.
idk if that's really a niche, %maxhealth is really good against squishies as well

they didn't do the broccoli hair for ryze

i hope he gets the roll at least


it's FAKER ffs

looks like a chocobo

i like it


Was guessing Keld would be jng and not top lane but this seems cool. This seems like a dynamic moveset as well. Guess he's a skirmisher/warden combo.
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