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League of Legends |OT12| No more Lyte, just darkness.

Need some advice, I am using Jhin more often than Jinx but I need another ADC just in case, which one would be the best for Bronze elo.

After Sona hotfix is she still useful ? I am using Naut supp in the meantime


Need some advice, I am using Jhin more often than Jinx but I need another ADC just in case, which one would be the best for Bronze elo.

After Sona hotfix is she still useful ? I am using Naut supp in the meantime

Jhin and Ashe are the meta adcs right now.

Sona is still busted, she just seems to have around 54% winrate rather than 60% winrate after hotfix.


Gold Member
Need some advice, I am using Jhin more often than Jinx but I need another ADC just in case, which one would be the best for Bronze elo.

After Sona hotfix is she still useful ? I am using Naut supp in the meantime

Ashe should be good but it's gonna transition this patch due to the new tower mechanics. A good bully who can push will be really strong this patch with the bot tower now not having fortification. Basically people will target bot tower first and fight for first blood tower.

Sona still OP as hell but to a lesser extent due to hotfix and mikaels and ardent nerf. I think pokey supps would be hella strong due to the reasons stated above. Champs like Zyra would be ideal for bullying and pushing the wave.


TriForce Tank Kled sounds good on paper.
Triforce would be rather pointless since he doesnt use his abilities as freq. as say shen or xin

How is one supposed to lane as him anyways? as for items i can see him being tank build even though he gains the hp benefits when on skarl
Black cleaver would be good on him due to his w passive



cute girls are cute
Gotta try Ashe then but she doesnt looks like do damage but slow down enemies , how do I use her, poke and spam w?

Because Kalista skin (is she really Kalista? lol) looks a lot of Vayne or Nidalee and doesnt look like Kalista at all, hell her skin maybe a different champ and no one will notice the relation to kalista


Ashe should be good but it's gonna transition this patch due to the new tower mechanics. A good bully who can push will be really strong this patch with the bot tower now not having fortification. Basically people will target bot tower first and fight for first blood tower.

Sona still OP as hell but to a lesser extent due to hotfix and mikaels and ardent nerf. I think pokey supps would be hella strong due to the reasons stated above. Champs like Zyra would be ideal for bullying and pushing the wave.

Mikael's and ardent wheren't really nerfed. Only stacking of the same item was removed. The heal/shield increase is unique per item, but you can stack mikael's heal increase and ardent heal increase. The change this patch only removed stuff like stacking 3 ardent censers.


Gold Member
Gotta try Ashe then but she doesnt looks like do damage but slow down enemies , how do I use her, poke and spam w?

Because Kalista skin (is she really Kalista? lol) looks a lot of Vayne or Nidalee and doesnt look like Kalista at all, hell her skin maybe a different champ and no one will notice the relation to kalista

Most common thing I see is stack Q then initiate with ult then use Q to focus on target. Insert a few Ws in the process. Ashe is mostly valued on her utility like her E and her ult. Kiting with her is also easy because of her W and passive.

I think you'll be surprised on how much damage Ashe pulls off with a full combo. Come mid game with runaan's ie/er she'll be kiting and killing like a boss.

Mikael's and ardent wheren't really nerfed. Only stacking of the same item was removed. The heal/shield increase is unique per item, but you can stack mikael's heal increase and ardent heal increase. The change this patch only removed stuff like stacking 3 ardent censers.

Wow. I didn't know that. I thought they changed it just because they stack each other.


Because Kalista skin (is she really Kalista? lol) looks a lot of Vayne or Nidalee and doesnt look like Kalista at all, hell her skin maybe a different champ and no one will notice the relation to kalista

i think it's pertty aparent in-game since she's got some spears going thru her chest and she hoppity hops like no one else in league
Most common thing I see is stack Q then initiate with ult then use Q to focus on target. Insert a few Ws in the process. Ashe is mostly valued on her utility like her E and her ult. Kiting with her is also easy because of her W and passive.

I think you'll be surprised on how much damage Ashe pulls off with a full combo. Come mid game with runaan's ie/er she'll be kiting and killing like a boss.

Stacking Q then unleash it is fun but I got carried away and the enemy support made me run away hahaha

i think it's pertty aparent in-game since she's got some spears going thru her chest and she hoppity hops like no one else in league

Welp, yes.


Words can't describe how much I hate the SKT Kalista skin, and Kalista is probably one of my favorite champions gameplay wise and thematically.


After a few Kled games, one of the changes I want them to do is to change how health is portrayed next to the character portrait. Above your model Kled and Skaarl's health are separated by color, but next to the character potrait their health is continuous. So I've seen so many people start popping pots when they're full health with Kled, because they don't realize or. I guess, don't know Kled's base health.
I wish they'd separate the health bars like in fighting games. Where it depletes completely and then it's another health bar.


cant believe i need an international ticket to buy the dota 2 nendoroids

its ahri all over again
whelp fuck rito fuck valve fuck everyone

i wanna buy that damn goku uniform mako nendoroid and it's like 90 usd

fuck everyone


Irelia changes seem to cement her as a split pusher, as her passive will be nearly nonexistent in team fights
hmm that's interesting i guess, idk

if the rework schedule is divers after assassins, idk if irelia fits either tbh. she's kind of a duelist thing that's kind of more similar to like riven than zed or vi, sorta, but i'm not entirely sure what a diver is supposed to be anyways

Been having a lot of success with Skarner jungle (building Triforce). Saw he was very high winrate and tried him out, so thought I'd write up some advice if anyone else wants to try him. The best option, I think, is to go with knife/3 pots and go with a full clear to start (Gromp (Smite) -> Blue -> Wolves -> Raptors -> Red (Smite) -> Krugs (Smite if needed)), unless you really need to do something else. With any kind of help you'll have no pots but be pretty healthy with red buff, at level 4 (at least 400HP). Make sure you put a second point in Q at level 3 as it speeds up your clear more than E. If you grab the scuttle crab near you you'll be able to get Stalker's Blade + Boots on your first back, likely ahead of the other jungler. Going back through Gromp -> Wolves -> Raptors will get you to level 5, 200xp short of level 6. That xp has to be picked up from lane creeps, kills/assists, or a raid on the enemy jungle if you want your ult fast.

I like to just skip Cinderhulk for the time being and head for Phage and upgraded boots. You don't need Bami's Cinder to kill camps quickly as Skarner, and it's quite a lot of gold (1100) for 280HP. The key is keeping your level high to remain hard to kill, especially when you start putting points in shield. With Sheen/Triforce you pack a serious punch if anyone tries to fight you or when ganking, and you're surprisingly tanky. As the game goes on you transition more towards peeling, with E and R. Once you get T-Force and Cinderhulk, go for generic tanky stuff like Randuin's/Dead Man's Plate/Frozen Heart/GA/Spirit Visage as needed. If you are the main engager, make sure you know who has Flash/QSS as the game goes on - you can throw the game by wasting your ult in a later teamfight.

Runes: AD/Arm/CDR/AS (can swap for AS reds, or for MR blues)
Masteries: 12/0/18 (Strength of Ages)


Been having a lot of success with Skarner jungle (building Triforce). Saw he was very high winrate and tried him out, so thought I'd write up some advice if anyone else wants to try him. The best option, I think, is to go with knife/3 pots and go with a full clear to start (Gromp (Smite) -> Blue -> Wolves -> Raptors -> Red (Smite) -> Krugs (Smite if needed)), unless you really need to do something else. With any kind of help you'll have no pots but be pretty healthy with red buff, at level 4 (at least 400HP). Make sure you put a second point in Q at level 3 as it speeds up your clear more than E. If you grab the scuttle crab near you you'll be able to get Stalker's Blade + Boots on your first back, likely ahead of the other jungler. Going back through Gromp -> Wolves -> Raptors will get you to level 5, 200xp short of level 6. That xp has to be picked up from lane creeps, kills/assists, or a raid on the enemy jungle if you want your ult fast.

I like to just skip Cinderhulk for the time being and head for Phage and upgraded boots. You don't need Bami's Cinder to kill camps quickly as Skarner, and it's quite a lot of gold (1100) for 280HP. The key is keeping your level high to remain hard to kill, especially when you start putting points in shield. With Sheen/Triforce you pack a serious punch if anyone tries to fight you or when ganking, and you're surprisingly tanky. As the game goes on you transition more towards peeling, with E and R. Once you get T-Force and Cinderhulk, go for generic tanky stuff like Randuin's/Dead Man's Plate/Frozen Heart/GA/Spirit Visage as needed. If you are the main engager, make sure you know who has Flash/QSS as the game goes on - you can throw the game by wasting your ult in a later teamfight.

Runes: AD/Arm/CDR/AS (can swap for AS reds, or for MR blues)
Masteries: 12/0/18 (Strength of Ages)

You sure you'd want machete over talisman? Talisman makes his Q apply the passive dot and drain to the whole camp so even though you don't need the mana it probably still makes for better clears


Gold Member
dammit. Irelia nerfs.

Ionian Fervor (Passive) -
Range lowered to 1000 from 1400
No longer reduces duration of disables for each nearby enemy champion 1=10%, 2=25%, 3= 40%.
Now reduces duration of disables on Irelia based on if she is outnumbered (self + allies vs enemies)
Having a number advantage (more allies + self than enemies) is 0%
[EXAMPLE 1) Irelia and her jungler are ganking a single enemy. Irelia gets 0%.]
Even Fight is always 10%
[EXAMPLE 2) Irelia is dueling a renekton in lane. Irelia gets 10%]
Outnumber bonus is 25/30/35/40% at levels 1/6/11/16
[EXAMPLE :3) Irelia is being ganked by Lee sin and Renekton - Irelia gets 25-40% based on level.]


Just loaded up up the game to see they've nerfed jungle nidalee again. Probly going to stop playing her. Whats a good AP carry jungler to pick up? I play gragas, but he's a better tank than damage dealer. Used to play ekko but he doesn't seem viable in the jungle anymore.


Gold Member
Just loaded up up the game to see they've nerfed jungle nidalee again. Probly going to stop playing her. Whats a good AP carry jungler to pick up? I play gragas, but he's a better tank than damage dealer. Used to play ekko but he doesn't seem viable in the jungle anymore.

Elise is the obvious one. Fiddle for the cheese. Diana for carrying.

I've seen some amazing Jungle Rumble tho.


Just loaded up up the game to see they've nerfed jungle nidalee again. Probly going to stop playing her. Whats a good AP carry jungler to pick up? I play gragas, but he's a better tank than damage dealer. Used to play ekko but he doesn't seem viable in the jungle anymore.

Ekko is still strong in jungle, been carried a few times by one.

Rumble is pretty good and safe overall, Amumu/Diana aren't half bad either and pretty easy to learn (and I am a terrible jungler),
You sure you'd want machete over talisman? Talisman makes his Q apply the passive dot and drain to the whole camp so even though you don't need the mana it probably still makes for better clears

I did a couple of test runs to check, and I think you're right. You lose about 5-7 seconds by going Talisman over Machete, but the health gained is more than worth it. Will definitely switch to that in future. I hadn't really played the game in season 6 until the last fortnight and am still catching up on some of the new jungle stuff.
You sure you'd want machete over talisman? Talisman makes his Q apply the passive dot and drain to the whole camp so even though you don't need the mana it probably still makes for better clears

Yeah I think there was some rule of thumb where if you can reliably damage the whole camp every 5 seconds then Talisman is overall better even without the mana return.


Gold Member
Did Riot change the Tribunal system somehow?

There's a lot of people complaining about being banned right now in our server for the past month. Dunno if it's the same with other servers. It's kinda bad in ours though. Although a lot of them are rightfully banned, some haven't gone through chat restriction / 14 days banned and got straight perma'd. There are also those that need some investigation to prove if they're really banned correctly. The problem is Garena, the company who manages League here, can't really remove the bans even if they're justified. Apparently only Riot could do that.

Now it's not a big problem but I've seen some post where they made new accounts and go 5 man premade then report somebody just for the hell of it and they do get suspended which is crazy. I don't want to be a victim of them or any other premade doing that. If that happened to me, even if I didn't do anything, I would get banned and I can't get my account back because of Riot locking the unban from Garena.

Either they fix the Tribunal so something like that doesn't happen or they do something with Garena to fix it.


Man, I just can't buy a win when I play jungle anymore. Played my best Gragas game to date, we were absolutely dominating, and then my teammates just kept shitting away.


Nids early clear got marginally hit. (still clear in 3:45-50) but her midgame is fucking redic played 4 games on her and I hit 2 items it didnt even matter that my team fed. Early bc midgame she shits on everything.



boring jungle stuff
nice to see u finally posting on the real league thread

about time

Just loaded up up the game to see they've nerfed jungle nidalee again. Probly going to stop playing her. Whats a good AP carry jungler to pick up? I play gragas, but he's a better tank than damage dealer. Used to play ekko but he doesn't seem viable in the jungle anymore.
i've been actually playing jungle a bit lately (literally played 2 games which is more than i played in my like 4+ years of league) and i've been playing elise and she feels pretty alright to play

she kind of falls off but she's pretty fun and mechanically interesting

except for the part that she's a spider i like her a lot

Did Riot change the Tribunal system somehow?

There's a lot of people complaining about being banned right now in our server for the past month. Dunno if it's the same with other servers. It's kinda bad in ours though. Although a lot of them are rightfully banned, some haven't gone through chat restriction / 14 days banned and got straight perma'd. There are also those that need some investigation to prove if they're really banned correctly. The problem is Garena, the company who manages League here, can't really remove the bans even if they're justified. Apparently only Riot could do that.

Now it's not a big problem but I've seen some post where they made new accounts and go 5 man premade then report somebody just for the hell of it and they do get suspended which is crazy. I don't want to be a victim of them or any other premade doing that. If that happened to me, even if I didn't do anything, I would get banned and I can't get my account back because of Riot locking the unban from Garena.

Either they fix the Tribunal so something like that doesn't happen or they do something with Garena to fix it.
hmm i don't know the specifics but:
- afaik tribunal is no longer a thing. player behaviour is mostly automated based + human reviews for tougher cases
- punishment type occurs depending on the severity of the "crime". if you ddos people or cheat you're not gonna get chat banned lol.
- punishment escalation also occurs depending on the severity of the crime. if you cheat or do like death threats your escalation jumps a lot higher than if you just tell people to fuck off

so i dunno about the people that didn't got permabanned, maybe there was a bug in the system and they got wrongfully punished, maybe garena is weird, but more than likely the people that got permabanned were doing some real dodgy shit
The strongest AP jungler in the next patch will probably be Fiddlesticks just from the virtue of every other AP jungler being absolute garbage tier.


Gold Member
hmm i don't know the specifics but:
- afaik tribunal is no longer a thing. player behaviour is mostly automated based + human reviews for tougher cases
- punishment type occurs depending on the severity of the "crime". if you ddos people or cheat you're not gonna get chat banned lol.
- punishment escalation also occurs depending on the severity of the crime. if you cheat or do like death threats your escalation jumps a lot higher than if you just tell people to fuck off

so i dunno about the people that didn't got permabanned, maybe there was a bug in the system and they got wrongfully punished, maybe garena is weird, but more than likely the people that got permabanned were doing some real dodgy shit

my bad. Not tribunal, just reporting in general. It's automated so it doesn't judge correctly sometimes. Like I said earlier, I've seen some people complaining about the bans. Mostly it's them being toxic and saying derogatory words over and over again but doesn't that just result in a chat ban in normal riot servers? Also the case where 5 people wrongfully report a person for funsies yet gets punished anyway is a major flaw in the system.

The problem isn't the banning of malicious people but of innocent ones. If 5 enemy team just reports you for basically nothing then it's over for you just like that? That's a pretty big oversight in the report system. Not sure if the same happens on NA/EU etc servers but some guys tested it on new accounts and it does happen.

I've seen some people on Garena forums suggest they copy Dota's way where you have limited numbers of times you can report per week but they make sure they review it so you can be assured. Limiting it also makes it less likely for people to abuse it and use it for real cases. I think it's a pretty good idea myself.


For jungle guys out there, do you buy refillable potions or just red pots for you first clear? I always buy the refillable cause I buy the jungle upgrade but from the guy's post above it seems red pots is better? Or is it a case by case basis? Anyway, I only use Hec and Grag as my junglers so maybe base it on that.


some talks in reddit about an arcade ahri leak

arcade ahri would be so dope, but i kind of wish they made me stop spending money on ahri skins if i'm always gonna use the same one lol

damn it riot

make a good skin for syndra cmoooooooooooon

my bad. Not tribunal, just reporting in general. It's automated so it doesn't judge correctly sometimes. Like I said earlier, I've seen some people complaining about the bans. Mostly it's them being toxic and saying derogatory words over and over again but doesn't that just result in a chat ban in normal riot servers? Also the case where 5 people wrongfully report a person for funsies yet gets punished anyway is a major flaw in the system.

The problem isn't the banning of malicious people but of innocent ones. If 5 enemy team just reports you for basically nothing then it's over for you just like that? That's a pretty big oversight in the report system. Not sure if the same happens on NA/EU etc servers but some guys tested it on new accounts and it does happen.

I've seen some people on Garena forums suggest they copy Dota's way where you have limited numbers of times you can report per week but they make sure they review it so you can be assured. Limiting it also makes it less likely for people to abuse it and use it for real cases. I think it's a pretty good idea myself.
idk, i'm not familiar with the situation to say one way or another (i doubt that garena operates in a different way than the rest of the world for this) but the few times ppl have complained about things like that they were actually really horrible racist people and whatnot

player behavior punishment in league (and probably every other online game) occurs over reiterated shitty behaviors, not just flukes

if you play one game and all 9 players report you you're not gonna get chat banned. now if one person reports you every game for 9 games in a row you're probably gonna get a warning.

and reports have weighted value to discourage stupid behavior like the one you mention

if me and my friends are assholes that enjoy blindly reporting random people every game and those people are never punished the system devalues our reports to the point they're worthless

so if i were you i'd first check my sources and then come back. there's been a billion reports on reddit and official rito forums of people whining about being banned only to have their chat logs displayed and them being full of racism, homophobia, death threats, etc.

it's possible that the system fucked up but i reckon if it did and the post was popular enough on their forums they'd fix it. if they haven't, chances are these people were guilty af


Gold Member
ohhh.. nice.

Makes me relieved.

Well, majority of the whiners had posted their chat log where they don't say anything toxic but the garena mods did say that there was a bug in the report tool where it displays your chat logs in your current game before you were punished instead of the previous game where the toxicity occurred. Maybe if they can fix that we'll get less whiners on our end.

Speaking of making plans of arcade ahri, I hope they make a project riven as well. I doubt we'll have any of them cause they recently got skins already. Arcade Riv and Academy Ahri.

NCR Redslayer

NeoGAF's Vegeta
some talks in reddit about an arcade ahri leak

arcade ahri would be so dope, but i kind of wish they made me stop spending money on ahri skins if i'm always gonna use the same one lol

damn it riot

make a good skin for syndra cmoooooooooooon

idk, i'm not familiar with the situation to say one way or another (i doubt that garena operates in a different way than the rest of the world for this) but the few times ppl have complained about things like that they were actually really horrible racist people and whatnot

player behavior punishment in league (and probably every other online game) occurs over reiterated shitty behaviors, not just flukes

if you play one game and all 9 players report you you're not gonna get chat banned. now if one person reports you every game for 9 games in a row you're probably gonna get a warning.

and reports have weighted value to discourage stupid behavior like the one you mention

if me and my friends are assholes that enjoy blindly reporting random people every game and those people are never punished the system devalues our reports to the point they're worthless

so if i were you i'd first check my sources and then come back. there's been a billion reports on reddit and official rito forums of people whining about being banned only to have their chat logs displayed and them being full of racism, homophobia, death threats, etc.

it's possible that the system fucked up but i reckon if it did and the post was popular enough on their forums they'd fix it. if they haven't, chances are these people were guilty af
Schoolgirl ahri not good enough?


For jungle guys out there, do you buy refillable potions or just red pots for you first clear? I always buy the refillable cause I buy the jungle upgrade but from the guy's post above it seems red pots is better? Or is it a case by case basis? Anyway, I only use Hec and Grag as my junglers so maybe base it on that.

Case by case but generally speaking if you can get away with refillable pots without upgrading it to hunter's potion then do so. There's some weaker picks that need health pots because their initial clear is too weak but gets strong after a few levels such that refillable pots aren't necessary.



so even if the art isn't absolutely great, someone made an argie ahri which is kind of hilarious to me

also they called her "gauchita ahri" and gauchita in argie spanish is slang for girls that put out so that's pretty funny too

league is the best game on the planet

ohhh.. nice.

Makes me relieved.

Well, majority of the whiners had posted their chat log where they don't say anything toxic but the garena mods did say that there was a bug in the report tool where it displays your chat logs in your current game before you were punished instead of the previous game where the toxicity occurred. Maybe if they can fix that we'll get less whiners on our end.
yeah, definitely. rito's system isn't flawless but there are a lot of common sense failsafes there meant to prevent people from being wrongly banned. you might argue that riot is too lenient instead, but i actually really respect their commitment to trying to reform people rather than kick them out or send them to prisoner island or whatever

Speaking of making plans of arcade ahri, I hope they make a project riven as well. I doubt we'll have any of them cause they recently got skins already. Arcade Riv and Academy Ahri.
project riven is kind of a given (ugh)

her kit and design just lends itself really well to that skin line. honestly riven should probably get some tweaks some day, i actually find it pretty cool when she's strong, but i don't really play top lane so idk. i just find her pretty fair to deal with later in the game and i think she's just cool

i'm sure riven will get a skin not long from now, she's pretty popular

Schoolgirl ahri not good enough?
ehh, schoolgirl ahri is a 750 skin and that skin just looks kind of ehh. i love her tails on that skin but the backpack looks dumb and the splash isn't that great

kpop ahri is the best skin. i also like korean ahri a lot and then firefox and challenger ahri both have pretty cool vfx

how bout arcade swain

something original for once instead of a pandering skin
i think swain would be really cool if they gave him like a cthulhu inspired skin

but maybe it's just that i'm playing darkest dungeon right now

edit: also some good art to compensate gratuitous boobs



Queued up a game. My Sion top died twice to Shen within 5 mins and my Bot Trist/Lux was killed 5 times by *drumroll* Varus and Shaco support. Down 8-2 before I hit 6. Their two deaths were from Shaco suicide'ing under tower.

I AFK'ed, and did so with great joy. In fact, it was the only moment I felt happy playing this game since I picked it up again a few weeks ago. I don't know why I bother.


Gold Member
The leaves and texture looks pretty awesome. Maybe go for the brown one so it won't clash with the map's color. I like the way the bow just floats.
I just want a damn new Illaoi skin god damnit.

I secretly become very disappointed when I look on the PBE updates and see skins for "not Illaoi".

"... Oh, Project skin teaser site? Let me type in Illaoi ... oh, it's for Ekko, Ashe and the no-effects-plain-ass-looking-kit-lol-yolo-:p Kat :/"

"With Kled coming in the next PBE update I wouldn't expect Skins but if sooooo ... gotta be Illaoi, right? It's her time! Kindred's skin was a good bit ago! Oh, wait ... this is the patch they're gonna bring back the SKT skins. Ok ... I'll wait 2 more weeks :("


Queued up a game. My Sion top died twice to Shen within 5 mins and my Bot Trist/Lux was killed 5 times by *drumroll* Varus and Shaco support. Down 8-2 before I hit 6. Their two deaths were from Shaco suicide'ing under tower.

I AFK'ed, and did so with great joy. In fact, it was the only moment I felt happy playing this game since I picked it up again a few weeks ago. I don't know why I bother.
don't play solo q if u can help it

random people suck

get some friends together
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