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League of Legends |OT12| No more Lyte, just darkness.

thornmail's got issues but rammus is what happens when a champion has a total number of one mechanics to their name which makes them extremely hard to balance
Rammus wouldn't be so bad without the stupid Cinderhulk > Thornmail rush. If he flashes into you you're pretty much dead midgame because he'll just kill you by having you auto him as you eat his ult and sunfire damage.

I'm just fucking exhausted of being punished for doing what I'm supposed to be doing. They should at the very least make it so Thornmail's damage reflection is an active so you can actually fucking play around it like Rammu's E or whatever key Defensive curl is.


sealed with a kiss
the best part about playing against rammus is that there is literally nothing you can do as an adc because rammus gets 500 armor and 300 ad for building that armor and you literally will kill youself in 3 autos regardless of how much lifesteal you have


Huh. He's quite uncommon from my recent experience. It's mostly about Vlad and Azir here.
that's not really what i meant :p

more like i feel pressured to pick viktor because of how op he is which is lame cos i hate playing champions cos they're op

but it's so much easier to play viktor than ori right now it's stupid

viktor right now is very stupid

Rammus wouldn't be so bad without the stupid Cinderhulk > Thornmail rush. If he flashes into you you're pretty much dead midgame because he'll just kill you by having you auto him as you eat his ult and sunfire damage.

I'm just fucking exhausted of being punished for doing what I'm supposed to be doing. They should at the very least make it so Thornmail's damage reflection is an active so you can actually fucking play around it like Rammu's E or whatever key Defensive curl is.
rammus would still be a really bad champion and he had good winrates with and without cinderhulk and thornmail being strong or weak

i'm not sure what to answer to the problems with thornmail, cos you're gonna have similar issues with randuins (im punished for doing what im supposed to be doing) and i don't even think thornmail is an op item right now? like honestly i'm not too good at itemization since i went on the overwatch break (except that rylais is stupid) but idk, if an item on one champion is a problem why would you nerf the item and possibly negatively/positively affect dozens of other champions instead of just nerfing rammus and being done with it

or better yet, do a minor rework on him so he's less shit


Unconfirmed Member
I don't even think Viktor's main problem is his burst - it's his waveclear.

All these b/s champions right now in the mid-lane basically force you under tower with ONE spell. A champion like Brand needs 2 spells and 3 auto attacks for the same waveclear. So even if you wanted to siege a tower after making a pick, good luck doing anything against Viktor, the minion wave's already dead.

Which is why Malzahar is also such an annoying champion to deal with - can't dive him, can't outpush him. And with all the waveclear, you lose pressure in mid-lane, causing your jungle to be perma-invaded by any decent jungle-mid duo.

Waveclear needs to be toned down - One spell from a decent range away is too strong. That's exactly why they nerfed Ziggs & Xerath.
rammus would still be a really bad champion and he had good winrates with and without cinderhulk and thornmail being strong or weak

i'm not sure what to answer to the problems with thornmail, cos you're gonna have similar issues with randuins (im punished for doing what im supposed to be doing) and i don't even think thornmail is an op item right now? like honestly i'm not too good at itemization since i went on the overwatch break (except that rylais is stupid) but idk, if an item on one champion is a problem why would you nerf the item and possibly negatively/positively affect dozens of other champions instead of just nerfing rammus and being done with it

or better yet, do a minor rework on him so he's less shit
Thornmail isn't broken per se, but in the situations it's useful are fucking asinine, whenever this item is bought it's overbearing.

The best way I can describe it is imagine if Banshee's was a passive but it only blocked physical spells. This item is a problem every single time it pops up, even if you nerf just Rammus this piece of garbage will always come back somehow.


I don't even think Viktor's main problem is his burst - it's his waveclear.

All these b/s champions right now in the mid-lane basically force you under tower with ONE spell. A champion like Brand needs 2 spells and 3 auto attacks for the same waveclear. So even if you wanted to siege a tower after making a pick, good luck doing anything against Viktor, the minion wave's already dead.

Which is why Malzahar is also such an annoying champion to deal with - can't dive him, can't outpush him. And with all the waveclear, you lose pressure in mid-lane, causing your jungle to be perma-invaded by any decent jungle-mid duo.

Waveclear needs to be toned down - One spell from a decent range away is too strong. That's exactly why they nerfed Ziggs & Xerath.

Agreed, The level of waveclear Viktor gets from just upgrading his E early should not be possible until almost lategame, imo. Malz and others have the same issue but at least they need to use a full rotation.


honestly with viktor's design you'll never be able to do waveclear that's not as "toxic"

he needs to either clear with one e or two e's and have e cd reduced as well as dmg

otherwise idk, you could do some fancy shit like his q auto is like aoe and whatnot but that would just push him more to be toxic and non interactive

Thornmail isn't broken per se, but in the situations it's useful are fucking asinine, whenever this item is bought it's overbearing.

The best way I can describe it is imagine if Banshee's was a passive but it only blocked physical spells. This item is a problem every single time it pops up, even if you nerf just Rammus this piece of garbage will always come back somehow.
if u were providing a single other champion that was abusing thornmail i'd be more privy to seeing ur point but honestly it just sounds to me like rammus is op which he is cos his design is really poor


Gold Member
So when't the new project skins gonna come out? I've got some rp saved up for those boxes. I just need the goofy borders and get the skin later.


yeah and just now I was watching Rush's stream and he pretty much had the same clear time (3:20) and he wasn't really trying to clear as fast as possible


I feel like no-one in this thread has actually read the patch notes. Riot didn't remove Nidalee's form-swap AA reset to nerf her clear speed. To quote:

Straight up: the damage pattern of these resets is drowning out the unique aspects of Nidalee’s gameplay.

Right now, Nidalee’s R attack resets are literally free damage. Optimizing around them comes at the expense of other gameplay decisions - namely, form swapping for the abilities each form offers.

Y'all cry "clunky champ controls", but all I hear is "the only thing we find interesting about her R is that it resets AAs on a low cooldown". Riot buffed Nidalee's early clear to make up for the AA reset removal. I mean what the shit, if they didn't want Nidalee to have a fast early clear then they wouldn't have compensated for the nerfs.

i found this post interesting

idk how true it is but if ppl are raging over this being a "not nerf" for her clear when it wasn't really meant to nerf her clear then yea ppl in reddit like usual are idiots
i found this post interesting

idk how true it is but if ppl are raging over this being a "not nerf" for her clear when it wasn't really meant to nerf her clear then yea ppl in reddit like usual are idiots

this is why you never listen to reddit

or this thread sometimes lol. I think someone on here said that Riot was killing nidalee, and I just silently thought 'that's not what the notes said'.
Did Riot already implement that thing about primary/secondary roles in queues? I'm not feeling it. I don't remember ever getting Jungle when I put Support as secondary in this season.


that's not really what i meant :p

more like i feel pressured to pick viktor because of how op he is which is lame cos i hate playing champions cos they're op

but it's so much easier to play viktor than ori right now it's stupid

viktor right now is very stupid

I was a bit unclear I guess. I meant that I was a bit surprised that I'm not seeing more Viktor if he's op, still. I saw him a lot before the small nerf on his staff, but they have almost stopped playing him here.


I think Viktor is just a lot easier than a lot of other mages, you don't really need to setup on him, you just run in and use your abilites to 1 shot the enemy team.

You can do the same on Ori, but you need a lot more skill to pull something like that off.
this is why you never listen to reddit

or this thread sometimes lol. I think someone on here said that Riot was killing nidalee, and I just silently thought 'that's not what the notes said'.
The initial plan was to actually murder Nidalee because they were going to remove her form reset on hunt and the reset on her W, which would probably make it so she couldn't jungle anymore.

Later versions of the changes got rid of that but my reaction was based on the first one.


Also check out today's LCK match between KT and Ever. Ssumday wrecked with it.

Ssumday went Triforce into Deadman's. Phage passive and Deadman movespeed takes Ekko's already high sticking power to ridiculous levels.
Also check out today's LCK match between KT and Ever. Ssumday wrecked with it.

Ssumday went Triforce into Deadman's. Phage passive and Deadman movespeed takes Ekko's already high sticking power to ridiculous levels.

Buy Frozen Mallet too if you want to be a real ass.


Not a lot of wins associated with that ekko build lol. Kind of expensive out of the jungle. I'll probably stick to frozen fist. I know that's not the name but it actually works as a search in the shop so I stick with it.
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