Illaoi would most likely get a skin soon now that all new other champs that came before her has 2 skins. She is getting more popular nowadays so that brings up the chances as well.
Yeah, That's what I figured. Mentally I just keep making up reason for it not happening yet like "Ok, Pool Party Skins! Pool Party Illaoi?!? No? Ok ... it's not a random group thing like Super Galaxy, it's an event thing that comes around once a year and if she's not in it then that's that. PROJECT!?! No? Ok ... I mean, i don't even think she would fit that theme/ lore really so w/e. Plus it's cool cause now Ashe, Kat and Ekko have a legit best skin in their closets".
That being said I still feel it coming soon so Imma keep hoping for the next cycle. I would love to see what they do with her given how great they're getting at making these skins. I mean fuck .. PROJECT Ashe+Ekko and Mech Sion look far better than PF EZ. In fact, I feel like the only Ultimate skin that stands the test of time as being better than todays legendary skins and many new Epic ones is DJ Sona and that's mainly because of the form toggles and global sound track.
Would love an Arcade Illaoi also. Or Elder wood. Anything really as long as it's good.
Queued up a game. My Sion top died twice to Shen within 5 mins and my Bot Trist/Lux was killed 5 times by *drumroll* Varus and Shaco support. Down 8-2 before I hit 6. Their two deaths were from Shaco suicide'ing under tower.
I AFK'ed, and did so with great joy. In fact, it was the only moment I felt happy playing this game since I picked it up again a few weeks ago. I don't know why I bother.
Sion top having that bad of a time vs Shen? What? That was my favor Sion match up back when I played Sion top and people actually played tanks top ... you're not AA based so his cloud doesn't mean shit and if you can land Q before he lands his taunt he's fucked. you can also use Q or Ult to stop his Ult.
But now top lane is all fucking dashy fighter types and people wanting to annoy you with ADCs :/
don't play solo q if u can help it
random people suck
get some friends together
Pretty much.
I have kinda accepted this and just use solo as a form of practice for laning phase ... cause the sec I have to be bothered with "the team" it becomes a big ol bag of "which one of these people know what they're doing and which should I avoid being left alone with".
Part of why I took a break from the game to play B&S. I can play with other people and NOT have to rely on 4 random people to not shit up my fun?!? Yay ...
Also why I plan to try to learn GP and Hec. Feel like both of them are unlike Illaoi in that they can just have so much map pressure and get others on the team going. Seems like a good GP and pretty much carry a team of complete sucky players by himself.
Normals are for when you're in the IDGAF mood.
I'm normally in that mood these days. After my last Ranked game I realized that ... I need to play premade or not bother with ranked games at all.
This shit still makes my blood boil.