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League of Legends |OT12| No more Lyte, just darkness.


Gold Member
I just want a damn new Illaoi skin god damnit.

I secretly become very disappointed when I look on the PBE updates and see skins for "not Illaoi".

"... Oh, Project skin teaser site? Let me type in Illaoi ... oh, it's for Ekko, Ashe and the no-effects-plain-ass-looking-kit-lol-yolo-:p Kat :/"

"With Kled coming in the next PBE update I wouldn't expect Skins but if sooooo ... gotta be Illaoi, right? It's her time! Kindred's skin was a good bit ago! Oh, wait ... this is the patch they're gonna bring back the SKT skins. Ok ... I'll wait 2 more weeks :("

Illaoi would most likely get a skin soon now that all new other champs that came before her has 2 skins. She is getting more popular nowadays so that brings up the chances as well.


Queued up a game. My Sion top died twice to Shen within 5 mins and my Bot Trist/Lux was killed 5 times by *drumroll* Varus and Shaco support. Down 8-2 before I hit 6. Their two deaths were from Shaco suicide'ing under tower.

I AFK'ed, and did so with great joy. In fact, it was the only moment I felt happy playing this game since I picked it up again a few weeks ago. I don't know why I bother.
Don't play normal games.
Illaoi would most likely get a skin soon now that all new other champs that came before her has 2 skins. She is getting more popular nowadays so that brings up the chances as well.

Yeah, That's what I figured. Mentally I just keep making up reason for it not happening yet like "Ok, Pool Party Skins! Pool Party Illaoi?!? No? Ok ... it's not a random group thing like Super Galaxy, it's an event thing that comes around once a year and if she's not in it then that's that. PROJECT!?! No? Ok ... I mean, i don't even think she would fit that theme/ lore really so w/e. Plus it's cool cause now Ashe, Kat and Ekko have a legit best skin in their closets".

That being said I still feel it coming soon so Imma keep hoping for the next cycle. I would love to see what they do with her given how great they're getting at making these skins. I mean fuck .. PROJECT Ashe+Ekko and Mech Sion look far better than PF EZ. In fact, I feel like the only Ultimate skin that stands the test of time as being better than todays legendary skins and many new Epic ones is DJ Sona and that's mainly because of the form toggles and global sound track.

Would love an Arcade Illaoi also. Or Elder wood. Anything really as long as it's good.

Queued up a game. My Sion top died twice to Shen within 5 mins and my Bot Trist/Lux was killed 5 times by *drumroll* Varus and Shaco support. Down 8-2 before I hit 6. Their two deaths were from Shaco suicide'ing under tower.

I AFK'ed, and did so with great joy. In fact, it was the only moment I felt happy playing this game since I picked it up again a few weeks ago. I don't know why I bother.

Sion top having that bad of a time vs Shen? What? That was my favor Sion match up back when I played Sion top and people actually played tanks top ... you're not AA based so his cloud doesn't mean shit and if you can land Q before he lands his taunt he's fucked. you can also use Q or Ult to stop his Ult.

But now top lane is all fucking dashy fighter types and people wanting to annoy you with ADCs :/
don't play solo q if u can help it

random people suck

get some friends together

Pretty much.
I have kinda accepted this and just use solo as a form of practice for laning phase ... cause the sec I have to be bothered with "the team" it becomes a big ol bag of "which one of these people know what they're doing and which should I avoid being left alone with".

Part of why I took a break from the game to play B&S. I can play with other people and NOT have to rely on 4 random people to not shit up my fun?!? Yay ...

Also why I plan to try to learn GP and Hec. Feel like both of them are unlike Illaoi in that they can just have so much map pressure and get others on the team going. Seems like a good GP and pretty much carry a team of complete sucky players by himself.

Don't play normal games.

Normals are for when you're in the IDGAF mood.

I'm normally in that mood these days. After my last Ranked game I realized that ... I need to play premade or not bother with ranked games at all.
This shit still makes my blood boil.
I knew that when I clicked this link, one team would have a Yasuo. My condolences.

You wanna know the fucked up thing? I coulda banned Yas ... I ALWAYS ban Yas cause Yas top vs Illaoi is annoying AF and Yas Mid vs my Mid Sion is also annoying AF. But Our mid wanted to play Yas ... and he was 2nd to last pick. Then tries to counter pick with Anna when his yas is taken.

Never again. I'm just gonna ban him regardless. Not even gonna acknowledge it in the lobby chat.

(That being said our mid wasn't the only problem...)


Greatest thing to wake up to:




I'm so tired of shitty junglers. A shitty lane is bad enough, but a shitty jungler will just lose all lanes and all drakes.
Annie is really, really good against Yas.

A counter-pick is only as good as you are with that champ though.
Now, in his slight def, he DID forget to change out his Yas Runes ... but he fed Yas and Rango a ton and even late game him vs Yas in a 1v1 was likely a suicide mission so when Yas split pushed I had to answer.

EDIT- first game since meh break

Good ol S- stumpin. The Darius clearly didn't know how to play the match up so I could farm pre 6 without worrying. At some point, after getting 2 kills on him, his JG and Mid tried to jump me. Deleted top and mid and got Lee low enuff for my JG to finish off.

In the lobby the Lee has the nerve to bitch about Illaoi being OP cause I could instakill in a 1v3. Told him if he thinks she's so OP he should play her and find out why she isn't. Also told him that they engaged on me (a fed Illaoi) with no hard CC inside my ult and laughed before dipping out.
THAT is the secret power to Illaoi ... people naturally think that if you dog pile on someone they should die because they can't fight off all of you at once so they go Bayblade mode and just ram into you without thinking. That shit legit allows her to do more dmg with her Ult, she's a counter engage champ. When the enemy understands this it becomes much harder to do her thing.

EDIT 2- Oh my ... been in que for sooo damn long.
Decided to just play B&S. Finally got into the lobby and I'm first pick with a Yas Mid (who asked to go top) and the enemy first picks GP ... I felt a head ache about to happen :/
I'm so tired of shitty junglers. A shitty lane is bad enough, but a shitty jungler will just lose all lanes and all drakes.

Drakes are really game changers?

On my recent matchesI am seeing junglers forgetting about drakes and keeping the enemy team at bay, the enemy team starts to get all drakes and beat us in late game

Dr. Buni

I think it only counts as "they" if they both speak.

Either way, IDGAF what they say ... Kindred is a she as far as I care.
That is stupid (both points), but the bold part in special, since both of them speak, so Kindred is a "they". People are just too lazy or w/e to call them by the right noun.
It's Lamb and her floating dog head.

Q: Lamb jumps and shoots up to three arrows.
W: Wolf marks territory and bites people that get in the circle.
E: Lamb slows a champ and then has Wolf bite on her 3rd AA.
R: Lamb makes an immortality circle.

Just go for broke and make Kindred a transformer champ like Elise.
lol, had one of those ranked games.

in champ select support is like "invade". I'm like, "no, let's not. that's a bad idea." They go anyway (jg, supp, adc) and feed away 3 kills instantly. Jungler then abandons and the top goes after a death in the lane.

Why do u do dis, soloq


That is stupid (both points), but the bold part in special, since both of them speak, so Kindred is a "they". People are just too lazy or w/e to call them by the right noun.
i think that's not a very smart anaylsis just calling ppl lazy about it

league is a game in which you generally control one character and that character responds to your directions in a very direct and instant way. you click somewhere and you see your champion react. you click on a guy and you see your champion play an attack animation. you see them die and they fall over. it's very straightforward abstraction, the player controls the champion, so the champion is what's controlled by the player. in a rts the player controls more than one character, so a player controls an army.

kindred is weird because you click somewhere and the response you see is the one of a normal champion: you see lamb girl run, jump, shoot, fall over dead, etc. but then it's supposed to be a they cos some abilities use this pet thing that's flying next to her.

yeah wolf talks but the way you interact with this game is by clicking on stuff, not by listening to ppl talk and that's how you best perceive characters in this game

so yeah i think league just taught us that you click on something and it moves, that's the thing


lol, had one of those ranked games.

in champ select support is like "invade". I'm like, "no, let's not. that's a bad idea." They go anyway (jg, supp, adc) and feed away 3 kills instantly. Jungler then abandons and the top goes after a death in the lane.

Why do u do dis, soloq
Not invading with a team is 1 upping the stupidity of going for bad invade.


Except for Orianna
i mean, ori is the perfect example of what i mean

ori is not a them just because she has a pet ball

even if the ball is like integral to her gameplay in a way that no other champion ability is and the ball has like a story and flies with her everywhere and shit, ori is not a them

it's a pet, and the wolf in kindred is a pet

it's classic ludonarrative dissonance stuff, no matter how much rito tries to tell you it's a them that's just narrative talking and fighting over what you experience as a player and what rito has trained you to interpret when you play the game
Wolf is no different from Valor, the only difference is that we can understand what he says. Same for Kled and Skaarl, really.

It's gonna take more than a few voice lines to make an actual dual champion. Nothing about Kindred besides some minor lore details makes me think of Lamb and Wolf as a single being.


I wouldn't have a problem calling Orianna them if the ball was a pet or something with that same kit. Way more interactive than what Kindred does. I'm on team she for Kindred.

Btw, Orianna needs some love.


Gold Member
They should really nerf protobelt. It's a power creep. I've seen people use it on champs with even a little ap scaling such as an irelia that I've played with earlier. Probably increasing the cooldown is the best bet.


lmao our jungler just got mad at us that we decided to remake the game. we remade the game because he was afk. he came in right at the end. kept saying he was here and "wtf" and then throwing out slurs. hahahaha


got blood moon elise as a reward for this latin american event rito las is doing

neat, i'm playing a bit of jungle here and there and that's her best skin so pretty cooooool


Pardon the fuck out of me? Going to disagree. I went with them and they died. Don't co-opt their stupidity with your own claim to the stupid throne.

an invade (bad or not) is something that needs full committal. you could have been a deciding factor in that going the other way.


Gold Member
Finally D4. Took me a year to go from d5 to that. It's pretty hard to improve in high elo. It also doesn't help that I constantly take breaks to play other games.


I like laning against Soraka nowadays if you have an aggressive adc, Jhin is perfect.

If you just make a few decent trades on level 1, probable if Soraka starts Q, you can really snowball the lane. This game was way more snowbally than usual, it helped that they had Fiddle in the jungle and not somebody who ganked more early.

Finally D4. Took me a year to go from d5 to that. It's pretty hard to improve in high elo. It also doesn't help that I constantly take breaks to play other games.

This game felt pretty good.

Was worried because of the ADC choice and this was my first time playing against a Nasus since one beat the shit outta me back when I was newer to Illaoi. But my Illaoi club's advice was on point, SS mastery Plus Rush BC and slap him around when he tries to stack on your passive.

Also was good that they had a team comp that allowed me to counter engage with ease when they ganged up on me (only the Naut had Hard CC so SS was useful vs all of them and both Eve and Lee kinda fall off).

That being said ... I have no clue how Morg got so many kills o_O
We were both the only Ss on our team.

Edit- Just dodged a game vs a Vayne/ EZ/ Jhin after I 2nd picked Illaoi. Not dealing with that shit...time fore B&S I guess.


I like laning against Soraka nowadays if you have an aggressive adc, Jhin is perfect.
i feel like i can't remember the last time i had a jhinless game

i don't even disilke jhin, but it's so boring to see him played every fucking game

adcs players are dumb

Oh goody, people are starting to catch on to Rammus

Can we just fucking delete Thornmail from the game already
honestly i think that's more of a problem with rammus than thornmail

thornmail's got issues but rammus is what happens when a champion has a total number of one mechanics to their name which makes them extremely hard to balance
Every single Vayne I see in Bronze this week is like a instant win for the enemy in bot lane, her last hitting is perfect and move like they are smurfing. Even if vayne gets behind they can recover fast and when she gets BotrK I cant stop her anymore.


i feel like i can't remember the last time i had a jhinless game

i don't even disilke jhin, but it's so boring to see him played every fucking game

adcs players are dumb

honestly i think that's more of a problem with rammus than thornmail

thornmail's got issues but rammus is what happens when a champion has a total number of one mechanics to their name which makes them extremely hard to balance

Yeah there's at least one of Jhin and Ashe in every game. I try to ban one or the other every game, they are good bans this patch. Usually Ashe more than Jhin though, the arrow is so good at catching people and she is easier to play than Jhin.


Yeah there's at least one of Jhin and Ashe in every game. I try to ban one or the other every game, they are good bans this patch. Usually Ashe more than Jhin though, the arrow is so good at catching people and she is easier to play than Jhin.
i'm also starting to ban viktor just to not have to play him

it's pretty annoying how op he is even as someone that likes viktor
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