Oh cool, prize pool shitposts. Having players getting pros paid isn't gonna make matches more exciting or the stakes higher, no one is going to play less hard because you're winning a million dollars instead of eight, it's a fucking million dollars.
But sure, shame on Riot for actually paying for prize pools out of their money instead of having people do their job for them, greedy iron fist hardeehar.
From the shit we normally pay for, not from a special one time thing on top of already existing microtransactions. If Riot tried to pull off a compedium I'd whine to no end precisely because of the money they make which should already have been invested back into the game they control, competitive included.Where do you think Riot gets their money?
You would improve vastly if you used your abilities Naota.
Wild Growth should give champions AoE damage on AA and abilities.
no?They're just different philosophies.
Valve is more hands-off and community driven (for better or for worse) and Riot is more hands-on and controlling (for better or for worse).
Riot won't dare implement a compendium now because the general consensus is that the population has plateaued. It would look awful if the prize pools decreased from year to year. Shame, too, because I quite like the idea of a compendium.
i mean, compendium money is only 25% of sales for the prizepool so you bet riot spends a shit ton more than valve in thisI don't get the obsession with prizepools. It's as if some people were competing themselves and hope to win that money, I coulnd't imagine something that matters less in my enjoyment of watching the game.
One thing that it is flat out wrong though, is simply looking at the prize pool and call Riot cheap. Sure, let's ignore that they keep year round leagues in 2 continents, taking all the organization and production costs plus salaries for every player and coach. Theey probably contribute heavily as well to wildcard regions and those are year round as well.
ban her?support sucks dick rn
u either play sona or sona counters
lame af
that'd be sweetWild Growth should give champions AoE damage on AA and abilities.
2 many other dumb champs to ban
like yasuo
yasuo is a wasted ban.
When your 14/1 and you lose cause your adc and mid laner keep getting caught out and do zero damage to the enemy team. It seems no matter how good I do, how well I make plays and the such- I lose. I got into Silver I again and yet now I'm almost at 0 LP in Silver II cause my MMR went to shit and I can't win any matches. Maybe one win for every 7 loses.![]()
The thing is, you can fix that. You go WITH them so when they get caught out you can fight it out especially since you're fed. Basically, what you need to do is group up. Doing so drastically lowers the enemy getting a pick on you. Best case scenario, you win the team fight or maybe get a kill for each death.
solidifies to me that the DeLux Jam will never, ever be topped.
I just don't get it... Are people queuing up for roles they're not good at in ranked? It's just... I don't know what to do anymore. I'm always at the top of my games yet the randoms I play with (barring my one duo partner), just don't know how to play properly. They're constantly getting caught up, never know when to properly engage...
My last 4 games have been... 15/5, 15/7, 14/2, 10/5...
I'm pushing lanes, peeling for the adc/mid and still nothing and even when I should win, my team ALWAYS gets cocky and makes so many dumb mistakes. I started in Silver IV this season, down from Gold V and I got to Silver I, yet one more loss and I'm back in Silver III...
There's something about putting your all in for every match, constantly at the top of your game... and then losing every. single. time.
What champions are you playing?
I just don't get it... Are people queuing up for roles they're not good at in ranked? It's just... I don't know what to do anymore. I'm always at the top of my games yet the randoms I play with (barring my one duo partner), just don't know how to play properly. They're constantly getting caught up, never know when to properly engage...
My last 4 games have been... 15/5, 15/7, 14/2, 10/5...
I'm pushing lanes, peeling for the adc/mid and still nothing and even when I should win, my team ALWAYS gets cocky and makes so many dumb mistakes. I started in Silver IV this season, down from Gold V and I got to Silver I, yet one more loss and I'm back in Silver III...
There's something about putting your all in for every match, constantly at the top of your game... and then losing every. single. time. That is far worse than feeding or just being medicore every game...
It makes me think: "It doesn't matter how good you do or how well you improve, you will always lose."
I've been going top Garen. Which has been working out. I do good damage and a tank a lot. I understand he's not a character that can carry but I shouldn't have to play a character who can carry a team every single game because I know my team will be that bad. I should expect my team to be of a decent level... But it's just... I don't know... I really don't.
But when there's a clear skill difference between me and my teammates, I have to ask what the fuck did I do wrong? Did somehow winning a shit ton and getting into Silver I in like... a week somehow screw me?
In Bronze/Silver, Garen can definitely be seen as a carry because his kit is stupid enough to win games on its own. Just taking ignite/flash on him gives him the potential to win lane with ease, become an unkillable raid boss, and just Tryndamere his way to the enemy Nexus via the top lane.
I don't know about others on LoLGAF, but I always assume my teammates are going to be morons, so I plan accordingly. If your goal is to rank up, getting your hands on a hard carry that you enjoy playing should be a priority because there is a better chance of winning the game.
Well I just got demoted to Silver III and at this rate I'll be Bronze by next week. To think I was literally Silver I just a few days ago. If I hadn't won one game earlier today. I would be a 10 lose streak in ranked.
Even- EVEN the games when my team starts out good, we always lose. At this point I imagine I'm just those easy matches people play and just forget about.
I love the game and all I wanted to do was get to Gold V and then go back to normals... All I wanted. Yet the odds of me winning are as likely as lighting striking a car on the road.
Like look at that... It went from not being able to win in Silver I, but still being able to get back into Silver I, to- no longer being able to win. It's gotten to the point where even if I win multiple games, it will only take 1 loss to set me all the way back.
i personally think she was fine before the last nerf so i'd rather they just reverted those changesYou know how you buff Lulu
So her ult right
It makes everyone bigger than it currently does, like 50% bigger from it's current size
and whoever got ulted, their abilities have that much of a bigger hitbox, IE garens spin is that much bigger, or Veigars dark matter blows up that much bigger. And on the flip side, their hitboxes become that much bigger.
That'd be fun
That'd make Lulu into a strong pick given the right comp with abilities that can benefit from it(IE a Swain E wouldn't benefit because it's single target, but his Q and W would)
solidifies to me that the DeLux Jam will never, ever be topped.
Still a waste.not if he's on your team :^)
can't get better than perfect
Well I just got demoted to Silver III and at this rate I'll be Bronze by next week.
I just don't get it... Are people queuing up for roles they're not good at in ranked? It's just... I don't know what to do anymore. I'm always at the top of my games yet the randoms I play with (barring my one duo partner), just don't know how to play properly. They're constantly getting caught up, never know when to properly engage...
My last 4 games have been... 15/5, 15/7, 14/2, 10/5...
I'm pushing lanes, peeling for the adc/mid and still nothing and even when I should win, my team ALWAYS gets cocky and makes so many dumb mistakes. I started in Silver IV this season, down from Gold V and I got to Silver I, yet one more loss and I'm back in Silver III...
There's something about putting your all in for every match, constantly at the top of your game... and then losing every. single. time. That is far worse than feeding or just being medicore every game...
It makes me think: "It doesn't matter how good you do or how well you improve, you will always lose."
Are they all not on the offial Leeg YT channel?Is there are website where I can watch old league videos? I wanna watch some season 1-3 vids of LCK and LCS.
Are they all not on the offial Leeg YT channel?
i personally think she was fine before the last nerf so i'd rather they just reverted those changes
it's not like she was pick or ban or really high winrate or anything
i like the idea of her having more utility but waveclear is a baseline requirement mid and without it you just can't play with the rest of the class
look at taliyah, all she needed to be high tier was waveclear
can't get better than perfect
Not in mid lane, its part of how the lane works and what breaks or makes mid laners. Even assassins need wave clear, hell what made LeBlanc viable post launch was giving her wave clear by shifting her damage around to her W and RW.Eh not all charavters need wave clear tbh. Its fine if some do have it, and its fine if others dont
Not in mid lane, its part of how the lane works and what breaks or makes mid laners. Even assassins need wave clear, hell what made LeBlanc viable post launch was giving her wave clear by shifting her damage around to her W and RW.
I can't think of a single viable mid laner that doesn't have wave clear.
Maybe Ive gotten spoiled by HotS. In it, theres characters that are strong that have shit wave clear.