Got some guy who was telling their team-mates to "neck themselves" banned. Feels good.
"Neck themselves" huh. What a weird insult.
An annoying one I see alot these days is "kys".
Got some guy who was telling their team-mates to "neck themselves" banned. Feels good.
i don't understand why my dumbass teams still aren't banning sona
I haven't played in months but I've got time ttk this week and in between being productive i wouldn't mind playing a few games of league again. What's the jungle/top meta looking like right now? And what're the best way to get good at champions like Khazix and Kindred? Their both champions ive had for a while that I've always wanted to get good at but have just never been able to. Likely because I'm used to being a tank with champs like Shyvana or Gnar (also how are he and Ekko doing?
But I guess I'm just asking for tips, builds and strategies on Khazix and Kindred(mostly)
I haven't played since probably last LCS
Is Sona that OP? I rarely see her in Bronze
That's depressing, guess I'll just spend time trying to get good with Khazix then. Not sure why Kindred needed an extreme nerf though considering how squishy they are and as far as I know/knew they weren't super popular or powerful. At least I've still got Ekko though. But what're some good current Top/jungle champs I can expect to face?kindred was murdered in cold blood by rito, no point in playing them any more
ekko is in an ok spot right now, hit pretty hard with some nerfs but he's still hanging on
k6 is still just doing his thing, good against squishy comps
That's depressing, guess I'll just spend time trying to get good with Khazix then. Not sure why Kindred needed an extreme nerf though considering how squishy they are and as far as I know/knew they weren't super popular or powerful. At least I've still got Ekko though. But what're some good current Top/jungle champs I can expect to face?
Kindred was really popular and ridiculously strong for months. Nerf after nerf but they stayed a top tier jungle together with Nidalee, they were in their own league compared to the others. In the end Riot removed some base armor and replaced the heal on W with an attack speed slow, and that seems to have done it. Kindred still has a 49% win rate in jungle though, so saying kindred was murdered is a bit too much.
Khazix is in a good spot right now though. Ekko is also really good, both top and in the jungle. Top lane is kind of diverse right now. You see some Darius, Riven, Gangplank, Gnar, Renekton, Illaoi... The list goes on. There's not really any champ that's picked every game in top lane.
Mordekaiser jungle is simultaneously terrible and amazing. Insane clears but completely useless ganks, as expected.
Had a tryndamere get upset because I didn't initate when ganking (I thought he'd use his slow), and that was weird.
Whats your rune/mastery build for jungle clear?
Maybe you should stop playing. The less flamers in this game, the better.Holy shit I just realized that I don't enjoy League of Legends at all unless I'm either winning, or flaming my team. This game was the worst.
Legit playing with Riot members in solo q is fucking torture.
So, for you guys what's your preferred jungle route on Khazix do you prefer to engage with E or W?
Evolved e to pounce and w to chase. Get reset then rinse and repeat.So, for you guys what's your preferred jungle route on Khazix do you prefer to engage with E or W?
I really don't understand why people flame and be toxic on this game or any game. Not only is it not helpful it's pretty lame to talk shit over a videogame and definitely not impressive. Congratulations on your win though!This game felt so good. We were down 20 - 3 kills 15 minutes into the game. Enemy Lee-sin and Vayne are talking shit and saying 'gg'. We get a whole bunch of picks over the next 15 minutes and get back into the game. Vayne is talking shit about my score and CS. Tells me that assists don't matter lmao. We take two inhibs and let creeps push in as we hold them off on the other side of the map. They push onto our inhib turrets, but can't take anything. I get a pick off on Vayne and get a triple kill. We run down mid and take double inhibs and i tank nexus turret against Darius and Lee. We end.
I'm so glad nobody on our team flamed.
Nope.Maybe you should stop playing. The less flamers in this game, the better.
huhh im not sure if i think this is neat looking or not. i wouldn't buy it myself cos i don't like the champion or the skin line and honestly that looks like a 3d render rather than a shot of the actual toy thing so idk
also i continue to be 100% confused by this project cache nonsense
i swear they couldn't make it any more convoluted if they tried
huhh im not sure if i think this is neat looking or not. i wouldn't buy it myself cos i don't like the champion or the skin line and honestly that looks like a 3d render rather than a shot of the actual toy thing so idk
also i continue to be 100% confused by this project cache nonsense
i swear they couldn't make it any more convoluted if they tried
lol that's seriously hilariousFUCKING LOL
was watching the Kled PBE stream with the designer and saw this
Tom Shoe if you're reading this from the dead I love you, but no it wasn't me.
some day I'll be there!
yeah looks well made, i also think that this skin line really works for toys since like more human looking dolls look robotic lolI like it. Clean colors, joints don't look awful.
But the QC will be the real test.
ya it's a figureThat's definitely a render.
Is it supposed to be a figure? Haven't kept up with the project stuff.
Players without borders unite.
My MMR may be so low I am getting paired with unranked people
You play three games with a Project skin/ward/whatever active and you unlock the ability to buy a special edition hoodie.
2 points from promos.
3 straight games with a disconnect/leave in the first 5 minutes of the game. All 3 were my top laners.
Getting close to just letting this season go. Very discouraged. I'm not good enough to carry 4v5. And before you say, "but one day you'll get to play against leavers in 3 straight games too!" just save it. Never in my 5 years of playing this game have I had 3 leavers in consecutive ranked matches on my team or against another team. There were no arguments; no unusual deaths. They simply dc'd and never came back. As if people are playing and lose power.
This is why i hopped off after that a Illaoi game
I approve of these thick thighs![]()
in some paralel universe we get a lebonk faker skin ;_;
(hopefully a more imaginative skin than this one lol)
As somebody who played them mid and got to level 6, I can confirm this. You can still play them fine in jungle, but even then there are better (and more fun) options.yeah kindred was too good before, but the nerfs just sucked the fun out of playing them, you can't even do damage until you get like 5 or 6 marks and even then you're still doing less than you would have before
Ghostcrawler said League's playerbase is still increasing, so much for the whole "League is dying" nonsense lol
in some paralel universe we get a lebonk faker skin ;_;
(hopefully a more imaginative skin than this one lol)
I dunno I personally think I'll get more enjoyment out of the new skins than NMSProject ekko or no mans sky...