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League of Legends |OT12| No more Lyte, just darkness.


yeah midlane has had some sort of "waveclear creep" issue forever to the point that having god tier waveclear is just a mandatory thing today

like try playing against azir or malzahar without waveclear

it's not very much fun!
So, TF Ekko is the new thing in Korea?
I wonder if Riot will do a small rework on this champ. I mean, fuck ... his kit seems so loaded with stuff that people want to use him in anyway they can see him being effective no matter what gets nerfed on him.

Anyway, yeah ... waveclear is very important.
The main reason I don't play Kennen anymore is because I feel like he has some shit waveclear. I mean, when I look at his kit it FEELS like mid game (once he gets some decent AP) he should be able to E>W a minion wave and clear it like that or at least kill the ranged casters. But nope .... you gotta have enuff CDR to E>W>W that shit or fight your minions for last hits on this wave of low HP minions. That or use the Belt item which is more on the low AP build side but has become core for him to many players. I don't really like that item :/

The mid laner with shit waveclear that comes to mind for me is Fizz. He has to use the spell he's kinda built around to kill a cluster of minions at the same time leaving him a window of time where someone can take advantage of that. But the way he seems to work is that it's OK if he misses farm as long as he tries not to fed vs a mage. Seems like once he hits level 6 it doesn't matter how hard he's been bullied away from farm, he can just all in most immobile mages and get a kill or force them to back :/


The thing with Fizz is that he can decide to use his E to push his own lane and then go roam normaly. He doesn't have good waveclear in the sense of a Viktor but he doesn't (shouldn't) get hard pushed into his own tower either.
Assassins having waveclear tied to their high damage/mobility is fair, imo.

Like, what if LeBlanc's Q was an AoE spell that applied the mark to all minions in a small circle. That'd be OP.

Also, yah, waveclear creep sucks.
It's why I can't really stand playing Lux. I love her as a champ, but her E is her only form of waveclear and it's just not nearly as good as other meta midlaners.


honestly waveclear creep is not necessarily a problematic thing since it's not very interesting to beat ppl by pushing them to turret

and on the other side of that it's also not very much fun for champions to be able to murder you at lvl 6 (kat, fizz) for free since their assassination numbers are so high to compensate

so the state they've left things is for the most part alright except when individual champions get out of line

but i don't think waveclear should be something you sacrifice cos pushing is not an interesting dynamic to balance the game around



ive never seen 2 people who contributed so little to our actual winning flame each other so hard

bard and syndra wanted to slit each others throats


Was that why top lane turned into "Mid Reject Island?"
not really, the mage top laners that were popular like lulu and lissandra had relevant waveclear mid too, they could just operate on low income which was something more important during that meta

all these new bruiser items didn't exist either which helped out a lot of dmg melee types like darius or irelia be dominant again

lulu and lizzy were also popular cos they were flex picks in competitive which is a very strong trait for a champion

there's problably more stuff too i can't remember


I know that feel man.
I saw this starting to happen in my ranked games so I cut that shit cold turkey and I've only been playing normals since. Mainly so that I can get better at my champ of choice (Illaoi) and I plan to practice playing a champ who can hard carry a team of shit like Hec when I buy him on sale or that BS champ called GP.

I've found that you can't rely on your team FOR SHIT. You're a melee champ with no gap closer vs a ADC like Vyane or Graves or some annoying shit like Teemo? Sorry, but you can't rely on your JG to abuse the fact that there's an easy to kill ADC harassing you undertower. You can't rely on that help, you gotta handle your own shit. I once made the mistake of picking a champ assuming that the JG who said they would camp my lane to keep the Susan underfarmed in the lobby would do that. He didn't come top once and we lost hard.

There's nothing wrong with practicing in normals instead of endlessly doing ranked. I say practice carry champs, find one you like and do well with and bring that to ranked. And get a pool of like 3ish that you feel you know well and do well on that can all be good in different match ups.

Thing is though, as I stressed... It's never me... I haven't fed or been useless in any game I've played recently. I seriously am starting to think I'm going insane or something, that I pissed off someone so that I would get put on shit teams. Every game, the adc feeds or the jungler is useless.

I just played a match as Syndra, where I could literally 2 shot, the Ashe, Lux, and Nami. We still lost because I had zero peel and thus Warwick could just ult me.

I played a Garen game earlier where I just shut down the Darius top laner. Yet in the end it made no difference. At this point, I could get a penta kill, destroy the entire enemy base and probably still lose.

I need a break or something because there is the very definition of... "It's not me, it's you."

Everyone on my teams are just terrible, just so fucking terrible. No matter how many good plays we manage to make... It's all washed down the toilet a minute later.

But to end my many rants... you know the worst thing about all of this? Is that I'm just not having fun anymore.


Holy shit I just realized that I don't enjoy League of Legends at all unless I'm either winning, or flaming my team. This game was the worst.

Legit playing with Riot members in solo q is fucking torture.


Holy shit I just realized that I don't enjoy League of Legends at all unless I'm either winning, or flaming my team. This game was the worst.

You know, was that really needed? Like to be a douche?

Sorry, I just... don't know if you're referring to me or that match... Kind of posted at the wrong... time I don't even know anymore.


Holy shit I just realized that I don't enjoy League of Legends at all unless I'm either winning, or flaming my team. This game was the worst.

Legit playing with Riot members in solo q is fucking torture.

Depends on which one. But yeah, most of them aren't that good. Probably even worse now that dynamic queue is out haha.


Huh? He's talking about the game he posted a screenshot of lol

yeah I know... It's just- how it was posted just after I said I wasn't having fun anymore. Made me think (and post quickly), was that he was making a snide remark about how I said I wasn't having fun and not winning.

Yeah, that break I said I needed... is needed...


Maybe you could get a solid opinion of me if you played something other than ARAM COSTY.

Also, it's not that I directly don't like playing with Riot members, Riot members are cool. It's just that I can't do my normal routine of flaming my team with passive aggressive comments and such. Like I have to be on my best behavior which is just grueling.
Thing is though, as I stressed... It's never me... I haven't fed or been useless in any game I've played recently. I seriously am starting to think I'm going insane or something, that I pissed off someone so that I would get put on shit teams. Every game, the adc feeds or the jungler is useless.

I just played a match as Syndra, where I could literally 2 shot, the Ashe, Lux, and Nami. We still lost because I had zero peel and thus Warwick could just ult me.

I played a Garen game earlier where I just shut down the Darius top laner. Yet in the end it made no difference. At this point, I could get a penta kill, destroy the entire enemy base and probably still lose.

I need a break or something because there is the very definition of... "It's not me, it's you."

Everyone on my teams are just terrible, just so fucking terrible. No matter how many good plays we manage to make... It's all washed down the toilet a minute later.

But to end my many rants... you know the worst thing about all of this? Is that I'm just not having fun anymore.
Yeah, I know that feel. (my last ranked game before I stopped ranked. The one that broke me back and made me wanna practice the FUCK outta stuff in normals before trying again. After sometime ... I wonder if I should just went for an extra DMG item seeing how comically low HP they would get away with as they ran away from my ult after they ate my team)

That's why I say practice and get good with something that can easily carry a team, it's what I plan to do. If you get fed as Hec you can carry by always flanking their back line and being disruptive as fuck. You get fed on the BS champ known as GP and you can not only help around the map but also do massive DMG in teamfights and carry a team of bad players. A good GP feels OP as FUCK.

You get fed with Garen? IDK, I stopped playing Garen cause unless you get an early lead you feel useless later and he's too easy to kite for me. Mid lane and you wanna help the team with something super simple? Try Annie ... even a behind Annie can turn a game with a well placed ult and that stun passive is a good way to keep people away from you.

But ehh, what do I know?
Might just be in your best interest to keep on doing what you're doing but Que up with like 2+ gaf members you feel you can trust. Sometimes all you need is for a few people to NOT fed, to just do "ok" to get your team a win.


Tragic victim of fan death
Yo guys I have a question about buying tickets for the finals for worlds.

It seems like the tickets tend to sell out within minutes of it going up. Are there any hiccups or anything I should know about ordering these off of ticketmaster. I already bought my flights so I want to ensure i get tickets.
Maybe you could get a solid opinion of me if you played something other than ARAM COSTY.

Also, it's not that I directly don't like playing with Riot members, Riot members are cool. It's just that I can't do my normal routine of flaming my team with passive aggressive comments and such. Like I have to be on my best behavior which is just grueling.

it's not like Rioters have special powers to ban you

I mean you're probably guaranteed they'd report you but that's it.


gragas feels great to play

played against a shaco. i sat in his red bush when i was level 7 and e-q-w into him to kill him. it was great. fuck you shaco


tri-force ekko feels pretty cool. don't know if it's because ekko is always a solid pick though.

edit: fun story. had our jhin complain to me and tell me i was feeding and playing really bad. he was 10/9. i was 9/3. feelsbadman


played a game of xerath and a game against xerath, holy shit he's bad atm

idk how it works but his waveclear feels like shit and he's always out of mana

he's awful lol, what happened to him


played a game of xerath and a game against xerath, holy shit he's bad atm

idk how it works but his waveclear feels like shit and he's always out of mana

he's awful lol, what happened to him
He's decent lol. You never run out of mana if you use his passive properly.
Over time I've come to realize that any champion with more than 2 skillshots is not worth playing. Unless you're like a Lux or something who only needs to hit 1 to get off all her other damage.

But yeah why would you ever play Xerath ever. Now that he has 5 ults lategame that's 8 skillshots in total in one kit. Meanwhile Viktor just presses Q for around the same damage.


Gold Member
Xerath has been known for his poke. Maybe a poke comp with ocean drakes could make him good. I think they need to buff his scaling or at least increase base damages. It's too weak. It's already a skillshot and it also has a smaller damage compared to most mid laner's poke. The returns is not worth the investment.

It's also super easy to kill him solo. Just go melee on him and run around in circles while killing him.


Gold Member
Delayed because of Garena, apparently.

They must be planning on simultaneous release. Garena is always late on patches and other stuff because they're very cautious of bugs like the one last season where you can't play ranked.

Bad part is they're always late and delay worldwide releases.
I love skillshots and used to love playing Xerath but he just isn't keeping up with current champs. I think he definitely needs some sort of buff to his damage and cooldowns to compensate for being an all skillshot champ and having to be stationary for a few of those skillshots.


it's not that xerath is all skillshots, a ton of champions are and feel a lot stronger than him (and his are pretty easy to land besides his ult)

he just seems like his q does like 10 less dmg than it should and costs like 20 more mana

or something

his early game feels trash, he just gets outpushed by anyone lol


i think viktor is kind of a silly comparison to xerath since they do pretty different things

xerath is a poke champion that's kind of pretty decent design in that he's just really bad at killing you 1v1. his design is really focused and i respect that a lot about him, specially the way his e works to force him into not being a pick champion. similarly his ult could be top tier if it slowed like jhin ult but his theme is artillery mage, he's not supposed to make picks but slowly whittle people down

viktor is just op, he's shorter range than xerath and is supposed to be kind of dps-y control mage but he deals a stupid amount of burst right now (i see his ult dmg being cut pretty hard, maybe change it into something like lower initial dmg, multiple hits on same target deals extra dmg with potentially higher than today dmg) and he synergizes way too well with rylais and lich bane to be healthy. but it's not a great comparison cos you'd pick them for different reasons and viktor just trumps xerath because he's op

it's like comparing xerath to vlad or cassi, yeah he's worse than both of them but u know, that's just balance
How to buff xerath-
Remove all targeted skills(or his one I guess)
Increase their power 2 fold.

Then its a real test of skill.

If a character has skillshots, those abilities should do alot of damage compared to targeted skills.


ehh it's a lot more nuisanced than that

skillshots are generally aoe so if they hit one more person they just dealt 2x as much dmg as the targeted spell, as well as being able to hit people outside of vision

they're also generally longer range than targeted stuff, since low range skillshots often just feel weird

also like skillshots in the game already deal a ton of dmg, xerath's q is probably like 240(.75) at rank 5 or something like that?

honestly i think xerath probably needs 10 more dmg on his q and maybe a bit less mana on his q or less cd on his passive. just a bit of a stronger laning will help him a lot, it's not that poke is weak right now. velkoz is ok, varus is ok
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