played a game of xerath and a game against xerath, holy shit he's bad atm
idk how it works but his waveclear feels like shit and he's always out of mana
he's awful lol, what happened to him
Back off of Xerath!!!
Honestly, I think he's been like that since his rework. I think me and you had this conversation about Xer before, think it may have been more about how I hate his passive though.
it's not that xerath is all skillshots, a ton of champions are and feel a lot stronger than him (and his are pretty easy to land besides his ult)
he just seems like his q does like 10 less dmg than it should and costs like 20 more mana
or something
his early game feels trash, he just gets outpushed by anyone lol
No argument on his early game feeling bad. Can't really waveclear as easy as others. Maybe they should buff the passive for hittin minions? I wouldn't mind if Liss and Xer switched passives. Or they allowed his q to get more damage the farther away you are. But the interaction thing you bought up last time makes since for Xerath. Still, it seems like after a certain point his passive becomes useless lategame. Wouldn't mind something that helped him against tanks.
They should remove the stun duration mechanic from his e and just make it a flat thing.
I think Xerath are one of those mages that are an acquired taste. I like playing passive a lot, which is why I like Xerath/Vel.
It's fun playing Xerath and hitting 4/5 shot ults and taking the adc/mage out from half a screen away.
Sucks when it seems like he can't do anything vs a tank team though.