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League of Legends |OT12| No more Lyte, just darkness.

Don't be too mad at Ghost, it will take him ages to get enough essence to unlock those skins lmao.

5 dollars worth of keys lol



I see Kog'Maw is now the 5th winningest jungler in plat+ with more than 3,000 games played

I know what I'm breakin out tonight


Gold Member
Dunno why I bought visage instead of Banshee's Veil but ayyyyyy

i gotta try this sometime. What's the jungle path you take and when do you usually gank? I expect kog's a power farmer but maybe he has a power spike early that I don't know of.

Bought ashe and ekko project skins. Im such a sucker

Me too. I thought you didn't have to buy the skin to get the border and only need the icons. I would just buy the skins or roll them in an igift later. I was damn wrong. I'm such a sucker for limited edition things.


i gotta try this sometime. What's the jungle path you take and when do you usually gank? I expect kog's a power farmer but maybe he has a power spike early that I don't know of.

I have pretty much no idea what I'm doing, but you want to always smite and take krugs whenever you can. With your W, you're basically perma-stunning other camps. I started Krugs/red/scuttle/raptors then backed after a fight with the other jungler. Felt pretty weak early on but definitely scaled up after I bought bloodrazor components.

Ganks felt pretty average but if you have cc-heavy laners then kog definitely has the damage to secure kills. They're much more potent when you have red.

It's probably not a great pick, but it was fun and cheesy for that game. I'm just glad I wasn't up against a really aggressive jungler. That would have been rough.


i gotta try this sometime. What's the jungle path you take and when do you usually gank? I expect kog's a power farmer but maybe he has a power spike early that I don't know of.

Me too. I thought you didn't have to buy the skin to get the border and only need the icons. I would just buy the skins or roll them in an igift later. I was damn wrong. I'm such a sucker for limited edition things.

It helps that my two roles are jungle and bot and ekko and ashe are my most played champs in those roles by a long shot. Finally awesome skins.


viktor nerfs are really weird:

Max speed of Chaos Storm lowered to 400 from 450.
Minimum speed of Chaos storm increased to 200 from 170
R starts slowing down from max speed once it gets 300 units away, down from 350.
R reaches minimum speed once it is 900 units away from Viktor, down from 950.
basically ult is worse as a chasing spell but idk why. i don't mind them trying something more complex than just lower numbers but i kind of feel that's exactly what he needs

speaking of lower numbers
Crescendo (R) basic ability cooldown reduction changed to 10%/25%/40% from 20/30/40%
i think that %40 is still too much, honestly i think i would rather they nerfed her lategame rather than her early

GAF, we need to have an ARAM intervention

just because it's a "for fun" mode doesn't mean you can build like shit when it causes you to lose the game

pls stop
yup, that's lame, specially when it doesn't work and ppl just start feeding cos they're not having fun so might as well ruin it for everyone

ppl do it in regular normals too, it's pretty aggravating

Back off of Xerath!!!

Honestly, I think he's been like that since his rework. I think me and you had this conversation about Xer before, think it may have been more about how I hate his passive though.
i liked the direction behind his rework, personally i only find his ult interesting so i'm glad they gave u more of those, and iirc they tightened up his hitboxes which is really fair and good

i remember playing one game of xerath after the rework and not finding him this bad but yeah, he feels like trash atm

No argument on his early game feeling bad. Can't really waveclear as easy as others. Maybe they should buff the passive for hittin minions? I wouldn't mind if Liss and Xer switched passives. Or they allowed his q to get more damage the farther away you are. But the interaction thing you bought up last time makes since for Xerath. Still, it seems like after a certain point his passive becomes useless lategame. Wouldn't mind something that helped him against tanks.
his passive is there just to make his laning more interactive, it serves the same purpose as ziggs' and ori's passives, they're champions that could 100% do without being in less than 800 range from you, but because of their passives they're forced to do so in lane.

biggest difference is that for ziggs and ori their passives feel like a reward of sorts, while for xerath it feels like a punishment.

i actually kind of dig the idea of having a passive that you have to struggle with, i think that's interesting, but his personally is not the ideal

that being said the passive also serves the purpose of gating his poke so that is also good

They should remove the stun duration mechanic from his e and just make it a flat thing.
that'd be a bad idea, his e is actually really good design in that it informs behavior for both xerath and his opponents. xerath's kit pushes him to keep his distance, he has two abilities that do self-cc and his e is weaker the closest he is to people, while his opponents know that closing the distance is the best way to deal with him. it's also interesting because his passive creates some sort of tension in him, specially in lane, that causes him to have to take risks which is pretty nice

if anything new xerath's design is too well put together, i personally find it kind of boring, but i really appreciate how much counterplay and healthy gameplay patterns they put in him

he just probably needs a bit of a buff. maybe cd on his passive + 10 more base dmg on his q. something not huge like that

Any passive that is a crutch for mana gating a champion (nunu, lissansdra, Xerath, old veigar passive unless they changed it I dunno), is a horrible passive and pretty much doesn't even really count as a true passive ability.
lizzy's passive is kind of confusing cos it feels really self serving, there's nothing about her kit that makes me feel like she should have mana issues, considering she's not really a poke champion or someone that's too dominating in lane

the shield idea was ok i guess, but i don't want her to turn into some weirdo jungler or something so i'll take what i can get

nunu and veigar have the same problem, but xerath's passive is ok for the reasons i listed above

Xerath's one is all right at least, it forces him to interact with his opponent or the creeps every now and then rather than just standing a mile away and Q:ing every wave.

But yeah, most of the "gain a stat you kinda already should have" passives are lame, like when Jarvan has shit base armor and instead gains some from his E. That's a passive on his skill and not his passive, but it's pretty much the same thing.
j4's armor thing is kind of weird, i'm not sure if it's meant to make it so that he can max e first for safer games or max q first and still have a decent midgame

something like that i guess is the reasoning

The biggest offender of that kind of passive is Syndra. Here's shit other champions already get from ranking up their skills normally, but you only get those bonuses in one go at rank 5 because fuck your power curve.
syndra passive is kind of a mess cos it's sort of meant to fullfill this lore fantasy of ULTIMATE POWER but it's mostly about making ur lvl 6 nuke stronger and also syndra kind of falls off the longer the game goes and is the strongest during the laning phase so her kit and her lore are kind of really at clash with each other

and honestly i like her lore but i'd much rather they adapted her lore to her gameplay than other way around. i love bullying people in lane with syndra, i don't want riot to ever turn her into a tear user or some awful shit like that

the passive stuff could be interesting if they had ever come up with a good idea, but they really didn't. grabbing multiple balls is i guess a first step in that direction but still a long way to go, and i really really miss her having special effects on her max rank abilities, specially q

You all are buying into this cluster fuck of a event with IP?

Welp, have fun ... I have to use IP for more runes :x
And I'm not gonna buy more RP til Hec is on sale (not even sure if I wanna play him anymore. People saying the nerfs hit him harder than you would think.)
some of us got ip to spare :>

5 dollars worth of keys lol
huh i don't get it

did u like spend 5 dollars in chests to get the essence to craft those skins?

that's actually kind of cool
no i had 11 chests lying around because i cant earn key fragments anymore while i keep getting s after s on random ass shit i play for shits and giggles like the fucking s+ mundo support game lmao


Got Final Boss Veigar shard but I already had it from a previous shard. Rerolled it + two junk skins into Sweetheart Annie. Yay ~_~

2 points from promos.

3 straight games with a disconnect/leave in the first 5 minutes of the game. All 3 were my top laners.

Getting close to just letting this season go. Very discouraged. I'm not good enough to carry 4v5. And before you say, "but one day you'll get to play against leavers in 3 straight games too!" just save it. Never in my 5 years of playing this game have I had 3 leavers in consecutive ranked matches on my team or against another team. There were no arguments; no unusual deaths. They simply dc'd and never came back. As if people are playing and lose power.

You me and Nao can definitely get out of Silver if we stick together, we seem to play fairly well even when behind. I won't be able to play much the next week or so with Gencon almost here + out of town stuff after, but we still have time.


no i had 11 chests lying around because i cant earn key fragments anymore while i keep getting s after s on random ass shit i play for shits and giggles like the fucking s+ mundo support game lmao

so you bought keys?

im confused

i also have like 10 unopened chests


Got Final Boss Veigar shard but I already had it from a previous shard. Rerolled it + two junk skins into Sweetheart Annie. Yay ~_~

You me and Nao can definitely get out of Silver if we stick together, we seem to play fairly well even when behind. I won't be able to play much the next week or so with Gencon almost here + out of town stuff after, but we still have time.



was playing with Bunny and Yoona when all of a sudden NA servers die ;-;
also got my ass handed to me by Yoona in a 1v1


Trailer for our Live/Play documentary series.

Saw the first episode last week and it's great, looking forward to seeing the full episodes go live.

This is kinda old video about the Music of League of Legends but I had never seen it. It was linked in that thread about Orchestras last night in OT. Pretty amazing and interesting video really. Riot should do better at promoting themselves lol. Such great content I never knew existed.


man I love this kind of content that Riot puts out
Lissanda support is a thing? cuz I am driving with her at my side and I am scared.

EDIT: Yep, another full AP support ,no wards, no real support


Trailer for our Live/Play documentary series.

Saw the first episode last week and it's great, looking forward to seeing the full episodes go live.

haven't wached it all but not sure what the goofy balloons symbolize lol

i generally like the quality of the content riot puts up, specially the stuff for pros near world was really good like seeing piglet's family and life before league and stuff

just wish they lightened up a bit


Alpha client is getting draft and ranked soon. I'll be using it a lot more.
the shop is already on pbe, so all that's left is the crafting stuff?

it probably needs a lot of polish and tuneups tho, specially for toaster support

my brother's pc isn't even that terrible and he already gets the powerpoint presentation version of the chest opening stuff, and that's not even the new client

but yeah it's so close


I jumped through the hoops of getting the freebie augment chest for up last night. I bought the icons with IP before realizing that was incorrect lol. They are getting really convoluted with all these crafting systems. It's a quagmire for someone that hasn't been keeping up with it.

That said, I got a player icon and a prom king amumu skin. Meh.


the shop is already on pbe, so all that's left is the crafting stuff?

it probably needs a lot of polish and tuneups tho, specially for toaster support

my brother's pc isn't even that terrible and he already gets the powerpoint presentation version of the chest opening stuff, and that's not even the new client

but yeah it's so close

Oh, I haven't notice that. The client is very smooth for me. Then again, I haven't been playing on a toaster since a long time.

It makes sense that an alpha might not be optimized yet though, it's hopefully better once more people get it.


I jumped through the hoops of getting the freebie augment chest for up last night. I bought the icons with IP before realizing that was incorrect lol. They are getting really convoluted with all these crafting systems. It's a quagmire for someone that hasn't been keeping up with it.

That said, I got a player icon and a prom king amumu skin. Meh.
yeah i personally think the crafting stuff in league is really awkward and bad. it's not even that complicated, it's just lots of steps that are really poorly explained in-game and they don't do a much better job outside of the game either.

it's just really messy and not very fun and i just think it looks bad that you end up with like a billion locked chests (tho i stopped getting chests a while ago since who plays more than like 20 champions enough times to get an S lol) while you're drip fed keys because while it's dependant on winning it's very much gated by time which means that it very rarely feels like a smooth reward loop and it's more like a random drop than anything. which is really lame cos it makes it feel like a grind

i also feel like 4 different currencies (5 if you count these project core thingies) is just way too much for a game

honestly i think the crafting system is a complete disaster, i've yet to cash in on a single skin or champion (tho i already have like all the skins and champions i want), i can't imagine anyone ever using a rental and nowadays i just open chests to get higher mastery levels, which is annoyingly tied to crafting for some reason.

i can appreciate the idea of free stuff but eh, i think good design is concise and simple and this is everything but

also gambling

Oh, I haven't notice that. The client is very smooth for me. Then again, I haven't been playing on a toaster since a long time.

It makes sense that an alpha might not be optimized yet though, it's hopefully better once more people get it.
yeah, i also think it's ok if they raise the minimum standards a little bit since honestly the computers some of my friends play the game in are pretty ancient, but wish at least the client ran super good

and yeah i have 0 issues with it but my computer is pretty decent


yeah i personally think the crafting stuff in league is really awkward and bad. it's not even that complicated, it's just lots of steps that are really poorly explained in-game and they don't do a much better job outside of the game either.

it's just really messy and not very fun and i just think it looks bad that you end up with like a billion locked chests (tho i stopped getting chests a while ago since who plays more than like 20 champions enough times to get an S lol) while you're drip fed keys because while it's dependant on winning it's very much gated by time which means that it very rarely feels like a smooth reward loop and it's more like a random drop than anything. which is really lame cos it makes it feel like a grind

i also feel like 4 different currencies (5 if you count these project core thingies) is just way too much for a game

honestly i think the crafting system is a complete disaster, i've yet to cash in on a single skin or champion (tho i already have like all the skins and champions i want), i can't imagine anyone ever using a rental and nowadays i just open chests to get higher mastery levels, which is annoyingly tied to crafting for some reason.

i can appreciate the idea of free stuff but eh, i think good design is concise and simple and this is everything but

also gambling

yeah, i also think it's ok if they raise the minimum standards a little bit since honestly the computers some of my friends play the game in are pretty ancient, but wish at least the client ran super good

and yeah i have 0 issues with it but my computer is pretty decent

There's no reason the client shouldn't run well tbh, removing the dependence on adobe air should be good for it. I'm guessing it's mostly a question of optimization.

For the bolded, ARAM is your friend. It's easy to get random S ranks in aram. Once they added chests to aram it got way easier to get chests for champs you don't play a lot.


There's no reason the client shouldn't run well tbh, removing the dependence on adobe air should be good for it. I'm guessing it's mostly a question of optimization.

For the bolded, ARAM is your friend. It's easy to get random S ranks in aram. Once they added chests to aram it got way easier to get chests for champs you don't play a lot.
i have more chests than i know what to do with, i just find it awkward that you get showered with chests for a few weeks and then chests stop being like a thing that's part of the game


i have more chests than i know what to do with, i just find it awkward that you get showered with chests for a few weeks and then chests stop being like a thing that's part of the game

I disagree about chests disappearing. Chests are really easy to get after all, and unless you only play summoners rift alone you should get around one a week every time it is possible to get a new one, both the premade bonus and aram make it easy even if you're outside your own standard champion pool. I dunno when it will become difficult for real to get them. Is it just that you could get 7 or so for the first month that made it seem like a lot? (4 for the first week, 3 more for the extra weeks)

I'm still constrained by the number of keys rather than the number of chests too. I guess I'm getting somewhere in between 3 and 3.5 keys per month.
People who dodge in ARAM should really have a much higher ARAM-specific queue penalty than dodging Ranked. Like, a bloody week or something.

If it's taking longer for me to start an ARAM than it would a regular game because some tryhard is dodging until he gets his favorite champion, I might as well not even queue.


Gold Member
Irelia mains should be used to banning by now lol

Went back to Riven due to that. That and people were learning how to counter and play against her.

I played Riven like a madman. Went from 0lp d5 to d4. Well there was a bit of Hecarim on the side before the nerfs. I laugh at those who pick Irelia because she's my go to top laner before the triforce changes. I outplay every Ire cause I just think if I'm the irelia what will I do.

Yasuo, gp and shen were also used a lot in top so I just pubstomp them to oblivion.

If someone counterpicks me then I just go tanky riven build (sterak's, bc, GA, titanic, maw/mercurial/BT and ionian) and play defensively till I outscale or just outroam.

Renek on the other hand seems pretty weak still. I just can't make him transition to midgame while still being strong unless I'm fed very early. I think it's the tiamat changes that fucked him over. His skills means I'm very likely to push the wave but adding cleave back to tiamat means I'll just push harder. I can't freeze the wave which means I'm vulnerable to ganks and I can't starve my enemy of cs. Other viable build like tank ones start him ofd with sunfire which also pushes the wave.

Also solo renekton only doesn't play lol anymore and just went full ham on overwatch makes me even sadder. I can't find any high elo renekton mains that I consistently streams or releases vids anymore. I was using all hid builds and strategies and now I feel lost without him.

Hard also stopped posting all his renek shenanigans. It's sad to be a renek main.

Edit: why the fuck did I reply to something on page one? I miss using Ire. Changing trinity really made my secret op not so secret anymore.


holy crap, i carried the hell out of this game. our bot lane was being toxic as fuck because our mid lane was having a bad time and fed the Zed. They were being so stupid with map play. Not rotating to clear waves, 3 people farming bot lane while our top lane is getting pushed in and there's a huge ass juicy wave. Our Cait would keep overstaying in a lane when we're still too weak to push it onto the tower and die to a Rengar even though I keep pinging her to leave. We didn't get our first tower until 30 mins. and that's because I was the only one who wasn't stupid and saw our bot lane pushed onto it and it being low. I literally managed the team and told them what to do at every objective, and which fights to go for, and when to back off. Thank god the enemy team was worse.
Match History

I need to remind myself to buy health per level seals though.
The bad part of ADCs being in a spot I enjoy is that they also seem to get way more popular as a result, can't seem to get to play bot anymore lol
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