Hey guys, in case you missed the live stream you can watch the first episode of Live/Play here
Starts at 26 mins 26 seconds
Starts at 26 mins 26 seconds
maybe it's that i'm a midlane only player but even if i'd consider my champion pool to be fairly big i just got a ton of chests soon after the system was released and then not much more. just recently i got like 3 because taliyah+cassi being op+picking up varus but other than that, i've already gotten s for all my champions (syndra, lux, ori, ahri, viktor, lulu, lizzy, lb, etc.). only one i don't have a chest for is azir cos i suck at him lolI disagree about chests disappearing. Chests are really easy to get after all, and unless you only play summoners rift alone you should get around one a week every time it is possible to get a new one, both the premade bonus and aram make it easy even if you're outside your own standard champion pool. I dunno when it will become difficult for real to get them. Is it just that you could get 7 or so for the first month that made it seem like a lot? (4 for the first week, 3 more for the extra weeks)
I'm still constrained by the number of keys rather than the number of chests too. I guess I'm getting somewhere in between 3 and 3.5 keys per month.
sweet, will watch when it's uploaded to youtubeHey guys, in case you missed the live stream you can watch the first episode of Live/Play here
Starts at 26 mins 26 seconds
sweet, will watch when it's uploaded to youtube
I've been away for quite awhile now (I only have had some free time for Hearthstone-Ranked & a tiny bit of casual Overwatch).
You guys digging Siege? If no one replies that will be my answer. I feel bad Riot finally adds a new gamemode and I've not spared a moment to play. But I just know I'll wanna blow money on that new Project Ashe skin so hard
second try and I lost the promo to bronze II again, I need to advice to deal with Vayne, she is too much for me to handle as support or adc
pls i need no subs specially not for foxdrop's fancy brit voiceIf you're ok with Euro Spanish subtitles you can watch it on the LoL Spain channel. Don't think it's been uploaded to the Latam channel yet
by the time i played all my friends had decided they didn't like it, but i thought it was alrightI've been away for quite awhile now (I only have had some free time for Hearthstone-Ranked & a tiny bit of casual Overwatch).
You guys digging Siege? If no one replies that will be my answer. I feel bad Riot finally adds a new gamemode and I've not spared a moment to play. But I just know I'll wanna blow money on that new Project Ashe skin so hard
BreezyLimbo joined the room.
A player didn't accept the AFK check. Your group was returned to matchmaking.
A player didn't accept the AFK check. Your group was returned to matchmaking.
A player didn't accept the AFK check. Your group was returned to matchmaking.
A player didn't accept the AFK check. Your group was returned to matchmaking.
phy and foxdrop are related?
Wait. Wut.
yea ok i hope they do something about jungle twitch cos it's basically rengar again
yeah he's also a lot less punishing and doesn't fall off and shitIt's even better because Twitch doesn't tell you that he's right behind you.
maybe it's that i'm a midlane only player but even if i'd consider my champion pool to be fairly big i just got a ton of chests soon after the system was released and then not much more. just recently i got like 3 because taliyah+cassi being op+picking up varus but other than that, i've already gotten s for all my champions (syndra, lux, ori, ahri, viktor, lulu, lizzy, lb, etc.). only one i don't have a chest for is azir cos i suck at him lol
and yea i don't really play arams, nothing against the mode, i just don't really play it, and since i play 100% on my games on a 2+ premade i've gotten all my chests on probably the first month and that's been it
again, i don't mind not getting any chests, it just looks weird to have all these chests lying around and then just not interact with that part of the system anymore lol
sweet, will watch when it's uploaded to youtube
I actually agree with this.I'm done with this fucking piece of shit game. Eight out of ten matches have a fucking troll that decides that "he's done" and proceeds to afk, best case scenario. Worst case, he's a boosted Yasuo going 2/11. Last game? A Teemo that pushes top while enemy team sieges mid as 5, he doesn't even get turret and enemy finishes just because he won't fucking back.
I don't mind losing when the enemy plays better and my team has played well, but this? THIS? Every fucking match we lose because of ONE person. Fuck this garbage, it's impossible to climb when you're on your own. People are RETARDED in this fucking community.
I'm done with this fucking piece of shit game. Eight out of ten matches have a fucking troll that decides that "he's done" and proceeds to afk, best case scenario. Worst case, he's a boosted Yasuo going 2/11. Last game? A Teemo that pushes top while enemy team sieges mid as 5, he doesn't even get turret and enemy finishes just because he won't fucking back.
I don't mind losing when the enemy plays better and my team has played well, but this? THIS? Every fucking match we lose because of ONE person. Fuck this garbage, it's impossible to climb when you're on your own. People are RETARDED in this fucking community.
I'm done with this fucking piece of shit game. Eight out of ten matches have a fucking troll that decides that "he's done" and proceeds to afk, best case scenario. Worst case, he's a boosted Yasuo going 2/11. Last game? A Teemo that pushes top while enemy team sieges mid as 5, he doesn't even get turret and enemy finishes just because he won't fucking back.
I don't mind losing when the enemy plays better and my team has played well, but this? THIS? Every fucking match we lose because of ONE person. Fuck this garbage, it's impossible to climb when you're on your own. People are RETARDED in this fucking community.
Why play ranked at all? Don't see the appeal.
Better match quality due to stricter matchmaking which leads to more competitive games + shitty cosmetics.Why play ranked at all? Don't see the appeal.
Shove her to tower. She has no waveclear and the enemy vayne should have a problem csing under tower. Deny her farm. Buy pinks if you can't duel her in her ult.
Just tell your jungler/supp to put wards on some key places so you won't get ganked. Destroy the tower very early and end early game quickly. She should be super weak at mid game if she didn't get much farm so you just try to end then. Don't let her get to late game if you can.
cc the fuck outta her
play any harass support n press buttons
viktor's q is a godsend for early csing before you clear waves with your eThis was such a painful game to go through. My first Viktor game besides yesterday's norm with Breakfasts. This Jax was flaming the hell out of me the first 15 minutes of the game saying that I was single handedly throwing the game. What did I do? I pinged Veigar MIA when I was backing because I was OOM. I even pinged the pathing he took to bot lane. Bot lane and jungle died to a 4 man gank and they blamed me. And the rest of the game these guys were brain dead. Jax had no idea how the hell to splitpush. I legit believe Illaoi didn't even fucking know what she was doing with her champ despite her scoreline. The Blitz was fine, but had horrible shot calling. Kept pinging objectives at the worst times, but no one would listen to me. They listened to him. Had Baron stolen. Twice because of him and our Jax who can't smite. Ashe was just there.
I have a hard time CSing early game with Viktor.
viktor's q is a godsend for early csing before you clear waves with your e
i'm not sure if he's broken but the gank pattern of a guy that's like oh ok he was on top of me feels really really badTold you guys that twitch was fucking broken. I was just surprised he was more well known in the jungle than in the adc role which is common in my elo.
i had a blind pick game last week where (from their recounting) some calls mid, then some other person locks zed and the first person just goes insane, picks brand, double mids and literally walks to turret 6 times in a row to feed our mid. was kind of funny our viktor got super cocky and since the zed person was a challenger player (normals mmr not taking ranked into account will always be fucked) he was still getting pooped on even 6 kills up lolTalking bout trolls, first game I play in a monthish that happened to me where someone went afk 15 minutes in.
Its weird.
ehhh i don't wanna assume but i don't think nev has many friends in league of legends lolThis is the time where you take advantage of dynamic queue. queue up with friends and you reduce the chances of those trolls appearing.
I'm done with this fucking piece of shit game. Eight out of ten matches have a fucking troll that decides that "he's done" and proceeds to afk, best case scenario. Worst case, he's a boosted Yasuo going 2/11. Last game? A Teemo that pushes top while enemy team sieges mid as 5, he doesn't even get turret and enemy finishes just because he won't fucking back.
I don't mind losing when the enemy plays better and my team has played well, but this? THIS? Every fucking match we lose because of ONE person. Fuck this garbage, it's impossible to climb when you're on your own. People are RETARDED in this fucking community.
He's #3 bot but he's so match up dependant and other ADCs are getting buffed so these nerfs feel a tad rushed before seeing the impact of the overall changes but then again Worlds is right around the corner.not sure how he's doing botlane for him to get straight nerfs but it's really obnoxious to play against
i just want jungle twitch out of the game, just remove thatHe's #3 bot but he's so match up dependant and other ADCs are getting buffed so these nerfs feel a tad rushed before seeing the impact of the overall changes but then again Worlds is right around the corner.
I wonder how to even do that without fucking him up directly, make his stealth useless at rank 1? I dunnoi just want jungle twitch out of the game, just remove that
Maybe making his invisibility works like Evelyn?