yeah, i might buy the set for cassi since all her skins are kind of lameChromas on sale for IP twice a year, not bad.
Wow, some of the chromes actually changes some patterns a la heroes of the storm
Some of you also suggested that chromas could be a reward for mastery. We’re committed to improving mastery rewards, and with the release of Hextech Crafting this year, we’re thrilled to have a way to reward you for mastery across several of our content offerings, including a chance to get free skins. We won’t be launching chromas in Hextech Crafting at this time, but it’s something we’re thinking about for future iterations.
I gotta say, uninspired arcade skins these years. Corki and Ahri definitely don't need more skins ._.;
Next year is probably Jinx and Ekko I bet
Yeah, they should really implement a like system for the champion mastery. Yeah it's a straight rip from Heroes of the Storm but...adding palette swaps to Champion Mastery would atleast be something to work for.
Yeah uh, is this something they're going to add? Uhm, cause Masteries do nothing right now. Unless he's talking about something they're going to add, it's worded in a really weird way that implies they added something along with hextech mastery
It would be a nice gesture from them to give you a free blue and purple chroma skin for 6 and 7 mastery
Illaoi is gonna get new skins once in a blue moon, get used to it.Corki ... no illaoi ...
Fuck me, I'm not happy.
It would be a nice gesture from them to give you a free blue and purple chroma skin for 6 and 7 mastery
god damn. i know it's only been two but your suggestions are great!
Illaoi is gonna get new skins once in a blue moon, get used to it.
Illaoi is gonna get new skins once in a blue moon, get used to it.
That's not the problem here.
It's that she's gotten NO new skin post release and she's the next new champ in line for a skin.
Plus, who the fuck is asking for MORE Corki skins? >_>
Plus, who the fuck is asking for MORE Corki skins? >_>
Oh shit Arcade ezreal is Cloud lol
IDK how his skins came about but he has 1 more than Illaoi and that's enuff for me to say "back of the line, rework champ!"actually
Yorick is the next in line for a new skin. No new skins since release. I know, I know, he's getting remade or whatever, but he still has not gotten a new skin ever.
A EZ skin ..Oh shit Arcade ezreal is Cloud lol
Would be a shame, but understandable as she's not generic animu foxgirl trope bait. Her design is actually interesting.
On the plus side more people playing Ahri means easy wins mid for me with my husbandos of choice and the occasional Diana/Liss.
She has extra models tied to her kit which make doing any skin for her need extra work. Basically she's in the same boat as Zyra so you're getting a skin every two years at best.That's not the problem here.
It's that she's gotten NO new skin post release and she's the next new champ in line for a skin.
Plus, who the fuck is asking for MORE Corki skins? >_>
She has extra models tied to her kit which make doing any skin for her need extra work. Basically she's in the same boat as Zyra so you're getting a skin every two years at best.
Only popular champs get skins.
I don't even care it's not a Karma skin but in all honesty, the Ahri thing with skins is getting ridiculous. Like, she has tons of different and good skins, while plenty of other champions have maybe one, two skins for years. Ezreal has too many as well, and so does Corki, they didn't need it at all.
I don't know why they keep releasing skins for Ezreal anyways, do they believe that the model is fine or something? Because no matter how much effort they put into his skins, his animations and rig are Nunu levels of outdated. I hope they don't plan on people forgetting it and getting away with keeping his hideous 2010 model forever.
for a palette swap, paying $2.50 isn't all that great. The IP thing is ok, but I bet it's going to be overpriced, and only twice a year? Come on.
Damm, Arcade Ahri art looks so sweet
for a palette swap, paying $2.50 isn't all that great. The IP thing is ok, but I bet it's going to be overpriced, and only twice a year? Come on.
it's 2000 IP
Damn, 2000 IP. That's rough. How am I going to afford those runes.
Arcade Ezreal reminds me of Neku.
Damn, 2000 IP. That's rough. How am I going to afford those runes.
Damn, 2000 IP. That's rough. How am I going to afford those runes.
damn, 57 swaps wont be enough for you.