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League of Legends |OT12| No more Lyte, just darkness.


i gotta say, the key system is also fucked

i've gotten like 3 keys today vs like 3 in the last two weeks lol

Yeah. They seem so random. I got 1 key in like 2 weeks and that's me playing once or twice a week.(3-5 hours per sitting.)

I thought they gave more to those not playing everyday to compensate. It seems it's not really in effect.
It resets once per month, so you get key fragments almost every game after the reset. The reset time is not based on calendar months, but something more like the day you first started getting key fragments. My monthly reset is around the 22nd, for reference.

How it works is that after the reset you get a key fragment with something like 90% probability, next you get with 83% probability, next with 75% or whatever. These numbers are made up, but you get the jist of it. For every fragment you get you will have a smaller probability for the next once. Once you've gotten a bunch you might get like an 8% chance or even smaller to get a key fragment after a win.

This is why you get a bunch of them after a reset but almost none in the week or two weeks before the reset. So if you only play ten-fifteen games per month or so you don't miss that much in fragments compared to someone who plays more.


Hello is anyone interested in going ranked duoq on EUNe? I'm currently p5 and am looking for a partner preferably on bot lane but other lanes are fine too. The only requirement is that you don't rage even if i/someone is playing bad cause anyone can have a bad game.
Anyhow, if someone is up for it add me or post a message here my ingame nick is:


Dr. Buni

i gotta say, the key system is also fucked

i've gotten like 3 keys today vs like 3 in the last two weeks lol
At least it resets every month. As someone who isn't interested in that many champions, I will only get a couple chests every season. Unless I buy them with RP... which I did once and got Program Lissandra and Viktor, so I guess it was worth the money.


It resets once per month, so you get key fragments almost every game after the reset. The reset time is not based on calendar months, but something more like the day you first started getting key fragments. My monthly reset is around the 22nd, for reference.

How it works is that after the reset you get a key fragment with something like 90% probability, next you get with 83% probability, next with 75% or whatever. These numbers are made up, but you get the jist of it. For every fragment you get you will have a smaller probability for the next once. Once you've gotten a bunch you might get like an 8% chance or even smaller to get a key fragment after a win.

This is why you get a bunch of them after a reset but almost none in the week or two weeks before the reset. So if you only play ten-fifteen games per month or so you don't miss that much in fragments compared to someone who plays more.
nah i know it works like that, i'm just saying it feels busted cos it doesn't follow any logical loot reward loop i can think of

think of overwatch, you play a couple hours every day, you end every day with 1 or 2 chests. it's predictable and you always feel like you're working towards getting something. the unpredictable stuff is what's inside those chests, so sometimes you get a cool surprise and it's 2 rares and one legendary, but more often than not it's 3 whites 1 blue.

league is like i got most of my chests months ago and now i get like 3 or 4 keys in the first days of the month and then it's a crapshoot of if i'm gonna get like 1 or 2 more over the entire month lol

all about the loot system in league is so terrible lol, it's really mindboggling how poorly designed everything about it is, and i hate that the "well it's free skins!" argument is thrown to defend it when actually you're not really getting free skins. most of my friends talk about it like they've gotten like 20 free skins but really they haven't redeemed even one of them, mostly cos they're for champions they don't care about or they're saving them for who knows what. it's so random that they're basically just giving you trash. a few ppl will get lucky and get good stuff but most ppl will be like me and get a ton of skins that amount to trash for them.

so eh, i don't like overwatch's loot system one bit but somehow league's is like the worst lol


Am I missing something? The only way to get 2 of the first strike screens with the project skins is by buying multiple augmented chests? They don't drop and those cores you need to craft them only come 1-2 in a chest?


nah i know it works like that, i'm just saying it feels busted cos it doesn't follow any logical loot reward loop i can think of

think of overwatch, you play a couple hours every day, you end every day with 1 or 2 chests. it's predictable and you always feel like you're working towards getting something. the unpredictable stuff is what's inside those chests, so sometimes you get a cool surprise and it's 2 rares and one legendary, but more often than not it's 3 whites 1 blue.

league is like i got most of my chests months ago and now i get like 3 or 4 keys in the first days of the month and then it's a crapshoot of if i'm gonna get like 1 or 2 more over the entire month lol

all about the loot system in league is so terrible lol, it's really mindboggling how poorly designed everything about it is, and i hate that the "well it's free skins!" argument is thrown to defend it when actually you're not really getting free skins. most of my friends talk about it like they've gotten like 20 free skins but really they haven't redeemed even one of them, mostly cos they're for champions they don't care about or they're saving them for who knows what. it's so random that they're basically just giving you trash. a few ppl will get lucky and get good stuff but most ppl will be like me and get a ton of skins that amount to trash for them.

so eh, i don't like overwatch's loot system one bit but somehow league's is like the worst lol
For sure, it's not a carrot on a stick system in the same vein as Overwatch. It's more like it's kinda just there. Maybe there are some stats that people who play a lot spend more money on the game and thus they want a system where casual players get around the same amount of free hextech stuff as the people who play a lot? I don't know, I can't do anything other than speculation.
Am I missing something? The only way to get 2 of the first strike screens with the project skins is by buying multiple augmented chests? They don't drop and those cores you need to craft them only come 1-2 in a chest?
Yeah. You'll get more cores with the chest that becomes available in two days, but you only get 12 in total for free.
The key drop system makes since if you dont play alot. If you play 4-5 times a month, then you get the same amount of fragments as someone who plays 30 games a month.

I can see why they would frontload the drops. But they should slightly increase the drop rate for players that play alot? The real loot inhibitor are the chests that drop, thats tied to a countdown that cant be overcome by playing alot.

Like...after you expend all the frontloaded fragment drops, have it at a 25% chance for a fragment to drop after a win? I dunno what the rate is(or if there is a limit of the % decrease after you get all your prerequisite drops) but itd be nice? I guess.


This is supposed to be a montage, but all I see is how bullshit Anivia is.

Edit: So I was reading some local riot AMAs and they said that pre game and post game chat is including in the instant feedback system. That's pretty good and all but my main point is how the hell is Newt not punished? If what he is saying is true, then 99% of the time, his post game chat is cesspool of toxicity lmao.
The report system is mostly a placebo. Anyways, if I was to get punished it would be more because of my Nunu/Bard ADC games, not postgame chat.

Then again, I've got plenty of toxic players banned.

Edit: Reflecting on this, I think it's more that my toxic activity is undetected rather than the reports not doing anything lol.
This is supposed to be a montage, but all I see is how bullshit Anivia is.

The report system is mostly a placebo. Anyways, if I was to get punished it would be more because of my Nunu/Bard ADC games, not postgame chat.

Then again, I've got plenty of toxic players banned.

Edit: Reflecting on this, I think it's more that my toxic activity is undetected rather than the reports not doing anything lol.

the report system is definitely not a placebo

I've noticed that in high elos, especially NA, people don't report each other all that much unless people are racist or just inting.

EUW high elo has a lot of reporting I think because it's pretty nasty there. Multiple languages perpetuates that. I've heard some funny stories about the Koreans on G2 learning English but also being around Zven, Mithy and Perkz so a lot of the English they learn is really vulgar and funny terms like "Pornhub down bot" when there's a messy teamfight going on and stuff like that.


I think people mostly get banned for saying like really terrible stuff in chat, I don't really do that.

Of course saying the report system is really a placebo is an exaggeration, but I'm sure it does make people feel better even when the reports aren't gonna do anything.

For that one guy wondering, in post game chat I won't like cuss people out or anything. I'll say something like "you coulda done a lot better this game Yasuo". It doesn't really matter, the latter is probably even more triggering.


4 neko


1v5 irelia new meta


For sure, it's not a carrot on a stick system in the same vein as Overwatch. It's more like it's kinda just there. Maybe there are some stats that people who play a lot spend more money on the game and thus they want a system where casual players get around the same amount of free hextech stuff as the people who play a lot? I don't know, I can't do anything other than speculation.

Yeah. You'll get more cores with the chest that becomes available in two days, but you only get 12 in total for free.

So then buying one chest with 2 cores in it should do it then. I guess that's not terrible. Though you used to get the special loading screen with the skin if you just bought it early enough.. :/


Tried TF Ekko earlier and I definitely see why it's so common. Attack speed feels so good on him and phage makes him sticky. Took fervor and outdamaged my ADC.

I'm guessing he's slated for a slight rework? It's obvious he was never designed to be like this, as fun as he is right now.


I was thinking LoL has the sheer vast majority of waifus due to simply having so many champs.

Overwatch has a lot of great waifus too but I'm just thinking LoL has overwhelming numbers
I was thinking LoL has the sheer vast majority of waifus due to simply having so many champs.

Overwatch has a lot of great waifus too but I'm just thinking LoL has overwhelming numbers

It has numbers

but wheres the variety

The majority of leagues females are slim-black/white haired super model body types. The other half have colored hair with super model bodies. Ones a monster. 2 are yordles(But attractive(?) yordles).

Give me a fat/muscle female.


I don't know

Overwatch has a wider variety of waifus tbh.
yeah, i actually really like how they do a wide variety of age, body type and race compared to league

all the grotesque champions are still male because girls have to be cute (and if they aren't they have a young skin that makes em cute) but u know

league has been improving tho with kalista and illaoi and taliyah (and rework poppy?) being less of a balloon boobs thing


Playing a game as Tahm jungle just to see how it works with his changes, and the Yasuo on my team decides the chime in at the end of champ select:

"Don't know how I feel about tham jng"

"Not as bad as I feel about a Yasuo anywhere"

EDIT: Holy fuck Tahm jungle is amazing after his changes. The reduction on the cast and warning times makes it an amazing ganking and counterganking tool. It comes in too fast to react now if the target is out of position. The little bit of pre-6 damage he gained from the change to his passive makes his pre-4 clears livable. Finished with the highest damage dealt and highest damage taken on my team. He still scales like a fucking God. I'm so happy, I can play Tahm again.


Mallets were kinda popular in the old times with girl anime characters who would use it to bash the male protagonist when he said something lewd for old anime standards.


Gold Member
Yasuo's most popular build is Triforce tank/bruiser.

I'm starting to wonder about running scaling health seals over flat armor.

just do it depending on the matchup. Just like mid:

Against ad - armor
against ap - scaling health.

getting through early game is still more important.
>try to get a couple of ARAMs before going to sleep

>Ziggs, Lux, 'Raka, Brand, Karthus (Poke, heal, and AoE)
>Ziggs, Veigar, MF, Zilean, Poppy (Ziggs, Ziggs, Zilean, Ziggs, and Zilean)
>Kog'Maw, Leona, Wu Kong, Ryze, Olaf (*sits still* *gets triple kill*)

I swear to god, whenever I get a good comp, someone on the enemy team dodges, and when there isn't a dodge, it means that they're happy with they're comp (poke, wombo, or whatever it may be).

Of course we're left with the Tryndamere, Nunu, and Nasus.
Leaves a bad taste in my mouth, ugh.

People told me to return my PROJECT: Kat skin. :<
Not my fault they didn't give me any chances to even get a reset.

Doesn't help that I'm insistent on playing on crappy hotel Wi-Fi, though, with huge ping spikes, lol.

w/e I'll just sleep it off and try again some other time.

/rant over


Yasuo's most popular build is Triforce tank/bruiser.

I'm starting to wonder about running scaling health seals over flat armor.

but is it his most successful?

i think the word on the street was that the frozen mallet build was kind of super broken?

yeah the triforce, mallet, tank build is his most successful one right now. and funnily enough it's less buggy than his crit build. yeah, more crit chance on yasuo makes him buggier.
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