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League of Legends |OT12| No more Lyte, just darkness.


ori base mana buff is pretty great, i think all the buffs she's getting are the right kind cos she only needs a reliable boost to her bottomline, not necessarily higher highs to reach cos she's already awesome at that

i hope they keep all these changes, i can see these pushing her to top tier again

i also like the direction they're thinking, make her more about deception and trickery and less about braindead w double q e oneshotting people

as a big leblanc fan i'm all for that as that's what i've been saying assassins should get overall, be a real distraction and annoyance, that's real fun

her passive needs big changes cos atm it's not very interesting and her ult q is probably gonna have some mechanical changes to make it more delayed. the w pop back delay nerf is gonna hurt but counterplay is a good thing

maybe some waveclear changes, i've been saying i think her q proc should maybe do a bit of aoe so you don't have to blow ult to waveclear, but idk

excited about her, i love lebonk

That Ashe nerf is a joke lol
the ult dmg nerf is just chopping off random excess power, the real thing is the q nerf which sounds kind of sizeable (6s duration to 4s)
Q nerf is also whatever, its one second. You wanna nerf Ashe for real? Either increase the mana cost on Volley or reduce the base damage.

Meanwhile I'll keep spamming her lol


Q nerf is also whatever, its one second. You wanna nerf Ashe for real? Either increase the mana cost on Volley or reduce the base damage.

Meanwhile I'll keep spamming her lol
well 6.16 just hit so i guess there's one more week for them to try shit out before settling on anything

OH ... I was expecting Kat and Diana-lite to be the last big 2.

i'm guessing akali will be the fourth since she'd be #1 shittiest assassin if it wasn't for rengar who's also the #1 worst champion in the game lol

personally i would make big changes to a bunch more but i guess this is all they got.

like, from the ones missing
- akali: really big rework, i think shroud is the only cool thing she's got going for her
- ekko and fizz: find what's left of their tank selves and destroy it
- kat: i think she should probably have a more interactive laning phase, her waveclear with q is boring af to play against and then she just straight kills you at 6 if u as much as blink. her kit is also kind of super braindead, which is kind of alright since the fun thing about her is the super fast cleaning up your team, but i think she should be weaker in 1v1. i think her spells should probably deal reduced dmg against champions that gets increased as she procs her passive or something like that, i hate being killed by kat in lane cos it's a shit ton of instant unavoidable dmg, so i'd nerf that, and maybe make her laning a little bit stronger so she doesn't have to be so passive
- khazix: i hate khazix, i think it's really frustrating that you walked a pixel away from your minions and he just one shot you but he's a jungler and i don't really know enough about junglers to make an informed opinion. fuck khazix
- pantheon: he probably should just have a class shift into a more aggressive bruiser thing, i think
- shaco: similar to khazix, i don't do junglers
- zed: i think it's real shitty that he's basically broken for all laning phase because zhonyas wipes him off the map, but i don't have many ideas how to fix him. i hate playing against zed cos e is instant, q hitbox is pretty bullshitty and his ult deals like a bazillion dmg and has like 70s cd, but mostly cos he forces you to rush zhonyas which seriously kills your laning, while he's manaless and can push you to turret no problem

honestly i hate most assassins, i only like leblanc lol


Gold Member
Nocturne is considered a diver IIRC.

Shaco needs a brand new kit, not a couple new abilities.

They might change Shaco regardless because of the supposedly new stealth mechanics that affects anyone who has invisibility in their kit. Some slight tweaks before an actual rework could be possible.


Nocturne is considered a diver IIRC.

Shaco needs a brand new kit, not a couple new abilities.

They could do some great stuff with Shaco I think. Backstab is cool in theory but would be nice if it was more readable. His E and W are lame but his ult is really cool. I hope he gets a full makeover


Gonna be saying goodbye to 30 FPS soon. (Building a PC).



master player on my team fed all game then ragequit

we all reported him except the enemy team that was just taunting us cos people are scum

see right about now i would love to see a big message saying "asshole got banned"

sadly those notifications are as half assed as it gets and i just gotta be salty while this dick is probably playing another game right now
It cost me like $300 CAD, was on sale with $85 off. And yes, I have to get a motherboard too. Basically starting from scratch.

It's the best.

I have to get a new motherboard too if I want to replace my 6 year old CPU~ I just feel too lazy to remove everything and put everything back in myc ase tho
master player on my team fed all game then ragequit

we all reported him except the enemy team that was just taunting us cos people are scum

see right about now i would love to see a big message saying "asshole got banned"

sadly those notifications are as half assed as it gets and i just gotta be salty while this dick is probably playing another game right now

Did the enemy team taunt you because you asked them to report the master player? People who say stuff like "for what?" when you ask them to report obvious trolls deserve to get punished too imo.


Did the enemy team taunt you because you asked them to report the master player? People who say stuff like "for what?" when you ask them to report obvious trolls deserve to get punished too imo.
i forget what it was, i think someone on the enemy started spamming our jungler's shitty kda like that had anything to do with that other guy just going "cya" and leaving

also next game i had a disconnect like 10m into the game

honestly this week has been a league nightmare for me


Gold Member
Corki is in such a weird spot right now. I'm seriously considering dropping the Triforce rush and trying something like Reaver/RFC/IE.

I still don't understand how you got to higher elo at 30fps, but godspeed

I reached D5 on a 20-26fps shitty computer.

It's not about the fps. It's about the ping. 8 ping really helped me a lot. I tried playing on a 60-100 ping and it was hell.


Hm yeah, I normally play 30 fps and like 70 ping. I don't feel like the fps super held me back unless like Illaoi like ults where I go to 15 fps and I'm useless.


But I thought he was using the ghostblade to escape at the speed of Hermes

If they were to change rengar, they should rebalance his stats and remove his trophy trinket. That should be it tbh.

You already heard about the 6 second duration.

It seems likely they will keep his trophy trinket, but they should at least remove the extra leap range and other things that make his kit stronger. Getting a small damage boost off of the trinket is likely weaker than the extra leap range. Even if they just increase the time to react/counterplay Rengar from 0.4 seconds to 1 second that should make him healthier.

Eul's scepter/ Mikael's Zhonya would be cool to have, but I'm not expecting it.


Gonna be saying goodbye to 30 FPS soon. (Building a PC).

What CPU were you using out of curiosity? I went from a i5-2500 to an i5-6600k and it felt like a pretty substantial upgrade, but not in League because I was already hitting way more than 60 fps.

Should feel pretty good when you're finished.


Are they speeding up the class update schedule? Seems like the mage update wasn't that long ago compared to the gap between it and the one before


What CPU were you using out of curiosity? I went from a i5-2500 to an i5-6600k and it felt like a pretty substantial upgrade, but not in League because I was already hitting way more than 60 fps.

Should feel pretty good when you're finished.
Haha, I've been playing on a laptop with an i5-3317u @1.7GHz. Definitely gonna be a big upgrade for me.


Are they speeding up the class update schedule? Seems like the mage update wasn't that long ago compared to the gap between it and the one before

It's almost the same rate.

Juggernauts were a month or so before Worlds last year.
Marksmen were preseason 6.
Mages were midseason 6.
Assassins will be preseason 7.

If anything, it's a bit slower since Juggernauts to Marksmen was really fast.


Oh geeze. xD

I recently got my RX 480, upgrading from a HD 6850. It is really disorienting when playing Witcher 3 on ultra with 60 fps when I'm used to like 15-25 on low. Or like 45 max watching my friend play. Your computer will be like that for everything. Should feel awesome.


Gold Member
Off topic but it was hype so I'm gonna post it anyway.

Our country's team just beat the two time major champions in dota and eliminated them from ti6. Holy fucking shit I just learned it earlier. I was an avid dota fan/player before league and it felt damn good.

The fact that an average of 6k mmr team beat a 9k mmr team made it even more amazing. It's like a platinum ranked team in SEA where nobody expects anything beats SKT so bad that there's no other explanation. Everybody who watched it admitted they got outplayed so hard it was devastating.

Holy ti6 just got so much more interesting to me. Maybe I'll play a few dota games just for old time's sake.

I've never seen an upset this big in league before.


All the computer talk reminded me of something: the other day I had game where the time it took from load screen to the game actually starting was like 6 seconds. I was like WTF, this never happens. Usually I tab away and browse GAF while I wait for someone's toaster to finish loading the game after 8 minutes.


Off topic but it was hype so I'm gonna post it anyway.

Our country's team just beat the two time major champions in dota and eliminated them from ti6. Holy fucking shit I just learned it earlier. I was an avid dota fan/player before league and it felt damn good.

The fact that an average of 6k mmr team beat a 9k mmr team made it even more amazing. It's like a platinum ranked team in SEA where nobody expects anything beats SKT so bad that there's no other explanation. Everybody who watched it admitted they got outplayed so hard it was devastating.

Holy ti6 just got so much more interesting to me. Maybe I'll play a few dota games just for old time's sake.

I've never seen an upset this big in league before.
That's huge!

There have been great upsets in League history as well though, here's a list of five of them together with context:

KTA 2-0 SKT T1 K
This upset occurred during the group stage of Champions Spring 2014, at a time when everyone still believed SKT T1 K were the best team in Korea, and by extension, the world. They were the defending World and OGN champions. In Champions Winter which concluded just a few months prior, SKT K had won the tournament without losing a single game, in possibly the most impressive tournament run ever by a League of Legends team. Conversely, the KT Arrows had failed even to qualify for Champions Winter and were coming in to the group stage of Champions Spring with two roster changes.


Gold Member
Gonna watch all 5 of those especially the clg and the mvp ozone one.

I just forgot an amazing upset in recent history which was tsm vs p1. Granted, not much changed for either team in regards to placing after the match but it was shocking nonetheless.
Annie is so winning. Why was I not notified of this news earlier.

Also, if ya'll aren't watching The International, I don't know what the fuck you are doing with your life. Honestly.
Quick question, does anyone here use GeDoSaTo to downsample League? Now that I have a GTX 1070 I have tons of spare-power and thought I could downsample a bit. The thing is I don't want to sacrifice borderless-windowed mode so GeDoSaTo is handy. I'm afraid of getting banned with it though so I wonder if someone else took the risk before.
Off topic but it was hype so I'm gonna post it anyway.

Our country's team just beat the two time major champions in dota and eliminated them from ti6. Holy fucking shit I just learned it earlier. I was an avid dota fan/player before league and it felt damn good.

The fact that an average of 6k mmr team beat a 9k mmr team made it even more amazing. It's like a platinum ranked team in SEA where nobody expects anything beats SKT so bad that there's no other explanation. Everybody who watched it admitted they got outplayed so hard it was devastating.

Holy ti6 just got so much more interesting to me. Maybe I'll play a few dota games just for old time's sake.

I've never seen an upset this big in league before.

What about TPA in season 2? But yeah, TNC taking out OG was super unexpected. OG fucked up super hard in game 2, but good on TNC for making that come back when they had such a terrible early game.

watching this unfold on twitter was great, EU banter is fierce.

Top quality banter.


That's huge!

There have been great upsets in League history as well though, here's a list of five of them together with context:
that's a weird list, doesn't even have like tpa vs cj frost which is arguably the biggest one since it was at world's finals

Quick question, does anyone here use GeDoSaTo to downsample League? Now that I have a GTX 1070 I have tons of spare-power and thought I could downsample a bit. The thing is I don't want to sacrifice borderless-windowed mode so GeDoSaTo is handy. I'm afraid of getting banned with it though so I wonder if someone else took the risk before.
i used it once but performance went to shit lol


that's a weird list, doesn't even have like tpa vs cj frost which is arguably the biggest one since it was at world's finals

For sure, that's a big one. It's mentioned as a runner up in the bottom of the list. I just picked one of the top results off of google.
i used it once but performance went to shit lol

Hmm what GPU do you have? But if your account wasn't banned or anything I might try it too, I mean it's technically not all that different from SweetFX and other injectors, it's just there are zero topics on it anywhere :/


That's the processor, not the graphics card lol. I'm getting a 1060.

You could have saved some money getting an i5-6500 instead. Even before overclocking the 6600K (which I assume you're going to do, otherwise why get it) your bottleneck is still going to be the 1060.

Then again I have no idea what else you do with your PC, so eh.


For sure, that's a big one. It's mentioned as a runner up in the bottom of the list. I just picked one of the top results off of google.
oh that's true, list redeemed then

also first time i hear about clg being upset by some tictacs or something

Hmm what GPU do you have? But if your account wasn't banned or anything I might try it too, I mean it's technically not all that different from SweetFX and other injectors, it's just there are zero topics on it anywhere :/
i doubt they'll ban you for it

also i did it on my old gpu, but i forgot what it was

i really care very little about antialiasing so i think i lasted like one game

You could have saved some money getting an i5-6500 instead. Even before overclocking the 6600K (which I assume you're going to do, otherwise why get it) your bottleneck is still going to be the 1060.

Then again I have no idea what else you do with your PC, so eh.
he plays league and builds love nests with me and ghost in terraria
i doubt they'll ban you for it

also i did it on my old gpu, but i forgot what it was

i really care very little about antialiasing so i think i lasted like one game

Hmm okay, I don't really either but the 1070 I have now has so much excess power for LoL that I might aswell use it.
First Kled impression is that he's absolutely garbage. Let's see how that evolves over time.

Saw one in Support role, His invincibility phase when Kled lose his mount is annoying and the extra health makes him capable to survive TFs but being too close to the action is killing him, his Leblanc/Karma CC is really risky but good if the enemy team is outnumbered.
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