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League of Legends |OT12| No more Lyte, just darkness.


First Kled impression is that he's absolutely garbage. Let's see how that evolves over time.

He seems terrible. I had time for 3 games last night and his team lost every time. Like he got absolutely crushed in lane. New champ, learning curve etc but ouch. Was pretty brutal to watch (esp since I was on his team twice).

People were bitching like crazy and it was only normals. Can only imagine the salt in ranked.
On an absolutely awful loss streak and can't even report the nonces bringing my games down because I get with a Maestro bug every fukcing time I get in the post-game lobby.


Gold Member
Kled, is a champion with little cohesion in his kit. Ill expand on it further when I get to a computer proper...

Here we go again with breezy.

What about TPA in season 2? But yeah, TNC taking out OG was super unexpected. OG fucked up super hard in game 2, but good on TNC for making that come back when they had such a terrible early game.

TPA was't a big surprise to me at least. They steadily won through the tournament and it culminated in the end. TNC vs OG was like the finals for TPA. OG was supposed to go the distance.
Here we go again with breezy.

TPA was't a big surprise to me at least. They steadily won through the tournament and it culminated in the end. TNC vs OG was like the finals for TPA. OG was supposed to go the distance.




Gold Member
My account got hacked and I lost my 3000 ip and PF Ezreal, that legendary tf and Project Zed skin shards. :(

He spent my IP on fucking mana regen per 5 on seals. and tier 2 runes.

Oh well. At least he converted the shards to essence and rerolled another one to red card kata.

But still ma legendary and ultimate skins. :(

Changed my password to a bazillion characters long.
Totally disagree, but interested to see your arguments.


So looking at his kit closely, the only thing i have issue with is his W, some numbers, and how some of the skills work., the violent tendencies skill. The cooldown can definitely be a bit lower, if only because it's too easy to 'avoid' this skill.

Now, Yank should in theory work in conjunction with his W. But the Yank is missing that 'oomph', the target is pulled but not directly on Kled, about...1 and a half teemos from kled. Meaning top laners like Riven, Ekko, Shen, Renekton, can just dash away. A laner like Trundle can use that space inbetween him and Kled to create a pillar and walk away despite being slowed.

That being said, Yank+Swipes will be effective against mages with no escape. But at the same time, it opens up to an easy snare by say, Swain or Ryze to disengage. If the target was pulled directly on top of Kled, not the distance of 1.5 teemos, then it strengthens Kleds combo, as well as making his Swipes a bit stronger in laning(And providing the ability to hit them easier).

I also feel that his Pocket Pistol could use a numbers buff. Yeah, it's meant as a disengage and only for use while unmounted, but Kled should still be a threat without Skaarl.

Basically, if I were to make changes on Kled-
Have his Q pull the opponent directly onto Kled
Have his Violent Tendencies either have a lower cooldown, or make it activateable at the current CD value. Either way, I feel that the final hit could use a damage buff(IE capping out at 15% health max level, since it's reduced by armor, and Kled serves as an initiator with his kit, not a damage dealer, so the scaling will rarely be a priority for someone picking him).

Right now Kled has a 39% winrate in ranked, he's only been out for 3 days(Including today~) so maybe it'll get better.

Like...seeing what Kled is intended to do, you want to build damage on him. Alot of damage. But because he's jumping into a fight with Skaarl, going down this route wouldn't give him the survivability of say, a Darius or Irelia who have a natural healing ability to their skills(As well as True Damage allowing them to build tanky after 1-2 damage items). But because Kled scales through attack damage, yet serves as an initiator with Joust and Charge, there is a confused messaging on what he should do. He has minimal CC(Which an initiator wants), and little disengage.

Basically, I feel his role is a bit muddled. You build him damage, he won't survive charging into an enemy team. You build him tank, he won't do damage, and he doesn't have the CC to make up for lack of damage. His ultimate provides very good utility for his team, and his jousting is a neat chasing skill with a unique concept behind it. But you have to ask, when it comes to competitive reason, 'Why should I pick Kled over Irelia or Darius? Or Renekton? Or Trundle?'. Alot of those characters can do what he does(Deal damage), but better. And they all offer strong CC(In renektons case, I value stuns over slows). Yank is a neat skill in concept, but it needs to go all the way when it comes to pulling someone towards Kled. Even have Kled yank the opposing champion behind him(Towards his team in teamfights?). And his W needs to be less 'random', that is, not have it automatically activate.

We'll see though, going along~ I feel that if Yank was stronger and pulled the opponent right on you, then that would fix my main issue with his muddled role.

My account got hacked and I lost my 3000 ip and PF Ezreal, that legendary tf and Project Zed skin shards. :(

He spent my IP on fucking mana regen per 5 on seals. and tier 2 runes.

Oh well. At least he converted the shards to essence and rerolled another one to red card kata.

But still ma legendary and ultimate skins. :(

Changed my password to a bazillion characters long.

Open a ticket to Riot, I'm sure they could restore your missing stuff. They have the technology to see if your account was logged in by a different IP~


Gold Member
Pretty sure Riot can't directly interfere with Garena servers unless it is something major. I opened a ticket at Garena in any case. Thanks for reminding me.


i really wish they had kept that ori buff

i feel like even if it was too much there's little ori could've done to hurt the meta or become excessively dominant with like 50 more mana lol

and it would've been a chunky buff for a champion that's super cool when she's in the game and a champion that's been struggling for the entire season

What's wrong with Twisted Fate?

tf is cool

TPA was't a big surprise to me at least. They steadily won through the tournament and it culminated in the end. TNC vs OG was like the finals for TPA. OG was supposed to go the distance.
yeah the whole run was the surprising thing, but ppl were still assuming that cj would eventually stop em


i think strength and design cohesion are two very different topics tho

not saying you're wrong in any way about kled, but you've had some silly opinions in the past haha

My account got hacked and I lost my 3000 ip and PF Ezreal, that legendary tf and Project Zed skin shards. :(

He spent my IP on fucking mana regen per 5 on seals. and tier 2 runes.

Oh well. At least he converted the shards to essence and rerolled another one to red card kata.

But still ma legendary and ultimate skins. :(

Changed my password to a bazillion characters long.
oh man that's awful

i'd say contact both rito and garena, what do you have to lose?

maybe costy can ask someone to check it out?

i feel like he's sitting in a weird space cos his ult would make him an initiator/diver but his scaling asks him to build like a carry-type champion, so it's hard to tell what you're supposed to be doing, specially since the way his ult works drives him right into the enemy frontline

i'm not sure if that's a problem in his design or his tuning, but numbers seem to indicate he's pretty weak
i'm not sure if that's a problem in his design or his tuning, but numbers seem to indicate he's pretty weak

Right. You want to build him with a carry because his scaling is actually pretty damn good, but his ult and jousting say he's going to be in the brunt of the action most of the time.

Yeah, he has Skaarl, but with a little CC you can disable and then destroy him(If he builds no tank items). And if you build him tank, then his numbers will be weak, and because of a lack of hard CC(IE Irelia, Trundle, and Darius all have strong CC), he's not good at being a disruptor, nor does he have natural damage(True damage for Darius/Irelia, Trundle has his attack steroid on Q) to compensate for it.(The Charge health % damage is ok, but it's reduced by armor, as is his W's damage). Jousting doesn't have strong damage, and shares the weakest scaling of all his skills(Shared with the scaling of his Q's first half, but when Q procs on an opponent, the scaling is doubled for the procced damage).

He's neither here nor there in roles.


when i tried kled, i found the best way to build him was black cleaver - deaths dance into tank. maybe a titanic hydra. basically building him the same you would Illaoiaoiaoiaoiaoiaoiaoiaoiaoi


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
I have no idea what's going on with this game anymore.

But Sona is (was?) OP and this can only mean Rito is doing well.


he meant b/c he's disabled right now

apparently some weird interaction between pick a card and some on-hit items i think?

Right. You want to build him with a carry because his scaling is actually pretty damn good, but his ult and jousting say he's going to be in the brunt of the action most of the time.

Yeah, he has Skaarl, but with a little CC you can disable and then destroy him(If he builds no tank items). And if you build him tank, then his numbers will be weak, and because of a lack of hard CC(IE Irelia, Trundle, and Darius all have strong CC), he's not good at being a disruptor, nor does he have natural damage(True damage for Darius/Irelia, Trundle has his attack steroid on Q) to compensate for it.(The Charge health % damage is ok, but it's reduced by armor, as is his W's damage). Jousting doesn't have strong damage, and shares the weakest scaling of all his skills(Shared with the scaling of his Q's first half, but when Q procs on an opponent, the scaling is doubled for the procced damage).

He's neither here nor there in roles.
i'd wait a bit 'til dust settles, but that didn't seem to do anything for ryze

we'll see, he might be like two minor buffs away from being top tier like taliyah for all i know
Hammer AA buff scales off 40% AP for some reason.

honestly, they just fucked jayce over. Why give him any AP ratios on anything at all? his electric field has ap ratios too, but isn't worth shit as a result. Like, what's the point? Make that shit like Ezreal where it has ad ratios too so that it's not just an effect that looks interesting but has no practical value.
Can someone give me a quick run down of the meta right now.
Just like who is good for mid, top and jg.
I started to play again, and im kinda a bit lost right now with where the meta is at.


AP ratios are so the skill doesn't scale but AP gotten from external sources isn't wasted and for the occasional Triforce buy.

I think it has more to with how magic damage = AP scaling in most of the older kits. There's quite a few mixed damage champions from that time that have AP scaling but would never sniff a Trinity Force in the builds.

Well well well


every Kled I see rolls over the enemy team, but granted that is in Ascension
he seems to be pretty strong in 1v1 skirmishing situations
Can someone give me a quick run down of the meta right now.
Just like who is good for mid, top and jg.
I started to play again, and im kinda a bit lost right now with where the meta is at.
Top - Vlad, Ekko, GP, Illaoi, Yasuo, Irelia
Mid - Malzahar, Viktor, Taliyah
Jungle - Gragas, Reksai, Nidalee
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