Let's get that updated, pls Costy.
Every Jayce player
well, I did just pass my game design test. prepanel interview next week

Let's get that updated, pls Costy.
Every Jayce player
Costy you glorious bastard if you ever design a champion MAKE A SCYTHE GRILL
Spirit Visage needs a HUGE nerf. Does anyone actually disagree?
Costy you glorious bastard if you ever design a champion MAKE A SCYTHE GRILL
i really dont think we want costy as a champion designer
remember his favorite champions
They drop whenever you get an S on a champion that you don't already have a chest on. It's not like a chance, it happens every time.25/11 and 57 points (most of the team) is not enough for a S rank as Fizz in Ascension? C'mon!
say, how frequent do those loot crates drop, on average?
I still think Rengar is better designed than Anivia.There's flawed and then there's Rengar
I swear there are times when it happens and it didnt drop a chest. I have 4 keys!They drop whenever you get an S on a champion that you don't already have a chest on. It's not like a chance, it happens every time.
I still think Rengar is better designed than Anivia.
tfw you do really bad and a teammate carries you.
ohh, so that's how it works, thanksThey drop whenever you get an S on a champion that you don't already have a chest on. It's not like a chance, it happens every time.
tfw you do really bad and a teammate carries you.
yeah that's how mordekaisers are bornhey, nothing wrong with liking something that's flawed as long as you know that it's flawed and why
Honestly, I agree. Especially if it leads into reports a person doesn't deserve. By somebody just bringing on their butt hurt feelings, or spreading lies (whenever they tell the enemy team to report a specific player as well)
It get's really annoying, and definitely has happened around with me. Whether it's for myself or some teammate.
If someone doesn't do anything wrong, they're not going to get in trouble. However, if someone is intentionally feeding, being extra loud in game chat, and being an overall toxic teammate, saying "I hope you guys are reporting ______" shouldn't be seen as harassment.
Going into all chat to say "report X for Y" is annoying as fuck. Piling on reports won't really so anything and more often than not people keep doing that to whine about somethin instead of playing.
tfw you do really bad and a teammate carries you.
Anyone ever try those Milk build?
cobra club is a cool game
Because I couldn't qss both Malz and Vi did you lose
that game looks like it was stupid
Because I couldn't qss both Malz and Vi ult.
Not quite the satisfying screen I was hoping for, lol
But at least after 298 games I'm back in Gold.
... pretty sure in Season 5 I made it to Gold in under 100 @_@
ok finally won something
on lux
got S-
congrats. That's a lot of games. I think I only have around 150 ranked games this whole season. Speaking of gold, I wonder who's the next Victorious skin?
The client's really buggy recently for some reason. I've been watching Pants are Dragon journey to rank 1 and there's been a lot of times where I saw his client crash at the result screen as well. It hasn't happened to me yet though.
I saw it built on nearly every tank a few patches ago (I had thought banshee's veil needed a buff to compete, no one was building it), but with the rise of pick comps and Ashe, it seems BV has made a comeback.
Spirit Visage itself isn't that bad, it's just that it synergizes so well with the meta tanks like Ekko, Hecarim, Olaf and Trundle.